Re: [nmh-workers] Formatting HTML to Text: netrik.

2019-07-03 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette
In message <>, 
Ken Hornstein  wrote:

>I think that should be pretty straightforward, with the exception we don't
>have any internal tools to show just ONE Received: line.

Perhaps this will end up being my one and only contribution 
to the project.  (I'm sure that if I roll up my sleeves, I
can most probably make it happen.)


Re: [nmh-workers] Formatting HTML to Text: netrik.

2019-07-03 Thread Ken Hornstein
>I'm sure that building the port will crate a situation in which
>thinks -could- all work well.  But I still have all of these
>mucked-up personal configuration files, both ~/.mh_profile and
>also several sub-configuration files underneath my Mail/ directory.
>(I wish that all this stuff could be put in one file.  Maybe in
>future NMH might support an XMLish single configuration file

Wlll ... I get where you're coming from, but they're all different
tools.  That's an advantage, but also a weakness.  Having one huge file
that contained the setting for every tool I could see being rather
unwieldly.  Also, the idea is that you could have different options for
different behavior and you'd just select between them via command-line
options.  Putting all of that functionality into one super-file ...
well, I suppose it's possible, but I can't see it being a win.  I'm
not opposed to hearing about how we could do configuration better, and
I'll be the first one to admit it's not DOCUMENTED well, but I actually
thought the functionality was one of our better points.

>Also, as I said earlier, I have some specialized needs/tastes,
>in particular with regards to the display of header lines.
>However I have since realized that I actually misspoke... I
>*do not* want to see 100% of all headers.  In fact that is
>counterproductive.  I just need to be able to see the usual
>ones (From: To: Subject: Date: Message-ID:) and also the
>following ONLY:
>Received: --- NOTE!  Only the topmost one need be shown!

I think that should be pretty straightforward, with the exception we don't
have any internal tools to show just ONE Received: line.



Re: [nmh-workers] Formatting HTML to Text: netrik.

2019-07-03 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette
Thanks again Ken.

I'm sure that building the port will crate a situation in which
thinks -could- all work well.  But I still have all of these
mucked-up personal configuration files, both ~/.mh_profile and
also several sub-configuration files underneath my Mail/ directory.
(I wish that all this stuff could be put in one file.  Maybe in
future NMH might support an XMLish single configuration file

Also, as I said earlier, I have some specialized needs/tastes,
in particular with regards to the display of header lines.
However I have since realized that I actually misspoke... I
*do not* want to see 100% of all headers.  In fact that is
counterproductive.  I just need to be able to see the usual
ones (From: To: Subject: Date: Message-ID:) and also the
following ONLY:

Received: --- NOTE!  Only the topmost one need be shown!

This is just stuff that I need in order to do local spam filtering
according to my own personal tastes.



Re: [nmh-workers] Formatting HTML to Text: netrik.

2019-07-03 Thread Ken Hornstein
>To answer your question, no, I have not reinstalled NMH, and I'm not even
>sure if that would be a Good Idea at this point or not.

Well, it might be!  See below ...

>I need to make clear also that on FreeBSD one has a choice of installing
>a particular thing as a pre-built binary "package" ro to built it from
>sources, possibly with customized options.  I have so far only done the
>former and not the latter.  If it turns out to be eithre necessary or
>helpful, I can, and certainly will do the latter.  But just now, I still
>have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.  I will circle
>back with you on all this as soon as I can. I still do desperately want
>to get all of the kinks in my personal nmh configuration ironed out.
>I just can't do that today.

Cy Schubert said he would commit some changes to the nmh package so
it had some more options that would give you a better experience, like
installing and configuring w3m for you and all of the magic to make
replyfilter work.  So I think if you go to the nmh ports directory
and do "make config" then you should get a dialog that would provide a
much better user experience.  And if you update your ports directory
in a few days using svnup, you should find a few changes that might
help you out (but don't let that stop you, you'd probably be in a lot
better shape if you built it from source and choose the appropriate



Re: [nmh-workers] Formatting HTML to Text: netrik.

2019-07-03 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette
In message <>, 
Ken Hornstein  wrote:

>So, circling back to this ...
>Ronald, I was communicating with Cy Schubert, the maintainer of the FreeBSD
>nmh port, and he said to me, "Hey, did you realize that we DO all of the
>stuff to make replyfilter work if you enable that option?"  And when I
>looked at the port Makefile I realized he was right ... there is an
>option to install replyfilter and of the dependencies you need.  That
>would also have installed w3m which meant nmh would have been configured
>to render HTML email out of the box correctly.
>So, my question to you is ... have you tried reinstalling nmh with
>the replyfilter option?  I believe that "make showconfig" or "make config"
>for the nmh port should get you going in the right direction.

Ken, I apologize for leaving things hanging, and for failing to follow up
on the last email or two that you posted with helpful advice about how
to get the utter mess I have created for myself properly ironed out
at long last.  What can I say?  Stuff happens, and I got distracted...
again.  But your last two helpful messages are still in my inbox and it
has been my intent to come back to them and do all of the things you
suggested... most importantly, perhaps, reading the bloody man page
(as I should have done from the outset, of course).

To answer your question, no, I have not reinstalled NMH, and I'm not even
sure if that would be a Good Idea at this point or not.

I need to make clear also that on FreeBSD one has a choice of installing
a particular thing as a pre-built binary "package" ro to built it from
sources, possibly with customized options.  I have so far only done the
former and not the latter.  If it turns out to be eithre necessary or
helpful, I can, and certainly will do the latter.  But just now, I still
have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.  I will circle
back with you on all this as soon as I can. I still do desperately want
to get all of the kinks in my personal nmh configuration ironed out.
I just can't do that today.

I thank you so much for your care and concern.



Re: [nmh-workers] Formatting HTML to Text: netrik.

2019-07-03 Thread Ken Hornstein
So, circling back to this ...

Ronald, I was communicating with Cy Schubert, the maintainer of the FreeBSD
nmh port, and he said to me, "Hey, did you realize that we DO all of the
stuff to make replyfilter work if you enable that option?"  And when I
looked at the port Makefile I realized he was right ... there is an
option to install replyfilter and of the dependencies you need.  That
would also have installed w3m which meant nmh would have been configured
to render HTML email out of the box correctly.

So, my question to you is ... have you tried reinstalling nmh with
the replyfilter option?  I believe that "make showconfig" or "make config"
for the nmh port should get you going in the right direction.



[nmh-workers] Bug #56575 (hard links in refile)

2019-07-03 Thread Ken Hornstein
Hey ...

To the person who filed bug #56575 ... I don't know who it was, but
because it doesn't have a user name tied to the submission, I replied
to it but I don't know if you saw the reply.  Anyway, I can't reproduce
your problem ... I think we should do the right thing, but if you are
willing to talk about it here we could run down the exact problem.

