Re: Associating data to types

2019-01-13 Thread lotzz
you can also hold data on types by using static though then it needs to be 
known at compileTime

typeWithData[data:static[auto]] = distinct object
  var a:typeWithData[10]
  #outputs 10


Re: Associating data to types

2019-01-12 Thread zevv
> If you want to set them at the type definition you can use custom annotations

That's pretty much exactly what I need - thanks for pointing that out!

Re: Associating data to types

2019-01-11 Thread jcosborn
If you want to set them at the type definition you can use custom annotations:  

Re: Associating data to types

2019-01-11 Thread zevv
@deansher: Well, I was also looking for a way that would make the definition of 
messages nice-looking and trivial. The drum-roll-overloaded-procs are so simple 
I didn't even think of this, although I do not like the syntax for defining 
messages like this.

But this is Nim: macro -> DSL to the rescue, all solved. Thanks! 

Re: Associating data to types

2019-01-11 Thread deansher
:-) For this example as written, you could use (drum roll) overloaded procs:

  MsgAlpha = object
id: int
x, y: int
url: string
  MsgBeta = object
id: int
resource: string

proc msgId(m: MsgAlpha): int = 1
proc msgId(m: MsgBeta): int = 2

proc serialize[T](msg: T) =
  var msgcopy = msg = msg.msgId
  echo msgcopy

serialize MsgAlpha(x: 10, y: 30, url: ";)
serialize MsgBeta(resource: "GLES2")


I suspect you may be trying to do something more elaborate that isn't captured 
by your opening example here?

Re: Associating data to types

2019-01-10 Thread jcosborn
You could use overloaded templates 

  MsgAlpha = object
id: int
x, y: int
url: string
  MsgBeta = object
id: int
resource: string

template msgId(x: typedesc[MsgAlpha]): untyped = 1
template msgId(x: typedesc[MsgBeta]): untyped = 2

proc serialize[T](msg: T) =
  var msgcopy = msg = msg.type.msgId
  echo msgcopy

serialize MsgAlpha(x: 10, y: 30, url: ";)
serialize MsgBeta(resource: "GLES2")


Re: Associating data to types

2019-01-10 Thread Araq
You can use a macro and the `macros.getType` family of procs to do type 
inspection for serialization.

Re: Associating data to types

2019-01-10 Thread dom96
Type cannot be used as values in Nim.

What you should do is something like this:

import msgpack4nim
import strutils
import typetraits

  MsgKind = enum
MsgAlpha, MsgBeta
  Msg = object
id: int
case kind: MsgKind
of MsgAlpha:
  x, y: int
  url: string

of MsgBeta:
  resource: string
  # ...

const info = {
  MsgAlpha: (id: 1),
  MsgBeta: (id: 2),
  # ...

proc serialize(msg: Msg) =
  var msgcopy = msg = info[msg.kind].id # Too bad!
  echo msgcopy.pack.stringify

serialize Msg(kind: MsgAlpha, x: 10, y: 30, url: ";)
serialize Msg(kind: MsgBeta, resource: "GLES2")


Associating data to types

2019-01-10 Thread zevv
(asked this some time ago on #Nim, but still haven't found a solution)

I'm trying to assign some data to a type, which can then be accessed by a 
generic instantiation using the specific type. Here is what I'm trying to do 
(but does not compile).

import msgpack4nim
import strutils
import typetraits

  MsgAlpha = object
id: int
x, y: int
url: string
  MsgBeta = object
id: int
resource: string
  # ...

const info = {
  MsgAlpha: (id: 1),
  MsgBeta: (id: 2),
  # ...

proc serialize[T](msg: T) =
  var msgcopy = msg = info[msg.type].id # Too bad!
  echo msgcopy.pack.stringify

serialize MsgAlpha(x: 10, y: 30, url: ";)
serialize MsgBeta(resource: "GLES2")


My goal is to do serialization of protocol data where the caller does not have 
to know the details of the message being serialized (in this example the "id" 
field, in real life there is more message specific data). The culprit is the 
line marked # Too bad!. Here I'd like to get the data associated to the type T 
of msg.

The const info above compiles, but Nim does not seem to be sure of its type. 
When asked (typetraits) it tells me array[0..1, tuple of (type MsgAlpha, 
tuple[id: int])], which is almost right, but not quite.

Is there a way to do this without referencing to type names as strings?