Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: e54ec2f907e8980027ba040f11375adac478cc84
  Author: Renzo Carbonara <>
  Date:   2016-07-19 (Tue, 19 Jul 2016)

  Changed paths:
    A pkgs/build-support/fetchmavenartifact/default.nix
    M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  fetchMavenArtifact: init (#16825)

fetchMavenArtifact downloads a Maven artifact given a group id, an artifact id,
and a version.

Example usage:

   org_apache_httpcomponents_httpclient_4_5_2 = fetchMavenArtifact {
     groupId = "org.apache.httpcomponents";
     artifactId = "httpclient";
     version = "4.5.2";
     sha256 = "0ms00zc28pwqk83nwwbafhq6p8zci9mrjzbqalpn6v0d80hwdzqd";
     # Optionally: repos = [ ... urls to some Maven repos to use ... ];
     # Optionally: url, urls - pointing directly to a specific jar url.

Now `org_apache_httpcomponents_httpclient_4_5_2.jar` points to the downloaded
JAR file, while `org_apache_httpcomponents_httpclient_4_5_2` refers to a
derivation that when used used in `buildInputs` will be automatically added to
the Java classpath.

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