Re: Which is the preferred style: call(x) or call x

2019-12-06 Thread solo989
> Nim standard doesn't have a preference. Go with whatever makes the most sense 
> to you in the context.
> For example I always drop the parens when calling echo. myfunc by itself 
> without the x is reference to the function.
> So you could pass myFunc to myFunc2 by calling
> myFunc2(myFunc)
> or
> myFunc2 myFunc
> or even
> myFunc.myFunc2
> look up 
> [](
>  and 
> [](
>  for all the rules

Re: Which is the preferred style: call(x) or call x

2019-12-06 Thread juancarlospaco
It is _not_ a single argument, it can take any number of arguments, you can do 
`myfunc x, y, z`, you can choose what you need and want to, depends on what are 
you doing, and `myfunc"string argument"` is also possible, it allows you to 
chain functions, like `"argument".myfunc.otherfunc.anotherfunc()`. 

Which is the preferred style: call(x) or call x

2019-12-06 Thread marks
I've found that when I have a call with a single argument, say, myfunc(x), I 
can change it to myfunc x. This surprised me since coming from Python I'd have 
thought myfunc is a reference to the function, but clearly that's not the case 
with nim. (So, how do you get a function reference?) But out of the two call 
syntaxes, which is to be preferred?