Re: Nim should be your language of choice for IoT

2020-06-21 Thread dponyatov
Portability and speed are not enough, I added some requirements here: 

Re: Nim should be your language of choice for IoT

2019-11-26 Thread refaqtor
I've been using Nim for embedded IoT stuff for a couple years - C really is THE 
cross platform language for embedded - and Nim lets me create it faster and 
safer. I second the appreciation of "euantorano for providing nim-serial"

Re: Nim should be your language of choice for IoT

2019-11-26 Thread me7
Cool!!, good luck with your project.:) I'm in contract manufacturing factory 
and looking on implement IoT stuff to our machines in factory. Your post boost 
my confident that nim is suitable for this kind of work

Nim should be your language of choice for IoT

2019-11-26 Thread mp035
I am partway through developing my first commercial application with Nim, and 
I'd like to commend the development team (@Araq and friends) on their work, and 
note some attributes of Nim which are important to IoT that I have not seen 
mentioned elsewhere:

  1. Binary size. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT! Languages like Go (which is touted 
as an IOT language) produce binaries around 1-2Mb whilst a similar binary in 
Nim is around 180kb. When you are making an application for an IoT device with 
8Mb of flash there are only a handful of suitable candidates (C/C++, Lua and 
  2. Compile to C and link with C modules. THIS IS MAGICAL :-) I can write Nim 
applications for OpenWrt on MIPS and use the system compiler to generate the 
binary. Again, wonderful, and was really easy to set up.
  3. Quality libraries. This is the feature that finally got me to switch from 
Lua. Lua libraries (I'm looking at you lua-socket) are full of bugs, and never 
work the way they should. This virtue may be somewhat due to the strictness of 
the Nim language which I personally have difficulty with, so it's a reason to 
  4. Ease of importing C modules. Many system libraries are only available in 
C, Nim requires much simpler wrappers than languages like Lua (in some cases 
Nim only requires an importc declaration).

I find the complexity of the Nim language a bit of a barrier, but the benefits 
are worth persisting. Nim is powerful enough to run a web server whilst being 
granular enough to perform USB and serial I/O. This really is a game-changer 
for IoT!

Thanks for your hard work Nim developers, and contributors. ( also special 
thanks to GitHub user euantorano for providing nim-serial ).