Re: Nim lang for beginners?????

2020-01-17 Thread Araq
As expected, the original poster turned out to be spammer. Locking this thread 
but not removing it because the answers are valuable.

Re: Nim lang for beginners?????

2020-01-16 Thread Skaruts
Also, in case you're gonna end up doing any OOP in Nim, [this blog 
post]( helped me 
quite a bit. 

Re: Nim lang for beginners?????

2020-01-15 Thread miran
> Does anyone know of beginner Nim tutorials… (...) All of the tutorials I have 
> seen assume that you’re coming over from another language and thus don’t need 
> certain concepts explained.

> :

> Who is this for?
> * People with no or minimal previous programming experience


Re: Nim lang for beginners?????

2020-01-15 Thread Skaruts
Apart from the stuff linked on the "learn" page, there also two channels on 
 and [Universal Programming 
 that made some tutorials on the very basics of Nim. 

Re: Nim lang for beginners?????

2020-01-15 Thread kodkuce
i think Kiloneie did a video series, tough i think he just did basic concepts i 

I personal would love to see practical cooding stuff, i am atm struggling how 
to not make garbage spaghetti while pasing game logic between players and 
gameserver << rewrite is in plan, just am lazy w8ting for -gc:arc to finish

Maybe i should start a stream and then whenever i get stuck i go publicly 
harass pros on chat for help xD

Re: Nim lang for beginners?????

2020-01-15 Thread leorize
Have you checked out the "Nim basics" book, linked in our "Learn" page? 
[]( IMO it 
focuses on a lot of basic concepts.

But if you really want to start learning "native" programming then I will 
recommend learning some of the more mature system languages, as they have got 
decades of learning materials around (my personal favorite is the [pascal 
tutorial]( This is because 
most of the computer stuff are the same between languages, so skill sets from 
one tends to transfer easily to an another (at least in my experience).

> I suppose what I’d really like to have would be large 100% real+full 
> tutorials that mash together different (but somewhat related) concepts, 
> explaining everything, teaching you different ways of doing things, 
> discussing efficiency/best practices for the future and common pitfalls etc. 
> And with goals that are understandable (yeah, brainfuck converter is NOT a 
> good tutorial, just why).

I would love something like that too, but we are kinda short on man power :P 
For now learn the basics and do the research on your own is the only way 

However, our [chat rooms]( are extremely 
active, and we would be happy to help with any trouble that you might encounter 
while learning Nim :)

Welcome to the Nim community.

Re: Nim lang for beginners?

2019-12-03 Thread juancarlospaco
The Nim book is also really nice. If you are just starting, ignore Pointers and 
MetaProgramming for now, practice basic constructs, thats like making a Python 
"Hello World" using CTypes. ;P 

Re: Nim lang for beginners?

2019-12-03 Thread SolitudeSF