Re: OOP macro - problems with import

2018-12-12 Thread sayol
Ok, thats bit unusual. Good to know, thank you.

Re: OOP macro - problems with import

2018-12-12 Thread jyapayne
@sayol, mratsim is right. The init method's name doesn't matter for the 
properties. The constructor is generated based on the properties, so if you 
change it to

class MyClass* of RootObj:
x*: int


You also need to change the constructor call. Perhaps it would make more sense 
to generate the properties based on the init method, but that could be argued.

Re: OOP macro - problems with import

2018-12-12 Thread sayol
Ah, sorry. Of course i did change body of init and print to use instance 
variable x so this part is fine.

Though changing constructor call to m = MyClass(x: 111) doesnt make much of a 
sense to me. Name of constructor parameter is still value, not x.

Re: OOP macro - problems with import

2018-12-11 Thread mratsim
You need to change your methods from

method init*(value: int) {.base.} =
self.value = value
  method print*() {.base.} =
echo self.value



method init*(value: int) {.base.} =
self.x = value
  method print*() {.base.} =
echo self.x


Re: OOP macro - problems with import

2018-12-11 Thread sayol
Thank you, that looks like what i was searching for.

Re: OOP macro - problems with import

2018-12-09 Thread jyapayne
@sayol, I'm the creator of that library. In order to export the class, you need 
to put the export marker with of RootObj at the end. This is due to some 
limitations in the Nim parser.

You also need the export markers on all methods/properties you want to be 
exported, just as @mratsim suggested.

I've modified your code to work with the latest Nim devel branch.

import extensions/oop

class MyClass* of RootObj:
value*: int
  method init*(value: int) {.base.} =
self.value = value
  method print*() {.base.} =
echo self.value


# main.nim
from test_class import MyClass, print # need to import print here in order 
for the compiler to see it.
 # Otherwise, `import test_class` can 
be used to import all.

var m: MyClass

m = MyClass(value: 111)


Re: OOP macro - problems with import

2018-12-09 Thread mratsim
I didn't test and never used the oop library but you are probably missing the 
public export marker `*`

import oop

class MyClass:
value*: int

method init*(value: int){.base.}=
self.value = value

method print*{.base.}=
echo self.value


OOP macro - problems with import

2018-12-08 Thread sayol

i really like OOP macro from 
 There are so far two problems

  * Cant figure out how should i define class as exported however this is kinda 
solvable by changing oop.nim code to export all
  * Second is worse, probably due to some namespace magic importing class from 
other module doesnt work


import oop

class MyClass:
value: int

method init*(value: int){.base.}=
self.value = value

method print{.base.}=
echo self.value


from test_class import MyClass

var m : MyClass;

m = new MyClass(value:111)


Compiler reports **main.nim(5, 16) Error: the field 'value' is not accessible.**

What am i missing? Thanks alot.