Re: What's the future of "implicitDeref"?

2020-06-30 Thread Araq
Good point so probably we should require `ptr T not nil` for auto-deref...

Re: What's the future of "implicitDeref"?

2020-06-29 Thread snej
> If I define the var version of the procedure, I don't need to define the ptr 
> version anymore.

But the two have different domains (in the functional sense) — the `ptr` 
parameter can take `nil`, while the `var` parameter can't. It seems wrong for 
the compiler to produce an illegal behavior by implicitly dereferencing a 
possibly-nil pointer and passing it to a function that will crash when it 
accesses it.

In my experience, such crashes can be hard to debug. Both because your 
reasoning can be wrong ("well, chooseAnim must have crashed because of this 
other pointer variable, not because of `m`, because `m` isn't a pointer...") 
and because you can sometimes pass this bogus nil var down into further levels 
of the call stack before some unlucky proc gets around to dereferencing it, so 
the crash can be pretty far away from the source of the bug.

The proc-vs-var issue you're bringing up is the same as "*" vs "&" in C++. Both 
have valid purposes. You can either consistently use one or the other, or get 
used to sprinkling "&" and "*" in your function calls … the latter is often a 
code smell that you need to rethink the API.

Re: What's the future of "implicitDeref"?

2020-06-29 Thread jxy
This might exacerbate the issue with resolving identifier names in dotexpr 
inside templates.

Re: What's the future of "implicitDeref"?

2020-06-28 Thread Araq
We didn't develop it further as there were unforeseen interactions where `p != 
nil` would be rewritten to `p[] != nil` or `p != q` to `p[] != q[]` but tbh I 
don't remember the details.

This feature needs to be re-designed. Here is my current proposal:

"If overloading resolution in a call using the syntax `a.b` or `a.b(X)` 
produces no matching candidate for `b`, the expression is rewritten to `a[].b` 
(or `a[].b()`) and overloading resolution is tried once again"

This rule seem to be more consistent with what Nim does for field access and 
seems to avoid weird feature interaction. If the rule allows for custom 
overloaded deref operators it would also improve custom smart pointers because 
these can then be written without `converter` which is an unloved feature of 
Nim. Will write an RFC. 

What's the future of "implicitDeref"?

2020-06-27 Thread exelotl
When doing manual memory management in Nim, I often find myself having to 
define two versions of a proc - one that takes a `var` parameter and one that 
takes a `ptr` parameter.

Otherwise I will run into issues like this:

var m: ptr Monster
var b: Bullet

proc chooseAnim(m: var Monster) =
  # some logic to set the current animation
  # ...

proc update(b: ptr Bullet) =
  # move the bullet and check for collisions
  # ...

m.chooseAnim()  # uh oh!
m[].chooseAnim()  # better.

b.update() # uh oh!
(addr b).update()  # better.


I was happy to discover that [{.experimental: 
 is a thing, which pretty much fixes all my problems! If I define the `var` 
version of the procedure, I don't need to define the `ptr` version anymore.

But I suppose I can't start doing this in library code yet, because then I'd be 
forcing other people to use this experimental pragma in their code, or to have 
to worry about addressing/dereferencing their stuff to make the library 
functions happy.

So I was wondering, what's the future of this feature? Do we know yet if it's 
here to stay? Does it have any caveats that I should know about?

Thanks :)