Re: Calling C function causes Sigsegv

2020-04-07 Thread shashlick
 what BASS_Init looks like in the wrapper I made some years ago.

proc BASS_Init(device: cint; freq: DWORD; flags: DWORD; win: DWORD; dsguid: 
pointer): BOOL {...}{.
stdcall, importc: "BASS_Init", dynlib: dynlibbass.}


Bass will need stdcall on Windows.


Re: Calling C function causes Sigsegv

2020-04-07 Thread treeform
I have wrapped plenty of C programs with Nim. My experience is that sig faults 
are caused by some thing simple ... like me not understanding the parameters.

An equivalent C program should crash with a sig fault there too. I bet 
BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0, 0, nil) would crash in C as well. 

Calling C function causes Sigsegv

2020-04-07 Thread Keithcat1
Hi, I'm trying to wrap a function of BASS sound library so I can learn how it 
works. My code is:

#{. emit: """#include "bass.h" """ .}
type dword {. importc: "DWORD" .} = uint32
type hwnd {. importc: "HWND" .} = uint32
type guid {. importc: "struct GUID" .}= object
type cbool {. importc: "BOOL" .} = uint32

proc BASS_Init* (device: cint, frequency, flags: cuint, win: hwnd, guid: ptr 
guid): cbool {. importc, cdecl, header: "bass.h" .} echo $int(BASS_Init(-1, 
44100, 0, 0, nil))

The function I'm wrapping is:

BOOL BASSDEF(BASS_Init)(int device, DWORD freq, DWORD flags, HWND win, 
const GUID *dsguid);

The reason I'm passing a nil pointer in the call to BASS_Init is because BASS 
will use the default value if it's null. Any hints?