Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-22 Thread shashlick

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-10 Thread mantielero
Thanks for that. I was looking about how that was called (enum offsets).

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-10 Thread timothee
=> I filed it here: 

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-10 Thread mantielero
Nimterop has other issues (I should file it). For instance:

toast -pnrk VapourSynth.h

creates the following enums:

pfRGB24* = (cmRGB + 10).VSPresetFormat
pfRGB27* = 29.VSPresetFormat
pfRGB30* = 30.VSPresetFormat
pfRGB48* = 31.VSPresetFormat
pfRGBH* = 32.VSPresetFormat
pfRGBS* = 33.VSPresetFormat


while **** creates:

pfRGB24* = (210).VSPresetFormat
pfRGB27* = (211).VSPresetFormat
pfRGB30* = (212).VSPresetFormat
pfRGB48* = (213).VSPresetFormat
pfRGBH* = (214).VSPresetFormat
pfRGBS* = (215).VSPresetFormat


while the original content:

cmRGB= 200

pfRGB24 = cmRGB + 10,



Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-10 Thread mantielero
@akavel no problem and I understand (I can imagine).

@shashlick thanks for that. Very useful.

I have left my spaguetty code [here]( (I 
called it **** ). It uses 
[pyclibrary]( under the hood. It 
is far from perfect (it is not aiming to), but it is under 500LOC, so it is 
easy to tweak to particular needs. It might help others wrapping easy 
libraries. It helped me with VapourSynth because of this 
[issue]( I filed in nimterop 
and with GR.

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-10 Thread Araq
Read this section 
 but the introduction also tries to explain it.

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-10 Thread shashlick
To get you started, [here's]( the wrapper output from:

toast -pnrk gr.h


Toast is the c2nim equivalent from nimterop.

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-09 Thread akavel
Please try to not take offence with Araq's occasional snappy replies; I can 
only assume he sometimes gets tired with the maintainer role & 
responsibilities, which indeed can be exhausting at times; I know I myself am 
sometimes less polite than I'd like to be when I'm overly tired, even to people 
I most love, unfortunately. But rest assured he's the good guy, and generally 
absolutely tries to be practically helpful; personally, I found that when I 
patiently persist with discussing the important matter and kindly choose to 
overlook any rare irrelevant remarks, the conversation tends to quickly get 
back on track. (Or, sometimes, quietly dies alone in the corner, but that's 
just your usual rollercoaster of all online communities everywhere!) Take care!

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread mantielero
I will take a look to ggplotnim. Looks interesting.

I have played with both nimterop and c2nim before.

Thanks a lot. 

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread kaushalmodi
Also related to your C library wrapping project, have a look at 

Using that, I have successfully wrapped quite a few C libraries, and this is 
coming from someone who has never coded in C (of course, some learning curve is 
involved, but the community and the nimterop developer shashlick/genotrance was 
very helpful as I was learning to use nimterop). 

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread kaushalmodi
Related to your plotting application, also have a look at ggplotnim: 
[]( .

It helps me make things like:

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread mantielero
Thanks for the clarification. 

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread mashingan

$ c2nim --header gr.h
gr.h(27, 25) Error: token expected: ;


AFAIK, c2nim cannot read something with c custom macro. You can edit the header 
temporarily to remove that custom macro. In this case it's the `DLLEXPORT`.

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread mantielero
Or alternative, you can point me in the right direction if you actually know 
what is the problem.

I read the documentation, despite neither 
[here]( nor [here 

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread Araq
Well alternatively you can read c2nim's documentation.

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread mantielero
When I try to use c2nim, it tends to fail while parsing stuff (vapoursynth and 
gr). Por example, with 

$ c2nim --header gr.h
gr.h(27, 25) Error: token expected: ;
$ c2nim --dynlib /usr/gr/lib/
/usr/gr/lib/, 1) Error: invalid token  (\127)

so probably I am not using it well.

I write some spaguetty code in python to create the wrapper.

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread Araq
> where I have to add a, b, c just to make it work.

Yeah, well you do have to do that. c2nim automates it for you.

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread mantielero
By the way, I am just playing with [gr framework](

#import gr_wrapper
libName = "/usr/gr/lib/"

proc gr_initgr*(){.importc,dynlib: libName.}
proc gr_polyline*(a:cint, b:ptr cdouble, c:ptr cdouble)
{.importc,dynlib: libName.}
proc gr_axes*(a:cdouble, b:cdouble, c:cdouble, d:cdouble, e:cint, f:cint, 
g:cdouble){.importc,dynlib: libName.}
proc gr_tick*(a:cdouble, b:cdouble):cdouble{.importc,dynlib: libName.}
proc gr_beginprint*(a:cstring){.importc,dynlib: libName.}
proc gr_endprint*(){.importc,dynlib: libName.}

when isMainModule:
let x = @[0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]
let y = @[0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.6, 0.7]
let px = cast[ptr cdouble](unsafeAddr(x[0]))
let py = cast[ptr cdouble](unsafeAddr(y[0]))
gr_polyline(x.len.cint, px, py)
gr_axes(gr_tick(0, 1), gr_tick(0, 1), 0, 0, 1, 1, -0.01)
#discard readChar(stdin)


gives me:

(a big milestone for somebody like me)

FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread mantielero
Is it possible to avoid giving names to arguments in the functions?

I have the following in the C header:

DLLEXPORT void gr_polyline(int, double *, double *);


and in order to make it work, I have to do:

proc gr_polyline*(a:cint, b:ptr cdouble, c:ptr cdouble)
{.importc,dynlib: libName.}


where I have to add a, b, c just to make it work.