Re: Natural language processing

2020-04-03 Thread mratsim
Arraymancer kind of works with NLP as well.

Here is an example of training a neural network to generate Shakespear-like 
text (or Jane Austin or if you feed it Nim code it will generate Nim-like text):


The main issue right now is that the faster your CPU is, the slower the 
training ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

Re: Natural language processing

2020-04-02 Thread xflywind
You can also find examples in: 

Natural language processing

2020-04-01 Thread spip
Is there some interest for natural language processing in Nim? Something like 
[Spacy]( or [NTLK](

I've found bits of code but not much.

  * Peter Row's nimnltk: 
  * @treeform word2vec: 

Are there other packages?