Re: Nim should be your language of choice for IoT

2020-06-21 Thread dponyatov
Portability and speed are not enough, I added some requirements here: 

Re: Nim should be your language of choice for IoT

2019-11-26 Thread refaqtor
I've been using Nim for embedded IoT stuff for a couple years - C really is THE 
cross platform language for embedded - and Nim lets me create it faster and 
safer. I second the appreciation of "euantorano for providing nim-serial"

Re: Nim should be your language of choice for IoT

2019-11-26 Thread me7
Cool!!, good luck with your project.:) I'm in contract manufacturing factory 
and looking on implement IoT stuff to our machines in factory. Your post boost 
my confident that nim is suitable for this kind of work