Re: [Nix-dev] Say hello to GHC 7.7.20131202

2013-12-06 Thread Peter Simons
Hi Thomas,

  Does this work with ghcWithPackages? I've been running into some
  problems. I wonder if you can post relevant sections of your

ghcWithPackages should work fine with all versions of GHC newer than
6.10.4. My ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix configuration looks like this:

  haskellEnv = haskellPackages: with haskellPackages; [
# Haskell Platform
async attoparsec caseInsensitive cgi fgl GLUT GLURaw haskellSrc
hashable html HTTP HUnit mtl network OpenGL OpenGLRaw parallel
parsec QuickCheck random regexBase regexCompat regexPosix split stm
syb text transformers unorderedContainers vector xhtml zlib
cabalInstall_1_18_0_2 alex /*haddock*/ happy primitive
# other packages
cmdlib dimensional funcmp hackageDb hlint hoogle HStringTemplate
monadPar pandoc smallcheck tar uulib permutation criterion graphviz
async hspec HList dimensionalTf doctest testFramework monadLoops
testFrameworkHunit wlPprint polyparse uuParsinglib monadPeel
hashtables terminalProgressBar systemFilepath systemFileio arithmoi
modularArithmetic lens ghcPaths
# tools
xmonad xmonadContrib xmonadExtras xmobar
  packageOverrides = pkgs:
ghcDevEnv = pkgs.haskellPackages_ghc763_profiling.ghcWithPackages 

What kind of problems have you been running into?

Take care,

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Say hello to GHC 7.7.20131202

2013-12-04 Thread Oliver Charles
On 12/04/2013 12:01 AM, Peter Simons wrote:
 Yo Haskell programmers,
 I've just updated ghcHEAD to a reasonably up-to-date Git snapshot, and it 
 quite well. In the interest of doubling compile times for everyone trying to
 use it, haskellPackages_ghcHEAD now has full shared-library support enabled by
 default, so Haskell binaries come at a whopping 300KB:
  | $ nix-build -o /tmp/cabal2nix ~/.nix-defexpr -A 
  | /nix/store/7lrm31hf7lns8qbac7ciqq351gs603rr-cabal2nix-1.56
  | $ ls -lh /tmp/cabal2nix/bin/cabal2nix
  | -r-xr-xr-x 1 root nixbld 360K Jan  1  1970 /tmp/cabal2nix/bin/cabal2nix
 'ldd' will tell a different story, though. :-)
 So, if you'd like to test your code against the upcoming 7.8 release, you can
 now use Nix to do it.

Great news! I'm very interested in shared libraries (I opened the
request for this, after all!) - but what is the reason for making this
the default for ghcHEAD? Will haskellPackages_ghc78whatever also have
shared libraries, or are you using this as a testing ground?

Thanks for working on this though, I'll be upgrading as soon as I find
the time :)

- ocharles

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nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Say hello to GHC 7.7.20131202

2013-12-04 Thread Peter Simons
Hi Oliver,

  What is the reason for making this the default for ghcHEAD?

GHC 7.7.x doesn't work well without shared library support enabled. I
tried it, but ran into all kinds of linking errors (i.e. while building
hsemail), because the code seems to expect that share-able variants of
the installed libraries are available. I guess that this behavior can be
fixed somehow, but since I wanted to try out shared library support
anyway, I just enabled it and all errors went away.

  Will haskellPackages_ghc78whatever also have shared libraries?

Well, it already does! It's just not enabled by default. Just add the
following snippet to your ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix file

packageOverrides = pkgs:
  haskellPackages = pkgs.haskellPackages_ghc763.override {
extraPrefs = self: {
  cabal = self.cabal.override {
enableSharedLibraries = true;
enableSharedExecutables = true;

to activate the feature.

Take care,

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] Say hello to GHC 7.7.20131202

2013-12-03 Thread Peter Simons
Yo Haskell programmers,

I've just updated ghcHEAD to a reasonably up-to-date Git snapshot, and it works
quite well. In the interest of doubling compile times for everyone trying to
use it, haskellPackages_ghcHEAD now has full shared-library support enabled by
default, so Haskell binaries come at a whopping 300KB:

 | $ nix-build -o /tmp/cabal2nix ~/.nix-defexpr -A 
 | /nix/store/7lrm31hf7lns8qbac7ciqq351gs603rr-cabal2nix-1.56
 | $ ls -lh /tmp/cabal2nix/bin/cabal2nix
 | -r-xr-xr-x 1 root nixbld 360K Jan  1  1970 /tmp/cabal2nix/bin/cabal2nix

'ldd' will tell a different story, though. :-)

So, if you'd like to test your code against the upcoming 7.8 release, you can
now use Nix to do it.

Note that Hydra Central Services don't build the ghcHEAD package set. You can
pull *some* binaries for Linux/x86_64 from my server after running:


Have fun,

nix-dev mailing list