Re: Current status of Nim for Webassembly?

2019-11-01 Thread Araq
For Nim devel a pure refcounting GC is in development, you can enable it via 
`--gc:destructors`. It avoids all these problems by design. But as I said, it's 
in development, I hope we'll get it into version 1.2.

Re: Current status of Nim for Webassembly?

2019-10-27 Thread yglukhov
> the problem is when one tries to FFI share memory between Nim and JavaScript

This is somewhat true, but is orthogonal to the stack bottom question. The ffi 
problems are mostly solved in [jsbind 

Re: Current status of Nim for Webassembly?

2019-10-26 Thread GordonBGood
@bluenote: Just to augment what @yglukhov as said:

> Does the EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE play a role in this?

All this flag does is to prevent the clang c/c++ compiler from 
dead-code-eliminating the native code wasm `proc` which otherwise wouldn't have 
any referenced if it is only referenced from the JavaScript side.

As to GC issues, through the "emscripten magic" it seems the Nim GC is able to 
treat the provided memory as its heap so that GC is made to appear normal to 
the Nim code; the problem is when one tries to FFI share memory between Nim and 
JavaScript. The emscripten documentation is actually quite good at describing 
the standard things that can be done to allow this, but of course because c/c++ 
doesn't have a GC, it must be extended a bit when a Nim GC is active.

Or at least that's as I understand it and it seems to work...

Re: Current status of Nim for Webassembly?

2019-10-26 Thread yglukhov
> Under which circumstances would the Nim runtime not run at the root of the 
> call stack?

Normally when you compile your program with all the default options the GC can 
potentially kick in on any allocation. When compiling to asm.js/wasm through 
emscripten or clang you have to take special care to not let the GC happen 
"whenever", but only to let it happen when there are **no objects referred only 
from the stack** , because such objects will be mistakenly collected. Stack 
bottom is kinda guaranteed to be such a place that satisfies this requirement. 
Most obvious stack bottoms are nim functions which are called immediately from 
JS. As an example here's [some nimx code which runs the GC once per 

> Does the EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE play a role in this?

No. Totally irrelevant.

> What about taking the no-emscripten path...

The issue is the same with emscripten asm.js/wasm, and with pure clang wasm.

Hopefully that makes it clear :) 

Re: Current status of Nim for Webassembly?

2019-10-26 Thread Lachu
I think using pointers instead of ref will work. About other way I known 
nothing. I also don't understand this.

Re: Current status of Nim for Webassembly?

2019-10-26 Thread bluenote
> It seems to work...

Thanks for the link. Then maybe my question is: Under which circumstances would 
the Nim runtime not run at the root of the call stack? I still don't clearly 
see the patterns where Nim's GC can / cannot work.

Does the `EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE` play a role in this? What about taking the 
no-emscripten path as suggested by @arnetheduck and @yglukhov 
[here]( \-- does the emscripten magic have an 
impact on the GC question?

Re: Current status of Nim for Webassembly?

2019-10-24 Thread GordonBGood

> Does compiling via emscripten and loading the resulting JS glue code satisfy 
> this criterion or not?

It seems to work as to satisfying this criterion as [in the code I posted 

The biggest problem in coding for WebAssembly use is handling data that needs 
to cross over between WebAssembly and JavaScript, but my experiments with that 
code seem to indicate it's possible through the emscripten facilities even 
though it may be messy.

Yes, you have to consider GC as JavaScript has its own and the WebAssembly code 
may also have its own if you use Nim's GC, but it doesn't seem too bad, at 
least until you try to use WebAssembly multi-threaded.

Current status of Nim for Webassembly?

2019-10-24 Thread bluenote
There have been a few webassembly threads already, but it's a bit unclear to me 
what's the current status of targeting webassembly. For instance [this 
thread]( mentions:

> Nims garbage collector only works if the Nim runtime controls the root of the 
> call stack, if I understand the experts correctly. That's normally not the 
> case in the browser, but the fact that Nims GC is thread-local might save us 
> here...

How exactly can we setup a project so that "running at the root of the call 
stack" is accomplished? Does compiling via emscripten and loading the resulting 
JS glue code satisfy this criterion or not?