Re: Object Variants and redefinition of labels or reusbility of field names

2019-12-24 Thread sschwarzer

Maybe this is the posting you had in mind: 

The related RFC is 

I'd like to see one of these approaches implemented. :-)

Re: Advent of Nim 2019 megathread

2019-12-24 Thread e
Having decided to try learning a bit about Nim using AoC2019, I joined the 
[private leaderboard](, but 
never expected to be in the top 10 (I'm at 5 now, `dougcurrie`). So, I'll list 
my repo now in case anyone searching for Nim Advent of Code solutions in the 
future looks here. 

Named Argument Bug?

2019-12-24 Thread dataPulverizer
Why is this not legal code?

proc printName(;firstName: string = "Jimmy", lastName: string = "Hendrix") =
  echo "First Name:", firstName, ", Last Name: ", lastName


Re: Named Argument Bug?

2019-12-24 Thread Araq
Because of the `(;`, invalid Nim syntax. Named arguments are not separated by 
other arguments, they simply always exist.

Introducing --gc:arc

2019-12-24 Thread Araq

So ... this feature has been in development for quite some time now, Nim is 
getting the "one GC to rule them all". However calling it a GC doesn't do it 
justice, it's plain old reference counting with optimizations thanks to move 
semantics. It has numerous advantages over the other more classical GC 
algorithms that Nim 1.0 ships with:

  * Independent of the heap size. Works well with tiny and enormous heaps.
  * Independent of the stack size, large arrays on the stack do not cause 
  * Offers a shared heap. Enabled via `--threads:on`.
  * Works with valgrind and clang's address sanitizers, compile with `-gc:arc 
-d:useMalloc` (and maybe with `--debuginfo`) for enabling this feature.
  * No more `setupForeignGC` requirements.
  * Should work better with hot code reloading and DLLs.
  * Should work better with fibers, coroutines or whatever C++ ends up 
providing. ;-)
  * Should work well with webassembly and Emscripten.

However, this is still **beta quality** software: Nim's async does not work 
with it yet, there are other known and unknown bugs and we haven't optimized it 
as much as we will.

## Supported language features

  * Threads and channels
  * closures
  * refs
  * strings
  * seqs
  * closure iterators
  * case objects
  * the collections in the stdlib
  * strutils, os, osproc, re, json

## To do

  * Optimize the stdlib with `sink` and `lent` annotations.
  * Optimize init+sink pairs into plain copyMem calls.
  * Optimize away wasMoved+destructor pairs.
  * Port async to --gc:arc.
  * Exceptions are known to be buggy, will probably be replaced by a mechanism 
based on the "quirky exceptions" ideas.
  * Bugfixing. Omg, still so many bugs left...

## Features that won't work for the foreseeable future

  * the old runtime type information (RTTI, `typeinfo.nim`) and modules that 
rely on it such as `marshal.nim`
  * `` that takes a finalizer, instead use destructors

## Arguments and comebacks

Q: My program runs slower than before.

A: The old GC was tuned for years and can be hard to beat performance wise. ARC 
shines because it uses less memory and introduces deterministic behaviour. 
Having said that, I usually get it to win over Nim's other GCs (both in time 
and space) by inserting strategic `sink` and `lent` annotations.

Q: I cannot be bothered with cycles.

A: We have a cycle collector too but it's not even in alpha state yet, you can 
tinker with it via `--gc:orc` (the "o" indicating it can deal with cycles...) 
Having said that, cycle detection will not be the default as it in conflict 
with ARC's strive for deterministic memory management.

Q: Atomic reference counting is known to be slow

A: We **do not do atomic** reference counting, we have a shared heap where you 
move subgraphs completely to a different thread. A graph is always owned by a 
single thread, there is no need to make the reference counting atomic. We have 
mechanisms in development to ensure this at runtime or at compile-time, 
inspired by the Pony programming language.

Q: Ok, I'm sold! How to get --gc:arc? A: Follow these instructions:

git clone
cd nim

sh ./ # (Linux, Mac)
build_all.bat # (Windows)


Merry Christmas!

Re: Named Argument Bug?

2019-12-24 Thread dataPulverizer
I'll not make anymore assumptions and read more carefully.

Re: Nimph is a Nim package handler for the rest of us

2019-12-24 Thread kobi
Extremely awesome :-)

Re: Introducing --gc:arc

2019-12-24 Thread boia01
This is great!

Could you elaborate on shared heap and how memory is passed from one thread to 

Does spawn transfer ownership of its arguments and returns ownership of its 
result? Would love to see official examples.

Re: Introducing --gc:arc

2019-12-24 Thread treeform
Thank you for this Christmas present.

Re: Named Argument Bug?

2019-12-24 Thread dataPulverizer
Ah, many apologies! I saw it in the manual and assumed that it worked in the 
same thing as Julia.

Re: Introducing --gc:arc

2019-12-24 Thread Araq
> Does spawn transfer ownership of its arguments and returns ownership of its 
> result?

Exactly. The ownership transfer is also done for channels' `send` and `recv`.

We are working on a better thread pool and maybe a more light-weight channel 
implementation. I'll post some examples here when they are ready.

Threadpool wasn't ported and I'll 

Re: Introducing --gc:arc

2019-12-24 Thread dom96
This is awesome, and a great overview thanks for writing it up.

I am also curious about the shared heap, the implication from your post is that 
you are still sticking to the "one heap per thread" model and that we will 
continue to restrict the sharing of memory between threads. Is that the case?

Re: Error converting json to types

2019-12-24 Thread Araq
Er, JSON doesn't define a standard format for DateTimes so how could the stdlib 
offer it?

Re: Introducing --gc:arc

2019-12-24 Thread Araq
> I am also curious about the shared heap, the implication from your post is 
> that you are still sticking to the "one heap per thread" model and that we 
> will continue to restrict the sharing of memory between threads. Is that the 
> case?

No. The heap is now shared as it's done in C++, C#, Rust, etc etc. A shared 
heap allows us to _move_ subgraphs between threads without the deep copies but 
the subgraph must be "isolated" ensuring the freedom of data races and at the 
same time allowing us to use non-atomic reference counting operations. How to 
ensure this "isolation" at compile-time was pioneered by Pony and we can do it 
too via our `owned ref` syntax. However, we will likely do it at runtime 
because it's simpler and a variation of the "cycle collection" algorithm. The 
pieces fit together in a marvelous way. :-)