Re: Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-25 Thread stephenwithav
@yglukhov You're comment encouraged me to seek out a better ECS tutorial than 
the one I read prior to my first ECS(-ish). Thank you for that.

The tutorial, for anyone interested, is at: 

Re: Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-25 Thread stephenwithav
Thank you for the suggestion, @yglukhov. I'm familiar with ECS and have 
implemented one before in Go. I wanted to try the same in Nim to help me gain 
familiarity with the language.

Re: Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-25 Thread yglukhov
@stephenwithav it's important to understand the problem ECS solves. ECS is 
notable for its memory utilization efficiency, gained from cpu-cache-friendly 
data layout. I'd suggest you read about that before implementing your ECS. But, 
small spoiler, neither polymorphic objects (interfaces), nor references are the 
options. At this point, i'd suggest not to consider variant objects either. :)

Re: Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-25 Thread stephenwithav
Ideally, I'm hoping for something comparable to Golang interfaces.

I avoided C since the early '90s due to early compiler incompatibilities. Only 
recently, in the past few months, have I looked at C/C++ seriously.

Thank you for pointing to `variant`. I'm going to look at entt's source more 
closely and try to find a good equivalent in Nim. (I couldn't seem to make 
anything useful out of sequtils; Araq, I'm curious as to what you had in mind.)

Re: Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-25 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Then I learned this morning that seq[Component] fails.

That really should be obvious.

A seq in Nim is similar to vectors in C++, that is basically a plain C array 
that automatically resizes when necessary, where resize is new allocation and 
copying elements. So all elements must have same type and same size as in C 
arrays -- as all refs and pointers have the same size, we can have different 
ref types in a seq and can test for exact type with "of" operator at runtime.

Note that we have sum types (objects variants) in Nim. 

Re: Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-25 Thread stephenwithav
I thought I had something good last night:

type Position = object
  x: int
  y: int

type Velocity = object
  dx: int
  dy: int
  dz: int

type Component = Position | Velocity

proc showProps(p: Position) =
  echo p.x, ", ", p.y

proc showProps(v: Velocity) =
  echo v.dx, ", ", v.dy, ", ",

let p = Position(x: 9, y: 9)
let v = Velocity(dx: 1, dy: 1, dz: 3)



While tedious, it was good.

Then I learned this morning that seq[Component] fails. _sigh_

 type Position = object
  x: int
  y: int

type Velocity = object
  dx: int
  dy: int
  dz: int

type Component = Position | Velocity

proc showProps(p: Position) =
  echo p.x, ", ", p.y

proc showProps(v: Velocity) =
  echo v.dx, ", ", v.dy, ", ",

let p = Position(x: 9, y: 9)
let v = Velocity(dx: 1, dy: 1, dz: 3)
var s: seq[Component]


echo s


Re: Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-23 Thread stephenwithav
Thank you, Araq and doofenstein. I'm going to try to develop a VERY simple ECS 
today in Nim.

Somehow, I had totally missed (or forgotten) varargs and set. Those two should 
help make this first attempt successful.

Re: Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-23 Thread yglukhov
Another ECS attempt: 

Re: Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-22 Thread doofenstein
ha, you might be interested in this ECS implementation, from one of my failed 
Nim game engine attempts: 
 Note that this is mostly untested. For examples look at the bottom of the file.

Re: Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-22 Thread Araq
What's hard about `registry.view`? Please look at `sequtils.nim`.

Re: Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-21 Thread stephenwithav
assign shouldn't be too difficult... just add a subclass of Component to the 

But filtering for registry.view? I can't figure that one out yet. Templates, 

Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?

2019-05-21 Thread stephenwithav
Specifically, I'm curious if tuples could take the place of structs, and 
equivalents for registry.assign and registry.view.

I can imagine registry as a seq[int], with each entity being represented by a 
unique integer, but I don't know how to assign tuples to an int.

I really like the ability to filter entities to only those with the specific 
components of interest. Is there a way to achieve the same in Nim?
