Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-11 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 Remember that we're talking about very different paradigms.  I can
 totally see how you would want and love macros in CL.  In CL you
 encode your solution in such a way that using macros is the natural
 thing to do, and then lexical manipulation is probably something that
 comes in handy.  In Haskell your encoding is entirely different, so
 you wouldn't use macros in the first place.  Instead you would use
 non-strict higher-order functions together with type classes.

 And of course Common Lisp does have higher-order functions; do type
 classes add any encoding power? I always thought they were needed to
 keep track of all that happens, and working duck typing with optional
 multiple dispatch allows to write the same code but with less safety.

Type classes are essentially just principled overloading.  They allow
you to write reusable code bound to certain *features* (rather than
specific types):

multiCoreMapReduce :: (Monoid b) = (a - b) - [a] - b
multiCoreMapReduce f = fold . parMap rseq f

Whenever `b` is a monoid, the above function is a multi-core MapReduce
implementation.  Here `Monoid` is a class.

 There is a myth on the Lisp side that Common Lisp has a paradigm that
 means it wouldn't benefit from some more static annotation and
 analysis features; there is a myth in many non-Lisp places that
 feature X makes macros unneeded.

 Both are myths. Just a trivial with-fields (in its many many forms) is
 an example of a thing that is trivial with macros, useful enough to be
 built into Object Pascal and doesn't perform its primary task
 (reducing clutter) if implemented without macros.

I couldn't find any information online about what `with-fields` is, but
From its name I'm just going to assume that it brings stuff into scope
semi-automatically, i.e. it does something a regular function cannot do.
Does a CL programmer benefit from this?  Absolutely!  Would programmers
of most languages benefit from this, for example Object Pascal?  Likely!
Would a Haskell programmer benefit from this?  Well, probably not as
much as you would want them to.

Let's turn the table:  Laziness is a very powerful feature in Haskell.
Could I convince you of that?  Probably not, because you're not a
Haskell programmer and you wouldn't find it very useful in CL.  But I
may be crazy about laziness and think:  How can anyone deny the
usefulness of laziness?.  You're suffering from the same fallacy
w.r.t. macros.  Let me explain.

There is a *very common* myth on the CL side that macros are so powerful
and so useful in CL that they must be powerful and useful *everywhere*.
That may easily lead you into the trap of thinking that any language
that lacks macros has a serious drawback compared to CL.  But that's a

I'll assume that right now you're thinking:  Oh, come on, macros allow
you to manipulate lexical features, scope, introduce new views to data,
build functions automatically, etc.  How can they be useless in any
language?.  I could fall into the same trap:  Oh, come on, laziness
allows you to build virtual data structures, specify if, how and when to
evaluate (e.g. in parallel), apply semantically huge/infinite transforms
in O(1), use action DSLs, etc.  How can it be useless in any language?.
Yet it would still be pretty useless in CL.

Let me go one step further:  Macros would do more harm than good in
Haskell, if people would actually be going to use them.  In fact we do
have a similarly powerful macro system called TH.  We even have a system
for custom syntax called QuasiQuotes, if you need it.  Our TH and QQ are
even type-safe!  Yet most experienced Haskell programmers try to avoid
both of them as much as possible, and for a good reason, which is beyond
the scope of this mail.

Now macros-considered-harmful probably goes even worse against your
world-view than macros-considered-useless.  But consider this:  In a
similar way laziness would not only be pretty useless in CL, it would do
more harm than good, because it entails the kind of non-determinism that
requires all side effects to be expressed in terms of a lazy
domain-specific action language (which is our `IO`).  You probably don't
want that.  Combined with macros it would have the potential to render
CL unpredictable.

 Modern van Laarhoven lenses are a powerful abstraction for accessing
 data structures, mainly because a lens does not necessarily
 correspond to a certain concrete field (it can correspond to many
 fields or to a logical alternate view of certain data) and also
 because both lenses and lens operators are first class values.

 _Which_ lenses should be used, actually? It looks like there is a
 controversy about which packages are the correct ones to use and which
 should be considered just a proof-of-concept playground for new ideas.

It doesn't actually matter.  One nice thing about van Laarhoven lenses
is that all the lens packages are compatible with each other.  Most
people use the `lens` library though, because it is very 

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-10 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 I think you are thinking too big-system-design instead of
 quick-scripting about that.

Let's say I don't draw a line between small systems and large systems
when it comes to abstractions, because algebraic abstractions are cheap.

IMO a minimum requirement for a language to be called functional is
that functions are cheap.  I mean cheap as in almost free, just like
mutable variables are almost free in imperative programming.
Quantification (generics in most languages) must be entirely free.
It's not in C++, but in boxing languages it is.

Now if quantification is free and your functions are almost free, then
algebraic abstractions are also almost free.  You might as well use them
everywhere, even in your quick-n-dirty scripts, because they make your
code shorter, more maintainable and usually more readable as well
(especially the types).

While you're reading this you should not think of OOP.  OO abstractions
are expensive in every way.  They make your program slower and your
source code longer.  They are not suitable for quick-n-dirty scripts.

 I have added an external module to StumpWM that goes completely
 against the default logic of connecting screens, workspaces and

 It just moves windows between the workspaces when it needs to.

 I still use the hard parts of a WM (X protocol handling) and just
 added my own implementation of the fun parts.

Yeah, that sounds pretty much like what I do right now, except with a
different WM at the core.

 I think I was not clear with my idea about Ratpoison. I meant the Unix
 way of doing things: there is Ratpoison that can easily receive
 commands to change the splits and move the windows. Your logic is in
 Haskell and it just sends commands to Ratpoison (which has been
 debugged once).

The Unix philosophy can manifest in a number of ways.  Usually you make
programs pipe-friendly and perhaps add a configuration file.  That's the
traditional approach, which has one huge drawback:  When communicating
all structure must be flattened, because pipes understand only the
stream of bytes notion.  Then at the receiving end the structure must
be recovered from the byte-stream.  For long-running programs like a WM
it also means that you need to act non-blockingly and handle errors

An interesting alternative is that you don't make your program a
program in the first place.  After all what is a program?  It's a
library together with a `main` procedure.  Just leave out `main`.  Now
it's just a library and configuring amounts to the user writing an
actual program that uses the library.  That way there is no need to go
through the flatten-and-recover process from above.  You can stay within
the language's type system.  That's what most Haskell programs do,
including xmonad.

So I'm probably already doing what you're suggesting, except that it
doesn't look like Unix, because there is no pipe involved. =)

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nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-10 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 Data type declarations are not free in any case, I think.

Compared to what?  Algebraic abstractions usually compile to exactly the
code you would have written if you had not used abstraction.

 Well, you started talking like you were considering some limitation of
 XMonad hard to work around.

I am.  I'm using a tree-shaped set of workspaces, but I need to encode
this tree within the names of the workspaces, which is incredibly

 So I'm probably already doing what you're suggesting, except that it
 doesn't look like Unix, because there is no pipe involved. =)

 Well, with sockets it is easier to do decoupling, and cross-language

Decoupling seems unrelated, but the cross-language point is valid of
course.  Also sockets can work over a network.  So yeah, it's a
tradeoff.  For my window manager I really don't want to go through that
complexity.  It's written in Haskell, I'd like to configure in Haskell
and I'm not planning to offload my WM state to another machine.  So I'm
glad I can just use xmonad as a library.

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nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-10 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 Data type declarations are not free in any case, I think.

 Compared to what?  Algebraic abstractions usually compile to exactly
 the code you would have written if you had not used abstraction.

 Data type declarations have to be written. Store-everything-in-hash-
 tables is slower but quicker to write as long as I can keep the entire
 program structure in my head.

 Also I am trying to learn to write reasonable Haskell code for a small
 data-crunching script without just writing Fortran into Haskell;
 well, many of its features are minor annoyances in that mode even if
 they are useful for giving structure to a large program.

It's seldom that you have to write your own data types, if you don't
want to.  Basic types, functions, products and coproducts can express
anything you want that isn't a tightly packed array of machine words.

But if you really want to dump everything into a table-like data
structure, you can use Data.Map or Data.IntMap for everything.  Together
with GHC's OverloadedLists extension this should make your code just as
short as the usual everything-is-a-hash-table in most scripting

However, you may want to write type signatures anyway.  It doesn't
increase your development time considerably.

 Well, you started talking like you were considering some limitation
 of XMonad hard to work around.

 I am.  I'm using a tree-shaped set of workspaces, but I need to
 encode this tree within the names of the workspaces, which is
 incredibly awkward.

 Well, I think you should be able just to write alternative UI for
 workspace selection simply ignoring the old one, no?

Unfortunately not.  Everything in xmonad goes through the core data
structure StackSet.

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nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-10 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 It's seldom that you have to write your own data types, if you don't
 want to.  Basic types, functions, products and coproducts can express
 anything you want that isn't a tightly packed array of machine words.

 But if you really want to dump everything into a table-like data
 structure, you can use Data.Map or Data.IntMap for everything.
 Together with GHC's OverloadedLists extension this should make your
 code just as short as the usual everything-is-a-hash-table in most
 scripting languages.

 Actually, I use a ton of tuples-as-records in my crunching code in
 Common Lisp or Julia.

 Some of the shell tricks based on expansions are portable to Lisp, not
 worth it in Julia and definitely too costly in Haskell (learning
 Template Haskell is definitely outside my plans).

I don't really know TH either.  Occasionally I use TH actions defined in
a library (for example to derive safecopy instances or, less commonly,
to auto-generate lenses).  But TH somehow feels wrong and ugly.

 However, you may want to write type signatures anyway.  It doesn't
 increase your development time considerably.

 I also need to write matching to extract data from deep structures,

I'm not sure what you mean by that.  Perhaps you can drop me an off-list
mail, so we can talk about your specific application.

 I'm using a tree-shaped set of workspaces, but I need to encode
 this tree within the names of the workspaces, which is incredibly

 Well, I think you should be able just to write alternative UI for
 workspace selection simply ignoring the old one, no?

 Unfortunately not.  Everything in xmonad goes through the core data
 structure StackSet.

 Why is it a problem? For hierarchically structured workspaces you just
 tell XMonad core to select the low-level workspace.

The trouble is that xmonad's idea of set of workspaces is encoded as a
list zipper.  It does not allow me to encode the tree.  It only ever
holds *lists* of workspaces and does not abstract over this data

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nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-10 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 Some of the shell tricks based on expansions are portable to Lisp,
 not worth it in Julia and definitely too costly in Haskell (learning
 Template Haskell is definitely outside my plans).

 I don't really know TH either.  Occasionally I use TH actions defined
 in a library (for example to derive safecopy instances or, less
 commonly, to auto-generate lenses).  But TH somehow feels wrong and

 In both Julia and Common Lisp I use macros for many tasks and they
 make life much more comfortable. Of course, Haskell type system may
 make it hasrder to use macros.

Oh, Common Lisp (CL) macros don't correspond to TH, but rather to
regular functions in Haskell.  We have first class actions together with
lazy evaluation.  What is code is data is code in CL is actions are
first class values in Haskell.

You only need TH when you need to generate something that is not first
class, for example class instances.

 However, you may want to write type signatures anyway.  It doesn't
 increase your development time considerably.

 I also need to write matching to extract data from deep structures,

 I'm not sure what you mean by that.  Perhaps you can drop me an
 off-list mail, so we can talk about your specific application.

 Well, it looks like field names are not scoped and if I use plain ADT
 I have to write pattern matching to extract data from a member of a
 member of a structure.

You can chain both functions and lenses.  Extraction via functions:

(innerField . outerField) value

Extraction via lenses:

value ^. outerField . innerField

Update via lenses:

(outerField . innerField .~ 15) value

You can even get completely imperative by using a state monad:

outerField . innerField .= 15
outerField . otherInnerField .= blah

 The trouble is that xmonad's idea of set of workspaces is encoded
 as a list zipper.  It does not allow me to encode the tree.  It only
 ever holds *lists* of workspaces and does not abstract over this data

 So? Keep your own structure and keep pointers to XMonad-stored

Yes, I do that, arguably not in the most elegant way possible, because
the predefined workspace switchers and layout algorithms need to
understand my concept as well.

If xmonad would simply abstract over StackSet, it would be very easy and
transparent to do.

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nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-10 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 Oh, Common Lisp (CL) macros don't correspond to TH, but rather to
 regular functions in Haskell.  We have first class actions together
 with lazy evaluation.  What is code is data is code in CL is
 actions are first class values in Haskell.

 You only need TH when you need to generate something that is not
 first class, for example class instances.

 And many actions are first class values in CL. But there are many
 things that are not first class even in Haskell. Macros can manipulate
 lexical environments in many convenient ways, for example.

 Also, while you could make a function out of a complex iteration
 macro, it is guaranteed to be simpler to use.

Remember that we're talking about very different paradigms.  I can
totally see how you would want and love macros in CL.  In CL you encode
your solution in such a way that using macros is the natural thing to
do, and then lexical manipulation is probably something that comes in
handy.  In Haskell your encoding is entirely different, so you wouldn't
use macros in the first place.  Instead you would use non-strict
higher-order functions together with type classes.

 Ah, so Haskell has no usable records without lenses?

The standard record system is very limited, even though some language
extensions try to improve it (without much success).  However, you would
most likely want to use lenses anyway, even if standard records were

Modern van Laarhoven lenses are a powerful abstraction for accessing
data structures, mainly because a lens does not necessarily correspond
to a certain concrete field (it can correspond to many fields or to a
logical alternate view of certain data) and also because both lenses and
lens operators are first class values.

Where `temps` is a list of temperatures in degrees Celsius, the
following is that list with three degrees Fahrenheit added to each item:

(traverse . fahrenheit +~ 3) temps

The thing in parentheses is a function that takes any traversable data
structure (e.g. lists or trees), interprets its values as temperatures,
applies a Fahrenheit view and then adds 3.  The result is the modified
data structure (i.e. it's pure).

The following is the same function, except that it only adds if the
original temparature is greater than 10.  All lower temperatures remain

traverse . filtered ( 10) . fahrenheit +~ 3

Finally as said lenses and lens operators are first class, so you can
take them as arguments, return them as results and put them into data
structures.  Let `fields` be a list of lenses.  Then the following is a
list of lenses pointing deeper into the individual data structures (into
the `field` subfield of whatever each lens points to):

(traverse %~ (. field)) fields

That's why we love lenses.  They are more than just a recovery from our
lack of a decent record system.  And they are defined in plain Haskell,
just to show you how far we can go without macros. =)

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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-09 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 Also the Nix model allows us to compile all our scripts easily (just
 apply a function), which might hold some benefit in terms of startup
 and switch times.  There is little reason to use interpreted scripts
 when you have a fast compiler.

 So would you say that this is preferable to the shell-monad idea?

Yes.  Even when compiling a Haskell DSL to a shell script you need to
compile the DSL itself first into a program that can output the script.
If you are going to compile anyway, just compile the source language to
a runnable binary in the first place.

One huge benefit of that is that you can use the libraries and
abstractions of the source language.  As a simple example by compiling
to Bash you give up the option of using Haskell's concurrency, exception
handling, etc.  And those two are particularly difficult to translate to
Bash, or pretty much every other shell.

 I'd definitely say that NixOS is the most state-of-the-art GNU+Linux
 distribution in existence, [...]

To be fair, there is also the GNU OS, which uses Guix, although the
underlying ideas and build system (nix-daemon) are the same.

 [...] for people who rarely use computers, the potential difference is
 a lot lower, so UI changes should not be forced upon them.)

I think it is important to define your target audience.  If you are
specifically targetting, as you call them, computer illiterates or
people who rarely use computers, it is entirely reasonable to offer them
an easy, slowly evolving UI.

However, for the general public I would say that our current state of
the art in UIs is so broken that the faster we move on the better for
humanity.  For example anyone who tells me that touch screens are
intuitive does not understand the word *intuitive*.  Hint: It does not
mean pictures, nor does it mean pointing.  The same holds for virtual
UIs that we access through HIDs.  For a concrete example just try to use
style sheets *and* be productive at the same time in your office suite
of choice (don't worry, they all suck).  Try to handle hundreds of
e-mails per day (*handle*, not skim!) in multiple mailboxes *and* use
less than 50% of your work time for dealing with e-mail in any MUA (yes,
I'm including mutt and Emacs).

Now don't get me wrong.  You do have a point there.  If a UI was
perfectly reasonable and has been replaced by something less reasonable,
I can totally understand your dissatisfaction.  That does happen from
time to time when marketing people try to be smart.  But if the sole
reason that you are unhappy is because you have to learn something new,
then you shouldn't suggest moving to purely functional languages for
scripting.  Remember that contributors are humans as well, many of them
will face having to learn something new and nontrivial, and some of them
will probably be just as angry as you are when your UI has been replaced
without the option to go back.

Again don't get me wrong.  I suggest that we do it, as long as we think
that we're moving along the right track.  Innovation will almost by
necessity cause some dissatisfaction.  I'm really just saying that there
is not much difference between innovation in programming languages
(programmers are humans) and user experience (users are humans).  For
some of them innovation will be a problem in both cases.  Either you
choose to respect that, or you choose to move on regardless.  It depends
on your target audience.

 I'm also only interested in the pure-functional languages. I'm not
 interested in so-called ‘multiparadigm’ functional/imperative
 languages like Scheme as this does not provide the deterministic
 purity guarantees that pure-functional languages are based-on.

I would love to use Haskell for everything, but it's simply not a
realistic option.  Currently GHC is practically our only compiler.  It
is huge, compiling takes time, etc.  We can fix all of these things, but
we haven't so far and GHC will not get smaller or faster any time soon.

Let me clarify:  GHC is not slow per se, if you consider that Haskell
has an extremely high signal/noise ratio, not just in syntax, but
especially in semantics.  Two lines of Haskell can easily *mean a lot*
(i.e. encode a program that does lots of things or very complicated
things).  If we measure by time spent per semantic content, then GHC
is lightning-fast.  However, that measure is only interesting for larger
projects.  For small scripts the measure time spent per line of code
counts, and GHC does not perform too well there.

The other static functional languages I have tried were either too
noisy, too immature or did not provide a reasonable FFI.  Things will
improve and new options will pop up, but right now our choices are

 True, but the idea is to minimise impure code. The documentation and
 tutorials of pure languages encourage the practice of factoring-out
 any necessary impure code and writing most code to be pure. Can the
 same be said about multiparadigm languages?

You may need to adjust your 

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-09 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 To be fair, there is also the GNU OS, which uses Guix, although the
 underlying ideas and build system (nix-daemon) are the same.

 [...] As such, it's probably best for me to not talk about GNU
 OS, Guix, and Guile until I get the time/willpower to explain why my
 viewpoint against that project is not malicious and why NixOS is –
 perhaps counterintuitively to some libre software supporters – more
 beneficial to the software freedom movement.

Do yourself a favour by not getting into that kind of argument.  They
see benefit in their way of doing things, and I would strongly support
their project.  Both GNU OS and NixOS are heading into a much better
direction than pretty much all other distributions in my personal view,
and I would happily encourage them to carry on.

At some point in time we will benefit from each other, and in fact I see
a huge benefit even for NixOS in the sole existence of GNU OS, if only
to have some GNU people following the functional distribution approach.
If nothing else the fact that two projects happily follow the same idea
may well indicate to some people that we're on the right track.  We as
in the GNU OS and NixOS people.

In short:  Better stop arguing against them, regardless of what your
reasons are.  The only thing you can gain by that is a week of heated
flamewars with no conclusion other than that they will think that NixOS
people are jerks.  I'd prefer us to work together instead of against
each other.

 Nevertheless, I still think that human interface choice is
 important, and XMonad is an example of the original point that I was
 trying to get at. It is a classic user interface, a tiling window
 manager, using a pure-functional language. Just because something is
 written using modern techniques doesn't mean to say that the user
 interface itself is ‘modern’.

I use the same combination (xmonad + taffybar) and could complain all
day long about it.  Of course this is constructive criticism, and I'm an
idealist to some extent, but still there is a lot of room for

For example xmonad is too rigid.  It has a fixed data structure that
corresponds directly to what is displayed on each screen.  Workspace
names are strings, which is hugely inconvenient.  Something like
tag-based volatile workspaces are not possible, although with some
really ugly (and slow) hacks you could do it.

In the ideal graphical environment I wouldn't see any reason to close or
move a single window -- ever.  Xmonad gets closer, but is still far

 ‘multiparadigm’ is ambiguous as to what multiple paradigms that refers
 to, but I clarified that by saying “functional/imperative”.

I did mean that Haskell supports imperative programming just as well as
it does support declarative programming.  Some people say that it's the
best imperative language out there.

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nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-09 Thread James Haigh
On 09/02/15 15:22, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:
 Also the Nix model allows us to compile all our scripts easily (just
 apply a function), which might hold some benefit in terms of startup
 and switch times.  There is little reason to use interpreted scripts
 when you have a fast compiler.
 So would you say that this is preferable to the shell-monad idea?
 Yes.  Even when compiling a Haskell DSL to a shell script you need to
 compile the DSL itself first into a program that can output the script.
 If you are going to compile anyway, just compile the source language to
 a runnable binary in the first place.

 One huge benefit of that is that you can use the libraries and
 abstractions of the source language.  As a simple example by compiling
 to Bash you give up the option of using Haskell's concurrency, exception
 handling, etc.  And those two are particularly difficult to translate to
 Bash, or pretty much every other shell.
Okay, sure. Nevertheless, shell-monad could still come in handy for Grub
scripts or something where I have no choice but to run shell scripts. :-D
 I'd definitely say that NixOS is the most state-of-the-art GNU+Linux
 distribution in existence, [...]
 To be fair, there is also the GNU OS, which uses Guix, although the
 underlying ideas and build system (nix-daemon) are the same.
Last time that I talked about Guix on IRC, I seem to remember that
Ludovic (civodul) declared that I was trolling and subsequently left the
channel, which was not and is not my intention because I'm a keen libre
software supporter and I accept that GNU OS is with good intentions. As
such, it's probably best for me to not talk about GNU OS, Guix, and
Guile until I get the time/willpower to explain why my viewpoint against
that project is not malicious and why NixOS is – perhaps
counterintuitively to some libre software supporters – more beneficial
to the software freedom movement.
 [...] for people who rarely use computers, the potential difference is
 a lot lower, so UI changes should not be forced upon them.)
 I think it is important to define your target audience.  If you are
 specifically targetting, as you call them, computer illiterates or
 people who rarely use computers, it is entirely reasonable to offer them
 an easy, slowly evolving UI.

 However, for the general public I would say that our current state of
 the art in UIs is so broken that the faster we move on the better for
 humanity.  For example anyone who tells me that touch screens are
 intuitive does not understand the word *intuitive*.  Hint: It does not
 mean pictures, nor does it mean pointing.  The same holds for virtual
 UIs that we access through HIDs.  For a concrete example just try to use
 style sheets *and* be productive at the same time in your office suite
 of choice (don't worry, they all suck).  Try to handle hundreds of
 e-mails per day (*handle*, not skim!) in multiple mailboxes *and* use
 less than 50% of your work time for dealing with e-mail in any MUA (yes,
 I'm including mutt and Emacs).

 Now don't get me wrong.  You do have a point there.  If a UI was
 perfectly reasonable and has been replaced by something less reasonable,
 I can totally understand your dissatisfaction.  That does happen from
 time to time when marketing people try to be smart.  But if the sole
 reason that you are unhappy is because you have to learn something new,
 then you shouldn't suggest moving to purely functional languages for
 scripting.  Remember that contributors are humans as well, many of them
 will face having to learn something new and nontrivial, and some of them
 will probably be just as angry as you are when your UI has been replaced
 without the option to go back.

 Again don't get me wrong.  I suggest that we do it, as long as we think
 that we're moving along the right track.  Innovation will almost by
 necessity cause some dissatisfaction.  I'm really just saying that there
 is not much difference between innovation in programming languages
 (programmers are humans) and user experience (users are humans).  For
 some of them innovation will be a problem in both cases.  Either you
 choose to respect that, or you choose to move on regardless.  It depends
 on your target audience.
Sure, there isn't a distinct dividing line because, of course, the
programming language can be seen as the developer's ultimate human
interface to the computer, but what I was trying to say is that
comparisons of human interfaces are considerably more subjective and
personal than comparisons of programming techniques. However, this may
be a false conclusion of the apparent deterioration of graphical user
interfaces in Gnome, KDE, Firefox, Nautilus, and pretty much anything
that focuses on the concept of ‘discoverability’ by removing features
and preferences rather than improving their documentation and providing
interactive demonstrations. Basically, these ‘modern’ interfaces are,
generally by design, quicker to get the hang of but less efficient in
the long-run 

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-09 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 Maybe you need to script it properly? Maybe StumpWM is less rigid from
 the beginning, though (I use it and extended it for my needs, so I can
 probably answer your questions if you wonder about it; it is in Common
 Lisp, by default all the splits are manual, and there are many hooks
 to perform actiosn on events like window addition)

Thanks!  However, I'd better not switch to a WM that I wouldn't enjoy
configuring.  Also I think that I've bent xmonad pretty much to its
limits and hit the abstraction wall.  Nowadays my configuration is a
whole cabalised package that I install via Nix.  If you're interested,
it's online [1].

The abstraction wall I hit is StackSet.  It is highly sequential
(workspaces are lists of windows, there is a mapping from screens to
workspaces, etc.) and offers absolutely no choice to organise windows
differently.  What I mean by too rigid is having

f :: Blah X - M ()

instead of

f :: (SomeAppropriateClass f) = f X - M ()

thereby enforcing `Blah` instead of an `f` of my choice.


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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-09 Thread James Haigh
On 09/02/15 19:56, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:
 In short:  Better stop arguing against them, regardless of what your
 reasons are. [...]
I'm not; I'm avoiding argument. Please don't make assumptions as to what
my reasons are! Otherwise your mind is arguing ‘for me’, but not
necessarily with the correct reasons and possibly in an unconstructive
way which defeats the object of me trying to avoid the topic! Actually
it's 2 unrelated topics that aren't specific to GNU OS, which I have
avoided talking about in relation to GNU OS since 2014-12-05 because I
want to be as constructive as possible for GNU OS (in other words, of
all the things with these 2 issues, GNU OS is probably my absolute
favourite), but being optimally constructive on such a complicated
matter is very time consuming, and I currently think that it's not the
best thing to focus my time on. So I'm avoiding the topic and trying to
solve (relatively) easier problems. Roll-on ARM support! Let's get NixOS
on open hardware! :-/
 Nevertheless, I still think that human interface choice is
 important, and XMonad is an example of the original point that I was
 trying to get at. It is a classic user interface, a tiling window
 manager, using a pure-functional language. Just because something is
 written using modern techniques doesn't mean to say that the user
 interface itself is ‘modern’.
 I use the same combination (xmonad + taffybar) and could complain all
 day long about it.  Of course this is constructive criticism, and I'm an
 idealist to some extent, but still there is a lot of room for

 For example xmonad is too rigid.  It has a fixed data structure that
 corresponds directly to what is displayed on each screen.  Workspace
 names are strings, which is hugely inconvenient.  Something like
 tag-based volatile workspaces are not possible, although with some
 really ugly (and slow) hacks you could do it.

 In the ideal graphical environment I wouldn't see any reason to close or
 move a single window -- ever.  Xmonad gets closer, but is still far
What?!! That sounds very abstract and cool! Maybe esoteric. Can you
 ‘multiparadigm’ is ambiguous as to what multiple paradigms that refers
 to, but I clarified that by saying “functional/imperative”.
 I did mean that Haskell supports imperative programming just as well as
 it does support declarative programming.  Some people say that it's the
 best imperative language out there.
Yes, but the documentation, tutorials, and community emphasise the
pure-functional paradigm.
Anyway, it doesn't stop at functional; I've been toying with the
concept of relational programming (of which functional can be seen as a
subset of). Functional is just the minimum bar for me. ;-)
But wait, we seem to have lost the original thread! :-) So does
pure-functional scripting for pure-functional packages sound like an
appropriate placement?

Best regards,
James Haigh.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-09 Thread James Haigh
On 30/01/15 16:02, Joe Hillenbrand wrote:

 Time to replace all shell scripts in Nix with Haskell?
No, certainly _now_ is way too early to replace _all_, but possibly
_some_, and starting with just the functional programming packages.
I've seen a couple of Haskell shells (e.g. Hell) since maybe about a
year ago. They're on my todo list of things to switch to (just like
NixOS was for me from 2013 to 2014).
I would recommend using a Haskell shell as your main shell for some
time before submitting scripts in it to a project that only has loose
ties with Haskell. It would also be nice to wait for Haskell shell users
and documentation to increase first because currently, if someone is to
look at a Haskell shell script who has not seen one before, it would not
be so easy for them to get help with it.
On the other hand, Nix expressions that relate specifically to
Haskell packages may be an appropriate place for such scripts because,
well, people using Haskell are going to have less of a learning curve
with them and would better appreciate the advantages.
I am though concerned for energy efficiency. Increasing required
computation doesn't just cost more / take longer, but also has greater
environmental impact. It's a trade-off, but it should be kept in-mind.

On 30/01/15 17:35, Joe Hillenbrand wrote:
 Given those concerns another option could be shell-monad[1][2], which
 outputs shell script, so you get some of the safety benefits of
 Haskell with none of the overhead. Maybe it would be a good middle ground.

Wow yes, that's really quite interesting!!!

On 01/02/15 00:24, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:
 What about other languages as Python, Perl etc.? I know it is against
 our purity standards, but they are a far superior to Bash scripting.
 Well, that's the current state of the art.  They are both used in
 Nixpkgs and some Nix-related tools.  They are an improvement over Bash
 scripting, but I believe we might as well go all the way and use a
 functional language.
Yes, I agree. If we're going to use a higher-level language, it should
at least make it into the pure-functional paradigm level of abstraction.
I see breaking legacy as being akin to forming lightning strikes; there
has to be enough potential difference (advancement) to break-down the
electrical insulation (difficulty in migration) and initiate the
electrostatic discharge (migration). Switching from Bash to Python
doesn't have so much appeal to me anymore since I've already been moving
from Python to the functional paradigm since 2012.
 Also the Nix model allows us to compile all our scripts easily (just
 apply a function), which might hold some benefit in terms of startup and
 switch times.  There is little reason to use interpreted scripts when
 you have a fast compiler.
So would you say that this is preferable to the shell-monad idea?

On 30/01/15 16:36, Domen Kožar wrote:
 If you want to impose on people to learn Haskell and Nix to
 contribute, you're going to end up in a lonely island. Remember, Nix
 tries to be approachable to everyone and that's why it's minimal and

 A lot of developers do realize that bash is terrible, but it wasn't
 replaced yet exactly for that reason. Legacy matters.
Well, if I cared too much about legacy, I wouldn't be using NixOS! :-D
I'd definitely say that NixOS is the most state-of-the-art GNU+Linux
distribution in existence, albeit a little lacking of hardware support
and package ecosystem, but this is improving fast!
(I must note though, that there are 2 cases in which legacy is
particularly important: human interfaces, and hardware. This is because
those 2 things are not a simple matter of changing software. Human
interfaces are a very personal thing and I find it frustrating when they
change continually, with no preference for previous behaviour, or even
that preferences are removed. I'm not alone in this frustration; UI
change is particularly harsh on computer illiterate who struggle to
learn 1 interface as it is. Hardware is obviously costly to upgrade,
contributes to electronic waste, and again, their human interface
devices are very personal preferences. I'm using ThinkPad X60 Tablets
largely because I like pointing stick mice, hate touchpads, like the
ThinkPad keyboard, and like the inductive tablet screen and stylus.
Whereas with non-human-interface software, it's possible to break legacy
and achieve state-of-the-art efficiency, maintainability, reliability,
etc. without any cost to the end user. I'm not saying that you can't
have state-of-the-art hardware or user interfaces, it's just that, to
use the lightning analogy again, the dielectric strength for the
electrical insulator is a lot higher and for people who rarely use
computers, the potential difference is a lot lower, so UI changes should
not be 

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-09 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 In short:  Better stop arguing against them, [...]

 I'm not; [...]

Alright. =)

 In the ideal graphical environment I wouldn't see any reason to close
 or move a single window -- ever.  Xmonad gets closer, but is still
 far away.

 What?!! That sounds very abstract and cool! Maybe esoteric. Can you

It's not that esoteric.  Think about the average 2013 laptop or PC with
plenty of RAM.  When you're done with a certain task, you close its
window, simply because you're used to that and perhaps because you draw
a relationship to the physical world, where you prefer your desk to be
clean and organised.

The truth is that a virtual desktop does not really (have to)
correspond to a real one.  There is no technical reason to close the
window other than the limits imposed by your amount of RAM and swap.  In
fact you shouldn't close windows, unless you're absolutely sure that you
will never need them again.  Most of the windows you close you just find
yourself reopening again later, going through all the procedures from
firing up a program to navigating to a file to scrolling to the part you
want to view or edit.  It's not *much* work, but it's repetetive and

Think of the average Windows user, who is used to the fact that there is
only one desktop.  When they need to suspend a task to temporarily
work on another one, they start to close or minimise windows, only to
have to find and recall all of them later.  This takes a considerable
amount of time, probably wasting a good ten minutes before you can get
back up to speed again.

Why?  Because it's the most unnatural thing you can do.  When you need
to interrupt your current work in the physical world, do you drop
everything to the floor or stuff everything back into the drawer?
Perhaps you do the first few times, but then you get a second desk or a
larger one.  That's probably the number one reason why Windows users
generally have at least two screens and would prefer to have more.

So what's the solution?  Simple: Workspaces must be cheap, dynamic and
extremely easy to manage.  There should not be a rigid mapping between
workspaces and windows.  Windows should easily be able to belong to
multiple workspaces.  A generalised xmonad could do it, but the current
one can't.

I'd be happy to discuss this further, but I'm afraid we're getting way
out of topic. =)

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nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-09 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 Thanks!  However, I'd better not switch to a WM that I wouldn't enjoy
 configuring.  Also I think that I've bent xmonad pretty much to its
 limits and hit the abstraction wall.  Nowadays my configuration is a
 whole cabalised package that I install via Nix.  If you're
 interested, it's online [1].

 If you hit an abstraction wall, maybe you would actually enjoy doing
 what you originally wanted with access to lower-level abstraction.

For xmonad StackSet is the lowest level.  Using something different
amounts to writing a new window manager, a generalisation of xmonad.

 Well, StumpWM allows arbitrary splits, very useful for Lazarus, Gimp,

Oh, this is not about splits.  Xmonad allows that, too, via layouts.
This is about the core data structure holding the current window
configuration (the associations between windows and workspaces, and
between workspaces and screens).  It is a core piece of the window
manager and cannot be modified by an addon.  Haskell allows to abstract
over this data structure easily, i.e. quantify over what is currently
StackSet.  The problem is: Xmonad does not do that.  There is no
inherent technical difficulty in doing it, it just doesn't do it.

The equivalent in C++ would be to use templates instead of concrete
functions, but there is no good translation for type classes.  You
really want type classes for this kind of thing.

 Maybe you should try Ratpoison and give it commands from a Haskell
 decision-making piece of code? Ratpoison also has arbitrary splits, it
 is simpler than StumpWM and can do way less. Driving StumpWM
 externally shoud also be easy, although with larger overhead.

Generalising the xmonad source code would probably work better for me,
because it allows me to stay in Haskell land and use types the way I'm
used to.  Also I don't believe that a WM written in C can have what I'm
looking for at all (abstracting over the core data structure).  It would
have to be implemented by horrible pointer magic, and I don't want to
touch that, even if it were there.

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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-02-02 Thread Lucas Paul
The Typed Racket idea is pretty good. I would point out, however, that
it only addresses the type-safety concern Joe brought up; not purity.
It's still pretty idiomatic Typed Racket to use side-effects and
mutation from otherwise pure code.

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 12:57 AM, Michael Raskin wrote:
Chicken or Scheme are not at all what at all what I was suggesting as they
offer nothing in the way of purity or type-safety, which are the primary
motivation for suggesting Haskell.

 Typed Racket? (Racket, as it got named when PLT Scheme developers
 decided they added too much into Scheme and need to rename)

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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Daniel Peebles
If only we had a way to produce multiple outputs from a single package... :)

 On Jan 31, 2015, at 07:22, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:
 There should be a pure
 library derivation and a separate compiler derivation.  The former
 should be as small as possible.  Ideally there would be one derivation
 per library.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 If only we had a way to produce multiple outputs from a single
 package... :)

We have.  The `derivation` function supports producing multiple outputs,
and I'm sure that `mkDerivation` forwards this ability.


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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Daniel Peebles
Yeah, was kidding around!

On Jan 31, 2015, at 10:47, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:

 If only we had a way to produce multiple outputs from a single
 package... :)
 We have.  The `derivation` function supports producing multiple outputs,
 and I'm sure that `mkDerivation` forwards this ability.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Shea Levy
Yes, I’m planning to work on multiple outputs for ghc soon :)
 On Jan 31, 2015, at 3:55 PM, Daniel Peebles wrote:
 Yeah, was kidding around!
 On Jan 31, 2015, at 10:47, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:
 If only we had a way to produce multiple outputs from a single
 package... :)
 We have.  The `derivation` function supports producing multiple outputs,
 and I'm sure that `mkDerivation` forwards this ability.
 nix-dev mailing list

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 Yes, I’m planning to work on multiple outputs for ghc soon :)

Great!  I'm looking forward to that. =)

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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Tim Barbour
At Sat, 31 Jan 2015 13:22:09 +0100,
Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:
 I have actually experimented with using Haskell (and a few other FP
 languages) as a substitute for shells.
 You might be interested why Curry didn't work.  Simple: I couldn't figure
 out how to write a program.  Actually I went through the whole tutorial, did
 all the exercises (they aren't really difficult to a Haskell programmer) and
 then skimmed through the whole PAKCS manual.  I could write extremely
 elegant algorithmic code and was quite amazed at the beauty of this
 language, even compared to Haskell.  But in the end I still didn't know how
 to turn all this beautiful Curry code into an executable file that I can run
 without invoking PAKCS explicitly.  Something with a shebang or ideally
 something binary.  It would probably be possible to write wrapper scripts,
 but let's just wait until one of the implementations becomes mature enough
 for systems programming.

Curry is indeed a beautiful language, and is essentially a conservative
extension of Haskell. I am surprised that more Haskell folk have not adopted

PAKCS compiles Curry to Prolog (typically SICStus), which drags in the Prolog
system. To get a binary executable, a better choice would be MCC (compiles
Curry to native code) or KiCS2 (compiles Curry to Haskell, which can go into

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Anderson Torres
2015-01-31 22:24 GMT-02:00 Ertugrul Söylemez
 What about other languages as Python, Perl etc.? I know it is against
 our purity standards, but they are a far superior to Bash scripting.

 Well, that's the current state of the art.  They are both used in
 Nixpkgs and some Nix-related tools.  They are an improvement over Bash
 scripting, but I believe we might as well go all the way and use a
 functional language.

 Also the Nix model allows us to compile all our scripts easily (just
 apply a function), which might hold some benefit in terms of startup and
 switch times.  There is little reason to use interpreted scripts when
 you have a fast compiler.

So, Chicken appears to be a good choice: it can be both interpreted
and compiled, very fast and with little overhead. And it can be easily
debugged - it's functional, after all!
I think Haskell is as much as overkiller - there is even a project
about it: Nix Evaluator in Haskell[1]. It is easier to use a less
ambitious and more funny language (in the Python sense of funny

What about to start a project to implement Chicken as script
supporting language for Nix? I would like to help!

1 -
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 What about other languages as Python, Perl etc.? I know it is against
 our purity standards, but they are a far superior to Bash scripting.

Well, that's the current state of the art.  They are both used in
Nixpkgs and some Nix-related tools.  They are an improvement over Bash
scripting, but I believe we might as well go all the way and use a
functional language.

Also the Nix model allows us to compile all our scripts easily (just
apply a function), which might hold some benefit in terms of startup and
switch times.  There is little reason to use interpreted scripts when
you have a fast compiler.

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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Raahul Kumar
Guix is an already existing Nix implementation in Guile. Let's take the
other path.Haskell, since the issue of closures is apparently simple.

On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 10:22 PM, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:

  At this current point in time, GHC is packaged in a poor manner, with
  GHC being unbelievably huge. Dynamic linking is the answer, which
  isn't done by default.

 I have actually experimented with using Haskell (and a few other FP
 languages) as a substitute for shells.  It is feasible if you disable
 dynamic linking.  The non-Haskell libraries are still linked
 dynamically, but the reference to the GHC derivation is then gone.  This
 brings the closure of a Haskell hello-world script from a huge 1.1 GiB
 down to a mere 131 MiB (on my x86_64 system), which makes it on par with
 shell scripts.

 However, static linking is probably not a good idea.  The resulting
 scripts are on the order of megabytes and can quickly approach a few
 tens of them.  To really fix this and make Haskell viable as a shell
 substitute we need to split the GHC derivation.  There should be a pure
 library derivation and a separate compiler derivation.  The former
 should be as small as possible.  Ideally there would be one derivation
 per library.

 The other languages I have tried are Scheme (via Chicken), Curry (via
 PAKCS), SML (via mlton) and Idris.

 Before I present my results, let me clarify what I think a script is:
 It is a string that I can run through a simple Nix function, which gives
 me a derivation that contains a runnable version of that string, either
 binary or shebanged.  This derivation pulls a reasonably sized closure
 along with it.  I can choose to combine many such runnable scripts to a
 single derivation using buildEnv, which is often very useful.  In other
 words:  For the language blah there is a simple, deterministic,
 unconfigurable function that would have the following signature in a
 hypothetical typed Nix:

 blahScript : String - Derivation

 This function can be a special case of a slightly more powerful function
 that takes a directory and a main entry point, because if we choose to
 use a better language, we might as well choose to utilise its module
 system, if it has one, for some of our larger scripts.

 Now to my results:  All of the above languages, except Curry, work more
 or less, if all you need to do is to start programs or move files
 around.  As soon as you need to do operating-system-specific stuff
 (e.g. `unshare` on Linux) it gets less juicy, because unless someone has
 written a nice high-level library you need to touch the FFI.

 Chicken Scheme worked best for that, because rather than trying to model
 the syscall in the language, you can just dump C code into it.  Not a
 nice and clean solution, but a working one for the many cases when you
 just need to -- you know -- get stuff done.

 Haskell works, because lots of the OS bindings can be found on Hackage,
 including Linux-specific libraries.  But it does require a slightly more
 expressive 'haskellScriptWith' function.  You need to be able to tell it
 what you depend on.

 SML works and produces surprisingly small executables.  It loses at the
 library end, because there aren't many OS-specific libraries around (or
 I couldn't find them).  Also some of the advanced FFI tooling that I'm
 used to from Haskell seems to be missing.  Finally I would say that the
 syntax is too verbose for quick scripting (but that's subjective -- I
 have seen people use VB.NET for scripting).

 You might be interested why Curry didn't work.  Simple: I couldn't
 figure out how to write a program.  Actually I went through the whole
 tutorial, did all the exercises (they aren't really difficult to a
 Haskell programmer) and then skimmed through the whole PAKCS manual.  I
 could write extremely elegant algorithmic code and was quite amazed at
 the beauty of this language, even compared to Haskell.  But in the end I
 still didn't know how to turn all this beautiful Curry code into an
 executable file that I can run without invoking PAKCS explicitly.
 Something with a shebang or ideally something binary.  It would probably
 be possible to write wrapper scripts, but let's just wait until one of
 the implementations becomes mature enough for systems programming.

 Finally there is Idris.  It is a beautiful language that comes with
 reasonable editor integration and a lightweight syntax.  It compiles to
 executable binary code and has a carefully designed yet useful FFI.
 Sounds good for scripting.  On the other hand it is very young and
 documentation is far from mature.  Not that I would mind its youth, but
 I do mind the barrier to entry at this point.  At the very least when
 other authors don't understand my code, it should be reasonably obvious
 where to look for answers.  Also the library landscape is very flat, so
 bootstrapping might use most of your time, if you choose to use Idris
 for systems-level scripting at this point.


Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Anderson Torres
2015-01-31 10:22 GMT-02:00 Ertugrul Söylemez
 At this current point in time, GHC is packaged in a poor manner, with
 GHC being unbelievably huge. Dynamic linking is the answer, which
 isn't done by default.

 I have actually experimented with using Haskell (and a few other FP
 languages) as a substitute for shells.  It is feasible if you disable
 dynamic linking.  The non-Haskell libraries are still linked
 dynamically, but the reference to the GHC derivation is then gone.  This
 brings the closure of a Haskell hello-world script from a huge 1.1 GiB
 down to a mere 131 MiB (on my x86_64 system), which makes it on par with
 shell scripts.

 However, static linking is probably not a good idea.  The resulting
 scripts are on the order of megabytes and can quickly approach a few
 tens of them.  To really fix this and make Haskell viable as a shell
 substitute we need to split the GHC derivation.  There should be a pure
 library derivation and a separate compiler derivation.  The former
 should be as small as possible.  Ideally there would be one derivation
 per library.

 The other languages I have tried are Scheme (via Chicken), Curry (via
 PAKCS), SML (via mlton) and Idris.

 Before I present my results, let me clarify what I think a script is:
 It is a string that I can run through a simple Nix function, which gives
 me a derivation that contains a runnable version of that string, either
 binary or shebanged.  This derivation pulls a reasonably sized closure
 along with it.  I can choose to combine many such runnable scripts to a
 single derivation using buildEnv, which is often very useful.  In other
 words:  For the language blah there is a simple, deterministic,
 unconfigurable function that would have the following signature in a
 hypothetical typed Nix:

 blahScript : String - Derivation

 This function can be a special case of a slightly more powerful function
 that takes a directory and a main entry point, because if we choose to
 use a better language, we might as well choose to utilise its module
 system, if it has one, for some of our larger scripts.

 Now to my results:  All of the above languages, except Curry, work more
 or less, if all you need to do is to start programs or move files
 around.  As soon as you need to do operating-system-specific stuff
 (e.g. `unshare` on Linux) it gets less juicy, because unless someone has
 written a nice high-level library you need to touch the FFI.

 Chicken Scheme worked best for that, because rather than trying to model
 the syscall in the language, you can just dump C code into it.  Not a
 nice and clean solution, but a working one for the many cases when you
 just need to -- you know -- get stuff done.

 Haskell works, because lots of the OS bindings can be found on Hackage,
 including Linux-specific libraries.  But it does require a slightly more
 expressive 'haskellScriptWith' function.  You need to be able to tell it
 what you depend on.

 SML works and produces surprisingly small executables.  It loses at the
 library end, because there aren't many OS-specific libraries around (or
 I couldn't find them).  Also some of the advanced FFI tooling that I'm
 used to from Haskell seems to be missing.  Finally I would say that the
 syntax is too verbose for quick scripting (but that's subjective -- I
 have seen people use VB.NET for scripting).

 You might be interested why Curry didn't work.  Simple: I couldn't
 figure out how to write a program.  Actually I went through the whole
 tutorial, did all the exercises (they aren't really difficult to a
 Haskell programmer) and then skimmed through the whole PAKCS manual.  I
 could write extremely elegant algorithmic code and was quite amazed at
 the beauty of this language, even compared to Haskell.  But in the end I
 still didn't know how to turn all this beautiful Curry code into an
 executable file that I can run without invoking PAKCS explicitly.
 Something with a shebang or ideally something binary.  It would probably
 be possible to write wrapper scripts, but let's just wait until one of
 the implementations becomes mature enough for systems programming.

 Finally there is Idris.  It is a beautiful language that comes with
 reasonable editor integration and a lightweight syntax.  It compiles to
 executable binary code and has a carefully designed yet useful FFI.
 Sounds good for scripting.  On the other hand it is very young and
 documentation is far from mature.  Not that I would mind its youth, but
 I do mind the barrier to entry at this point.  At the very least when
 other authors don't understand my code, it should be reasonably obvious
 where to look for answers.  Also the library landscape is very flat, so
 bootstrapping might use most of your time, if you choose to use Idris
 for systems-level scripting at this point.

 The most viable options seem to be Chicken Scheme and Haskell.  Both are
 well documented and have a usable FFI.  Chicken produces much smaller

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 Curry is indeed a beautiful language, and is essentially a
 conservative extension of Haskell. I am surprised that more Haskell
 folk have not adopted it.

Well, it does lack quite a few things right now, including on the
language level.  For example its way to deal with ad-hoc polymorphism is
very ugly, because it has no type classes yet:

(==) :: a - a - Bool

Constraint programming can be done reasonably in Haskell, it just won't
be as pretty and implicit as in Curry.  So I can live with Haskell's
lack of built-in constraint programming, but I can't live with Curry's
lack of type classes.

In other words, there is still a lot of room for improvement, and it
caught my attention so much that I will definitely check from time to
time for Curry news.

The perfect programming language in my view would combine the best of
Agda, Curry, Haskell, Idris and this crazy data flow language whose name
I forgot (it has negative and reciprocal types representing lack of

 PAKCS compiles Curry to Prolog (typically SICStus), which drags in the Prolog
 system. To get a binary executable, a better choice would be MCC (compiles
 Curry to native code) or KiCS2 (compiles Curry to Haskell, which can go into

PAKCS was the only implementation I could find in Nixpkgs, and it was
sufficient to get a feeling for the language.

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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Karn Kallio
, copy-nix-closure to copy it to the
 machine I want to run it on, and on that remote machine run `nix-env -i`.
 In the derivation for the package I've used the `hiPrio` function to make
 this new package a higher priority.  When I use the nix-repl and import and
 check the value, I can see that the meta.priority is indeed set to -10 as
 it should be.  But when `nix-env -i` is run it still complains about the
 Is there a way to check the priority of something in the nix-store? Any
 ideas why the priority is being ignored and/or lost in this process? Am
 there something wrong in my process?
 -- next part --
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 Message: 5
 Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 20:51:37 +
 From: Shea Levy
 Subject: Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting
 To: Daniel Peebles
 Cc: nix-dev
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
 Yes, I?m planning to work on multiple outputs for ghc soon :)
  On Jan 31, 2015, at 3:55 PM, Daniel Peebles wrote:
  Yeah, was kidding around!
  On Jan 31, 2015, at 10:47, Ertugrul S?ylemez wrote:
  If only we had a way to produce multiple outputs from a single
  package... :)
  We have.  The `derivation` function supports producing multiple outputs,
  and I'm sure that `mkDerivation` forwards this ability.
  nix-dev mailing list
 Message: 6
 Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 22:03:50 +0100
 From: Ertugrul S?ylemez
 Subject: Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting
 To: Shea Levy, Daniel Peebles
 Cc: nix-dev
 Message-ID: m4bnleslvt.fsf@deimos.Speedport_W_723V_1_36_000
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
  Yes, I?m planning to work on multiple outputs for ghc soon :)
 Great!  I'm looking forward to that. =)
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 Message: 7
 Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2015 08:59:13 +1100
 From: Tim Barbour
 Subject: Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting
 To: Ertugrul S?ylemez
 Cc: nix-dev
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 At Sat, 31 Jan 2015 13:22:09 +0100,
 Ertugrul S?ylemez wrote:
  I have actually experimented with using Haskell (and a few other FP
  languages) as a substitute for shells.
  You might be interested why Curry didn't work.  Simple: I couldn't figure
  out how to write a program.  Actually I went through the whole tutorial,
  did all the exercises (they aren't really difficult to a Haskell
  programmer) and then skimmed through the whole PAKCS manual.  I could
  write extremely elegant algorithmic code and was quite amazed at the
  beauty of this language, even compared to Haskell.  But in the end I
  still didn't know how to turn all this beautiful Curry code into an
  executable file that I can run without invoking PAKCS explicitly. 
  Something with a shebang or ideally something binary.  It would probably
  be possible to write wrapper scripts, but let's just wait until one of
  the implementations becomes mature enough for systems programming.
 Curry is indeed a beautiful language, and is essentially a conservative
 extension of Haskell. I am surprised that more Haskell folk have not adopted
 PAKCS compiles Curry to Prolog (typically SICStus), which drags in the
 Prolog system. To get a binary executable, a better choice would be MCC
 (compiles Curry to native code) or KiCS2 (compiles Curry to Haskell, which
 can go into ghc):

The nixpkgs expression for PAKCS uses SWI prolog, and PAKCS has an option for 
producing a wrapper that calls swi to execute your program.  With this you can 
use PAKCS for scripting in more or less the same way as perl, php, bash, 
python, nodejs etc

For example:

[kkallio@eka:scratch]$ cat hello.curry
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn Hello world!

[kkallio@eka:scratch]$ pakcs :load hello :save :quit
[1 of 2] Skipping  Prelude  ( 

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Joe Hillenbrand
Chicken or Scheme are not at all what at all what I was suggesting as they
offer nothing in the way of purity or type-safety, which are the primary
motivation for suggesting Haskell.

On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 8:12 PM, Anderson Torres wrote:

 2015-01-31 22:24 GMT-02:00 Ertugrul Söylemez
  What about other languages as Python, Perl etc.? I know it is against
  our purity standards, but they are a far superior to Bash scripting.
  Well, that's the current state of the art.  They are both used in
  Nixpkgs and some Nix-related tools.  They are an improvement over Bash
  scripting, but I believe we might as well go all the way and use a
  functional language.
  Also the Nix model allows us to compile all our scripts easily (just
  apply a function), which might hold some benefit in terms of startup and
  switch times.  There is little reason to use interpreted scripts when
  you have a fast compiler.

 So, Chicken appears to be a good choice: it can be both interpreted
 and compiled, very fast and with little overhead. And it can be easily
 debugged - it's functional, after all!
 I think Haskell is as much as overkiller - there is even a project
 about it: Nix Evaluator in Haskell[1]. It is easier to use a less
 ambitious and more funny language (in the Python sense of funny

 What about to start a project to implement Chicken as script
 supporting language for Nix? I would like to help!

 1 -
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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-31 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
 At this current point in time, GHC is packaged in a poor manner, with
 GHC being unbelievably huge. Dynamic linking is the answer, which
 isn't done by default.

I have actually experimented with using Haskell (and a few other FP
languages) as a substitute for shells.  It is feasible if you disable
dynamic linking.  The non-Haskell libraries are still linked
dynamically, but the reference to the GHC derivation is then gone.  This
brings the closure of a Haskell hello-world script from a huge 1.1 GiB
down to a mere 131 MiB (on my x86_64 system), which makes it on par with
shell scripts.

However, static linking is probably not a good idea.  The resulting
scripts are on the order of megabytes and can quickly approach a few
tens of them.  To really fix this and make Haskell viable as a shell
substitute we need to split the GHC derivation.  There should be a pure
library derivation and a separate compiler derivation.  The former
should be as small as possible.  Ideally there would be one derivation
per library.

The other languages I have tried are Scheme (via Chicken), Curry (via
PAKCS), SML (via mlton) and Idris.

Before I present my results, let me clarify what I think a script is:
It is a string that I can run through a simple Nix function, which gives
me a derivation that contains a runnable version of that string, either
binary or shebanged.  This derivation pulls a reasonably sized closure
along with it.  I can choose to combine many such runnable scripts to a
single derivation using buildEnv, which is often very useful.  In other
words:  For the language blah there is a simple, deterministic,
unconfigurable function that would have the following signature in a
hypothetical typed Nix:

blahScript : String - Derivation

This function can be a special case of a slightly more powerful function
that takes a directory and a main entry point, because if we choose to
use a better language, we might as well choose to utilise its module
system, if it has one, for some of our larger scripts.

Now to my results:  All of the above languages, except Curry, work more
or less, if all you need to do is to start programs or move files
around.  As soon as you need to do operating-system-specific stuff
(e.g. `unshare` on Linux) it gets less juicy, because unless someone has
written a nice high-level library you need to touch the FFI.

Chicken Scheme worked best for that, because rather than trying to model
the syscall in the language, you can just dump C code into it.  Not a
nice and clean solution, but a working one for the many cases when you
just need to -- you know -- get stuff done.

Haskell works, because lots of the OS bindings can be found on Hackage,
including Linux-specific libraries.  But it does require a slightly more
expressive 'haskellScriptWith' function.  You need to be able to tell it
what you depend on.

SML works and produces surprisingly small executables.  It loses at the
library end, because there aren't many OS-specific libraries around (or
I couldn't find them).  Also some of the advanced FFI tooling that I'm
used to from Haskell seems to be missing.  Finally I would say that the
syntax is too verbose for quick scripting (but that's subjective -- I
have seen people use VB.NET for scripting).

You might be interested why Curry didn't work.  Simple: I couldn't
figure out how to write a program.  Actually I went through the whole
tutorial, did all the exercises (they aren't really difficult to a
Haskell programmer) and then skimmed through the whole PAKCS manual.  I
could write extremely elegant algorithmic code and was quite amazed at
the beauty of this language, even compared to Haskell.  But in the end I
still didn't know how to turn all this beautiful Curry code into an
executable file that I can run without invoking PAKCS explicitly.
Something with a shebang or ideally something binary.  It would probably
be possible to write wrapper scripts, but let's just wait until one of
the implementations becomes mature enough for systems programming.

Finally there is Idris.  It is a beautiful language that comes with
reasonable editor integration and a lightweight syntax.  It compiles to
executable binary code and has a carefully designed yet useful FFI.
Sounds good for scripting.  On the other hand it is very young and
documentation is far from mature.  Not that I would mind its youth, but
I do mind the barrier to entry at this point.  At the very least when
other authors don't understand my code, it should be reasonably obvious
where to look for answers.  Also the library landscape is very flat, so
bootstrapping might use most of your time, if you choose to use Idris
for systems-level scripting at this point.

The most viable options seem to be Chicken Scheme and Haskell.  Both are
well documented and have a usable FFI.  Chicken produces much smaller
executables, and programs are very memory-efficient.  By design it
compiles via C; because of that instead of providing a carefully
designed FFI it 

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-30 Thread Domen Kožar
If you want to impose on people to learn Haskell and Nix to contribute,
you're going to end up in a lonely island. Remember, Nix tries to be
approachable to everyone and that's why it's minimal and simple.

A lot of developers do realize that bash is terrible, but it wasn't
replaced yet exactly for that reason. Legacy matters.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Oliver Charles

 Not sure if you're serious, but the last time we considered even rewriting
 the scripts in C, people were mostly against that. However, I guess with
 this the major opposition (can't read the source code easily) goes away,
 because you can still cat the scripts. However, I'd imagine that the
 startup overhead is now higher than bash, and the size of closures goes up
 a lot (you have to pull in the many hundreds of MB that GHC needs).

 So while it's a nice idea, I don't think it's practical to be done system
 wide - though I'm all for doing it locally!

 -- ocharles

 On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 4:02 PM, Joe Hillenbrand

 Time to replace all shell scripts in Nix with Haskell?

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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-30 Thread Oliver Charles
Not sure if you're serious, but the last time we considered even rewriting
the scripts in C, people were mostly against that. However, I guess with
this the major opposition (can't read the source code easily) goes away,
because you can still cat the scripts. However, I'd imagine that the
startup overhead is now higher than bash, and the size of closures goes up
a lot (you have to pull in the many hundreds of MB that GHC needs).

So while it's a nice idea, I don't think it's practical to be done system
wide - though I'm all for doing it locally!

-- ocharles

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 4:02 PM, Joe Hillenbrand

 Time to replace all shell scripts in Nix with Haskell?

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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-30 Thread Joe Hillenbrand
On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Domen Kožar wrote:

 If you want to impose on people to learn Haskell and Nix to contribute,
 you're going to end up in a lonely island. Remember, Nix tries to be
 approachable to everyone and that's why it's minimal and simple.

I'll never buy the circular argument that Haskell's not popular because
Haskell's not popular. I think people would be encouraged to learn Haskell
if Nix was using it to great success. From what I've seen, a huge chunk of
the existing Nix community are Haskellers because they understand the
benefits of purity. I think if there is a clear benefit to a superior tool,
it should be used, though I'm not entirely convinced there are a huge
benefit to using Turtle.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Oliver Charles

 Not sure if you're serious...

I'm not sure if I am either. I'm just curious what people think about the

I'd imagine that the startup overhead is now higher than bash, and the size
 of closures goes up a lot (you have to pull in the many hundreds of MB that
 GHC needs).

Given those concerns another option could be shell-monad[1][2], which
outputs shell script, so you get some of the safety benefits of Haskell
with none of the overhead. Maybe it would be a good middle ground.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-30 Thread Raahul Kumar
At this current point in time, GHC is packaged in a poor manner, with GHC
being unbelievably huge. Dynamic linking is the answer, which isn't done by


On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 3:35 AM, Joe Hillenbrand

 On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Domen Kožar wrote:

 If you want to impose on people to learn Haskell and Nix to contribute,
 you're going to end up in a lonely island. Remember, Nix tries to be
 approachable to everyone and that's why it's minimal and simple.

 I'll never buy the circular argument that Haskell's not popular because
 Haskell's not popular. I think people would be encouraged to learn Haskell
 if Nix was using it to great success. From what I've seen, a huge chunk of
 the existing Nix community are Haskellers because they understand the
 benefits of purity. I think if there is a clear benefit to a superior tool,
 it should be used, though I'm not entirely convinced there are a huge
 benefit to using Turtle.

 On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Oliver Charles

 Not sure if you're serious...

 I'm not sure if I am either. I'm just curious what people think about the

 I'd imagine that the startup overhead is now higher than bash, and the
 size of closures goes up a lot (you have to pull in the many hundreds of MB
 that GHC needs).

 Given those concerns another option could be shell-monad[1][2], which
 outputs shell script, so you get some of the safety benefits of Haskell
 with none of the overhead. Maybe it would be a good middle ground.


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Re: [Nix-dev] Use Haskell for Shell Scripting

2015-01-30 Thread Daniel Peebles
You linked to something from 2011. Since 7.8 (or perhaps earlier?),
it's dynamically linked by default.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 7:52 PM, Raahul Kumar wrote:
 At this current point in time, GHC is packaged in a poor manner, with GHC
 being unbelievably huge. Dynamic linking is the answer, which isn't done by


 On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 3:35 AM, Joe Hillenbrand

 On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Domen Kožar wrote:

 If you want to impose on people to learn Haskell and Nix to contribute,
 you're going to end up in a lonely island. Remember, Nix tries to be
 approachable to everyone and that's why it's minimal and simple.

 I'll never buy the circular argument that Haskell's not popular because
 Haskell's not popular. I think people would be encouraged to learn Haskell
 if Nix was using it to great success. From what I've seen, a huge chunk of
 the existing Nix community are Haskellers because they understand the
 benefits of purity. I think if there is a clear benefit to a superior tool,
 it should be used, though I'm not entirely convinced there are a huge
 benefit to using Turtle.

 On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Oliver Charles

 Not sure if you're serious...

 I'm not sure if I am either. I'm just curious what people think about the

 I'd imagine that the startup overhead is now higher than bash, and the
 size of closures goes up a lot (you have to pull in the many hundreds of MB
 that GHC needs).

 Given those concerns another option could be shell-monad[1][2], which
 outputs shell script, so you get some of the safety benefits of Haskell with
 none of the overhead. Maybe it would be a good middle ground.


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