Re: nim doc hypertext link

2018-10-04 Thread geezer9
I tried to demo some of the **interpreted text role** effects found in using 
nim's rst2html 

nim rst2html sample.rst


Here is the sample.rst 

.. contents::

Sample Interpreted Text Roles

Ordinary reference `Subheading A`_

Note that according to the TOC, the href should be 

Use id role `Subheading A`:id:
gives ``Subheading A``

Use id argument `Subheading A`:id-abc:
gives ``Subheading A:id-abc:``

Use idx role `Subheading A`:idx:
gives ``Subheading A``

Use idw role `Subheading A`:idw:
gives ``Subheading A``

A Major Heading

Highly important stuffA

Subheading A

Detailed stuff


Are the docutils directives and interpreted text roles as actually implemented 
in nim documented anywhere? The above shows behavior I did not find in 

If I could just get the correct **Subheading A** href to show, I would be very 

Re: nim doc hypertext link

2018-10-03 Thread timothee
@geezer9 maybe send a bug report /feature request on 

Re: nim doc hypertext link

2018-10-02 Thread geezer9
Well, I did find a work-around.

Instead of the link **`doSomeAct,string`_**

Use the link **' doSomeAct <#doSomeAct,string>`_**

And since I cannot find documentation of that, it may not be stable.

But that is really UGLY.

Re: nim doc hypertext link

2018-10-02 Thread geezer9
Since the problem might have been caused by material elsewhere, I have made a 
small example that shows the same problem: 

Person* = ref object
## Please look at `doSomeAct,string`_ and try it.
## Spacing down
## Spacing down
## Spacing down
## Spacing down
## Spacing down
## Spacing down
## Spacing down

proc doSomeAct*(arg:string):Person = = arg
result.age = 101

proc doAnother*(arg:Person) =
echo "the age=",arg.age

echo "named:",doSomeAct("fooey").name


I tried :idx: instead of the underscore - but that did not even yield a link.

The "Spacing down" lines are to demonstrate that clicking the "Please look at" 
link does NOT jump down to that section.

Re: nim doc hypertext link

2018-10-02 Thread Hlaaftana
I think it's



nim doc hypertext link

2018-10-02 Thread geezer9
A Nim source program has the doc comment:

> ##Look at `doAnAction,string`_ or else punt.

in an attempt to link to the procedure:

> proc doAnAction(somearg:string) = etc.etc.

However the html page changes the link's href to:

> "#doanaction-string"

instead of the href:

> "#doAnAction,string"

used by the html page's toc and by the anchor for the section giving 
doAnAction's declaration.

How does one create the correct link in the doc comment?