Re: [Nix-dev] Multiple instances - detecting resource collisions - nixos module system question

2015-01-18 Thread Shea Levy
My prediction: This will cause more headaches than it will save.

 On Jan 14, 2015, at 10:17 PM, Marc Weber wrote:
 If you use multiple apaches/nginx/mysql/postgresql/whatever instances
 its likely to miss adjusting the port or whatsoever. Therefore I'd like
 to implement a simple resource tracking module which fails if a
 resource such as tcp/ip port or socket or such gets used multiple times.
 It should look like this:
 A test like this:
   resources.tcp-ports.80 = {};
  The option `resources.tcp-ports.80.allowCollisions' defined in 
 `/etc/nixos/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/misc/resources.nix' does not exist.
 which I don't get because the dpaste sets a default value for
 Thus does anybody just spot what I'm doing wrong?
 If we are at it: Eelco Dolstra proposed or
 such. What about services.mysqls ? We could deprecade services.mysql
 then and ask users to switch slowly. No naming collisions. Naming is
 short and could be adopted to other services.
 Marc Weber
 nix-dev mailing list

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] ghc-mod fail errors: bug: gmeioException

2015-01-18 Thread Alan Kim Zimmerman
You need to cabal clean  cabal configure again in your project.

The dist/config file is now binary, and you have a version mismatch

On 19 Jan 2015 01:35, Carlo Nucera wrote:

 Hi all, I recently did a `nix-channel update` and a reinstall of my
 programs, and now I have in emacs+ghc-mod this problem:

 Fail errors:

 BUG: GMEIOException /home/carlo/code/haskell/helios/dist/setup-config:
 hGetContents: invalid argument (invalid byte sequence)

 After a brief search, it's probable that the issue is caused by the
 new version of cabalInstall.

 Anyone has had the same problem on nixOS?

 Best Regards
 nix-dev mailing list

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Again: Why don't these people have commit access

2015-01-18 Thread stewart mackenzie
I request that we come up with a detailed and carefully thought out
contribution guideline which evolves and grows.

It should keep pychopaths under control, expand bottlenecks and make
this development process fun!

I've suggested Pieter Hintjens C4 and ensuing private discussions made
it clear the approach is _not_ compatible with NixOS.

Therefore with the C4 in hand might we start editing and adapting it
to our needs?
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Again: Why don't these people have commit access

2015-01-18 Thread Longrin Wischnewski
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 19 Jan 2015 00:33:04 +
Marc Weber wrote:

 - I have patches pending for apache http and nginx making them more
   configurable (eg allowing to set the IP to listen to)

Do you mean listen address per virtual host ? That would be really great
to have. At the moment it is not possible to use multiple HTTPS virtual
hosts on the same machine due to the lack of a configurable IP address
per virtual host.
Version: GnuPG v2

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Again: Why don't these people have commit access

2015-01-18 Thread Marc Weber
I can only speak for myself:
In the past the community or some members didn't accept what I did for
various reasons. That's why I did no longer run for 'commit' access
since then.

A summary with some cases (some time has passed, maybe my memory is no
longer that accurate - but it should give an idea):

- patches about parallel building got stuck
  = result: 3 people (Lluís Batlle, me , Peter)
  tried different implementations. The first patch was not accepted
  for no reply is no ok reason - I didn't get a ok due to minor
  refactoring of make arguments in builder and because some people 
  feared about purity (it would have been opt-in)

  I messed up hydra that time (due to some -n -j being interpreted 
  as run as much as possible)

  It was pretty depressing for me because I had need for -j 4
  and not getting it into nixpkgs made it impossible for me to use

- patches about cupsd got stuck (due to using versionedDerivation)
  = fixed printing for me - was later asked on the mailinglist for)

- I did mess up python once and did not have time within 5 days or so to
  fix it - those had to be reverted by Eelco Dolstra

- Work on php-fpm was done twice, by me and by somebody else.
  My version of php-fpm is more complicated but also very complete
  because it determines how many php-fpm daemons to start on its own.

- I eventually had pushed the zsh/bash patches (which I guess are
  partially obsolete now) - they allow users to opt-out and allow
  modules/the admin to define bash/zsh snippets to be added
  to a global bashrc/zshrc which gets sourced by ~/.bashrc
  so that users can opt-out from everything or pieces.

- I would have fixed eigen(2) in krita of calligra much faster
  = Thus because I have not had commit access this had to be debugged

- I have patches pending for apache http and nginx making them more
  configurable (eg allowing to set the IP to listen to)

 To sum up: I tend try to apply the 20/80 rule: 20 percent of effort
should yield 80% of the desired result - which seems not always to be
good enough.

Thus in the past I caused both: goodness and badness - thus its fine for
me that my commits get reviewed.

Thus if PR's don't get accepted I do no longer take it personally -
changes end up in my topic branches instead.

I treat Nixos to be a very good option to get some jobs done - still
seeing much room for improvements. Eg there are 3 implementations:
nixpkgs/a js one and guix. Thus moving towards a global package
database more distros could derive package descriptions from
is much more important to me than caring too much about policies
- because I see Nixos to be a tool only to get a job done.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Again: Why don't these people have commit access

2015-01-18 Thread Luca Bruno
Marc I think it's the general case of more complex PRs. PR that change too
much or add too much tend to be delayed. Not only because they are harder
to test, but also harder to agree on by more people.

Easy PR are in fact faster to be pushed.

Increasing the number of committers is certainly good. Of couse, as a
committer, it's not that you have to always push your own complex stuff,
instead create a PR. You for example you could certainly push commits that
in most cases don't affect much people or that you are ready to revert,
ecc. ecc.

I was never asked for following any rule, except not triggering mass
rebuilds, when got commit access. I tend at committing simple stuff that
don't break, otherwise still create a PR.

Your unfortunate case is that most of your PR are complex or controversial
:P offlinehacker has the same problem, he has different needs and obviously
want to push those needs. And many others.

Also some PR are basically very hard to test for many people. For example
testing new kernel options. Or because committers don't have knowledge on
every field, and thus resilient to push.

Just to say, it's not lack of trust, or being negative. It's lack of time
(or platform) for proper testing and lack of time for proper understanding
(linux is becoming too giant) the consequences of a change.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Decision Procedures (was: PR [member] label)

2015-01-18 Thread Luca Bruno
The problem about being cheap and yet being thought is because basically we
don't have a policy. For example the recent issue about nginx with Restart
and RestartSec. What should be the default Restart for our services?
RestartSec? Should they wait for network or not?

I'd ask everybody about taking a breath and think about a kind of policy,
or a kind of process for which we set valid defaults in our codebase and
never think about it again.
Not to be anything bureaucratic, just have some defined default. That would
greatly increase the review process for everyone by removing many doubts.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Multiple instances - detecting resource collisions - nixos module system question

2015-01-18 Thread Moritz Ulrich
Luca Bruno writes:

 On 15/01/2015 01:23, Nicolas Pierron wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Marc Weber wrote:
 If you use multiple apaches/nginx/mysql/postgresql/whatever instances
 its likely to miss adjusting the port or whatsoever. Therefore I'd like
 to implement a simple resource tracking module which fails if a
 resource such as tcp/ip port or socket or such gets used multiple times.
 This is awesome!
 This is a mess:
 1) A service can bind to multiple ip and ports.

So we can just use a list of ports instead of a single one.

 2) There's not only tcp.

So two lists? UDP and TCP ports.

 3) A service could start listening dynamically on other ports at

This is a valid point. An approach like this needs to trust the services
not to lie about their list of used ports.

 This is enough for saying it's going to be too complicated to check for
 conflicts with little gain and many false positives.
 nix-dev mailing list


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Re: [Nix-dev] Multiple instances - detecting resource collisions - nixos module system question

2015-01-18 Thread Moritz Ulrich
Marc Weber writes:

 If you use multiple apaches/nginx/mysql/postgresql/whatever instances
 its likely to miss adjusting the port or whatsoever. Therefore I'd like
 to implement a simple resource tracking module which fails if a
 resource such as tcp/ip port or socket or such gets used multiple times.

 It should look like this:

 A test like this:
resources.tcp-ports.80 = {};

   The option `resources.tcp-ports.80.allowCollisions' defined in 
 `/etc/nixos/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/misc/resources.nix' does not exist.

 which I don't get because the dpaste sets a default value for

 Thus does anybody just spot what I'm doing wrong?

 If we are at it: Eelco Dolstra proposed or
 such. What about services.mysqls ? We could deprecade services.mysql
 then and ask users to switch slowly. No naming collisions. Naming is
 short and could be adopted to other services.

 Marc Weber
 nix-dev mailing list

I really like this idea.

Another use that comes to mind is using it to open ports in the firewall
in a declarative manner. E.g.:

firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
] ++ resources.mysql.tcpPorts 
  ++ resources.httpd.tcpPorts;

(Assuming it uses a list of ports as suggested in my other reply.)


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Re: [Nix-dev] Managing private Nix packages outside the Nixpkgs tree

2015-01-18 Thread Matthias Beyer
Hi Eike,

Thanks for your suggestions. I managed to build my own setup, which
works but is a bit bulky by now.

What I do:

* define what vim-plugins I want to use from upstream (list)
* define own vim plugins (list, lets call it ownPlugins)
* Append the lists (lets call it vimPlugins)
* Override vim
* Append all plugins to the runtimepath, which means
* ownPlugins is one package, so just append the
  appropriate RTP here
* Append the appropriate path for each non-ownPlugins vim
  plugin package to the RTP
* Append vimPlugins list to the systemPackages
* Append my customized vim to the list of systempackages

I don't know whether the idea append to the vim runtimepath is the
thing that slows down vim at startup, but it seems so. It is a
slow machine, thought.

I will post a blog article about my vim setup maybe next week, I'll
notify you as soon as it is online!

On 17-01-2015 18:49:56, Eike wrote:
 AFAICS, its enough to specify your own definitions in
 `nixpkgs.packageOverrides'. This takes the original package collection
 and returns a map with new/overriden packages. I have this setup:
 common.nix (imported in all machine configs):
 nixpkgs = {
   config = {
 allowUnfree = true;
 packageOverrides = import ./pkgs;
 then ./pkgs/default.nix looks like this:
   callPackage = pkgs.lib.callPackageWith(pkgs // custom);
   custom = {
 cdparanoiax = callPackage ./cdparanoiax {};
 ...other packages...
 in custom

Looks sane to me.

As far as I can see, your `custom` is a Set here. But
`environment.systemPackages` must be a list, so how do you convert
it into a list?

 Since the callPackage function is redefined that way, you can have
 dependencies between your own packages. Then each directory in pkgs is a
 package definition just like it is done in nixpkgs. I can then add
 `pkgs.cdparanoiax' to `environment.systemPackages'.

Awesome! Having dependencies between own packages sounds good to me, I
will try this out! Thanks for pointing out how it works!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Kind regards,
Matthias Beyer

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Re: [Nix-dev] Again: Why don't these people have commit access

2015-01-18 Thread Moritz Ulrich
Pascal Wittmann writes:

 On 01/18/2015 06:19 PM, Nathan Bijnens wrote:
 While I don't mind that we expand the number of people with commit access,
 I firmly oppose doing changes directly on master, any change should first
 be a PR. If there're more people who can close a PR, those PRs will be open
 for a shorter amount of time.

 What is the advantage? IMO this would create an enormous overhead. E.g.
 I just updated abiword from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 and only changed the version
 number and hash. Is this worth a pull request? I don't want to merge
 those pull requests, they only cover the discussion-worthy pull requests.

I totally agree here: Simple version-updates, fixes, (simple) new
packages, etc. should go into master/staging without a PR.

We can still create pull requests for bigger changes and/or
controversial ideas.

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nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Again: Why don't these people have commit access

2015-01-18 Thread Pascal Wittmann
On 01/18/2015 06:19 PM, Nathan Bijnens wrote:
 While I don't mind that we expand the number of people with commit access,
 I firmly oppose doing changes directly on master, any change should first
 be a PR. If there're more people who can close a PR, those PRs will be open
 for a shorter amount of time.

What is the advantage? IMO this would create an enormous overhead. E.g.
I just updated abiword from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 and only changed the version
number and hash. Is this worth a pull request? I don't want to merge
those pull requests, they only cover the discussion-worthy pull requests.

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nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Again: Why don't these people have commit access

2015-01-18 Thread John Wiegley
 Michael Raskin writes:

 While I don't mind that we expand the number of people with commit access,
 I firmly oppose doing changes directly on master, any change should first
 be a PR. If there're more people who can close a PR, those PRs will be open
 for a shorter amount of time.

 Many people come and say that. The sad truth is that we lack the resources
 to do development like that. Whatever the benefits of this approach, we
 cannot afford the costs.

 The low observed rate of PR merges means that we need people who do many
 correct small updates to perform them directly on master for the project to
 be able to actually accomplish something except the trivial updates.

I entirely agree, Michael.  As one of the people who commits directly to
master, I have to say that if every small change/fix I wanted to make had to
go through a PR, I'd contribute much less, simply due to lack of energy.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] PR [member] label

2015-01-18 Thread Pascal Wittmann
On 01/18/2015 11:02 PM, Michael Raskin wrote:
 I propose to add a [member] label to PR labels. This label is to be
 applied to pull requests that are created by the project committers.

This is a great idea! I agree to 100%.

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nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] Decision Procedures (was: PR [member] label)

2015-01-18 Thread Peter Simons
Hi Michael,

  I think we all admit that we have a problem with timely merging of pull

my impression is that we have a problem with controversial PRs only, because we
lack any kind of organized procedure for making decisions as a group. We merge
PRs that no-one objects to quickly, really, but once dissent arises the PR is
essentially dead in the water unless someone feels real strongly about it and
(a) pushes it through regardless or (b) works real hard to generate consensus.

My 2 cents,

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] pybrowser : remove network tests

2015-01-18 Thread Karn Kallio

The pybrowser expression in nixpkgs fails in a chroot build when some tests 
depending on network access fail.  The attached patch removes these tests, 
fixing the chroot build.
From 5d38070ad808907c3a15f62a6e1ee1f3f0fb4c38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Karn Kallio
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 17:56:39 -0430
Subject: [PATCH] pybrowser: fix chroot builds by removing network dependent

 .../pybrowser/remove-network-tests.patch   | 68 ++
 pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix |  2 +
 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 pkgs/development/python-modules/pybrowser/remove-network-tests.patch

diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pybrowser/remove-network-tests.patch b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pybrowser/remove-network-tests.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000..117e07c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pybrowser/remove-network-tests.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+diff -Naur pyBrowserID-upstream/browserid/tests/ pyBrowserID/browserid/tests/
+--- pyBrowserID-upstream/browserid/tests/	2015-01-18 16:23:23.101657868 -0430
 pyBrowserID/browserid/tests/	2015-01-18 17:49:03.741138017 -0430
+@@ -126,14 +126,6 @@
+ # There should be a warning about using this verifier.
+ self.assertEquals(w[0].category, FutureWarning)
+-def test_error_handling_in_verify_certificate_chain(self):
+-  self.verifier.verify_certificate_chain, [])
+-certs = decode_json_bytes(EXPIRED_ASSERTION)[certificates]
+-certs = [jwt.parse(cert) for cert in certs]
+-  self.verifier.verify_certificate_chain, certs)
+ @callwith(patched_supportdoc_fetching())
+ def test_well_known_doc_with_public_key(self):
+ assertion = make_assertion(,;)
+@@ -196,49 +188,6 @@
+ self.assertRaises(AudienceMismatchError, verifier.verify,
+   assertion,
+-class TestRemoteVerifier(unittest.TestCase, VerifierTestCases):
+-def setUp(self):
+-self.verifier = RemoteVerifier([*])
+-def _verify(self, requests, response_text='', assertion=EXPIRED_ASSERTION,
+-response = Mock()
+-response.text = response_text
+-response.status_code = status_code
+-requests.request.return_value = response
+-return self.verifier.verify(assertion)
+-def test_handling_of_valid_response_from_server(self):
+-response_text = ('{email:, status: okay, '
+- 'audience:}')
+-data = self._verify(response_text=response_text)
+-def test_handling_of_invalid_json_from_server(self):
+-with self.assertRaises(ConnectionError):
+-self._verify(response_text='SERVER RETURNS INVALID JSON')
+-def test_handling_of_incorrect_audience_returned_by_server(self, requests):
+-response_text = ('{email:, status: okay, '
+- 'audience: WRONG}')
+-with self.assertRaises(AudienceMismatchError):
+-def test_handling_of_500_error_from_server(self, requests):
+-with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+-def test_handling_of_503_error_from_server(self):
+-with self.assertRaises(ConnectionError):
+ class TestDummyVerifier(unittest.TestCase, VerifierTestCases):
+ def setUp(self):
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
index c907925..1bb8f9f 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
@@ -11958,6 +11958,8 @@ let
   sha256 = 0nyqb0v8yrkqnrqsh1hlhvzr2pyvkxvkw701p3gpsvk29c0gb5n6;
+patches = [ ../development/python-modules/pybrowser/remove-network-tests.patch ];
 buildInputs = with self; [ mock unittest2 ];
 propagatedBuildInputs = with self; [ requests ];

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] PR [member] label

2015-01-18 Thread Mikey Ariel
Some projects have committer sponsorships, where new committers are taken under 
the wings of long-term members (i.e. Contributors of 3 or more merged PRs) so 
that they can be trained on the project standards and conventions and have a 
better chance of getting their PR merged. 

I'll be happy to help draft/improve PR guidelines, we can chat about it during 
FOSDEM downtime ;-)

 On 18 Jan 2015, at 23:02, Michael Raskin wrote:
 I propose to add a [member] label to PR labels. This label is to be
 applied to pull requests that are created by the project committers.
 Rationale: it is a good idea to look at long-standing non-member PRs.
 And ideally long-standing means half a week.
 1. I think we all admit that we have a problem with timely merging of 
 pull requests.
 2. I hope we all agree that we want to attract new committers.
 A first-time contributor feeling ignored often has no idea what are the
 chances to get the PR merged or even to get any feedback. There are
 times when negative feedback is the best reaction; but lack of feedback
 to the first-time PR submitter is never something we _want_, it just
 If a long-time member creates a PR, it is a clear signal that quick
 merge is not seeked; there is a discussion to be had, and if there are 
 no opinons, merging own PRs is always an option.
 If a fresh committer creates a PR, quick merge may be or may not be
 a desired outcome; but anyway there is some confidence and some
 understanding about whom to ping and some other small fixes can be
 pushed in the meantime.
 To solve this problem some of the project members try to look at PRs and
 merge as much as possible. To make this as straightforward as possible
 we should have a label to filter out PRs not intended for speedy
 reaction. I think [member] label is a good approximation. It can be 
 applied without thinking, it is convenient to filter by -label:member, 
 I hoped there is a way to just write something like 
 -author:in-team:nixpkgs-committers, but apparently Github doesn't have
 this and we need to emulate this manually.
 nix-dev mailing list
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Again: Why don't these people have commit access

2015-01-18 Thread Lluís Batlle i Rossell
On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 07:53:35PM +0100, Moritz Ulrich wrote:
 Pascal Wittmann writes:
  On 01/18/2015 06:19 PM, Nathan Bijnens wrote:
  While I don't mind that we expand the number of people with commit access,
  I firmly oppose doing changes directly on master, any change should first
  be a PR. If there're more people who can close a PR, those PRs will be open
  for a shorter amount of time.
  What is the advantage? IMO this would create an enormous overhead. E.g.
  I just updated abiword from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 and only changed the version
  number and hash. Is this worth a pull request? I don't want to merge
  those pull requests, they only cover the discussion-worthy pull requests.
 I totally agree here: Simple version-updates, fixes, (simple) new
 packages, etc. should go into master/staging without a PR.
 We can still create pull requests for bigger changes and/or
 controversial ideas.

Remember that we use a comfortable VCS, and it is quite easy to take
back things if the changes seem not to work well. And they can be reapplied
again later if they were doing the right thing, etc.

As for me, let the listed contributors commit to master!
nix-dev mailing list