Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-04-10 Thread def
Last I tested ICC worked with --cc:gcc --gcc.exe:icc --gcc.linkerexe:icc (but I 
see some ICC defines now, so that might have changed) Some work for 
auto-vectorization was still needed though: 

Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-04-10 Thread Libman
I [experimented a bit with benchmarking this code (see link for 

Some observations:

  * Rust (v1.16.0) is slower than Nim (v0.16.0) on all int sizes except i32, 
where it takes off at the speed of Clang.
  * Rust binary sizes are **421** times those of C / 88x Nim!
  * Rust's i16 is almost as slow as its i64 - why?
  * [ICC]( (v17.0.2) is 
MUCH faster on 
Intel i7-6500U laptop than GCC (v6.2.0) or LLVM/Clang (v3.9.0). In theory this 
should give Nim an added advantage over Rust (which is married to LLVM), 
although I was not yet able to get Nim working with cc=icc.

Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-04-04 Thread petevine
I eventually settled for plain aliases: 

alias nim-gen='nim c -r -d:release --passC:-mcpu=cortex-a5 
--passC:-mfpu=neon --passC:- ftree-vectorize --passC:-fprofile-generate 

alias nim-use='nim c -d:release --passC:-mcpu=cortex-a5 --passC:-mfpu=neon 
--passC:-ftree-vectorize --passC:-fprofile-use'

so that building a profiled binary is as simple as, e.g.:

$ nim-gen matmul.nim 1500 && nim-use matmul.nim

Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-01-25 Thread petevine
> .nims config file

Thanks @Jehan, I've just finished reading up on NimScript

Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-01-25 Thread lltp
Oh my... I may need to sleep a wee bit more...

Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-01-24 Thread petevine
No problem. Anyway it was Rust being slower but that's an ARM specific bug that 
should have been fixed a long time ago here:


Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-01-24 Thread lltp
@petevine: oops... well, I read the post and the answers this morning and then 
I noticed that Nim's version was twice as slow. I got back to it this evening 
and completely forgot that this was absolutely not the question here but only 
something I was curious about. Sorry about that!

Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-01-24 Thread petevine
@lltp What problem exactly? Is there a performance hit on 64-bit perhaps?

Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-01-24 Thread lltp
In this specific case, the "problem" seems to arise from the use of int instead 
of int32.

Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-01-24 Thread Jehan
**petevine:** _It would be good for usability if the nim compiler offered 
automated profiled builds as well as pass the expanded CFLAGS via --passC 
automatically in release mode._

You can do this via a `.nims` config file, e.g.:

import strutils, sequtils

let cflags = getenv("NIMCFLAGS").split(" ").filter(
  proc(x: string): bool = len(x) != 0)

for cflag in cflags:
  switch("passC", cflag)

Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-01-24 Thread Araq
But I don't like environment variables, they are global shared state affecting 
the build environment... No thanks, it's already hard enough to figure out 
which set of options is passed to anything.

Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-01-24 Thread petevine
C compilers don't expand shell variables so the short answer to my questions 
seems to be no and no, use --passC

It would be good for usability if the nim compiler offered automated profiled 
builds as well as pass the expanded CFLAGS via --passC automatically in release 

Re: Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-01-24 Thread Varriount
The Nim compiler knows nothing about CFLAGS and related things, however the C 
compiler it uses should (if you're using GCC or Clang). You can also pass in 
arguments via `--passC` and `--passL` arguments.

When benchmarking, it's good to remember some things:

  * Nim's `int` datatype is always the size of the target architecture's 
pointer type (32 bits on x86, 64 on x86-64). This can cause disparities in 
  * Putting main code in the global scope of a module prevents certain 
optimizations. When aiming for optimization, put things in a main procedure.
  * Profile guided optimization and link time optimization can work really well 
with regards to speed. Link time optimization also tends to have a significant 
effect on executable size too.
  * Depending on how fair you want to be, you can turn off the mark and sweep 
portion of the garbage collector if you're sure the benchmark doesn't generate 
any reference cycles. The regular reference counting garbage collector will 
still run.

Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions

2017-01-23 Thread petevine
I've translated the Euler problem #21 solution (C and Rust versions lifted off 
the net) to Nim and benchmarked the binary.

Time to solution for C/Nim/Rust on my Cortex A5 cpu:


Two questions about compiling the generated C immediately spring to mind.

Does the nim compiler use $CFLAGS in release mode, if present, and is there a 
switch for performing a PGO build automatically?

C: [](

Rust: [](

Nim: [](