Re: [Nix-dev] Remapping Console Key Bindings

2017-01-05 Thread Linus Arver
FWIW I convert Caps Lock to Hyper key which I use as my XMonad mod-key. You
can see my config here:

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 10:52 AM stewart mackenzie 

> services.xserver.xkbOptions = "grp:alt_space_toggle, ctrl:swapcaps";
> ___
> nix-dev mailing list
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] X server & Emacs crashes in 16.09

2016-11-10 Thread Linus Arver
On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 07:26:18PM +0100, Milan Zamazal wrote:
> Since I upgraded to 16.09, I've been experiencing quite frequent
> (several times per week) segmentation faults of X server or Emacs on my
> computer.  That has never happened before the upgrade and AFAICT no
> other application suffers from that problem.
> Is this a known problem?

Not that I am aware. FWIW I've been on 16.09 (have been on the 16.09
channel within a week of it going live) and have not seen any X or Emacs
crashes. Still, you are probably on to something.

> Any idea what can be wrong?

Well, could you provide some details? Going by the template in the
Nixpkgs issue tracker (if you click on "New issue"), here's what you can

* System: (NixOS: `nixos-version`, Ubuntu/Fedora: `lsb_release -a`, ...)
* Nix version: (run `nix-env --version`)
* Nixpkgs version: (run `nix-instantiate --eval '' -A 

I think it's worth opening a new issue on Nixpkgs instead of continuing
this on the list.


> Thanks for any help,
> Milan
> ___
> nix-dev mailing list
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Fwd: Re: qutebrowser very unstable

2016-11-03 Thread Linus Arver
On Thu, Nov 03, 2016 at 09:30:37PM +, Taeer Bar-Yam wrote:
> Should we update the qutebrowser package to use the QtWebEngine backend (i.e. 
> enable the --backend webengine flag)?


I have noticed crashes before as well but was too lazy to say anything
on the list.

> I don't feel like I have the authority to make this decision; do other people 
> who use qutebrowser want to weigh in? What's the etiquite here?

I think just opening a ticket (or pull request) on the Nixpkgs github
repo is the standard way of doing things. E.g., here's an example of an
open ticket related to qutebrowser:


> Forwarding Florian Bruhin's message of November 3, 2016 5:18 pm:
> ...
> The new QtWebEngine backend is pretty usable already when you install
> qutebrowser from git and launch with --backend webengine. There are
> only some smaller features missing, support for the last big missing
> feature (downloads) will land somewhen next week probably.
> ...
> Florian
> ___
> nix-dev mailing list
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] How to use MySQL

2016-10-05 Thread Linus Arver
Hello Tomasz,

On Mon, Oct 03, 2016 at 09:33:24AM +0100, Tomasz Czyż wrote:
> By looking at errors you pasted I assume you are not using proper
> configuration or default configuration is used when you don't provide any.
> And by default probably paths are set to /var/lib which is writeable only
> by root or system services.
> To run mysql in userspace you need to adjust all those paths in your
> configuration to point to directories accessible/writeable by user.
> I'm not sure if this actually worth the effort.

After browsing the mysql.nix file [1] in depth, I've reached the same
conclusion. There's a great deal of customization that happens in there
and it was not clear how to modify it to get a minimum working example
that plays nicely with `nix-env -iA nixos.mysql55`. I could fork that
derivation and apply my own changes and create a modified package, but
again that seemed like too much effort.

Using GitHub code search I was able to find a sample configuration [2].
For posterity, this is what I added to my configuration.nix:

services.mysql = {
  enable = true;
  dataDir = "/var/db/mysql";
  package = pkgs.mysql;


dataDir = "/var/db/mysql";

line was to keep with tradition in
other Linux distros that package MySQL. (Funnily enough, the link at [1]
suggests the same, but only as a comment. [3]) Lastly the

package = pkgs.mysql;

line seems mandatory as the manual does not state a default
value for it. With this configuration, I am able to run `mysql` and
connect to the mysqld server instance (which is running as follows ---
`ps aux' output):

mysql30247  0.0  0.6 772632 99388 ?Ssl  Oct04   0:02 
--user=mysql --datadir=/var/db/mysql 

> You could try to run mysql using nixos-container, so you run mysql as
> "service" but in container and you can start/stop the container whenever
> you want (and it's easier to start because you can use system level
> "service" inside).

I am not familiar with nixos-container --- but I'll keep it in mind for
the future.

Thanks again for your help!



> 2016-10-03 9:30 GMT+01:00 Tomasz Czyż <>:
> > Linus,
> >
> > by installing it with nix-env you install only the binary and all
> > application execution is in user hands. By using "service" in
> > configuration.nix you actually start a daemon (like /etc/init.d/mysql in
> > ubuntu for instance).
> >
> > If you want to start it in user space you have to follow exactly the same
> > steps as in other distros when you are not using /etc/init.d/ or upstart or
> > whatever system level daemon manager.
> >
> > If you want to try to reproduce what "service" is doing in your userspace,
> > you can check config of service and try to execture those commands in
> > userspace:
> >
> >
> > modules/services/databases/mysql.nix
> >
> > So you can see, that configuration is generated first and then service is
> > started with
> >
> > serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${mysql}/bin/mysqld
> > --defaults-extra-file=${myCnf} ${mysqldOptions}";
> >
> >
> > 2016-10-03 9:21 GMT+01:00 Linus Arver <>:
> >
> >> Hello all,
> >>
> >> I want to install and use MySQL on NixOS, but am not sure how to
> >> proceed. I've managed to do
> >>
> >> nix-env -iA nixos.mysql55
> >>
> >> but trying to get it to run is difficult. Here is what I tried:
> >>
> >> [月 03 0:50:47] - l_k0 ~/prog/sqfmm/mysql
> >>  > mysql
> >> ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through
> >> socket '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
> >> [月 03 0:50:53] 1 - l_k0 ~/prog/sqfmm/mysql
> >>  > systemctl start mysqld
> >>  AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ===
> >> Authentication is required to start 'mysqld.service'.
> >> Multiple identities can be used for authentication:
> >>  1.  System administrator (root)
> >>  2.  Linus Arver (l)
> >>

[Nix-dev] How to use MySQL

2016-10-03 Thread Linus Arver
Hello all,

I want to install and use MySQL on NixOS, but am not sure how to
proceed. I've managed to do

nix-env -iA nixos.mysql55

but trying to get it to run is difficult. Here is what I tried:

[月 03 0:50:47] - l_k0 ~/prog/sqfmm/mysql
 > mysql
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
[月 03 0:50:53] 1 - l_k0 ~/prog/sqfmm/mysql
 > systemctl start mysqld
 AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ===
Authentication is required to start 'mysqld.service'.
Multiple identities can be used for authentication:
 1.  System administrator (root)
     2.  Linus Arver (l)
Choose identity to authenticate as (1-2): 2
Failed to start mysqld.service: Unit mysqld.service not found.
[月 03 0:52:33] 5 - l_k0 ~/prog/sqfmm/mysql
 > systemctl start mysql 
 AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ===
Authentication is required to start 'mysql.service'.
Multiple identities can be used for authentication:
 1.  System administrator (root)
 2.  Linus Arver (l)
Choose identity to authenticate as (1-2): 2
Failed to start mysql.service: Unit mysql.service not found.
[月 03 0:52:57] 5 - l_k0 ~/prog/sqfmm/mysql
 > mysqld
161003  0:53:16 [Note] mysqld (mysqld 5.5.50) starting as process 12363 ...
161003  0:53:16 [Warning] Can't create test file 
161003  0:53:16 [Warning] Can't create test file 
mysqld: Can't change dir to '/var/lib/mysql/' (Errcode: 2)
161003  0:53:16 [ERROR] Aborting

161003  0:53:16 [Note] mysqld: Shutdown complete

[月 03 0:53:16] 1 - l_k0 ~/prog/sqfmm/mysql
 > mysqld_safe
161003 00:54:16 mysqld_safe Logging to '/var/lib/mysql/k0.err'.
touch: cannot touch '/var/lib/mysql/k0.err': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access '/var/lib/mysql/k0.err': No such file or directory
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/run/mysqld’: Permission denied
chown: invalid user: ‘mysql’
chmod: cannot access '/run/mysqld': No such file or directory
161003 00:54:16 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
/home/l/.nix-profile/bin/mysqld_safe: line 128: /var/lib/mysql/k0.err: No 
such file or directory
/home/l/.nix-profile/bin/mysqld_safe: line 165: /var/lib/mysql/k0.err: No 
such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/var/lib/mysql/k0.err': No such file or directory
chown: invalid user: ‘mysql’
chmod: cannot access '/var/lib/mysql/k0.err': No such file or directory
161003 00:54:16 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/lib/mysql/ ended
/home/l/.nix-profile/bin/mysqld_safe: line 128: /var/lib/mysql/k0.err: No 
such file or directory

The attempt to run *mysqld_safe* was taken from the official docs at

I see that there are several configuration options for MySQL
(services.mysql.*) defined in the NixOS manual
but this seems to be for enabling it as a service that starts
unconditionally on every boot (configuration.nix), which I want to avoid.

How do I start MySQL without touching configuration.nix? If
configuration.nix is the only sane/preferred way to use MySQL on NixOS,
then is there a resource/wiki/blogpost that discusses a minimal example?
I don't mind trial-and-error with editing my system configs but seeing a
second-hand account of the entire process would be very helpful.

Please forgive me if I have missed any obvious documentation.

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 511bb2: baekmuk-ttf: switch to base32 encoded src.sha256

2016-09-01 Thread Linus Arver
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: 511bb286892e800827c4add915bb008bd2a82de3
  Author: Linus Arver <>
  Date:   2016-09-01 (Thu, 01 Sep 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/data/fonts/baekmuk-ttf/default.nix

  Log Message:
  baekmuk-ttf: switch to base32 encoded src.sha256


nix-commits mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Latex package to handle unicode characters?

2016-06-01 Thread Linus Arver
On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 04:56:12PM -0700, Jeffrey David Johnson wrote:
> I get the following error when exporting some markdown to PDF with pandoc:
> An error occured: PDF creation failed:
> ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:  not set up for use with 
> LaTeX.
> See the inputenc package documentation for explanation.
> Type  H   for immediate help.
>  ...  
> l.150   Evolutionary Analysis}
> Try running pandoc with --latex-engine=xelatex.
> I could hunt this one character down, but is there a package I could add to 
> my texlive environment that might help handle this type of problem in general?

I used to use the texliveFull package, which included xelatex.

FWIW, I no longer use texliveFull; instead I use a Docker container for
all TeX-related things as it is much simpler to use along with
negligible maintenence costs, if at all.

> So far I just use the standard one:
> myTexLive = texlive.combine {
>   inherit (texlive) scheme-small;
> };
> Don't see any mention of xelatex in nixpkgs.

That's probably because it still comes with texliveFull, which is what
most people use I imagine.

> Ideally I'd like to handle all of unicode, but just skipping any unrenderable 
> characters would be OK too, since I gather latex doesn't do that yet?

AFAIK, Latex never dealt with Unicode natively. Xelatex has much simpler
font support (fontspec) so I've always opted for Xelatex from the beginning.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOS won't boot anymore in certain generations, don't know why (Stage-1 error)

2015-06-04 Thread Linus Arver
Hello Matthias,

 When rebooting, I booted into my newest generation, which was 109 by
 this time. But I got an error in stage 1, telling me that my root
 partition couldn't be mounted as the device did not come up (LUKS
 encrypted SSD, root on /dev/sda2). It asked me
 dm_mod loaded?

FWIW, this is probably relevant:

. I was hit with that regression some weeks ago and had to cherry-pick
the bugfix commit from Nixpkgs.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Nix loves Haskell: the video

2015-05-23 Thread Linus Arver
 Interesting. Shame the recording cut off at the questions. I didn't know
 you could nix-env -qaP haskellPackages to display the ng package set: we
 just had a person ask about that in #nixos yesterday!

Likewise, but for me I had to prefix the argument with nixpkgs. like

$ nix-env -qaP -A nixpkgs.haskellPackages


nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] per-project nix-shell for Ruby (Gemfile) projects?

2015-05-14 Thread Linus Arver
On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:03:58PM +0200, Rok Garbas wrote:
 hi linus,
 you might find a recent thread on mailing list interesting.

Hello Rok!

I did read that thread, but I can't really understand how to adapt it
for installing a single gem and making it available in the current
environment. The example in there is for building the sup mail reader; I
followed the instructions and packaged the 'minitest' gem, but even
though I install it with

nix-env -i minitest

and see it in my 'nix-env -q' like this:


the Ruby script I wrote that uses it cannot find it.

What I want to do is write a single Ruby file (which defines a Class or
Module) that depends on a particular gem. I need, e.g.,

require 'foo'

class Bar

to work.

How do NixOS users go about this? On Arch Linux, I use Rbenv to download
various Ruby versions, and then use 'bundle install' in a project's root
folder containing the Gemfile to get all the gems installed for the
currently active Ruby version.

I realize that I can just do the same thing on Nix, but I get a feeling
that the current tooling allows us to use the Nix mechanisms to achieve
the same thing (and avoid, e.g., re-downloading Rails or activerecord
every single time we start a new Rails project).

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] per-project nix-shell for Ruby (Gemfile) projects?

2015-05-10 Thread Linus Arver

I am still very new to Nix and NixOS so please bear with me.

I followed the instructions in the Nixpkgs manual[1] as well as the
original announcement[2] to create a regular Nix package, which I could
install by putting

minitest = self.callPackage ./ruby/minitest {};

into my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix. This allows me to install minitest into
my current Nix profile.

If I have a Ruby project/app that has a single Gemfile, is there a way
to create a 'shell.nix' file for it, like the command

cabal2nix --shell .  shell.nix

for cabalized Haskell projects/apps?


nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOS on a machine with only one user

2015-04-24 Thread Linus Arver
On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 04:23:39PM +, Amy de Buitléir wrote:
 NixOS noob here. I'm using NixOS on a machine with only one user (me).
 What's the best strategy for installing packages?
 Installing into the global system environment
 - or -
 Installing into a normal user profile 
 It seems that the second method would be a bit more convenient, especially
 if I add and remove new software frequently. Which I do.

Hi Amy,

I also use NixOS on machines where I am the sole user. I try out
packages in the normal user profile first with `nix-env -i` and then if
I end up sticking with it, move it into the global system environment in
`/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`. I try to keep my user profile minimal or

I am also very new to NixOS, but the above method seems to work well. I
keep track of the system configuration with git, so that's a nice added

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] some basic questions from a new NixOS user

2011-12-01 Thread Linus Arver
Hello Peter,

On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 08:55:26AM +0100, Peter Simons wrote:
 Hi Linus,
   The nix-env -qaP \* command does work, but I am unable to make sense
   of the output. For example, there is this line:
   I can see that the second column is the package name, but what is the
   first column? How do I use it so I can use the nix-env -iA syntax?
 That attribute path is what nix-env -iA expects, i.e.:
   nix-env -iA nixpkgs_sys.haskellPackages_ghc704_no_profiling.xmonad

Ah, how silly of me. I tried out the command above and indeed it works

 Note that haskellPackages_ghc704_no_profiling and haskellPackages
 are synonymous at the moment.

I see. So, for the record, you can do:

$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs_sys.haskellPackages_ghc704_no_profiling.xmonad


$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs_sys.haskellPackages.xmonad

to install xmonad as a regular user. Cool stuff!

   The nix-env manpage explicitly says nix-env -qaA '*' gives the
   attribute paths. Could this be a typo in the manpage?
 Yes, it is. :-) I'll commit a fix.

Great. Thanks again, Peter!

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] some basic questions from a new NixOS user

2011-11-30 Thread Linus Arver
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 05:45:37PM +0100, Peter Simons wrote:
 Hi Linus,
   I see that you're on NixOS as well. You might remember me from the
   Arch-Haskell list some time ago...
 ah, of course! Now that you've mentioned it, I recognize your name. :-)
 After supporting Haskell on ArchLinux for a while, I found that most of
 the tasks I had to do (i.e. figure out which packages need to be rebuilt
 after an update, etc.) come for free with Nix, so I switched to NixOS a
 while ago.

I see... my reason for trying out NixOS is simple: it is the only OS
that I know of which uses a functional package manager. It's like the
epiphany I had when I started programming in Haskell... suddenly, all
imperative paradigms looked really, really dangerous and ugly to me.

Maybe one day, the concept of functional package managers will spread to
other OSes. I mean, with nix-collect-garbage, I can't see any downsides
to using NixOS. The way I see it, Nix is to packages as git/hg/svn is to
source code because it introduces commits (generations) and branches
(profiles) to package managers! It's the way of the future!

   $ nix-env -i haskell-ghc7.0.4
 You probably want to install ghc-7.0.4-wrapper into your profile
 instead of ghc-7.0.4. The wrapper ensures that the real compiler is
 called with all those extra paths on the command-line that are required
 to make GHC see the library packages installed in the profile.
 NixOS has those wrappers for many packages (like gcc, python, and so on)
 for precisely that purpose. It's a bit of inconvenience at first, but in
 the long run the benefits outweigh the extra effort.

Ah, that makes sense. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), there is no need
for me to install xmonad with nix-env: I actually ended up just doing
everything in configuration.nix, by adopting the configuration Shea Levy
posted in this thread (thanks, Shea!!), which installed
ghc/xmonad/xmonad-contrib correctly (all modules are recognized by

   Strangely, I can't use this convenient syntax, because nix throws an
   $ nix-env -iA haskellPackages.{xmonad,ghc}
   error: attribute `haskellPackages' in selection path `haskellPackages' 
 not found
   I've already done a nixos-checkout, so, I don't understand why my
   freshly-installed NixOS is coughing up this error...
 The exact attribute path that you have to use depends on the way your
 system is installed. nix-env -qaP \* should print the proper paths for
 your system.

The nix-env -qaP \* command does work, but I am unable to make sense
of the output. For example, there is this line:


I can see that the second column is the package name, but what is the
first column? How do I use it so I can use the nix-env -iA syntax?

   $ nix-env -qaA '*'
   warning: you probably meant to specify the argument '*' to show all 
   error: attribute `*' in selection path `*' not found
 I guess that you meant to use the P option instead of A?

No, because the nix-env manpage explicitly says nix-env -qaA '*' gives
the attribute paths. Could this be a typo in the manpage?

Anyway, thanks to everyone's help, I've got a running system with Xmonad
+ urxvt + zsh. So things are looking 99% identical to my 2+ year Arch
Linux setups on my other machines... :)

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] some basic questions from a new NixOS user

2011-11-30 Thread Linus Arver
On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 06:33:08AM +0100, Nicolas Pierron wrote:
 Hi Linus,
 On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 03:37, Linus Arver wrote:
  On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 02:42:03PM -0800, Linus Arver wrote:
  On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 12:35:01AM +0100, Nicolas Pierron wrote:
   Hi Linus,
   On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 22:44, Linus Arver wrote:
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 07:00:29PM +0100, Nicolas Pierron wrote:
   chsh does not work if you reference your user inside NixOS
   configuration file, the reason is that each time you boot, NixOS
   activation script will update /etc/passwd file with the list of users
   and shells.  But you can update your shell inside your
   configuration.nix file.  Have a look at one module of my
  Thanks for this. I adapted the
    users.extraUsers = [
      { name = nicolas;
        uid = 1000;
        group = users;
        extraGroups = [ wheel share ];
        description = Nicolas Pierron;
        home = /home/nicolas;
        shell = pkgs.zsh + /bin/zsh;
    users.extraGroups = [
      { name = share;
        gid = 1001;
    environment.systemPackages = [
  I just wanted to point out to future zsh users for NixOS that using the
  above setting will work if you are inside an X process, because the bash
  shell that runs the X stuff sources /etc/bashrc, /etc/profile for all
  the right global system PATHs (see
  /etc/nixos/nixos/modules/programs/bash/bash.nix). But if you log in from
  a virtual console tty (e.g., CTRL+ALT+F1), or if you SSH in, your zsh
  won't source the abovementioned files, resulting in an unusable shell.
 What I did on my server was to add the following lines in /etc/zshenv file.
 emulate bash
 alias shopt=false
 . /etc/profile
 unalias shopt
 emulate zsh

Every day, I learn something new. Thanks.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] some basic questions from a new NixOS user

2011-11-29 Thread Linus Arver
Hi Peter!

I see that you're on NixOS as well. You might remember me from the
Arch-Haskell list some time ago...

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 06:02:33PM +0100, Peter Simons wrote:
 Hi Linus,
   But I must ask, how did you install xmonad? I tried nix-env -i
   xmonad but it did not work [...]
 Haskell packages that contain library code generally depend on the
 version of the compiler they've been built with. Almost all Haskell
 packages have the appropriate compiler version baked into their package
 name. Consequently, there are many different versions of XMonad:
   $ nix-env -qaP \* | grep xmonad-ghc
 Which version is preferable to you depends on the compiler that you
 prefer. At the moment, I would recommend to stick to GHC 7.0.4.

Yes, I got this impression from seeing all the different xmonad/ghc
packages with the different versions. I did

$ nix-env -qa \*  pkgs

and kept that file around as a sort of primitive reference for all the
available packages, and that's how I learned about all the different
versions. I did something like

$ nix-env -i haskell-xmonad-ghc7.0.4
$ nix-env -i haskell-ghc7.0.4

to get my Haskell packages installd.

   Strangely, it appears that the haskell packages cannot see each other
   properly, because I cannot use any of the xmonad-contrib modules in
   my xmonad.hs, even though I've installed xmonad-contrib. I can fire
   up ghci, but I can't even load up the XMonad Haskell module,
   either. Strange...
 I cannot reproduce that problem:
   $ nix-env -iA haskellPackages.{xmonad,ghc}
   installing `haskell-xmonad-ghc7.0.4-0.10'
   installing `ghc-7.0.4-wrapper'
   building path(s) 
   created 7452 symlinks in user environment
   $ ghci
   GHCi, version 7.0.4:  :? for help
   Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
   Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
   Loading package base ... linking ... done.
   Loading package ffi-1.0 ... linking ... done.
   Prelude :m XMonad
   Prelude XMonad :browse
   (--) :: (Monad m, Data.Monoid.Monoid a) = m Bool - m a - m a
   class Num a = Data.Bits.Bits a where

If I had known about the simple syntax I would
have used it with my nix-env invocations! Another thing to add to the

Strangely, I can't use this convenient syntax, because nix throws an

$ nix-env -iA haskellPackages.{xmonad,ghc}
error: attribute `haskellPackages' in selection path `haskellPackages' not 

I've already done a nixos-checkout, so, I don't understand why my
freshly-installed NixOS is coughing up this error...

 Generally speaking, GHC can see all Haskell packages that have been
 installed into the same profile as the compiler itself.

Evidently, my newbie, trial-and-error attempt to install xmonad/ghc with
nix-env has already broken my Haskell-package setup...

I just read the manual for nix-env to find out more about the -A flag,
and found this sentence: To find out the attribute paths of available
packages, use nix-env -qaA '*'. Unfortunately, this does not work for

$ nix-env -qaA '*'
warning: you probably meant to specify the argument '*' to show all packages
error: attribute `*' in selection path `*' not found

It appears that something has gone horribly wrong...


P.S. I apologize in advance for any typos in the error messages/console
output --- the problematic NixOS install on my spare laptop is not in a
workable state so I'm just copying everything by hand into another
laptop to send these emails.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] some basic questions from a new NixOS user

2011-11-29 Thread Linus Arver
Hello Shea,

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 12:46:16PM -0500, Shea Levy wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm coming to this thread late and haven't read it all, but in case it's 
 useful I have working nixos configurations that use xmonad available 
 online. I don't use nix-env to install anything on my nixos systems, 
 just nixos-rebuild for it all.
 for the nixos configuration. If I remember correctly, the relevant parts 
 are the bottom half of environment.x11Packages and the services.xserver 
 See for the xmonad 
 configuration files I use. I symlink the relevant ones to my home directory.

Thank you for the links!  I am in the process of incorporating your
configuration style (using just nixos-rebuild for everything)... I will
report back after the big rebuild finishes.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] some basic questions from a new NixOS user

2011-11-28 Thread Linus Arver
On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 09:20:34PM -0700, Kevin Quick wrote:
 On Sat, 26 Nov 2011 15:42:03 -0700, Linus Arver wrote:
 this in my configuration.nix:
services.xserver = {
 enable = true;
 layout = us;
# Automatic login as regular user (no need to put up with entering
 # password)
 displayManager = {
 auto = {
 enable = true;
 user = l; # login as l
# Enable XMonad
 windowManager = {
 xmonad.enable = true;
 I have:
   services.xserver = {
 enable = true;
 windowManager.xmonad.enable = true;
 windowManager.default = xmonad;
 This seems to work fine. 

Thanks! I added

windowManager.default = xmonad;

into my configuration and now xmonad finally starts up automatically on

 Although xmonad restarts itself out of
 your .xmonad directory, the main version is available:
 $ which xmonad
 $ ls -lh `which xmonad`
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root nixbld 67 Nov  2 12:59
 /home/kquick/.nix-profile/bin/xmonad -

So, I stated in my previous email that I thought the xmonad-related
things in configuration.nix were essentially broken. I've since
installed xmonad with nix-env, and now xmonad is in my path.

But I must ask, how did you install xmonad? I tried nix-env -i xmonad
but it did not work, so I looked into all the available packages and
found haskell-xmonad-ghc7.0.4 which is what I ended up installing.

Strangely, it appears that the haskell packages cannot see each other
properly, because I cannot use any of the xmonad-contrib modules in my
xmonad.hs, even though I've installed xmonad-contrib. I can fire up
ghci, but I can't even load up the XMonad Haskell module, either.

I guess this is the price you have to pay to run an exotic setup on an
alpha-stage OS...

 I did a nixos-rebuild switch, but xmonad does not get started.
 In my experience there are some elements that cannot switch and a
 reboot is required; I don't recall if xmonad was one of these, but
 it may be if X is not restarted by the switch.

First, let me clarify my poor choice of words --- what I really meant
was: I did a 'nix-rebuild switch', but xmonad does not get started
after I reboot into the new configuration. But yes, your point still
stands --- X and xmonad do not get restarted immediately after
nixos-rebuild switch. I did read somewhere in the manual that not all
processes get restarted (or that NixOS *tries* to restart all services
if it can), so this quirk won't confuse newbies, I think.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] some basic questions from a new NixOS user

2011-11-24 Thread Linus Arver
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 08:21:25AM +0100, Marc Weber wrote:
 You're welcome.
  1a. I've added a new user account with useradd, per the manual, and
 3 ways: 
 1) /var/run/current-system/sw/bin/ like installation by configuration.nix
 2) system wide root installation ? (not sure about it)
 3) user installation.
 All can be rolled back. nix-env --list-generations etc (see man or do

Ah, I did not know about nix-env --list-generations. This is great!
I'll add a wiki entry about this.

  environment.systemPackages = [
 Looks fine to me.


nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] some basic questions from a new NixOS user

2011-11-23 Thread Linus Arver
Hello all,

I'm new to this list. I just installed NixOS on a spare laptop of mine
(with the minimum CD) by following the manual at The
system boots into the slim login manager at startup, since I enabled the
services.xserver portion in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix.

Anyway, here are some questions.

1a. I've added a new user account with useradd, per the manual, and
have done a couple installations of software with `nix-env -i'. This is
great, but I'm curious --- what is the preferred way to install
software? The wiki page at
says that there are two ways to install software --- system-wide (by
editing environment.systemPackages), and per-user (by just doing nix-env
-i [package]). My understanding is that in order to get the advertised
advantages of NixOS's rollback functionality, you have to do system-wide
installs because the whole nixos-rebuild command only looks at
/etc/nixos/configuration.nix. I.e., there is no way to rollback the
system on a per-user basis. So, do most people on here have a very long
environment.systemPackages definition in their configuration.nix,
defining all system-wide packages?

1b. If I wanted zsh, git, and rxvt-unicode to be available system-wide,
can I do:

environment.systemPackages = [

in my configuration.nix? There does not seem to be any documentation
regarding the syntax for this.

2. If I do nix-env -i as the root user, then the installation is only
for the root user, correct?

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