Re: [Nix-dev] Unfree packages in Nixpkgs

2014-04-13 Thread Marc Weber
> How do I pass "allowUnfree = true" to nix-repl, so that it lets me evaluate
> unfree expressions?

  nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;


  { pkgs, ... } : {
allowUnfree = true;

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Unfree packages in Nixpkgs

2014-04-09 Thread Marc Weber
While I appreciate that things are simple I'm sure we can do even

nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePackages = ["skype" "ati"];
or simply "all" or true to allow all

When setting to true you still may get "new unfree" software unnoticed.

Would you mind thinking about whether having such an explicit white list
would be more valuable than just using "true/false" ?

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Accidental force push to nixpkgs

2014-04-08 Thread Marc Weber

1) push to another repository which allows seting up hooks, then sync to

2) don't preven this when pushing, prevent when pulling by:

  git merge --ff-only or .git/config:

   When set to only, only such fast-forward merges are allowed (equivalent
   to giving the --ff-only option from the command line).

Using Google did not reveal more options to me.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] versionedDeravation / php fpm / cups 1.7

2014-04-08 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Domen Kožar's message of Mon Apr 07 17:31:58 + 2014:
> As soon as we allow more than one design pattern for sharing code between
> packages,
package in my use cases means "having same name and having most build
instructions be the same".

We do already have "sharing" for different "systems", eg
src = if system = "X" then fetchurl else fetchurl ..

Eg eclipse case.

> I'm OK with versionedDerivation, if we come to consensus it's better than
> current approach and someone ports current codebase to use
> versionedDerivation.
That's not what I'm asking for: (rewriting code). The main request is:
Is it worth thinking that much about such small things if such patches
fix real world problems people might suffer from.
I want to achieve the goals with reasonably low effort - thus do what
works fastest. If we can imagine that this happens on this own - there
is no reason to fear that there is a maintenance burden - because if
there is one it'll be refactored (because contributors want to be done
fast, too)

> TL;DR: having more than one way to share code between packages 
Thus you'd vote for "mkDerivation" and being the only sensible
ways to share code ? :) Just trying to illustrate that its hard to
define what one labels as "shared code".

> burden to maintenance
We should talk about specific cases, not about "general things" which
are hard to grasp.

Please keep in mind that you cannot prevent programmers from shooting
themselves into their feet - no matter what you do.

The question I'm asking is: Am I doing this is the cases I provided and
for what reason - and which kind of gun am I using (soft balls or

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] gnome 3 suport

2014-04-08 Thread Marc Weber
Hi Roelof, I have a "deja vue",

Is it true that you asked this in 2011?

We have "gnome" expressions in nixpkgs, because gnome libraries are used
by some applications which compile and work (eg network manager or

I'm unsure about whether gnome desktop is supported now. I think its
still not (please correct me if I'm wrong). Thus try to clarify whether
you're talking about gnome libraries or the gnome desktop.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Hash Collisions

2014-04-08 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Raahul Kumar's message of Tue Apr 08 03:11:03 + 2014:
> Thanks Marc, Kiril. Is there a way to create packages such that they don't
> provide redundant files? It's a waste of bandwidth to download a file,
> then be unable to use it because there is already a copy there. I guess
> deduplication is what I am looking for.
I'll give you another useful tip: If you want to "save bandwidth" then
switch to binary distro. While nixos has had the ability to create
"binary differences" I'm unsure wether its activated/available at the
moment. It was disabled in the past. Maybe somebody else can comment on

Also "waste of space/bandwidth" always happens because:

  - nixos always ships with header files for all libraries
(this could be fixed because nix supports multiple outputs)

  - if you replace "coreutils" you'll have to download everything, not
just coreutils

To sum up: You're talking about having some man files twice (which
should not take much space if they are compressed). Thus I don't think
the effort/value ratio is great if you start fixing things at that level
:( - We still use nixos because we think the values nixos provides
(atomic updates, deterministic distributed builds) are more important to

Anyway: Welcome to nixos :)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Hash Collisions

2014-04-07 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Thomas Bereknyei's message of Mon Apr 07 13:48:45 + 2014:
> I have seen these collisions as well, but I do not understand them. They
> don't seem to have a detrimental effect on anything.

Let me explain: nixos builds a "system profile". Eg ls -l /run/current-system/sw

When two packages which get linked to that directory provide the same
file (see your log) - then collisions happen.
Now its up to you to review / change order to make the difference which
man page will be opened for instance.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] versionedDeravation / php fpm / cups 1.7

2014-04-07 Thread Marc Weber
 (otherwise its
  the wrong tool)

discussing versionedDerivation - arguments

In Eelco Dolstra described
what he "dislikes":

  My main objection to versionedDerivation is the wackiness of
  having package functions that take the version as an argument,

  { stdenv, fetchurl, version ? "5.3" }:
  versionedDerivation "cups" version { ... }
  There is nothing about the function interface that tells you what
  the valid values of version are, and thus what versions are
  supported. What you should do is return an attribute set
  containing the supported versions:

  { stdenv, fetchurl }:
php_5_3 = ...;
php_5_4 = ...;
  Of course, you can factor out the commonality between versions any way 
you want, e.g.

makePHP = common: stdenv.mkDerivation ({ ... } // common);
  in {
php_5_3 = makePHP {
  name = "php-5.3.50";
  src = fetchurl { ... };
  Alternatively, you can have separate files for each expression
  that include a file common.nix for the common stuff (like we do
  for the Linux kernel).


  I agree that it does make sense to "docmuent" which versions are
  The easy answer is:
  The default version is documented in the argument list, the others
  just mean "can be build - or there has been a time where it did build"
  unless they get referenced somewhere (most likely in all-packages.nix,
  see php5_3fpm example above. Whether this should be documented this way
  is another story.
  => I've created a new page:

  Documenting wich packages are how well supported is an open issue
  IMHO. This just is "yet another way".

  The pattern Eelco Dolstra is discussing is used in different context
  and with some varation, eg in python-packages.nix:

  python-packages.nix takes as arguments:

{ pkgs, python, lowPrio }:

  Thus while its not taking a version, you still have no idea which
  python you may pass (or python versions ..) - thus IMHO its not that
  much differing :)

  A similar argument could be applied to "systems". (eg darwin vs
  x86_64 i686):
  php."5.3"."darwin" to indicate its fine to be used on darwin.

  From this point of view there is not that much wrong by
  versionedDerivation, the only change neccessary would be making it
  return all versions as attrs so that such usage would be valid:

phps =import php/default.nix;
php_5_3 = import php/default.nix { }."5.3.x";
php_5_4 = import php/default.nix { }."5.4.x";

  Thus does it differ that much from [Example 3] above which looks like

php5_3fpm = php5_3.override { sapi = "fpm"; version = "5.3.x"; };

  How would the "perfect PHP nixpkgs implementation" look like?

let commonConfigureFlagDescription = [ long list .. ];

let phpDerivation = { commonConfigureFlagDescription, version,
  src_md5_hash, patches ? [], allowFastCGI }: {
// the common code merging the options

mergexdebuglikestuff = php: php // {
  xdebug = ..
  acp = ..
  ... = ..;

phps = {
  php5_2 = mergexdebuglikestuff (phpDerivation {
long list of options
  php5_3 = mergexdebuglikestuff (phpDerivation {
  php5_4 = mergexdebuglikestuff (phpDerivation {
  php5_5 = mergexdebuglikestuff (phpDerivation {

   In the end is it that much more readable than what I already have?
   Link -> [Example 3] PHP above

   I totally agree that I should refactor if newer versions happen to be
   totally different - it just didn't happen that way (yet) could be
   cause I've been lucky though.

Can you reply if you have new arguments about why versionedDeravation
is nice/bad so that we get a comprehensive list and that I understand
which is the best way to rewrite those patches ?

Also ping me if you're interested in testing either patch.

Thanks for helping me gain awarness .. :)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Repo for incomplete/unmaintained work

2014-04-06 Thread Marc Weber
We've had some discussion, my proposal was:
Add a marker such as "unmaintained-since: ..."
then remove after 6 month or so. Due to the "since" you know exactly
what to remove.

The hard thing is to define what it means to be "maintained or

Thus you could also introduce markers such as

  maintainance-levels = [ "gets-updated-within-a-week-if-new-version-appears" 
"somebody is reviewing code" ".."];

Not sure whether it would make sense.

Whether such code gets moved to another repository or not - which is the
benefit/ difference from having a simple wiki page "unmaintained
packages for nixos/ can be found in nixpkgs git history"? Then at least
google finds it .. No idea.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Maven support in nix

2014-04-06 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from shacka's message of Sun Apr 06 20:51:22 + 2014:
> is it possible to build maven project as nix package?
Not at all. Maven has its own dependency management, and nobody has
worked on porting this to nix (AFAIK).

Existing solutions (non Java):
- cabal2nix (cabal descriptions to nix)
- py2nix (or such) same for python
- ruby2nix (or such ) same for ruby

-hacknix/nixpkgs-ruby-overlay (they convert hackage/rubyforge to a pool
which gets translated to .nix files, derivations get created by
functions on the fly)

some time age there was announced some work /question about bundler
support (ruby)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Language integration (Was: NiJS package manager)

2014-04-02 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Matthew Sackman's message of Wed Apr 02 11:18:32 + 2014:
> But I'm not sure we're disagreeing, or actually talking about the same
> thing. So if I've misunderstood, please do say!
But in the end in which way does nix differ from rpms or homebrew etc?
Nix allows having multiple versions of the same package, except that
there is not a big difference.. That's why once you can generate nix
derivations it should be possible to build rpms eventually.
Of course for the "nix store" programs are more likely to work due to
the "every tool knowns about its own dependencies" strategy.

So of course we basically do agree.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NiJS package manager

2014-04-01 Thread Marc Weber
Please think the other way round:
- most linux distributions (exceptions LFS I know about) want to install

  Some packages (such as gnome) have dependency information, but only
  encoded in "configure" scripts or READMEs.

Rubyforge and PyPi (don't know what's current in python community) do
have some limited readable information. At least my nixpkgs-ruby-overlay
is based on it.

Thus maybe there is a way to convert dependency information rather than
duplicating the work.

Even omitting "dependency information' - just knowing about the latest
stable version - would make it easier to keep nixpkgs/NiJS/guix up to
date IMHO.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NiJS package manager

2014-04-01 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Matthew Sackman's message of Tue Apr 01 11:12:32 + 2014:
> I'm guessing that the mechanical "let's attempt to translate
> $language-specific-deps-file into nix" has been tried and found wanting?
> I can see there's the node-packages-generated.nix, and others, but is
> that approach appropriate to all such languages?


I think python in the past has had an option to determine the "depedencies" at

ruby solves this by having different gem specs for different targets (JVM, 
ruby, operating system)

Haskell has a very complicated configuration system called "cabal" which allows
conditional descriptions such as:

flag is_windows

executable foo
if is_windows:

We should not be against a new option, we should think harder about
collaborating so that all targets will work - which one is the best fit
for use cases - future might tell.

guile -> ecma script:
The difference is that guile has to compile everything to JS.
AFAIK what Sander suggested is having the js interpreter only read some
of all .js files - just enough to compile some packages (like nix does).

Anyway - if Eelco decides on "switching" - I'd like to remind that less
important policies might not be important at all :)

Do we have any idea how much time nix spends on "blocking IO" ?
I guess this would be interesting to know ..
I know there is some benchmarking code ..

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NiJS package manager

2014-04-01 Thread Marc Weber

> I have discovered that the Nix expression language is complicated and
> difficult to learn. Like Haskell, it has a solid theoretical foundation
> and powerful features (such as laziness), but it's too hard to learn by
> developers without an academic background.
What is this based on?

Which is the "async" problem you were faced by using Nix? Thus which
problem are you going to solve ?

I personally have use cases in mind such as querying a server knowing
about all ruby/python/haskell/perl/your-language-X packages - so that we
don't need to distribute 50.000 package descriptions (rubyforge case) or

But anyway: We have 3 solutions for describing packages:
nix, guix, nixjs

Thus eventually its time to think about which information could be
shared. Who would join a "software version documentation" project
allowing people to upload "the most recent version of my software is X,
and it requires Z, FOO, BAR" ?

Then some nix, nijs, guix packages could be derived automatically (like
haskell, ruby, xorg, .. packages). And all the other package systems
such as debian could benefit eventually, too.


Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] rdesktop update (94591762fed8344) broke virtual box remote access?

2014-03-02 Thread Marc Weber
Lluís Batlle upgraded due to copy paste issues, but thereby broke
virtualbox access. could be a related bug
report (didn't test)

( talks about
virtualbox containing a rdesktop-vrdp (does anybody know about it?)

The changes below make rdesktop versions 1.7.1 18.1 and svn version
accessible, the trunk version still suffers.

For me just sticking to the old version is enough.

I don't want to spend much time thus this note only.

{stdenv, fetchurl, openssl, libX11, versionedDerivation

, automake, autoconf, libtool
, version ? "1.7.1"

versionedDerivation "rdesktop" version {
  "1.7.1" = rec {
# connects to virtualbox
configureFlags = [ "--with-openssl=${openssl}" ];
pname = "rdesktop";
version = "1.7.1";
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
  url = "mirror://sourceforge/${pname}/${name}.tar.gz";
  sha256 = "0yc4xz95w40m8ailpjgqp9h7bkc758vp0dlq4nj1pvr3xfnl7sni";
  "1.8.1" = rec {
# + fixed some copy paste for viric
# - does not connect to virtualbox
#   ( talks about
#   virtualbox containing a rdesktop-vrdp
# could be related
pname = "rdesktop";
version = "1.8.1";
name = "${pname}-${version}";

src = fetchurl {
  url = "mirror://sourceforge/${pname}/${name}.tar.gz";
  sha256 = "0il248cdsxvwjsl4bswf27ld9r1a7d48jf6bycr86kf3i55q7k3n";

configureFlags = [

  # "svn" = {
  # does not fix it
  #   # REGION AUTO UPDATE: { name="rdesktop"; type="svn"; 
url="svn://"; }
  #   src = (fetchurl { url = 
"";; sha256 = 
"2db48c0ea5a6122e29f5d32af9045c9f1cc76eb7033ef4035a2296f2254c8b9a"; });
  #   name = "rdesktop-svn-1789";
  #   # END

  #   buildInputs = [ automake autoconf libtool ];

  #   preConfigure = "sh bootstrap";

  #   configureFlags = [
  # "--with-openssl=${openssl}"
  # "--disable-credssp"
  # "--disable-smartcard"
  #   ];
  # };

} {

  buildInputs = [openssl libX11];

  meta = {
description = "rdesktop is an open source client for Windows Terminal 
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] ntp monlist ddos vulnerability

2014-02-24 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Mathijs Kwik's message of Mon Feb 24 16:27:58 + 2014:
> Our ntpd version (stable, 2011) contains a feature called 'monlist',
> which is enabled by default. This feature has recently been abused by
> huge ntp-amplification ddos attacks.
I'd say its a strong reason - so at least make it "opt-in" and document
it (or do what you proposed)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list


2014-02-19 Thread Marc Weber
Why can't we introduce a config.args which gets merged into the attrs to
be passed?

This would not break pretty much everything still make it possible to
pass additional args in two ways, via {, ...} and config.args.

This would be kind of mixing "traditional approach" with "use config"
only - by allowing both ?

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] lens 4 transition plan?

2014-02-19 Thread Marc Weber
You're right, hack-nix assumes that there are too many variations of
building packages, which is why it allows to change "flags" for
individual targets. You're right, there are no "binary caches", but once
a dependency got compiled its likely to be reused for other projects,
most libraries get compiled fast once you have ghc - and ghc is the
same ..

hack-nix provides another nice feature for "power users" (like you claim
to be one): it generates tags for all depedencies, thus you can jump to
source easily - eg map or sequence or whatever you use.

There are pro/cons. Of course do whatever you feel happy with :)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] lens 4 transition plan?

2014-02-19 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Gergely Risko's message of Wed Feb 19 10:04:22 + 2014:
> Asking this, because having both lens3 and lens4 can cause some
> instances to be provided multiple times and that causes some pain.  I
> just ignored linear for now in my system, but I really would like to
> minimize the timespan of the situation where half my packages depend on
> lens3 and the other half on lens4. :)

If this continues to be a problem you can give hack-nix a try which was
written for such cases (there are some other small issues, though).

If you can point me to source of some sample packages I can tell you
whether there are problems.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] nix-shell NetworkManager

2014-02-17 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Sergey Mironov's message of Sun Feb 16 19:08:40 + 2014:
> > What may go wrong? Who are in charge of reading the NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE?
gcc is wrapped (but eg cpp is not [1], because usually its called by gcc).
Some build systems drop env vars (eg scons by default did so [2]).

Who is in charge? I don't know whether there are policies.

[1] didn't recheck whether its still the way it was.
   (unsure about what is current, didn't recheck)
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Using Nix to manage dotfiles

2014-02-10 Thread Marc Weber
About bash/zsh: I once had a patch (still using it) which has some
support for opting in/out from bash/zsh features.

The main thing was adding

  source /etc/bash/setup-all

which serves as example. This way users get updates (this is nicer than
having a symlink, because users can edit easier).

For .vim you can can use "source otherfile.vim", too.
Then users can opt out (maybe even temporarely).
You can be even smarter:

if $NIX_DEFAULTS == yes
  source ..

then users can opt-out/in by controlling NIX_DEFAULTS ..

Please note that vim plugin support is still week in nixos.

The perfect upstream would be joiniing
and use that as source. Then there would be about 5000 plugins of which
only some would be used ... (?)

vim-addon-manager does apply some manually patched magic to move some
files into the correct directories or setting a subdir to be the

Duplicating it can be done, it might be worth it - but would take some
time. If you want to do it talk to vim-pi team (eg by creating issues)
shows all options about managing plugins which are known to me in some

Eg NeoBundle and vim-addon-manager both allow lazy loading of plugins as

(Those are just some thoughts ..)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] How to install in NixOS in a KVM virtual machine?

2014-02-08 Thread Marc Weber
Qemu is a common backend for KVM, isn't it?

There you can attach disks created by qemu-img.
Then you can attach cdroms. Eg

qemu-system-... -hda img  -cdrom image.iso 

Then you can install as usual.

The -hda might be too simple, nixpkgs/nixos has some tests illustrating
how to attach (so that grub finds disk position - eg have a look at

kvm or VirtualBox? Depends on the features you want. VirtualBox
traditionally has better graphic support and special drivers allowing to
share clipboard, resize screen and the like (no idea whether kvm
followed this). Thus if you care about gui VirtualBox could be the
better option for that reason (You cannot have kvm and VirtualBox at the
same time AFAIK - maybe this changed).

Except the default installer iso you can try minimnal install archives
etc, see "installing nixos @ XY" guides at the wiki, they are official.

I have inofficial minimal install archives, they could be easier to use
but might be broken at the moment (and less well tested).

At least this mail should help you find out what you're missing exactly.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] Bluetooth support - nixos

2014-02-06 Thread Marc Weber
I'd like to connect my smartphone with internet via laptop
hostapd fails:

  Feb 06 14:50:17 nixos hostapd[9780]: wlp5s0: STA 00:23:76:de:48:8e IEEE 
802.11: authenticated
  Feb 06 14:50:17 nixos hostapd[9780]: wlp5s0: STA 00:23:76:de:48:8e IEEE 
802.11: associated (aid 1)
  Feb 06 14:50:17 nixos hostapd[9780]: wlp5s0: STA 00:23:76:de:48:8e RADIUS: 
starting accounting session 52F3930...01
  Feb 06 14:50:17 nixos hostapd[9780]: wlp5s0: STA 00:23:76:de:48:8e IEEE 
802.11: disassociated
  Feb 06 14:50:18 nixos hostapd[9780]: wlp5s0: STA 00:23:76:de:48:8e IEEE 
802.11: deauthenticated due to inactiv...EMOVE)
(maybe driver or hardware issue?)

Has anybody tried creating a bluetooth network successfully ?

blueman: (gtk frontend), but its broken since 2 obex versions [1]

And there is bluedevil (requires kde).

Has anybody some experience and can hint me what to try first?

Marc Weber

[1] I guess it would be easy to fix
obex readme contains this hint:
  Upgrading to version 1.6
  The function OBEX_FindInterfaces is replaced by the functions
  OBEX_EnumerateInterfaces() and OBEX_GetInterfaceByIndex().
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Please explain grub installer

2014-02-04 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Sergey Mironov's message of Tue Feb 04 12:04:45 +0100 2014:
> >From the perl side, ./ reads ARGV[0] and ARGV[1].
> ARGV[0] turns out to contain the path to XML. OK. And ARVG[1] contains
> a mysterious config. AFAIK it should point to the folder with kernel,
> initrd and others. But where does it come from?

Nix has "state", too. That state is history of previous nixos-rebuild
boot/switch runs. That state is recorded in 
/nix/var/nix/gcroots/profiles/system* or such
Those previous installations get passed or are read by the perl script.

They get turned into the grub menu. The older bash script also has had
"sub configurations" which broke when the script was rewritten in perl.

Now those system links contain everything which is needed to make up the
  - the kernel
  - the system environemnt
  - the configuration name
  - ..

It should be trivial to follow nixpkgs/nixos/* and grep for the perl
script usage.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Gutenprint cups drivers

2014-02-01 Thread Marc Weber
I forgot to say that the only reason why you may need my patch (newer
cupsd) is that the old cups version stopped printing at 30% of a page
randomly - the rest of the page was blank.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Gutenprint cups drivers

2014-02-01 Thread Marc Weber
For whatever reason it happened that I symlinked gutenprintCVS ppds but
was using gutenprint filters ..

Patch updated:

This should be pretty much all you need

  printing = {
enable = true;
gutenprintPackage =; // 
or .gutenprint

See description:

  gutenprintPackage = mkOption {
default = null;
description = ''
  Enable gutenprint by setting this options to
  Unless this setting is null (default) gutenprint.ppds will be symlinked 
to /run/current-system/sw/ppds/.
  When installing a new printer in cupsd web interface select the matching 
ppd file.

There might still be "style issues" (depending on view point) with this
patch .. but works for me.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Gutenprint cups drivers

2014-02-01 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from coroa's message of Sat Feb 01 22:37:10 +0100 2014:
> there are the packages gutenprint and gutenprintBin.
Bin in the past contained more recent drivers.

My branches ( know how to compile gutenprint from
source. However to use eg canon pixma you also need current cupsd (based
on PDF transformations rather than PS) - but I only did enough work to
make my printers work - eg printing sample pages does not work yet with
newest cupsd.

The reason I had to package CSV version is no longer valid for me,
current source distribution contains everything I need - however
building was a lot of fun (work) .. so I still keep it around.
(I also created a pull request for that reason).

In order to use gutenprint you should also create ppd files.
(in my branches [1] they'll get symlinked to /run/current-system/sw/ppds/*)
and they cane be accessed by gutenprint.ppds (-A attr path)

> Unable to find Gutenprint driver named "Canon PIXMA MG5200"!.
And I'm getting such error recently, too (with Canon PIXMA MP980 for

No idea when /why it broke yet. I'm about debugging it - its not a high
priority - I don't print much.

cupsd.conf setting
    LogLevel debug2

might help.

Marc Weber

[1] branch experimental/cups-1.6-and-1.7
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Maintainership

2014-01-29 Thread Marc Weber
And when to remove unmaintained lines? After yet another year or so?

unmaintained "git-hash" "package-name"  "2014-jan"
^^ so that you know when to remove that 
 ^ you may want to catch the install by name case
^^ you cannot instert it, you have to use the git hash
        before that one

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Maintainership

2014-01-29 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Alex Berg's message of Wed Jan 29 03:57:56 +0100 2014:
> Rather than removing unmaintained packages, can we make them available as a
> separate, opt-in channel?
Then they will bitrot even faster - because you have to test much more.
It would be possible, I've been using kind of overlays for a long time
(for haskell and ruby packages packaged "my automatic style")
But also see below, git history will be available always ..

@Jan Malakhovski
>For what it worth, I think unmaintained packages should not be removed
>just for the sake of it, especially when/if their nix-expressions are
Don't forget that history will always be accessible by using git search.
But I agree that its easy to miss that. Its non trivial to estimate how
much complicated packages (let's say openoffice/libreoffice for
instance) also change while packages are broken. In the open office /
libre office case open office was broken too, but the fix was not to fix
open office but to switch to libre office.

There are so many reasons that it does make sense to remove packages
after some time (maybe 6-12 month) which is why its important to
declarate since when they were broken.

At least that's what I think.

The more interesting question is whether we should try to keep all
tarballs mirrored, so that you at least have a chance to install the old
versions which worked once .. - Again nice users statistics would help
determining which source archives to keep.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Maintainership

2014-01-28 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Eelco Dolstra's message of Tue Jan 28 18:21:57 +0100 2014:
> It should be possible (if somewhat tricky) to gather this information from the
> logs of (at least for those packages that are actually in the
> cache).
You'll get cache hits for "trying packages" - but we need hits for
"usages". But you're right that that could be a starting point, too.

I just think that its very important to understand what gets used, too.

About debian and dropping: Right, If something does not work it should
be dropped. I just think its nice to have some guaranteed time to fix as
well as some hints that packages are broken. Whether a package gets
removed 3 month earlier/later doesn't matter as long as it gets masked
and then removed.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Maintainership

2014-01-28 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Shea Levy's message of Tue Jan 28 16:36:39 +0100 2014:
> Thoughts?
I'd try such:
1) replace broken = true by broken_since="date";
  (Even maintained packages can be broken - and if they don't get fixed
  within 3-6 month they can be "unmaintained" this way.

2) send reminder to use the script to upload app usages (maybe quartely
  by mailinglist)

3) one month after the reminder was sent packages which are still
  broken and were broken for more than a month.

Think about whether unused (but non broken) packages should be removed,

Thus I'd send the maintainers a list of packages they maintain once a
year, too. Then they can think about which ones to drop eventually.

Its hard to define "high quality" - eg do we expect maintainers to
review code, too? ...

Maybe it does make sense to think about having different maintainance
modes such as:

  - important - people depend on it - issues will be fixed fast and
updates will be made, too?

  - not important, will be fixed if there is time.

The real solution is to start a repository about source versions so
that maintainers can upload references to their source tarballs with
changelog - also introducing flags such as [this new version fixes a
security issue] - then maintainers (also from other distros) could be
notified automatically rather than thinking that maintainers will poll
homepages regularly .. (which I don't do for most packages I created

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Pulling a programs source code from a git repo

2014-01-26 Thread Marc Weber
In theory git hash should be enough, however nobody implemented a
githash=".." attribute for fixed builds.

Thus nixprefetchurl can be used.
I personally wrote "nix-repository-manager" which runs git clone/pull
in a local directory. This way updating is "faster" if there are only
some updates, and you can update multiple repositories at the same time.
Eg I've assigned all "gimp" related repositories or haxe related
repositories to "gimp_group" or "haxe_group" and update them in parallel
nix-repository-manager 2 . --update-then-publish gimp_group haxe_group
(update-then-publish updates archives and uploads them to my server)

Downside is that you explicitly have to upload the tarball somewhere.
grep nixpkgs for "REGION AUTO UPDATE". A second downside is that
requires more "trust" to trust such archives :/
So yes, I really should update it one time to output fetchgit lines
instead ..

You may also want to have a look at this wiki article which should be

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Is NixOS a practical proposition for me?

2014-01-18 Thread Marc Weber
> gnome
I tried once, worked 2-3 days on it without getting close (but that time
it was shortly before release 3).

Updating kde also took quite a while. So it is a lot of effort.

Package sources can be derived from gnome ftp servers easily.
Figuring out about dependencies and eventually patching due to store
paths would be most work.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] how to overwrite a derivation in nix

2014-01-10 Thread Marc Weber
option 1: use ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix, see wiki "how to keep multiple
packages up to date" or such.

option 2: use applyGlobalOverrides
problem: its not exposed by pkgs AFAIK

option 3: when importing nipkgs pass config.nix (like option 1)

option 4: use deepOverride (see lib.misc.nix)

Then it would look like 
something_having_thunar_as_dep.deepOverride  {
  thunar = patch-thunar-here

Now it looks like you don't want to "override", instead you want to
reuse a build and add a patch only giving it a new name, this is done by
overrideDerivation found in lib/customization.nix

thunar is in xfce/core/thunar, and no top-level in all-packages.nix
and eg ./pkgs/desktops/xfce/core/xfdesktop.nix|2| depends on it.

Thus you might need any of the deep overriding methods listed above if
you want packages to change depending on it.

Eventually the most simple thing is to create a git topic branch and
just apply your change.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Cinnamon quitting

2013-12-21 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Roelof Wobben's message of Sat Dec 21 19:45:59 +0100 2013:
> Because I do not get Cinnamon work because of the error I mentioned
> I forced to quit this project.

If you write such a message
a) reference "the error you couldn't get to work"

b) Rethink whether Cinnamon is most important to you.

c) If it is, rethink whether you have to give up "on this project"
(whatever you mean by that) - eg you can happily install the nix
toolchain on ubuntu - thus get both - or install Cinnamon in a chroot

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Automatic makeWrapper

2013-12-12 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Tomasz Kontusz's message of Thu Dec 12 22:35:15 +0100 2013:
> Would a system like this be useful, and is the proposed API sane?
API no idea, nixpkgs-ruby-overlay has been using such for long to
automatically make all bin/* ruby packages find their dependencies.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] how to proceed the best

2013-12-07 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Roelof Wobben's message of Sat Dec 07 15:03:00 +0100 2013:
> Oke, 
> I can try this way but I do not fully understand how it works. 
> How can I make a branch that depends on x-updates for example 
> cinnanmon-desktop

# make sure a local branch exists:
git chekcout -tb x-updates origin/updates
# checkout the branch you want to depend on:
git checkout x-updates

tg create topic/cinnanmon-desktop
# write the topic contents (what you want to do into .topmsg)

Keeping up to date:
1) update local branch
git checkout x-updates && git pull
2) update your topgit branch
git checkout topic/cinnanmon-desktop
tg update
(follow instructions)

How to Export, thus feed upstream?
to export topic/cinnanmon-desktop

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] how to proceed the best

2013-12-07 Thread Marc Weber
You can automate following one or multiple branches by using topgit.
I've added a wiki article long time ago:

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] mozjs problem

2013-11-26 Thread Marc Weber
nix-shell can be used to run a shell in build environment easily.
pkg-config --list-packages or such shows all known packages.

grepping configure or or such for the package may tell you
which exact version is expected. This can help improving your

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] mozjs problem

2013-11-25 Thread Marc Weber
Add pkgconfig, man pkgconfig tells you about PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable.
nix-build -A pkgconfig -> nix-support/setup-hook

adds env hooks which get run by the standard builder:

  addPkgConfigPath () {
  addToSearchPath PKG_CONFIG_PATH $1/lib/pkgconfig
  addToSearchPath PKG_CONFIG_PATH $1/share/pkgconfig

  envHooks=(${envHooks[@]} addPkgConfigPath)

Thus adding pkgconfig to buildInputs should be enough.

The standard builder script is worth looking at and remembering:


Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Hardened NixOS

2013-11-18 Thread Marc Weber
Yes, start the wiki page.

Don't forgett that nixos has the "nesting" features for builds.

Thus you can build i686,x86_64 and hardened/not hardened systems at the
same time.

Ther is not much which can go wrong other than that you have to download
nix* stuff twice.

Its on my todo list to improve the perl based grub builder to allow such
showing such 'sub-systems' in the boot menu again. The feature already
was there when the bash builder script was used. Might take some time
till I manage to do so.

Having a very short writeup about
- feature -X description see link foo
  potential issues:

would be perfect.

Why do you fear people disagreeing ?

Let me rethink: there are 3 types of tools I use most:
- browser (This will not be hardened for JIT reasons?, this could
  benefit little)
- email (this could benefit a lot)
- editor (I trust scripts anyway)
- web servers (this could benefit, unless I use nodejs ..)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Hardened NixOS

2013-11-18 Thread Marc Weber
> Securing nixos
I guess we all want to be secure :)

I'd also like you to start a wiki page talking about
  - what could be done
  - what you want to be done
  - how to verify that the goal has been achieved (if this does make
  - what else could be done to have a secure system ..
  - how to detect that a "secure" system was hacked (or what do you try to
protect against ?)

> NixOS doesn't have many users, and hardened NixOS would have even less of
> them, then perhaps this is not necessary at the moment...
Maybe you should also try to tell us why some people of us would not
like to adopt your changes, eg are there obvious downsides /limitations
of the changes you propose ?

My two cents
Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] how much disk do I need ?

2013-11-16 Thread Marc Weber
> Sorry for maybe a stupid question but what is a VDI.
> Im installing NixOs on a normal harddisk.

Its a virtual disk image used by Virtual Box. Sorry, looks like I didn't
listen properly.

By the way: btrfs supports compression, thus eventually this can help
reducing required disk space, too.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] how much disk do I need ?

2013-11-16 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Roelof Wobben's message of Sat Nov 16 10:59:56 +0100 2013:
> I will make a partition of 30G. I have a disk of 70G so no problems.
> I have a problem with installing NixOs but therefore I made a issue (bug).
A VDI will grow and only use as much blocks as the operating system
(nixos) has written to. Thus even if your partition is 30G its unlikely
that you need that much (at the beginning ..)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Wiki spam

2013-11-13 Thread Marc Weber
Well done (Thanks!).
Pressing random page link 10 times only showed 'nix' content this time.

> Please make sure that when you add a page, it is linked from another article.
This is mentioned here: briefly now.

> help ..
I'd like to prevent spam rather then deleting spam. Thus if
If there are still problems I'd like to implement what I proposed.
The proposal is mentioned on this updated page:

It was about introducing a custom cookie which must be set in order to
see the standard registration/login forms. That would be set by
redirecting to a simple form whose action would set the cookie.

Thus if there are still problems please let me know.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Enabling CUPS unconditionally allows UDP/631 on the firewall

2013-11-13 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Eelco Dolstra's message of Wed Nov 13 11:47:32 +0100 2013:
> Well, only the administrator can enable the sshd service, anyway.  The 
> question
> is whether it's reasonable to expect that enabling sshd also opens port 22.

Whatever being open means (outside/inside/..)?

The perfect setup tracks
  - which ports apps should be listening on
  - which ports no apps are expected to listen on
There should be a script telling about both
This could be used for monitoring, too.

If you don't expect port  to be used and it is used then you want to

Eventually you want to allow access only from some ips etc. is on/off
enough? Or do we need more control? I remember having read about tools
which allow access to ports if you "unlock" them by accessing other
ports in a certain order and the like.

Thus eventually creating an attr set like this could be useful:

usedPorts = {

  // don't allow two services to use 9981. Thus if {port} gets
  // set twice cause configuration failure.
  9981.udp = {
by = "tvheadend";
allow_from = "";
  9982.tcp = {
by = "tvheadend";
protocol = 'http';
allow_from = "";


Then admins can create their own "whitelist" easily by using assertions
and by accessing usedPorts ..
Moreover it would protect against starting two services accessing the
same port by accident. And by introducing "protocol" it would be
possible to define http proxy chains in a "type safer" way.
Eg if apache gets configured to access localhost:8080 but no service is
connfigured to use that port this could be made an early failure

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Help Testing New Package

2013-11-12 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Alex Berg's message of Wed Nov 13 01:59:24 +0100 2013:
> How can I test the package I created in my fork of NixPkgs?
nix-build -A name location-of-your-fork/ (default.nix will be used which loads 

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Enabling CUPS unconditionally allows UDP/631 on the firewall

2013-11-12 Thread Marc Weber
A more complicated way would be introducing use cases such as
  - home (safe network)
  - public (unsafe network)

which changes defaults. But that would come with its own set of issues.

Thus I agree on disabling such features unless they are mandatory for a
service to function.

Everybody can introduce such safe/unsafe places on his/her own if

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Localizing firefox

2013-11-12 Thread Marc Weber
>   environment.systemPackages = with pkgs ; [
> ...
> (firefoxLocaleWrapper "ru")
> ...
>   ];
I haven't read details, but what if you have different users requiring
different locales? Thus what about using a list? (firefoxLocaleWrapper ["ru"])
If we are at it: For gimp I use something "object" like:

  (gimp.withPlugins ["pluginA" "pluginB"])

so what about using firefox.withLocales ["ru"]
Then we could improve it alter:

  ((firefox.withPlugins ["jre" "flash" "gnash" "mplayer"]).withLocales ["ru"])

Just a thought ..

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] ghc-7.6.3 vs haskellPlatform collision

2013-11-06 Thread Marc Weber
I haven't looked at details.
The main assumption: one ghc works for all could be wrong.

hack-nix and nixpkgs-haskell-overlay assume that and only build
particular environments for target packages. Thus instead of
having one env to build executable EA EB EC you get three which may
have common dependencies. Therefore you do no longer install ghc,
instead you install a scitp-{A,B,C} which augment PATH as needed to
build EA, EB, EC. Its an open question which is the best way to handle
this all. Peter and Andres Loeh have shown that the standard way works
great for almost all use cases.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Support for Nix language in Haskell

2013-10-30 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Sergey Mironov's message of Wed Oct 30 11:15:08 +0100 2013:
> Nix language. I can't find neither message, nor the package now. Could
> anybody point me to this thing?

What are you trying to do? (being curious)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] cups update

2013-10-26 Thread Marc Weber

I can print nice on Canon bjc-like printers finally.

First I had to make gutenprintCVS compile (long time ago),
then cups still failed - it printed only 30% of some pages.

Last week I started giving it another try by trying to update cups.
Cups has undergone some changes:

  - pdf is the default filter chain (unless the printer supports gs or

  - some stuff got moved into cups-filters because Apple decided to no
longer maintain it (openprinting took over)

  - cups has 2 configuration files now

  - probably some more eventually less important changes. You can read
the changelog yourself.

gutenprintCVS is no longer neededed (by me) - but being able to build it
might be useful again. In that patch there are still some typos.

So consider giving the cups update a try and help me fix the remaining
things such as print "test page" - test different converters etc.

I've tested printing pdf files (openoffice and lpr) which works.
Printing .ps files does not work yet.

Should we keep both cups versions for a while? If so how, eg introduce
services.cups (old)  services.cupsNext (new) and allow using only one of

Note: the gutenprint-cvs patch is not that important but could be useful

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Touching second physical hdd causes crash.

2013-10-25 Thread Marc Weber
while doing so do tail -f /var/log/messages and/or journalctl -f in a
second window, evetually the kernel has time to write something useful.

Make memory check - one run should be enough - the nixos install iso ships with

Try fdisk -l without that second disk - if you have a second way to
attach the same disk - try that, too. (Maybe a cable is bad)..
Eg attach the disk where your first disk is attached and boot from live

Try something like cat /dev/sdc > /dev/null to make sure that reading
from the disk is not causing any problems. (But only do so if you know
the disk should be fine, otherwise backup your data first).

Try fdisk -l /dev/sdc - instead of fdisk try parted to list partitions.
Try ls -l /dev/sdc* to see whether the kernel finds partitions.

Try totally different system such as "ubuntu live cd" to see whether it
behaves the same way ..

Try different kernel

Which one is most likely to help find out about the problem? No idea.

Maybe somebody else has more ideas.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Customizing packages via overrideDerivation

2013-10-19 Thread Marc Weber
> NIX_PATH="nixos=/root/hack/nixos:nixpkgs=/root/hack/nixpkgs:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix"
Take care about nixos path? It should be /root/hack/nixpkgs/nixos (or there 
should be a symlink)
nixos repository has been merged into nixpkgs

If this does not work try stripping down configuration.nix, if you still
don't have success I can offer reviewing your configuration.nix file.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Customizing packages via overrideDerivation

2013-10-18 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Andrey Rogozhin's message of Fri Oct 18 18:51:09 +0200 2013:
> Thanks, Eelco! I've just tried to fetch a fresh installation CD and
> did a fresh install with the updated expression as you advised.
That's the first thing to learn about nixos: Never do a fresh install.
Its not necessary. Update the channel or your nixpkgs repository.
The update will be incremental and deterministic at the same time!
The Nix manual should make this clear.

There is the /run/current-system/sw/bin indirection taking care of
"switching the system" and similar /etc/* symlink stuff.

Also compare with

To be be fool proof you need to:

- checkout nixpkgs

- export 

Then run any of:

  nixos-rebuild test/boot/switch/vm
  (see --help)

You've been unlucky hitting this in the first place:

builderDefs is a second way to decsribe how packages are build.
In contrast to the standard mkDerivation it allows to replace parts of
the builder script without causing rebuilds.

However those cases did not happen enough to adopt builderDefs for
all packages.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Customizing packages via overrideDerivation

2013-10-17 Thread Marc Weber

>  src = "/root/sleuthkit-4.1.2";
Is nix fine with directories? Long time ago this caused problems if I
remember correctly. By problem I mean nix didn't recognize that the
contents change.

In your case try the following:


 foo = calPackage .. ; // regular line
 myfoo=  overrideDerivation foo (attrs: { .. });

Then try nix-build -A myfoo /etc/nixos/nixpkgs (or wherever you have
checked out nixpkgs.

This way its easier/faster to test. And you eliminate potential problems
such as two versions of the same package getting installed to system
PATH - in which case only one can win.

I didn't try your code - but it looked close to be fine.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOS merged into Nixpkgs

2013-10-10 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Lluís Batlle i Rossell's message of Do Okt 10 15:41:52 +0200 2013:
> will  and  remain valid, for nix paths?
No idea whether such a alias was introduced.  will be /nixos.
You can also work around it by creating a symlink from nixos to

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Change /nix to /home/user/nix

2013-10-06 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from stewart mackenzie's message of Mon Oct 07 07:41:18 +0200 2013:
> Is there a way to correctly change /nix to /home/user/nix?
Yes, but you will no longer be able to binary packages !

You can (bind) mount something to /nix at boot probably ?
Does this still work since nix creates chroots with private mounts or
such under some conditions.

Also see nix-store --otimise

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Wiki spam

2013-10-05 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from phreedom's message of Sat Oct 05 18:34:13 +0200 2013:
> it doesn't, but it provides a clear message that you need them enabled. There 
> are of course better ways to track logins like session IDs, but that's 
> another 
> topic.
So all we need is Eelco telling me "Please test those 20 lines of PHP
code an send me that small patch". Thus if he tells me "try it" I'l take
care and spend the time.

Note: Only the login page and create new user page will be affected. And
if you login you need cookies anyway.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Wiki spam

2013-10-01 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from phreedom's message of Tue Oct 01 14:59:09 +0200 2013:
> Because both are off by default and require whitelisting,
cookies off? If cookies are off how does Mediawiki remember my name
after logging in?

Thinking about maintainability: We could also introduce a simple
stateful proxy.

user <-> proxy <-> media wiki

the proxy returns special "you're human login test" if "register new
user form" is requested. No idea which would be the best technology to
implement it. Probbaly there are many ways.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Wiki spam

2013-10-01 Thread Marc Weber
> All these cookies and javascripts tend to break secure and efficient setups :(
Please make me understand why ?

My change is about adding a simple require_once 'create-user-guard.php' file.
That can be automated. And even if not, it *does solve the problem*
unless I get proven wrong. And if we do, we can be pretty sure that
humans are spamming the wiki. And that would be a step towards solving
the issue, too.

> Long-term automated solutions to *prevent* spam don't exist for a
> growing community like nixos.
Don't overengineer. Don't think today about problems which may happen
in 2 years.

Maybe its even enough to hide the string "Media Wiki" on each page?
You can do so by adding a simple regex post processing to apache AFAIK.

We have to

  1) document what has been tried

  2) try new cheap things to find out whether bots are spamming - then
there should be simple soultions - or whether humans are spamming.

But I'll shut up. I've offered help. I don't have access, so I cannot
change anything. If you want me to setup a demo how the addiotional non
standard password protection would look like let me know.

But let's consider trying the trivial things first before asking people
to spend money or concluding that changes are not maintainable.

Count the packages in nixpkgs to see how powerful the nixos community
actually is. We should be able to cope with such a simple problem,
unless the attackers spend much more effort than we do.

Another way to solve this issue would be not allowing to create new
users automatically. Setup a simple form:

You want to become a wiki member?
  username [ .. ]
  password [ .. ]

and process this once every 2 weeks.

This should be less effort than deleting spam, too.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Wiki spam

2013-09-30 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Philip Lykke Carlsen's message of Mon Sep 30 20:38:09 +0200 2013:
> If it was common practise for wikis to require user registrations lay a money 
> deposit as security for constructive behaviour the problem would go away 
> overnight.
Sure. but can't we try a less intrusive non standard way first? Such as:

if create user page / edit page is requested test for our own cookie.

  If cookie does not exist:
redirect to custom password protection page, if simple password gets
typed right, set cookie, redirect to previous page (also passing GET/POST

  If cookie does exists:
behave normally?

then at least we'll know whether we get spammed by bots or humans.
Humans will suceed. Bots should fail, because they were programmed to
spawn standarrd media wikis only.

Such an implementation is  about 20-30 PHP lines or less which can be
added to index.php ? Just tell me "do it" and I'll provide that code.
We have somebody who is willing to delete the spam, what else do we
need to win this situation?

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Wiki spam

2013-09-30 Thread Marc Weber
Eelco: Have a look at I have not yet had any spam.
and if it happens its as easy as git revert. There is *no* password
protection at all. You just have to use special ?get parameter.
I know the design is not that pretty, its just a hack so that I don't
have to type and talk about the same topics again. Maybe its also much
less popular than ...

I seriously think that bots (or humans?) are specialized on media wiki.
I think the real fix is using non standard wikis or doing anything
non-standard, such as protecting login page by htaccess and dummy password.
Something simple such as 'nixonixo' would probably be enough and more
effective than captchas. If irc knowns about it ..

Me too thinks that its bad to host spam. Additional alternatives such as
github wiki has been discussed. And they are options, too.
You can also access those git repositories easily.

The community is strong enough to handle this. We just have to make a
list of features we want and we must get started.

Some additional discussions took place on this mailinglist earlier.
How much spam does exist? Click the random page 10 times, then you'll

click1: Multi-level Marketing Two Schools Of Believed Collide
click2: Women's Manner Trend Principles To Stay By
click3: Ageing Tips That Can Help You In The Process
click4: Meet The Equipment Shop Manager
click5: Picking out Straightforward Advice For beauty salon insurance

I'm stopping here, you get it, all 5 pages are spam.

I'm protecting against arbitrary spammers by adding a 1x1 px input spam
bots are likely to fill, but humans miss. Thus if such a field is non
empty I can disregard the request.

The wiki is one of the weakest parts of this project.
People spend their time on the libraries, packages and the core instead

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] How to handle Repositories which don't keep old versions?

2013-09-28 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Moritz Ulrich's message of Fri Sep 27 17:09:30 +0200 2013:
> My question is: What's the best way to handle this? I personally have
> no problem hosting a mirror which keeps old versions, but I want to
> ask if you guys have other suggestions.

In the past there has been a script "fetch all sources" so that they
don't go away. But it was never run often enough?

If you do it the way python/emacs does the following should be true:
- people trust you as packager
- its easy to comment why you use your mirror
- you can use two urls.

So what about:

1) document it:
# using my own server as fallback, because new source versions cause
# older versions to be deleted...

2) keep original url, but add your own as mirror:
  package = {
urls = [ original-url  your-mirror-url ];

Don't think you can do much better.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Java plugin for FF

2013-09-27 Thread Marc Weber
nix-env -iA firefoxWrapper /etc/nixos/nixpkgs

wiki has page "how to find the packge I'm looking for".
If the methods shown there don't help then maybe the only way is to know
where to look at. And that's a bug ?

Would you have found a comment in all-packages.nix like this?

  # install firefoxWrapper instead
  firefox = pkgs.firefoxPkgs.firefox;


  firefoxWrapper = wrapFirefox { browser = firefoxPkgs.firefox; };

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Java plugin for FF

2013-09-26 Thread Marc Weber
Have you installed firefox or firefoxWrapper ?
Try the latter. AFAIK you should get a failure that you have to download
Oracles' JRE manually - or do we use openjdk now?

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] setting up bash/zsh (completion, key bindings, ...), thinking about discussing more changes?

2013-09-19 Thread Marc Weber
I'd like to draw the attention of every nixos user to this change

Its about improving zsh support for nixos. This topic popped up multiple
times - and I'd like to ask all of you which limitations you encountered
using the existing setup system for bash/zsh - also because I wrote an
alternative long time ago
which has been is use by me since then. Its a prototype which means some
implementation details can still be done better.

Rather than voting for my patch I'd like to ask and understand which of
the features I implemented are worth caring about. Let me show you a
simple example how configuration.nix ends up in user's .bashrc:


  users.defaultUserShell = "/var/run/current-system/sw/bin/zsh";

  # support /etc/zsh,bash/* initialization:
  zsh.enable = true;
  bash.enable = true;

  # very custom code useful to admin and most user accounts he's using,
  # but not all:
  bash.availableFeatures.interacitve.install_vam = ''
  # do stuff

  # provide a load completion implementation allowing to opt-out by file
  # name:
  bash.availableFeatures.interacitve.completion = ''
  local profile="$1"

  # origin: bash_completion, slightly adopted
  # source script only once - allow user to use NIX_COMPL_SCRIPT_SOURCED to
  # opt out from bad scripts. If a user wants to reload all he can clear

  local nullglobStatus=$(shopt -p nullglob)
  shopt -s nullglob
  for s in "$profile"/etc/bash_completion.d/* 
"$p/share/bash-completion/completions/"*; do
local base="${s/*\//}"
  -z "${NIX_COMPL_SCRIPT_SOURCED[$base]}" &&
]] && { . "$s"; NIX_COMPL_SCRIPT_SOURCED[$base]=1; }

  eval "$nullglobStatus"
nix_foreach_profile nix_add_profile_completion


  bash.availableFeatures.env_code.add_opt_x_to_path = ''


  # default implementation
  source /etc/bash/setup-all

  source setup # this populates KNOWN_FEATURES, PROFILES, ...

  # non interactive
  setup_path (this is more complicated)

  # interactive:
  activate_features $KNOWN_FEATURES

Now you could copy paste contents from setup-all into your .bashrc and
opt-in/out from indivdiual features easily. That's the main idea and the
main difference to the current master setup.

Is having such features users can opt-in/out only useful to me, or are
more users interested in this?

Please pay attention that the user's .bashrc is not a symlink.
This way he can add his own aliases and still get system updates
from setup-all without having to unlink .bashrc first.

The patch I submitted to nixos shares the principles illustrated here,
but differs in implementation details.

So please let me know whether its time to discuss allowing more control
and how to implement it now because it looks like this topic is hot
right now.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] Making PHP find sendmail by default

2013-09-19 Thread Marc Weber
One way is to use php.ini,

another is to apply this patch.

diff --git a/pkgs/development/interpreters/php/default.nix 
index cc57e09..804fe12 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/interpreters/php/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/interpreters/php/default.nix
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
 , lessThan53 ? builtins.lessThan (builtins.compareVersions version "5.3") 0 # 
you're not supposed to pass this
 , lessThan54 ? builtins.lessThan (builtins.compareVersions version "5.4") 0
 , lessThan55 ? builtins.lessThan (builtins.compareVersions version "5.5") 0
+, sendmail ? "/var/setuid-wrappers/sendmail"
 /* version specific notes:
@@ -396,6 +398,10 @@ let
 sed -i 's/EXEEXT = \.dSYM/EXEEXT =/' Makefile
+  preBuild = ''
+sed -i 's@#define PHP_PROG_SENDMAIL""@#define PHP_PROG_SENDMAIL
"${sendmail}"@' main/build-defs.h
+  '';
   installPhase = ''
 unset installPhase; installPhase;
 cp php.ini-${ if lessThan53

The patch will be integrated in my php topic branch on my github page.
If you want it in official nixpkgs apply it yourself

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] bup - test suite

2013-09-14 Thread Marc Weber
Peter, please comment *and give it a try*
still waiting for your feedback on whether the newer bup version suceeds
running make test on your machine. This patch also enables make test for
the existing version.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Deploying Steam in NixOS

2013-09-13 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Oliver Charles's message of Sat Sep 14 01:29:44 +0200 2013:
> Very cool! Is this the approach you're suggesting we take with steam, and
> abandon hope of doing it outside chroot?
What's wrong about a chroot?
Everything else could be a lot more work to maintain.
Additional use cases are andoird dev environment and a lot like that.

While its possible to patch them all, its could be less effoort (thus
smarter) to not try to do so .. IMHO.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] wiki entry on how to add a large file into the nix store

2013-09-13 Thread Marc Weber
You're welcome. Keep asking and start/continue contributing.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] wiki entry on how to add a large file into the nix store

2013-09-13 Thread Marc Weber
No, but it suggests this instead which probably yields the same store
nix-store --add-fixed sha256 jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin

I don't know what the exact difference is, I'm also too lazy to look it
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] wiki entry on how to add a large file into the nix store

2013-09-13 Thread Marc Weber
The main difference is that prefetch-url can read from http and the
other only works with files?

Eg try installing oraclejre which lists both (or similar methods)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Nix 1.6 released

2013-09-11 Thread Marc Weber
> $ nix-env -f my-packages.nix -ir
So such usage is officially recommended now? :-)

The old solution still applies, because its easy to create multiple
"sets" and update one of those sets only:

Updating "everything" is doable, but sometimes annoying if it takes a
lot time to update everything if you only need to update one piece at a
given time.

Thanks to all contributors.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] bup - test suite

2013-09-05 Thread Marc Weber
I cannot reproduce the failure locally.

At least knowing whetherit happens once only or more often would be
helpful, which options do I have now?

Peter, have you had a chance to give test the build on your machine?

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Treating emacs24-nox as an alternative to emacs

2013-09-01 Thread Marc Weber
targetpackage.deepOverride { emacs = emacsNox; };
Could be slower and less convenient.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] bup - test suite

2013-09-01 Thread Marc Weber

I guess you've missed the point.

Even if the new version is stable and the test case works this does not
mean that upgrading is stable. So consider commenting on this point,

Neither does a failing test case mean the new version is less stable
then the old - the warnings by "Mathijs Kwik" have been strong.

Maybe I find time to actually test bup on my machine to see whether I
can reproduce the problems found by him at least once. If 3 out of 4
month failed it should not be that hard.

Does bup allow comparing its storage contents against a filesystem tree?

I like bup because its simple and fast, but it should also be reasonable

> revert
I would have liked anybody restarting the build once to see whether this
alone triggers a race condition making it pass this time.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] bup - test suite

2013-09-01 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Peter Simons's message of Sun Sep 01 18:11:59 +0200 2013:
> I think it would be best to revert the update until the reason for the
> test failures on Hydra has been understood.
I cannot do it (I don't have access). So do as you wish.

I personally think its better to have two versions:
- the old with a comment "peter is using it, ask him if you want to
  change something"
- the new one (maybe restart the build) to learn more about the failure.

The revert is not that easy, because I added a common test case.
That's why I think its easier to additionally get back the old version.
If you want I can prepare a patch

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] bup - test suite

2013-09-01 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Peter Simons's message of Sun Sep 01 15:46:15 +0200 2013:
> yes, I depend on bup. Or rather, I depend on git-annex, which depends on
> bup. So it would be great to keep bup in a working state.
Should we keep both versions then, Peter?

bup works, the test suite passed here and Evgeny Egorochkin reported the
same. I tjust failed (for wahtever reason) on the buildfarm. I didn't
investigate yet.

I know that my "custom test case" will only catch the very very obvious
problems. It does not backup 30G VM images or the like. But its better
than having nothing.

But I agree that creating an even nicer test suite eg based on haskell
quickcheck would be even nicer.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] bup - test suite

2013-09-01 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Mathijs Kwik's message of Sun Sep 01 14:51:09 +0200 2013:
> I would like to warn you for bup though.
> I've used it for daily backups for at least half a year.
Well - I guess you should have started a new repo each month ..

> I've started over a few times, thinking it was something I messed up
> or because of version upgrades, but it happened more than once.
> Currently, I moved to using "btrfs send", which is awesome, but
> somewhat experimental too :)
Didn't knew about it.

> Anyway, at least when it fails, it reports about it :)
> supports deleting old revisions
I've added this as warning. If you think you should have a new full
backup each month anyway, then it does not matter that much.

So what do you do now?
btrfs send on the machine, and btrfs receive on the backup machine?

> and does not have a separate on-disk format like bup (which
> effectlively doubles space requirements if you want your bup history
> available on the same machine as your live data).
I compared a use case (500 MB with many git repos) and it was not that
bad - eg compared tar j or storebackup - but fastest (initial and
incremental backup). The initial backup was 4 times faster.

It could be a little risk trusting btrfs as main fs and as backup fs :)
If you get a kernel which is bad it could destroy both ..

> , which is just a plain "git diff" patch comparing mainline with
> linux-btrfs.

If nobody is heavily depending on it - then the build failure is not
that bad. So I'll just wait. bup is closer to a release anyway.

I was a little bit surprised that it says "You can fuse the backup" -
but only got 00/0ef234e like files .. 

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] bup - test suite

2013-09-01 Thread Marc Weber
I've updated bup adding two tests: a simple manual one which can be
implemented for all backup solutions easily, and I tried activating the
"make test" for bup.

The make test succeeded on my machine and on Evgeny Egorochkin's
but failed on hydra.

Is anybody depending on the tool or do I have a couple of days to

The quickest fix is commenting the line "make test" probably.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] perl packages - and propagated-native-build-inputs

2013-08-31 Thread Marc Weber
Isn't nix about "install a version and know that its working !?"

So why doesn't perl packages use wrappers wrapping bin/*.pl scripts
ensuring that the dependencies are known?

Now I fear installing an old package that it disturbes newer packages.

Is this by accident or design?

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] SECURITY: default SSH host keys are weak

2013-08-23 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from phreedom's message of Fri Aug 23 14:38:55 +0200 2013:
> Thus, I'm giving a short notice to people who don't want surprises and then 
> the default change will trigger generation of a new key.
Is it possible to make ssh use/ store a key in a /key-type/* location?
Then you could switch forward/backward easily.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] SECURITY: default SSH host keys are weak

2013-08-23 Thread Marc Weber
Or raise an exception unless a new option such as
allowWeakKeyTypes is set to true.

There is a way to write assertions, grep for assertion in nixos.

I'd like to to see such issues treated seriously and force the right
thing unless the admin really opts out.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] disk setup for nixos installation

2013-08-18 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Aristid Breitkreuz's message of Sun Aug 18 19:16:15 +0200 2013:
> I believe Aszlig had actually done some work on automated partitioning for
> Nixops, but I'm not sure how far from ready for primetime it is.
How to script partitionsing can be looked up in the test cases in nixos.
Just grep for parted or such.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] disk setup for nixos installation

2013-08-17 Thread Marc Weber
Well - the nixos isos ship with "nixos-install".
It should be easy to add a script which runs automatically on startup
(creating llvm devices and so on)
and runs the script afterwards.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] gem nix writes sha256 = "no hash"

2013-08-11 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Bjørn Forsman's message of Sun Aug 11 16:42:56 +0200 2013:
> > I like being able to use a package descriptions without waiting.
> > the gem-to-nix requires waiting.
Then it does not care about depnedencies ? .. (not that they are always
helpful ...)
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] gem nix writes sha256 = "no hash"

2013-08-11 Thread Marc Weber
> The number of packages doesn't mean much to me (unless there is one
> package per .nix file?), 
If you have to download them (always) when getting nixpkgs they may make
a difference. So having them separate is a better choice IMHO.

I like being able to use a package descriptions without waiting.
the gem-to-nix requires waiting.

The problem gets bigger if you notice than
A-1.0 > B-2

Then you notice you don't need latest B-2, but B-1.9.
Then you *rerun* and wait. I only add this one version constraint and
I'm done. Eg something like this: (force version 2.0):

> >   let ro = (pkgs.overlay "ruby");
> >   in ro.rubyEnv19 {
> > name = "emproxy";
> > p = {
  "eventmachine": ["2.0"];
> > };
> > names = [
> >   "eventmachine"
> >   "rspec"
> >   "em-http-request"
> >   "ansi"
> >   "rake"
> >   "posix-spawn"
> > ];
> >   };

I'm more interested in knowing how big the
> dump is. 20 MiB?

du -hs . says: 793M (without running git gc).
Yes, its bad. And I want to write a solution for that once I have time.
Nobody is going to pay me, so it has to wait.
Using latest rev only (shallow clone) it should be less.

It got many of my jobs done - and it is "experimental".

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] gem nix writes sha256 = "no hash"

2013-08-11 Thread Marc Weber
ruby nix overlay:
1) ruby script to dump rubyforge to .nix files (50.000 packages)
   So no, I'm not going to ask to include them to nixpkgs.

2) nix code which generates nix derivations on the fly from the dump.

3) a bash script you can source to augment your shell env so that all
  packages are found.

4) some info about additional "C dependencies" which gets merged in.
Useful for accessing mysql, etc.

- If you need very latest packages you have to rerun the dump (its experimental)
- If you need git based dependendies you might be in trouble
- If there are multiple versions of a package, you have to select a
  version eventually.

Its fast, because the dump is already there


  emproxyCollection =
  let ro = (pkgs.overlay "ruby");
  in ro.rubyEnv19 {
name = "emproxy";
p = {
names = [

Problem: The versions might be little bit different from what bundlers

If you want to know whether it solves your problem let me create an SSH
account on my server and grant you access (ping me on irc).

Then you can give it a try easily. Otherwise use the gem command (some
work with C dependencies) or fix the the tool causing trouble to you.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] gem nix writes sha256 = "no hash"

2013-08-11 Thread Marc Weber
If you want to give the ruby overlay a try .

The following packages are known to it since I did the last dump

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] nix-shell enhancements

2013-07-26 Thread Marc Weber
Well - I have one command

nI -A foo

which builds foo by attr with -K flag.
If the build fails, it cds into the build directory.
I then have a second command to start a new terminal window
so that I can load nix-env.

That's all I need for debugging.

If I need more I add a "fail" to a build phase, and run the others
That's my way :)

You talk about git and rollbacks. What about .o files? Will they be
committed so that you can "rollback" ? You should clarify such details.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] VirtualBox images

2013-07-25 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Eelco Dolstra's message of Thu Jul 25 10:22:38 + 2013:
> Since a few weeks Hydra generates NixOS disk images for VirtualBox,
> containing
Having that is great for the reasons you mention. New users will
appreciate it.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Flash broken in Firefox 22?

2013-07-14 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Peter Simons's message of Sun Jul 14 23:38:20 +0200 2013:
> the recent update to Firefox 22 caused trouble for me.
My expermimental/marc branch works fine with ff 22 and flash debug

  firefox = {
enableAdobeFlash = true;
# enableAdobeFlash = true;
enableMPlayer = false;
enableGoogleTalkPlugin = true;
# jre = true;

  flashplayer.debug = true

then installing

So at least I can say that ff 22 and flash can work.
My branches are based on nixpkgs master f3f447ac (2013-06-29 02:16:39)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] instructions for setting up apache + mediawiki is broken

2013-06-28 Thread Marc Weber
> - Is it not possible to have a default version?
If you do this you can break the system by updating it. For this reason
not having a default is the *only* way to protect against suprises.

> - If no default version, is there at least a way to print a *human
> readable* error message that hints the user about
Of course, provide patches. I introduced assertions long time ago.
Eg see b43.nix - so fix and provide a patch :)

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Spam on the wiki - reminder

2013-06-28 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Travis Reeder's message of Fri Jun 28 19:24:46 +0200 2013:
> Regarding forking github wiki's, you can via the wiki's git repo, eg:
> , but you can only
> access it via git cli.

You can sync that git with another git repository. So it would not be
an issue.

I don't want to force another system. I'd like those who are running the
wiki to propose a solution so that we all can help keep it clean easily.

I don't mind a git based wiki, either

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Spam on the wiki - reminder

2013-06-28 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from phreedom's message of Fri Jun 28 18:15:44 +0200 2013:
> Using git as a backend for wiki is a huge win. Not sure how easy it is  to 
> start contributing to github wiki for a $RANDOM_PERSON_WHO_SPOTTED_A_TYPO.
It can be done trivially. As experiment I wrote a "vim-wiki":

There is an edit link, no login required. My hope is that its non
standard so bots fail.

Till now it seems to work.

I neither say the syntax nor the implementation is pretty, but it
actually gets the job done I wrote it for.

Code is here:

I'm not responsible for making any decisions about the wiki.
I also think that we have enough developpers to get anything done we can
imagine. But we have to know where to go.

The nixos wiki also gets it job done - even containing spam.
However I still feel bad about it hosting spam.

So which is the best we should manage this?

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] Spam on the wiki - reminder

2013-06-28 Thread Marc Weber
We still have huge amounts of spam on the wiki.
Just press the random link 10 times to judge yourself.

If you tell me how I'm willing to help cleaning up.
But if the problem stays - we should try to find a solution.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] git-annex assistant

2013-06-28 Thread Marc Weber
If this case happens to be an exception and that it appears to be hard
to package at this point in time let me know and I'll try to build it
with hack-nix.

The difference is that hack-nix resolves dependencies on the fly.
The challenge is to feed the resolvel with a minimal set of packages
because its using brute force.

For details have a look here:

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Templates

2013-06-26 Thread Marc Weber
> riak
You're talking about the nosql database, right? 

Excerpts from Malcolm Matalka's message of Wed Jun 26 21:26:40 +0200 2013:
> It also is a supported file type in my Emacs 

nix has an emacs mode nix-mode.le, did you know that?

For nix you can get "syntax checking" by running 

  nix-instantiate --eval-only FILE

(vim-addon-nix has done this for ages)

So do you think that Emacs mode should be improved?
> this feature.  I think putting config files in Nix expressions is
> suboptimal.

You can write config.nix and then import that:

  hostname ="abc";

let my_config = import config.nix; in
  networking.hostname = my_config.hostname;


Can you paste a couple of lines of a nicer configuration you want to use
and comment them why you think a different style is much different than
nix maintainers should care about it?

You can also use "substitute in place" like configurations:\

== the file
allowed_users: @USERS@

then make nix substitute @USERS@ to generate the final config.
grep nixos for @ and you should find some examples (bash scripts).

That would be sufficient if you want to create a config file for a
database only (eventually).

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Templates

2013-06-26 Thread Marc Weber
I don't get what's bad about nix, you can use import (but you know that).

Nix should suppport: (I never tested it):

  let config = import 

That's closest and works right now.

Well of course you can just write ruby preprocessors turning your
templates into nix files, too.

Or patching nix are options.

But honestly I don't understand your use case.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

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