Re: NIM Integration Problems with Server Side Postgres

2020-05-20 Thread panchove
Good news:

It worked perfectly !!

Thanks to both!

Re: NIM Integration Problems with Server Side Postgres

2020-05-20 Thread JPLRouge
I feel like I'm faster, is true

Re: NIM Integration Problems with Server Side Postgres

2020-05-20 Thread panchove
Hello, thanks for answering

I compile and link in this way 

$ (MY_LIB_NIM): * .nim Makefile
 nim c -d: release --passC: -fPIC --noMain --opt: speed --app: 
staticlib --outdir: $ (NIM_OUTDIR) --nimcache: $ (NIM_CACHEDIR) --out: $ 
(basename $ < ) .a --header: $ (basename $ <). h $ <

% .o:% .c Makefile
 gcc -std = c11 -fPIC -O2 -D_GNU_SOURCE -c $ <-I $ (PG_SERVER_INC) 

 gcc -shared -fPIC -O2 $ ^ $ (MY_LIB_NIM) -o $ @


I will test with the parameters you indicate

Re: NIM Integration Problems with Server Side Postgres

2020-05-20 Thread cdome
Do you compile to shared library? Things to check: You do call NimMain or 

Another thing I recommend trying is to compile with \--gc:arc -d:useMalloc this 
gives you garbage collection free environment that will ease integration with 

NIM Integration Problems with Server Side Postgres

2020-05-20 Thread panchove
Hello everyone

I am trying to integrate two server side test functions with Postgres the first 
one, nimAddOne (int): int works fine integrate it like this:

# AddOne adds one to the given arg and retuns it
proc nimAddOne (i: cint): cint {.exportc.} =
result = i + 1


I made the call from C this way:

#include "postgres.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "converter.h"

PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (c_addone);

int32 arg = PG_GETARG_INT32 (0);
int32 result = nimAddOne (arg);
PG_RETURN_INT32 (result);


But when I pass strings to another function like this:

# ConcatName concat name and last name
proc nimConcatName (name, last: cstring): cstring {.exportc.} =
var r: cstring
r = $ name & "" & $ last
result = r


And calling it from C like this

#include "postgres.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "converter.h"

PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (c_fullname);

c_fullname (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)

text * ptrName = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP (0);
text * ptrLast = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP (1);

const char * name = GetStringFromText (ptrName);
const char * last = GetStringFromText (ptrLast);

char * result = nimConcatName ((char *) name, (char *) last);

elog (INFO, "% s", result);

text * ptrResult = (text *) GetTextFromString (result);

PG_RETURN_TEXT_P (ptrResult);


Postgres server goes down hopelessly

Could you tell me what I do wrong in the second function?

Thank you!

NOTES: "converter.h" contains the base NIM types after compiling the 
"converter.nim" file that contains both functions