Re: Why is my destructor not called?

2018-03-17 Thread matkuki
Oh, seems the **\--newruntime** compiler flag is needed for destructors to work.

Re: Why is my destructor not called?

2018-03-15 Thread lotzz
> I am on Windows 10, Nim Compiler Version 0.18.0 [Windows: i386], MinGW GCC.

I don't know if that is just for windows 10, I am on ubuntu with 0.18.0 and I 
am getting the same thing though my code is a little different

type thing = object

proc `=destroy`(o:thing):void =
  if o.p != nil: dealloc o.p
  echo "destroyed"

proc op():thing =
  result = thing(x:10,p:alloc(1))
proc work(o:thing):void=
  echo o

proc main() =
  let t= op()

Hint: used config file '/etc/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: destruct [Processing]
CC: destruct
Hint:  [Link]
Hint: operation successful (11723 lines compiled; 0.185 sec total; 22.32MiB 
peakmem; Debug Build) [SuccessX]
Hint: /home/User/Desktop/nim/tests/destruct  [Exec]
(x: 10, p: ...)

Re: Why is my destructor not called?

2018-03-10 Thread matkuki

Is there a regression in the compiler, because the above example doesn't 
execute the destructor: 


  MyObj = object
a: int

proc `=destroy`(m: MyObj) =
  echo "Destruct"

proc works() =
  let x = MyObj(a: 5)


I am on Windows 10, Nim Compiler Version 0.18.0 [Windows: i386], MinGW GCC.

Re: Why is my destructor not called?

2018-01-11 Thread sendell
Global scope should work as any scope, and call destructors when ending.

> adianv said: why should it be called ? x is global and gets never out of 
> scope.

The whole point on RAII is to be abble to bind the lifetime of a resource to 
the lifetime of an object, to make sure the resource is released properly. Your 
point is valid if the resource is memory, it might not be for other kinds of 

Re: Why is my destructor not called?

2018-01-10 Thread Araq
Oh yeah, good to know this doesn't work.

Re: Why is my destructor not called?

2018-01-07 Thread twetzel59
adrianv, that makes better sense now. Udiknedormin, I agree here. I think that 
a block should lead to deconstruction.

Re: Why is my destructor not called?

2018-01-07 Thread Udiknedormin
Well, it is not an issue but I don't get why it doesn't work for a block: 


type MyObj = object
  a: int

proc `=destroy`(m: MyObj) =
  echo "Destruct"

  let x = MyObj(a: 5)

I find it misleading as a block should create a new scope (therefore x should 
get out of this new scope). Also, it does so in Fortran, which is how 
destructing things outside of subprograms is done when needed.

Why is my destructor not called?

2018-01-05 Thread twetzel59
Hello, I have a question about destructors. I am not sure if I am 
misunderstanding something, or if this is a bug. When I declare a constructor 
for a type, it is not called if an instance of the object is created free in 
the main module (as opposed to within a proc).

For example, the destructor is not called here.


  MyObj = object
a: int

proc `=destroy`(m: MyObj) =
  echo "Destruct"

let x = MyObj(a: 5)

Yet, if I place the declaration of x in a proc, it works fine: 

proc works() =
  let x = MyObj(a: 5)


Do I misunderstand where values are deconstructed, or is this an issue for 