Re: [Nmh-workers] RFC 2047 vs RFC 2231 encoding for MIME parameters

2016-10-05 Thread Earl Hood
On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 8:57 AM, David Levine wrote:

> If not a tty, we're back to the question.  Safer to fail, friendlier to
> decode.


How often are real files with "=?...?=" in their name them encountered?


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] RFC 2047 vs RFC 2231 encoding for MIME parameters

2016-10-05 Thread Earl Hood
On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 7:44 AM, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

> Content-Type: inode/x-empty; name*=UTF-8''%41%00%42
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=UTF-8''%41%00%42
> `mhstore -auto' creates `./A'.  Perhaps the RFCs rule out %00?  But then
> again, we're talking about crap that doesn't follow the RFCs.  If it's
> %41%2F%42 then `A/B' is created if A exists, so that seems OK.

It not okay.  Filenames specified in email is considered informative only
since there are security implications of blindly using what is provided.

For any file nmh creates based on email parameter input, it should run it
through a sanitizer to remove any characters deemed invalid and remove any
pathname components.  For example, what if I have:

  Content-Type: application/octet-stream
  Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="/etc/passwd"

or relative pathname attacks using "../.."?

I do not recall if nmh checks if a file with same name already exists.

If we are to be security conscience, filename parameter should be ignored,
with files stored based on content-type, or at a minimum, just use the
filename parameter extension.  An option can be provided to specify that the
filename parameter be honored, but even then, only use the basename after it
has been sanitized.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] RFC 2047 vs RFC 2231 encoding for MIME parameters

2016-10-02 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:

>>The question remains of whether mhstore should decode 2047-encoded
>>filenames natively.  It'd be friendly and it's very unlikely that what
>>looks ike an encoded string isn't.  On the other hand, running mhfixmsg
>>shouldn't be prohibitive.
> I know; I'm torn about this.  I mean, yeah, mhfixmsg will take care of it.
> But still ... ugh; if the brokenness wasn't so widespread, I would say no.
> Not sure.  Thoughts from anyone else?

I experienced this problem years ago with my project.  I ended up
implementing 2047 decoding for filename parameter since it appears others
are unable to read specifications.

Google has no excuse for generating such data, but as you note in your OP,
other MUAs have been doing it for a long time and from vendors that are
notorious for not following specs properly.  I do not know how many MUAs
support RFC 2231.

I do not recommend blanket 2047 decoding for parameter data.  Just limit it
to parameters associated with a filename.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh architecture discussion: format engine character set

2015-08-20 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 8:55 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:

 - Handle everything internally as UTF-8.
 - For _display_, try to convert all of the characters to the native
   character set (yes, using the locale, dammit!).
 - For things like _replies_, if we are not in an UTF-8 locale then
   downgrade things like the addresses using RFC 6587 rules (well, the
   subject as well ...  I think the way it would work is the format
   engine would do the encoding for you behind the scenes for all
 - Reconvert such messages to 'canonical' standard while sending.  Well, I
   think just for addresses; leaving everything else as an encoded word might
   not be harmful.  But I'd have to think about it.
 - But this also makes it clear that the thoughts of having an 'external'
   decoder stage will simply not work; you need to know too much about each
   header, because they're all handled differently.

Sorry for late reply...

The above looks reasonable to me.

The 'external' encoder/decoder is more of a pie-in-the-sky idea of
allowing the encoder system being abstracted so one could plug in
different engines if needed.  Basically, using pipes into and out of it
whenever an encoding/decoding operation is required.

However, if the level of effort to achieve such an abstraction is not
worth any potential benefit, do not bother with it.

Note, there may be some benefit in providing some level of abstraction
for the encoder if there is a concern of nmh getting locked-in code-wise
to a specific library.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh architecture discussion: format engine character set

2015-08-11 Thread Earl Hood

On 8/11/2015 11:33 AM, Ken Hornstein wrote:

Well, this works great if your locale is UTF-8.  But ... what happens
if your email address contains UTF-8, and your locale setting is

Let me expand on this a bit, because I didn't explain it well.
Obviously if your locale is ISO-8859-1, you probably won't have an email
address that contains UTF-8.  But ... what if you get an email with
a 'From' address that contains UTF-8, , and you want to reply to it?
Right now convert stuff to the local character set when constructing the
reply draft; we can't do that here!

Yep.  One apparent deficiency of internalized email headers is the
inability to encode characters.  The MIME non-ASCII encoding syntax is
limited to specific contexts and not applicable for addresses.

An address encoding syntax should exist for the scenario you describe,
allowing one the encode characters that cannot be represented natively
in the current locale.  However, it seems folks no longer want to
support such environments.

I guess if nmh ever encounters the scenario, it just errors out.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] MH-W intro/help request

2014-12-04 Thread Earl Hood
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

 Oh gawd are we going to have the systemd bikeshed here, too? :-P

Why haven't you heard, there is going to be a systemd-nmh service ;)


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] O_CLOEXEC

2014-11-12 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:49 AM, David Levine wrote:

 Good points.  All the more reason to wrap the opens + fcntl().

Popping in real quick here, but if we are voting on this, I prefer the
fcntl() route.  I have a fairly old linux box that I still use nmh on.
It is running a v2.4.20 linux kernel.



Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Superfluous  's

2014-10-28 Thread Earl Hood
On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 8:11 AM, Robert Elz wrote:

 If the browser vendors cannot be convinced of the utility of providing a
 command line switch to set the default char set (which can be passed through
 to the actual browser that displays the page however they like) then the
 only alternative to me would seem to be to wrap the html from the message in
 enough extra glue to expressly define the char set to use.

Yep, and that is something that nmh should not do.  As long as nmh can
provide the charset value to an external program, then nmh has done all
it can do.

If the external viewer does not support a charset/encoding option, then
a wrapper script can be written to modify the data before the external
viewer is launched.  In the case of HTML, a meta tag can be added to
the data to designate charset.  For example:

  meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8

Of course, a smart script would not insert the tag if the data already
has it.

Ken, is there a % sequence that gets expanded to the charset of the
entity so it can be passed to an external program?

 Of course, a rational alternative is to simply ignore the html, and read
 the text version - it was every bit as good, and (in the case in question)
 was all simple untarnished ascii...

And, it is more secure.  HTML in email is EVIL.

IMO, I would not blindly launch any HTML entity into a browser with a
javascript engine.  Browsers like lynx, w3m, links do not carry the
javascript baggage, hence are safer when viewing HTML data.

GUI-based browsers open you up to trojans.

Launching HTML from email into a GUI browser should only be done if you
reviewed the data first to see there is nothing malicious or you run a
sanitize filter against it.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Chrome version

2014-08-08 Thread Earl Hood
On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 1:07 PM, Norman Shapiro wrote:

 I could try to install a google-chrome package from Fedora. But that is kind
 of chancy, and Google Chrome 27.0.1453.110 is working well enough for me. A
 spurious  or two is a pretty minor annoyance.

Have you looked into Chromium instead?

Note, I do not use Chrome or Chromium, so I have no personal experience
that can assist you.

Good luck,


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh internals: full MIME integration

2014-07-30 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 5:25 AM, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

 Would be much nicer if it travelled internally as UTF-8 and then popped
 into the US-ASCII draft as

 Subject: Re: =?utf-8?B?wqE=?=Hola world!

 and into the UTF-8 draft as Re: ¡Hola world!.

But this behavior does not require the data to be stored in UTF-8.

repl could decode the data when creating the draft, leaving the stored
message in its original encoding.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] I like neither green eggs and ham nor MIME

2014-07-16 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 12:15 PM, wrote:

 ASCII was good enough for my father and his father before him, and his father
 before him. The tablets that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai, were in
 ASCII, as were Newton's Principia, the Magna Carta, and the United States
 Declaration of Independence.

Maybe it was in EBCDIC.

Now I think I finally know why there is so much religious disagreement:
it is a matter of encoding.

Maybe the Unicoditian movement can finally bring world peace to all


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] 2 little issues

2014-05-14 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Ken Hornstein wrote:

 - This part is text/plain
 - There is no final newline
 - You are running mhshow (I only mention this because mhstore uses some
   routines in mhshow, including the one that I want to modify, but it's
   easy to tell when the caller is mhstore).
 - You don't have a mhshow-show-text/plain profile entry (I think if you
   have such an entry your program should deal with it).

 A newline is added.



Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Attach and disposition

2014-05-14 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 3:27 PM, Paul Fox wrote:

   If you specify a disposition of
   attachment (which we do), you can't complain about gmail doing what you
   told it.

 au contraire.  i can certainly complain, which is what i did.  and now
 we're talking about how to fix it.

Since the disposition was attachment, it is perfectly acceptable for
an MUA to require you to save to a file instead of displaying inline.
Otherwise, why even have a content-disposition header?

If your intent is, display inline if you are able, then the
disposition should have been inline..  One should not expect an MUA to
rendering an attachment disposition inline (an MUA may still do it,
but the sender should not expect it).

Any fix would be to have your message composed so the disposition is
inline.  I think something like Lyndon's proposal should work.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] 2 little issues

2014-05-13 Thread Earl Hood
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 10:16 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:

 I am unclear as to the right solution.  Obviously adjusting the MIME
 parsing routines is wrong.  Making sure that the last character of
 text/plain parts on output contains a newline might be better, but I'm
 not sure that's technically right either.

Pagers like 'less' do this.  If the file being viewed does not end in a LF,
'less' will add a break so the 'less' status line is still rendered at the
bottom of the terminal window on its own line.

Vim does something similar, but will have [noeol] in the status line to
indicate the the source file does not have a EOL sequence at the end.

Since adding a LF would only be done whe rendering the content, and it is
not modifying the original data, I see no problem.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Mailing list archives busticated

2014-04-20 Thread Earl Hood
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 8:29 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:
 I just wanted everyone to know that right now the mailing list archives
 are broken, and it's my fault.

Nice of you to take the blame, but the real blame is the brain dead
parsing code in mhonarc, which appears I never really tested.  Why the
problem was never discovered before is beyond me (likely since attribute
parts are rarely used in the wild).

 I've already been in communication with Earl Hood (the author of
 MHonArc) who confirmed the issue, and he's developing a fix right now.
 I don't know when that fix will make it to the mailing list archives on
 savannah, though.  The archives on should be fixed soon,
 and you can still access the raw mbox file from the archives on

I've updated the archiving software on that contains a fix
to the problem, so the nmh-workers (HTML) archive there should be
updating again:


P.S.  It appears the IETF archive on was also affected since
I saw the same error in the log for it as for nmh-workers.

Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Mailing list archives busticated

2014-04-20 Thread Earl Hood
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 9:35 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:

 I don't look at the headers of every message I get, but I did check my
 mailbox for examples when I was writing the RFC 2231 parser.  I have
 never seen an extended MIME parameter on a Content-Type header in the
 wild, but I do see them all of the time on Content-Disposition headers
 (when the filenames get really long).

Wonder what MUAs are nice to do that?

From what I get, at least from my coworkers that mostly use Outlook,
parts are not used, even for very long filenames.

At a message I just looked at, Outlook appears to wrap the value itself
vs using parts.  For example:

  Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=
  This is a really long filename that outlook just appears to
   wrap instead of breaking up into parts.txt

Of course, I hate Outlook with the passion of a thousand suns.  It does
seems that the popular MUAs do not fully leverage all of MIME and are
not good about following open standards.

In my somewhat-organized test data I have been using, I did not have a
sample that used attribute parts.  Well, I have one now ;)


P.S. MHonArc does check the content-disposition header, but for security
reasons, mhonarc ignores it by default.  A person can enable honoring
the filename, but they better understand the risks when doing so.

Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] First release candidate of nmh 1.6 now available

2014-04-15 Thread Earl Hood
On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:

 I have mixed feelings about this; I think /bin/bash is wrong, but I thought
 that /bin/sh should actually work everywhere.  I know perl is all over
 the place, but I thought /usr/bin/perl was pretty standard.  What do
 others think?

/bin/sh should be used for shell scripts, and any scripts should avoid
anything that only Bash supports.

As for perl, /usr/bin/perl is fairly standard if Perl is installed, so I
see no problem leaving it that way.  However, the following could be
used if you want to make perl scripts more flexible:

  #!/usr/bin/env perl

The only real downside to this is if scripts can be run as root.  Using
env method could be a potential vulnerability.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] post now asking for a password, even when it doesn't have to

2014-04-14 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 10:28 PM, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

 I think in 1.7 we need to deprecate the POP support. And in 1.8
 deprecate the submission SASL support.

-1 on deprecating SASL support.  I use it.

I use delegated on my LAN, where my local systems can submit mail to it
using SASL, and it is configured to then submit messages to gmail server
for transport.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] post now asking for a password, even when it doesn't have to

2014-04-14 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:14 PM, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

 -1 on deprecating SASL support.  I use it.

 Out of curiosity, which mechs?

What's this have to do with anime? :)

If you mean operating systems, my router/relay system is an old linux
box (pre RHEL release) running on a 15+ year old box.

My other systems are CentOS 5.  I mount my mail directory across systems
and have nmh configured to post any messages to delegated, which
subsequently is configured to connect to gmail server (over TLS).  I
setup delegated some time ago since it seemed to be the easiest method
at the time to get submission of email over a TLS-based connection.

IIRC, at that time, I updated some of the SASL code so things like the
what-now command 'whom' would work.

I know I can get things better setup, but I get no pleasure with
sysadmin tasks anymore, so I try to go with something that is the least
amount of effort.  I should not have to F with MTAs and other things in
order to get an MUA to submit mail.

Here is relevant entries in my .mh_profile (identifying information
edited to protect the guilty):

push: -unique -sasl -saslmech LOGIN -user USER -server -port 
send: -verbose -sasl -saslmech LOGIN -user USER -server -port 
whom: -check -sasl -saslmech LOGIN -user USER -server -port 

I can configure delegatd to not require SASL login to access, but I
wanted some simple access control so any one else I might let connect to
my LAN cannot trivially submit email through my gmail account.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] warning when attaching rfc822 message

2014-04-13 Thread Earl Hood
On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 7:55 PM, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

 Either you upgrade the top-level encoding, or you downgrade the
 encoding of the encapsulated message/rfc822.

Correct, with the former likely the preferred method unless you know
that the transport/delivery systems has problems with 8bit encoding.

 But something is nagging
 me that says the message/rfc822 cannot be binary, regardless.  I will
 have to slog my way through the relevant RFCs again to satisfy my

7bit, 8bit, and binary are allowed for message/rfc822.  No other
encoding is allowed:

  No encoding other than 7bit, 8bit, or binary is permitted for
  the body of a message/rfc822 entity. The message header fields are
  always US-ASCII in any case, and data within the body can still be
  encoded, in which case the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field in
  the encapsulated message will reflect this. Non-US-ASCII text in the
  headers of an encapsulated message can be specified using the
  mechanisms described in RFC 2047.

  --- RFC2046, Section 5.2.1


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] A useless but interesting exercise: Design MH from scratch in the 2014 context

2014-02-19 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

 As for disk space, how much you use is a function of the types of
 email you receive and how much of a pack rat you are.

Yep.  Ages ago, if one had a ton of email, you may have issues of
running out of inodes, but I do not think that is much of a problem


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] A useless but interesting exercise: Design MH from scratch in the 2014 context

2014-02-19 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:

 i would. first, i'd adopt the messages-as-directories model norm gave,
 since it supports MIME, where our current model does not. by support
 i mean i want to use normal UNIX file access to work with my message
 store. there is no file-level access to attachments right now, which
 means i have to run mhstore to turn an opaque black-box attachment
 into a UNIX file i can access. mhstore is highly impure by MH's
 overall design principles, even though i'm grateful to have it under
 the circumstances.

I have mixed feelings about this.  Personally, I want the original, raw
email message left alone and always available.  Extraction of
attachments could still be done, but leave the original.  This allows
preexisting email to be reparsed to leverage newer capabilities of the
MUA, or by other external systems (e.g. digital signature verification).

A problem that exists is the definition of attachment; it is not
clearly defined in email.  Content-Disposition is supposed to indicate
if something is an attachment, but attachment could be inferred if the
MUA is unable to rendering the entity directly (at a given moment of
time).  So, would it be required to extract each MIME entity to a
separate file, regardless of disposition since one cannot predict how
the user may want to access them at the file-level?

It would cause a lot of duplication of data.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Should I learn nmh or GNU mailutils?

2014-02-13 Thread Earl Hood
On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 1:56 PM, otahler wrote:

 I knew already that Sylpheed/Claws Mail used the MH system, as they are
 sitting on top of it. But now I was bit suprised to hear that they are just
 a GUI, because I thought of them as much more than a GUI. Just out of
 curiosity: do Sylpheed/Claw Mail use the original MH programs as backend, or
 did they write their own implementation of MH?

I used Sylpheed briefly years ago, and I was under the impression that
is was the later.  It recognized MH folders, but it did not leverage the
underlying commands for it.  Maybe things have changed since then.

IIRC, I used Sylpheed at the time to deal with encrypted and signed
mail, something MH/nmh does not support directly.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] extensions on tmp filenames?

2014-02-03 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Robert Elz wrote:

 No, and I wasn't arguing against using mkstemps() where it is available,
 just against using link() in preference to rename() - that one makes no

   | mkstemps() first appeared in OpenBSD 2.4.

 Oh, OK, given all those systems, I guess it is about time for it to
 migrate to NetBSD as well (it isn't there yet.)

Just a bit of history:

The whole rename of the temp file was introduced by me so the temp file
can have a proper suffix for cases when the data is provided to an
external process since it is common for programs to use filename
extension as how to process the data.  I understood, at the time,
that rename() was atomic and relatively safe.

At the time, I only knew about mkstemp() [Notice there is no 's' at the
end of the function], therefore, there was no system call to make a
temporary file with a specific suffix.  My older linux system I was
using at the time when making edits to nmh (and still have operational)
does not have the call.  A later one I have running (CentOS 5) does have
it, but there is no manpage!  I had to grep the system header files just
now to verify the later system had the call.

The DoS scenario David mentions seems highly unlikely to occur and it
does not concern me.  But I am all in favor of using mkstemps() and I
would have used it if it widely available at the time.  If it is not
available, mkstemp()/rename() should be the fallback.  nmh should
have an abstract function that allows the creation of a temp file with
a suffix so it can hide the method used based on what the system


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] extensions on tmp filenames?

2014-02-02 Thread Earl Hood
On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 4:43 PM, David Levine wrote:

 Documented where?  SUSv3 calls out the behaviour explicitly, as
 inherited from the ISO C spec.

 Well, the SUSv2 spec says:

 If the link named by the new argument exists, it shall be removed
 and old renamed to new. In this case, a link named new shall
 remain visible to other processes throughout the renaming
 operation and refer either to the file referred to by new or old
 before the operation began.

 and that's what Linux still uses for its documentation.

For which manpage.  CentOS 5 system for rename(2):

  If newpath already exists it will be atomically replaced (subject to  a
  few  conditions;  see ERRORS below), so that there is no point at which
  another process attempting to access newpath will find it missing.

What you quote is not well written and is not clear on what really may
happen.  My understanding is that rename() is atomic and safe, hence I felt
there was no real security risk when I included the operation years ago for
suffix support.

I know you tried to explain to me via private email why there was still a
security risk, but I still do not understand it.  If there is a risk, it
would be due to old and/or faulty implementations of the underlying OS
compared to the way a rename() operation is supposed to work.

I know it may be all academic now, but the practice of renaming temp files
into persistent files is a common practice, like to avoid symlink attacks.
Rename() is atomic and should overwrite any existing file with the same
name.  If a process had the file open before it is overwritten due to
rename(), that process will only have a handle to the old file and not the
new one.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Default and selectable Content-Transfer-Encoding issues

2014-01-31 Thread Earl Hood
On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 12:50 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:

 Right now if the text parts contain any 8bit or long lines ( 76
 characters) the content is forced as quoted-printable.  Obviously with
 a default of 8bit, 8bit characters are fine.  But should lines  76 be
 8bit, or q-p?  I'm unsure which one is right.  Thoughts?

IMO, it should be a configuration setting.  Today, q-p is rarely needed
and is kind of annoying (especially in older releases of nmh, or MH,
where q-p was not handled at all in reply composition).  It would be
nice to specify 8bit as the default, even if long lines are present,
and/or an option to specify at what line length q-p is triggered.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] x-unix-mode MIME parameter?

2014-01-13 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 9:17 PM, Jon Steinhart wrote:

  I've noticed that when you run
  attach with -attachformat 0, you get a x-unix-mode MIME parameter.
  My question is: why?

 Jon did it that way originally, I don't know why.  I needed
 a different format, with a Content-Disposition.  When I created
 that, I dropped the x-unix-mode.
 I'm embarassed to say that I don't remember why I did that.  I think that
 it was because I looked at attachment headerss in emails that I received,
 maybe even some created by mhbuild, and they had it.

Looks like an AppleMail thing, at least based on some simple searching
on the Net.

IMO, it is useless, and a security problem if MUAs honor the parameter
when saving an attachment.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] De-MIMEing

2013-07-15 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

 This all suits me and my preferences perfectly.  The only problem
 is that I have only been able to figure out how to arrange for
 MH to invoke my little mtext filter/reformatter *only* for
 cases where I am doing a show operation.  I really would like
 to get it invoked also in all cases whene I am doing repl.
 Can someone tell me or given me guidance on how to do that?

I use the -editor option to repl when I want to convert MIME messages
into a plain-text format suitable for composition (and nmh repl

The script I use is mha-mhedit.  You can view the documentation at to
see how I interface it into nmh.  Hopefully it will help you in what you
may need to do to modify your script.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] De-MIMEing

2013-07-15 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:

 replyfilter gets hooked into mhl as part of step 2) above. replyfilter's
 magic is new functionality in mhl that allows the body component of a
 message (basically, the whole body as one big piece) to be processed via
 an external program.

I wrote mha-mhedit a long time ago, so I am not sure the magic you
mention was possible in earlier versions of nmh (and in MH itself).

If it was, I was not aware of it, and took an approach that works based
on the knowledge I had of MH/nmh at the time.

 The wrinkle here
 is that replyfilter only has access to the body of the message, due to
 complications with mhl; the extra MIME headers it needs are passed as
 command line arguments

I definitely needed an approach that provide access to the entire mail

 I have nothing against mha-mhedit's approach; my motivation was to have
 a solution that could work with third-party programs; you can't easily
 use mha-mhedit with something like exmh, for example (or at least it
 wasn't obvious to me).

Since I already had software that did MIME parsing and formatting,
mha-mhedit was a way for me to leverage it in order to overcome the
deficiencies in MH/nmh's repl capbilities.

I've never used exmh, so I am not sure if mha-mhedit can be used with

Unless someone already has mhonarc (or does not mind installing it), I
think Ken's script is the way to go until nmh can natively handle
formatting replies to MIME messages better.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Smart enough to use nmh

2013-06-26 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:11 PM, wrote:

 After all, if a person is smart enough to use nmh,
they're smart enough to figure out how to fix a header line, right?

 I hope and believe that a person does not have to be unusually smart
 to to use nmh.

Maybe it is better to say:

  The type of person to use nmh is likely to be smart enough to
  know how to manually fix a header line.


Nmh-workers mailing list

[Nmh-workers] message-external/body and auto-fetching(?)

2013-02-08 Thread Earl Hood
Checking the nmh source code (and the old MH source code), it seems
to me that if I show a message, but redirect to a file, MH/nmh will
try to auto-fetch a message-external/body part (e.g. anon FTP).

Am I correct in my reading of the code?

Or, is it the case that any message-external/body part will be
ignored if output is not to a terminal?


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] message-external/body and auto-fetching(?)

2013-02-08 Thread Earl Hood
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:
Checking the nmh source code (and the old MH source code), it seems
to me that if I show a message, but redirect to a file, MH/nmh will
try to auto-fetch a message-external/body part (e.g. anon FTP).

Am I correct in my reading of the code?

 Hm.  That code is a bit hairy; can you point to me why you think that?
 After a quick look, I'm a bit confused :-/

Agree about the mess.  And it appears I have things a bit confused.
It seems that if stdin is not a terminal, auto-fetching will be done,
so things may not be that bad.

Some details:

Looking at the 1.5 nmh code base, the file uip/mhparse.c has the
following in the openFTP() function:

2573 /*
2574  * Now, check the answer
2575  */
2576 if (!getanswer (buffer))
2577 return NOTOK;

Checking the getanswer() function (sbr/getanswer.c):

 14 int
 15 getanswer (char *prompt)
 16 {
 17 static int interactive = -1;
 19 if (interactive  0)
 20 interactive = isatty (fileno (stdin)) ? 1 : 0;
 22 return (interactive ? gans (prompt, anoyes) : 1);
 23 }

It appears if stdin is not a terminal, getanswer() will always return 1.

Not sure what happens if authentication is required, have not traced the
code that far, but for anon-ftp external-body, it seems the data will be
auto-fetched.  I am guessing if authentication is required, the user's
.netrc will be consulted.

I figure something like the following on the command-line will cause

  show  /dev/null  message.txt

I guess if a user does such a thing, they are willing to live with the
implications of auto-fetching.  I am curious if anyone has ever done
this in practice, but it appears the nmh code base (and MH) allow for

I wondering if back-in-the-day, something like the above could be
done for priming a shared cache on a shared system.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] 78 column limit

2012-12-05 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 2:48 PM, norm wrote:

I send text/plain with lines no longer than 72 and blank lines between

 That's what I had been doing for years. And I did get complaints.

It is an exercise in futility to deal with MUAs that do not following
the specifications.  Text/plain should be rendered in fixed-width font
and line breaks should be honored.  Inferring paragraphs and
reformatting should not be done.

format=flowed was created to indicate when reformatting of text blocks
could be done, but also stay friendly to non-flowed-aware MUAs.  nmh is
not friendly in generating format=flowed, you will have to do it in the
editor you use.  And even if you do, unsure if all MUAs support it, or
the MUAs that regular folks use.

The lack of following of standards even occurs at Google.  GMail fails
to format text/plain in a fixed-font.  Pain in the ass when dealing with
code snippets and other text where fixed-width is essential.  For GMail,
I have domain-specific CSS settings for Firefox so mail messages are
rendered in a fixed-font (and to hide ads).


P.S. I had a contract where I was required to use Outhouse...cough!...
Outlook.  At the time, I was able to dig around in the preferences and
get Outlook to render text/plain correctly, and even doing quoting
properly when I replied to an email.  Therefore, the core problem may be
with what the default settings of MUAs are.

Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] colorized/highlighted scan output?

2012-11-02 Thread Earl Hood
On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 12:14 AM, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

 Pretty much every modern terminal (emulator) supports color, so more
 power to those that want to do add color to scan output.

 But is it worth the added code complexity?

But that is not what the initial criticism was about, unless I veered
off course as I have been not following this thread in depth.  The basic
idea of adding color as being silly is a wrong, IMO.

Now, what you ask is valid, but that is based on a cost-benefit analysis.
Adding color has benefits, but it may not be worth the maintenance

It would be nice if the format syntax could support non-ASCII character
sequences without munging them since I think this will be useful beyond
including ANSI escape sequences.  If the whole color push motivates
some to to make it happen, more power to them.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] somewhat OT: re procmail or ??

2012-09-11 Thread Earl Hood
On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 2:10 PM, rader wrote:

 LOGABSTRACT=yes with procmail-3.22-17 (RHEL/SL) only gets me Subject and
 Folder.  Is there a new version around I didn't find??  (I only glanced
 and saw 3.22 and a msg to the ML bounced.)

You are right.  You have the From line added by the delivery agent
that includes delivery date and what appears to be the envelope sender,
so it is not the From: value of the message itself.

   I think for anything else, you will need to write a recipe to call a
   script that can log whatever headers you want to a custom log file.

 I was thinking of patching procmail directly so LOGABSTRACT=yes logs
 Date/From/To/cc/Subject header lines.  Kinda thinking other prehistoric
 creatures might also like that?

Possibly, and likely the only convenient way if you want such
information associated with the destination folder listed in the log.
You can likely achieve a similar affect with recipies, but it would
complicate your procmailrc.

Looks like there is a users' list for procmail, that still gets some
light traffic:

Might want to ping it to see what others think.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Handling non-ASCII

2012-04-16 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

    Updated Estimate: .3,141.00
    Updated Estimate: ?3,141.00

 Presumably there is a loud warning being printed to say ***danger
 corrupt message - unprintable characters replaced  with '.'

Such warnings can be easily overlooked depending on how the warning is
issued.  With that said, a warning should be printed that invalid
character sequences were encountered.

IMO, I prefer '?' or U+FFFD, since this is how other applications behave
when receiving invalid character sequences.  U+FFFD is the best if your
output device support unicode, but '?' can be used if dealing with a
non-unicode-aware devices.

Side Note: In software I maintain, I provide the option to specify what
the default character encoding is.  The default is US-ASCII, but there
are environments that use other default encodings in their email, even
though such encodings are not MIME encoded.  Unsure if nmh should
provide something similar; and mh-profile setting maybe.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Changes to post

2012-03-12 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:
 I would prefer to build these non-822 directives using a syntax that can't be 
 confused with a valid 822 header. I suggest the format:

    metahead = . directive *(SP params)
    directive = LETTER *(LETTER / DIGIT / -)
    params = ; free-form text to the end of line

 In the new syntax the above example would be written as:


I thought the X- prefix was the standard for designating
non-standard headers.  Therefore, for nmh, something like
X-nmh- could be the prefix to use for any nmh-based
custom headers.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Implementation question: function or component for local mailbox?

2012-02-14 Thread Earl Hood
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:
 Okay ... so now that's been cleared up :-)

 Do people like the idea of:

 - A dedicated function %(localmbox)
 - A pseudo component %{localmbox}
 - Extra primitives to build the default local mailbox (%(myname), %(myhost)).

If you go with a pseudo component, I recommend using a well-defined
prefix for it to avoid any potential collisions with a real component.

For example: %{nmh-localmbox}


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] masquerade settings spost

2012-02-07 Thread Earl Hood
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Lyndon Nerenberg  wrote:

 But do you really think that
 should be the only resort when badly formed mail arrives? I'd prefer to
 see what was intended by the sender.

 Yes, I do :-(  QP and Base64 (and MIME in general) have been around for 
 nearly two decades now.  If the sender can't get it right, too bad.  And 
 really, the only time I see that sort of cruft is from spamming software.

And it can be a security issue.  The, be liberal in what you accept,
mantra is dangerous from a security perspective.

I have no problems with mhshow throwing an error.  It is simple
to then show the message w/o MIME processing.  I have a bash function
that I use in cases when I need to see a message without any MIME
processing, but with basic mhl processing so I do not have
see all the raw headers:

sh.m() {
  show -noshowproc $* | mhl


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] urls from mhpath, and message store abstraction layers.

2012-02-07 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Joel Uckelman wrote:

 If/when IMAP support is added in, mhpath will return
 imap URLs.  If one is using the existing classic storage
 model, then local pathnames are returned.

 IMAP URLs aren't paths, at least not in the sense I take 'path' to have
 in 'mhpath'. Maybe we could add 'mhurl' to produce URLs (and file: URLs
 for local storage!) and leave mhpath producing paths?

Tomato, tomahto.

Path can have different meanings depending on your context,
but if you want to be pedantic, maybe have a new program called
mhloc to represent the location of an nmh resource.  mhpath
can then just be mhloc, but with a pre-configured setting that
if the resource is to a local file, it provides a local pathname
instead of a file: URL.

Regardless, mhpath should not barf if the resource happens to
be a non-local pathname.  It will still return a URL for such


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] urls from mhpath, and message store abstraction layers.

2012-02-06 Thread Earl Hood
Wrt to mhpath, I think it is getting over analyzed.  All
mhpath does is provide the *path* to an nmh resource,
that's it.

Issues like fetching or not fetching are out-of-scope.

If/when IMAP support is added in, mhpath will return
imap URLs.  If one is using the existing classic storage
model, then local pathnames are returned.

So, for the following command:

  mhpath +inbox

If using the classic storage model:


And if IMAP storage is used:


Any additional storage models would return URLs appropriate
for that storage model.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Minimum autoconf version required to compile nmh

2012-01-13 Thread Earl Hood
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 8:24 AM, Ken Hornstein wrote:
Apparently, CentOS 5.7 version of autoconf is older than
what the nmh build process says is required.  CentOS 5.7
provides autoconfig 2.59 but nmh is configured to require
2.61 and later.

 I just looked ... and autoconf 2.59 was released in 2003, autoconf
 2.61 was released in 2006.  Yikes, I think CentOS is a bit behind
 here :-)

CentOS is just repackaged RHEL, so Redhat can be pretty far
behind in the versions of tools.

 I always have a bit of a problem deciding about using a new autoconf
 feature or macro ... it's not easy to tell when something was added.
 I wish the autoconf manual told you the version when each feature
 was added.

I checked the change log file.  Not sure how robust the change log
is for the autoconf project, but that may be the only place to
see what was done.  It did mention that the macro I did get an
error for was added to 2.60.

This will not be the first time I've had to download various
tools and install from source due to the age of the versions
that are pre-provided by a linux distro.


Nmh-workers mailing list

[Nmh-workers] Minimum autoconf version required to compile nmh

2012-01-12 Thread Earl Hood
I have not compiled from source in sometime, but want to
try out the latest changes, but hit a snag with running

Apparently, CentOS 5.7 version of autoconf is older than
what the nmh build process says is required.  CentOS 5.7
provides autoconfig 2.59 but nmh is configured to require
2.61 and later.

Before I go off to download and build the latest version
of autoconf, what are the reasons that 2.61 is the
minimal version?

Searching the commit archives, looks like the autoconf
version number was up'ed to 2.61 on Nov 19, 2010 (so
it has definitely been some time since I've built from

I guess this leads up to the follow-up question: What
are the minimal requirements needed to build nmh
from repository checkout?

The docs/README.developers states the following:

  If you wish to change the `configure' script or its related
  files, you'll need to first install GNU m4, available
  from and then GNU autoconf
  (  Nmh is currently using a
  minimum of autoconf 2.54.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Minimum autoconf version required to compile nmh

2012-01-12 Thread Earl Hood
On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 11:02 PM, Earl Hood wrote:
 I have not compiled from source in sometime, but want to
 try out the latest changes, but hit a snag with running

 Apparently, CentOS 5.7 version of autoconf is older than
 what the nmh build process says is required.  CentOS 5.7
 provides autoconfig 2.59 but nmh is configured to require
 2.61 and later.


It appears that the is setup to where
it needs macros only defined in 2.60 or later.  I tried
to edit the file to allow for 2.59, but got errors: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_STRUCT_DIRENT_D_TYPE
  If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
  See the Autoconf documentation.
autoreconf: /usr/bin/autoconf failed with exit status: 1

Macro listed was added in autoconf 2.60.

So it looks like 2.60 (or 2.61) is required and docs/README.developers
needs updating.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Dealing with missing From: header during send.

2012-01-10 Thread Earl Hood
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 4:56 AM, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
 Hi Earl,

   %(lit)%(formataddr %{reply-to}%?{from}%?{sender}%?{return-path}%)\

 Does this shed any light?  match seems to work here.

    $ c='%(lit)%(formataddr 

Yes, that works, but as I noted, when in a replcomps, further
attempts to access {to} and other components return empty


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Dealing with missing From: header during send.

2012-01-10 Thread Earl Hood
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:
 Ow.  Damn your eyes, Earl ... I now have a headache from staring at the
 damn mh-format code.

I'm glad you decided to look at the code since I was not
looking forward to it myself.

 But, on the upside ... I figured out the issue here.

 The problem is not technically with accessing the same component
 again.  It's actually accessing the same _ADDRESS_ again via
 %(formataddr).  Let me explain.

 There is a cache inside of replsbr.c of addresses that were seem by
 the %(formataddr) function; if you try to insert the same email address
 twice, it will silently stop you from doing so.  This is obviously to
 prevent duplicate email addresses from appearing in To: and cc: lines.

 So what is happening to you is when you try to use the to component
 again to make the decision to construct your From: line, it doesn't
 get addded to the list because formataddr considers it a duplicate.

I would assume that if I use %(lit) to clear the str buffer, it
should clear the cache.

 So, possible solutions?

 - Have %(putaddr) clear out the address cache via a callback to replsbr.c.
  This is a behavior change, and could result in duplicate addresses
  appearing in a cc: line (for example).

I do not like this.  I would think %(lit) should clear the cache
since it empty the str register.

 - Create a new mh-format function (perhaps %(clearaddr) ?) that explicitly
  clears out the address cache.

This may be acceptable.  I'm not sure if there are components files
that depending on the caching, even after %(lit) is used.

 The first one is easy, but might have unintended consequences.


 The second
 is more complicated, but not terrible and is arguably more correct.  Thoughts?

My question is: If the str buffer is zeroed, or set, via %(lit), should
the cache be automatically cleared?


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Dealing with missing From: header during send.

2012-01-09 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Paul Fox wrote:

 (i just checked, and realized that i'd be affected -- i have scripts
 that sometimes munge the draft to create a From: header based on current
 folder, and i see by the way i wrote them that there's an assumption
 that there's no such header by default.)

Why not have a check in send/post that if the From: header
is missing, it reports an error and aborts the operation?

I think this will likely be needed regardless since anyone
could delete out any pre-defined From: header in the
draft before send/post receives it.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Dealing with missing From: header during send.

2012-01-09 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 9:05 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:
 I do the same thing as you, and I would like the same thing.  There are
 technical issues (you don't normally have access to the identity you received
 the message at when repl gets it), but we could at least make it work
 better than we do now.

It seems it should be doable via mh-format expressions, but
either I do not fully understand the engine's behavior or
it has some serious bugs.

It seems I am unable to access a component more than once
in some cases.  When I do, the second time, I get nothing.

Here is something that I tried for replcomps (I've added
special lines to highlight the expressions of interest):

  %(lit)%(formataddr %{reply-to}%?{from}%?{sender}%?{return-path}%)\
  %(nonnull)%(void(width))%(putaddr To: )\n%\
  %(nonnull)%(void(width))%(putaddr cc: )\n%\
  %{fcc}Fcc: %{fcc}\n%\
  %(lit)%(formataddr %{reply-to}%?{from}%?{sender}%?{return-path}%)\
  %{subject}Subject: Re: %(putstr(trim{subject}))\n%\
  %{message-id}In-reply-to: %{message-id}\n%\
  %{message-id}References: %{references}%(void{references})%(trim)%(putstr) %
  On %(lmonth{date}) %(mday{date}), %(year{date}) at \
  %02(putnumf(hour{date})):%02(putnumf(min{date})), \
  %{from}%(friendly{from})%|you% wrote:

In the CODE-OF-INTEREST, I try to gather all the addresses
in the original message into the string register so I
can then do a match against for a given domain so I can
output a different From:.

The problem is that my match checks always fail, even though
that I know the To: of the message being replied to has in it.

Adding the following before or after match block, I do NOT
get an XXX: header printed:

  %(nonnull)%(putaddr XXX: )\n\%\

If I do not do the nonnull check, repl hangs.

If I put my CODE-OF-INTEREST at the top of replcomps,
then setting of the To: in the repl draft does not work.

Maybe I do not fully get mh-format expressions, but this
behavior is odd.  I would figure that references to
message components are immutable.

As an aside, it would be nice if named registers (i.e variables)
were supported.  Maybe it is time to come up with a replacement
for mh-format.


P.S. I am running a local dev build based on nmh 1.3, so I
do not know if the new nmh 1.4 includes any changes to

Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] #ifdef UCI

2012-01-05 Thread Earl Hood
On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Ken Hornstein wrote:
 I've noticed that there are a number of places that are #ifdef UCI.
 They turn on various random things (like, if you have a file called
 .signature in your home directory, it will use it as the signature
 entry in your context).  You would have had to turn this code on by
 hand, and I doubt anyone has used it in a long time.  Anyone care if
 I nuke it?

Unsure if folks at UCI still use/depend on such behavior.

I believe UCI is using nmh now, but I'm not sure if they are doing
custom builds of it to enable such features.

I'd be inclined to remove it, but if you want, I can try to
reach an old contact at UCI to see what the status of MH/nmh
usage is at UCI.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh in near, medium, and far-term

2011-12-09 Thread Earl Hood
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 5:25 PM, Jeffrey Honig wrote:

 I have my fetchmail scripts ignore messages with a duplicate messageid
 (using a history of messageids I've received during the last 30 days or so)
 to avoid duplicate mail.

Depends on what you mean by duplicate.  From a mail archiving perspective,
you can have multiple messages with same message ID, but can be considered
different messages, even if the content is the same.

Example: Mail that is sent to individuals and mailing list(s).  Mailing
lists typically add additional headers (e.g. List-*) and custom footers,
so the message that is received by list subscribers is not identical
to versions received directly from the original sender.

 It is probably too much to assume that everyone would not have duplicate
 copies of a message with the same messageid.  Some people may have valid
 reasons for this.

Archiving messages to mailing lists is a valid reason.

 And there may be messages w/o a message-id.

This is the case for draft messages in nmh.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh in near, medium, and far-term

2011-12-09 Thread Earl Hood
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 9:29 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:
 I thought about breaking up the MIME parts, but I decided that the
 problem with that was that I believe there is value to still having the
 original message around.

Just think of SMIME, PGP, DKIM,  Preserving the original
message is handy whenever one needs to (re)verify the message
that are signed or encrypted.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] some indexing results

2011-02-08 Thread Earl Hood
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:
 format=flowed is now considered as the implicit default by some readers
 notably apple's, because so many senders use the format without
 saying so in their mime headers.  MH needs to adapt to current conditions.

I have reservations about that.

I have a pet peeve of MUAs not providing the proper headers, and I
blame Microsoft for this historically bad behavior that has lead
others to replicate this bad behavior.

Before format=flowed existed, you had MUAs auto-wrapping
text for text/plain message and rendering things in non-fixed
width fonts.  Hence, it is hard to say if what is being seen
now is just a continuation of this, or if the underlying
data is truly format=flowed, but not labeled as such.

 this probably means some heuristic where if the text looks like nonwrapped
 paragraphs then format=flowed is presumed, unless some CLI option overrides
 this.  for example, a new show -autowrap / -noautowrap option defaulting
 to -noautowrap if !isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) and to -autowrap otherwise.

I think any such heuristic should be disabled by default.  nmh users
are not your typical email user.  I do not like software that
formats messages in a matter that is different from what MIME headers
indicate w/o my explicit knowledge.

In the example you cite, I would have -noautowrap always be the

Of course, if the MIME content-type header does state format=flowed,
then auto-wrapping should occur as defined by the format=flowed
spec.  For cases when output is redirected to a non-tty device,
you may need an option that allows one to specify the max column
count so nmh would know what the wrap boundary is.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] SMTP/IMAP/POP Support

2010-12-05 Thread Earl Hood
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 9:34 PM, chad wrote:
 On Dec 5, 2010, at 6:52 PM, Earl Hood wrote:

 I do something like the following:

 fetchmail -m '/usr/bin/procmail -d %T'

 I used to do this, and have procmail do crude spam filtering.
 I eventually took it out of the loop because mail spool was not a
 reliable concept in my (relatively highly distributed) world.  I'm
 curious if it gives any benefits today; I would expect machines
 without working mail spools to be even more common, but I
 haven't looked in forever.

In your procmailrc you can specify any pathname to by the
spool file if you are on a system that does not have one.
Then just set default options to 'inc' in your .mh_profile
to use whatever pathname you choose (and to truncate it
since inc only auto-truncates the system mail spool file).


Nmh-workers mailing list

Alternate list archive (was Re: [Nmh-workers] Understanding nmh)

2010-12-01 Thread Earl Hood
On 12/1/10, Jon Steinhart wrote:
 Maybe I don't understand your proposed changes.  Apologies if I get this
 I didn't save a copy of your original email and the archives are currently

FYI, I've had a nmh list archive running for some time,
as an alternative to what savannah provides:

The archive actually includes mail before nmh got hosted
on savannah.  Archive goes back to mid-1992.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Autoconf changes new feature

2010-11-21 Thread Earl Hood
On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 12:37 PM, Ken Hornstein wrote:
The way every other autoconf package works is that when it gets done, it
results in a Makefile that sets CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS appropriately, It sounds
like what was done here was create a situation where you have to say:

export CPPFLAGS=yadda
explor LDFLAGS=yadda

to build it.  And that won't fly for distros that have automated build

 I agree, that would not work for distros with automated build

I'm not familiar with how the various distros automate their
build processes, but the general statement that requiring the
setting of envvars to configure a build cannot be automated, is

The more accurate statement is more likely the following: Requiring
the pre-setting of envvars before building a package is something
existing distro build systems are not tailored to support.

However, I do wondering about the robustness of build systems
that do not support setting envvars as part of the build configuration.

BTW, at least in bash, you can do:

  CPPLAGS=yadda LDFLAGS=yadda make

I've forgotten how many time I've set envvars this way for a
single program I needed to execute w/o affecting my current


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] RFC2047 section 5 and other MIME issues for the new scan

2010-11-14 Thread Earl Hood
On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Jon Steinhart wrote:
 My preference is to say that we'll treat any =?...?= as an encoded word
 wherever it appears and that we'll decode it.  It appears that the authors of
 RFC2047 expect that everything will be parsed into tokens and examined before
 looking for encoded words.

You right.  RFC 822 defined the basic tokenization rules,
and MIME attempts to stay compatibile with that.  I.e. You have
a system that knows how to due RFC 822 tokenization, and then
that token data can be passed to the MIME-aware layer.
Here is a relevant note from RFC 2047:

   IMPORTANT: 'encoded-word's are designed to be recognized as 'atom's
   by an RFC 822 parser.  As a consequence, unencoded white space
   characters (such as SPACE and HTAB) are FORBIDDEN within an
   'encoded-word'.  For example, the character sequence

  =?iso-8859-1?q?this is some text?=

   would be parsed as four 'atom's, rather than as a single 'atom' (by
   an RFC 822 parser) or 'encoded-word' (by a parser which understands
   'encoded-words').  The correct way to encode the string this is some
   text is to encode the SPACE characters as well, e.g.


I think many mail implementations today probably do
not work that way, mainly due to ignorance of the developers.
Although not related to this topic, an example of this
ignorance is the syntax adopted in DKIM headers.

As for space between encoded word, such space should be
collapsed.  I.e. Two adjacent encoded words should be
concatenated together after decoding, with no space between

Note, it is a mistake to blindly assume that all sequences
of =?...?= should be decoded, which has lead to some erroneous
uses by some software.  For example, using =?...?= inside
parameter values vs using RFC 2184 (now RFC 2123).

 My current plan for the new scan code is to:

  1.  Read a header field name.

  2.  Read a header field body if the header field is used by the format,
     unfolding folded lines in the process.

  3.  Look for encoded words and decode them creating a UTF-8 version of the
     header field body.

I've never really dived into MH/nmh parsing code.  Is there any
attempt to perform RFC 822 based tokenization before duing any
other processing?

Decoding of encoded words should only be done in specific contexts.
Look at Section 5 of RFC 2047 the contexts that encoded words are


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] character sets and localization

2010-11-13 Thread Earl Hood
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Jon Steinhart wrote:
 Look at the $LANG environment variable, that's probably a good start on most
 systems. The various LC_ environment variables if you want to do more
 localization work.

 That's the way it is on my Linux system but that doesn't make it standard.

C program to print out current preferred character encoding:

#include stdio.h
#include locale.h
#include langinfo.h
int main()
  setlocale(LC_ALL, );
  printf(%s\n, nl_langinfo(CODESET));
  return 0;


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] extending nmh for smtps support?

2010-11-12 Thread Earl Hood
On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 8:08 PM, wrote:
 The question that still out there is whether or not nmh should support
 smtps.  If so, I'm more than willing to go back into the code and work
 on it.  Would this be of interest?  What kind of schedule are we looking
 at for nmh 1.4 (so I can gauge my time/commitment)?

I think it would be nice to have native support for SMTP over TLS,
but there is some effort in doing it.  I looked at seeing what
it would take, but I think some reworking of some of the I/O
code would be required to provide a decent enough abstraction
so alternate I/O transports can be used.

However, I did find a workable solution since I wanted to
use Gmails servers for sending outgoing mail.  See

for more details.  I figure what I did can be used for Yahoo's
mail servers.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] MIME questions, and followup to my earlier email

2010-11-12 Thread Earl Hood
On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 9:50 PM, Jon Steinhart wrote:
 I haven't paid attention to mail standards in a long time.  Is RFC 2231
 a happening thing?  Do we need to go through the trouble of supporting it?

I have support for 2184 (which 2231 updates) in my
OSS Perl program, but mainly when dealing with attachment
data where is seems to be of most practical use.

I think several MUAs support it, but unsure about the
ones used by most people (e.g. Outlook).

I've seen the use of non-ASCII encoding defined in RFC 2047
inside of parameter values, which is not valid, but is likely
that MUAs are supporting such abuse due to developers
misunderstanding the MIME RFCs.  I do not recommend nmh
even try to deal with such data.

IMO, if there is motivation to provide more robust MIME
handling in nmh, I think it would be a mistake to not
support 2231.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Fixing decoding of quoted messages in replies

2010-11-05 Thread Earl Hood
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 4:48 PM, markus schnalke wrote:
 So send should:
  * check for non-ASCII characters
  * when present: pick an encoding (first usable one from
     a user-configurable list like us-ascii,iso-8859-1,utf-8)
  * encode body and headers as per MIME, adding MIME headers
    to match

 Just one quick thought: What about signed and encrypted messages?
 Where and how would this be done and would it interfere?

During send.  I.e. Have an option for send to support signing/encrypted.
It is only at the send stage that you know a message will not
be further modified by the user.

With the current motivation by some to do work on nmh, supporting
SMIME/PGP should be considered.  If some of the mail parsing and
MIME handling is improved, adding such support may become easier.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] MH 6.8.4 source code

2010-11-04 Thread Earl Hood
On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Simon Burge wrote:
 Lyndon Nerenberg (VE6BBM/VE7TFX) wrote:

 Do any of you have a pristine 6.8.4 source distribution lying
 around, or know of a current online archive?  It'll take me
 weeks to figure out which set of archives my copy is in.

 Worse, the FTP server at UCI barfs when you try to cd into pub/mh :-(

 The first google hit for mh-6.8.4.tar looks valid.

It also appears there is SourceForge project for preserving
the old MH code base.  Check out the list of files at:

BTW, which UCI ftp did you (Lyndon) try to access?

It looks like UCI systems are using nmh 1.1 now, so I'm
not sure if the old MH is available anywhere, except maybe
on some backup tapes.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: Diffs for replacing mktemp() usage

2010-02-03 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 2:58 AM, Peter Maydell wrote:
 Earl Hood wrote:
Even though no one has convinced me that my new functions
still contain the race condition security problem,

 There was a URL in the old linked message I provided;
 the problem is in the presence of /tmp/ cleaners (which,
 yes, do exist even if there are problems with them).

I missed the /tmp cleaners.  Yes, that could be an
issue if the cleaner happens to run just as you are
running an nmh command and the cleaner is dumb to
remove the file even if it is recent, and them some
malicious user just happens to be trying to symlink

I'd have to question the skills of the sys admin that
set that up a cleaner that deleted files despite the

My latest changes causes tmp files to be put in
user's mail dir if no template is specified.

Note, looking more at the code, many commands change
the cwd to the user's mail dir.  They then call the
temp file routine (before my changes and after my changes
since I wanted to minimize risk to functionality) so
temp files are created in cwd.

Therefore, for most commands, temp files were already
being placed in the user's mail dir.  Where /tmp was
getting used were calls to m_tmpfil().  Those calls
were replaced with m_mktemp().  In my latest post
of m_mktemp.c, I changed the function so
m_maildir() will be used instead of /tmp.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: Diffs for replacing mktemp() usage

2010-02-03 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Sean Kamath wrote:

 Frankly, people who run tmp cleaners that are that braindead probably
 deserve what they get.

Are we to worry about braindead temp cleaners?  I.e. I'm
sure other apps would have problems with braindead
cleaners, so should we waste resources dealing with
a problem that is not worth addressing?

 Regardless, moving them to a configurable tmp
 location is not a bad idea -- but I don't want to hit my NFS mounted
 home dir every time I make a tmp file.  So I'd make /var/tmp/user or
 /tmp/user and point to that.

I'm unsure if real-time performance is super critical
with nmh.  If going with /var/tmp/user, you still
do not completely avoid braindead cleaners since you are
still working under the system tmp directory.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: Diffs for replacing mktemp() usage

2010-02-03 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 12:30 PM, wrote:

 If the calling code did not immediately use the temp file,
 the new functions close the descriptor returned from mkstemp(),
 but it does NOT delete the file.

 Since the file still exists, an external (different uid) process
 cannot create one in its place, so the race condition vulnerability
 does not exist.  The file is just sitting there.

 Unfortunately, this is only true if the directory you're creating the file
 in isn't writable by other processes - in other words, doing this in /tmp
 isn't safe,

Standard procedure is to have the sticky-bit set
on the system temp directory, so any files created
in it can only be deleted/accessed by the owner (or

But, yes, there are probably some f'ed up configurations
out there.

but doing a 'umask 077; mkdir /tmp/$USER' and then
 creating /tmp/$USER/$TMPNAME is safe. Sticky bit on the directory helps too,
 but we probably should program defensively and get it right even if the
 sysadmin failed to do so.

Agree with philosophy, but the directory method does
complicate cleanup, which requires more work.

A descision to be made is the work I have currently
done worth rejecting because it fails to address all
(less probable) cases, or accept it now for something
better than what currently exists and then improve
upon it later?

Since it has been years that nmh has existing with
temporary file problem with no one fixing (a couple have
tried and realized the worked involved so backed out),
I think if there is any improvement to the current code
base, it is worth accepting.

 Otherwise, you're still open to a race condition - an attacker can just
 rename the file you created, and then stick another file or even a symlink
 in place of the old name:

 % ls -ld /tmp/foo
 drwxrwxrwx. 2 root root 4096 Feb  3 09:30 /tmp/foo

If you own the box, fix it.  If not, complain to
the sys admin.

All my boxes have /tmp permissions set correctly,
and it seems to be that way for stock Linux distros.
Unsure about other unices out there, but I do remember
many years ago having to fix /tmp permissions on
solaris systems.

Note, as of now, my latest changes default to user's
mail dir for temp files.  I'm not concerned about
NFS, unless, there is some programs in nmh that
are using temp files for locking/semaphore purposes.

I do not use rcvstore, and related programs, so maybe
someone can chime in if these programs use lock files
or not.  I can look at the code later, but I would
like input from those that use such programs.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: Diffs for replacing mktemp() usage

2010-02-03 Thread Earl Hood
On February 3, 2010 at 15:23, wrote:

 Given that the vast majority of nmh users are probably on laptops or
 single-user desktop boxes rather than large central servers with untrusted
 other users on them, and your code *is* an improvement, I think the best
 thing to do is drop in your patches, leave a TO_DO comment block in there
 about what's still needed, and we revisit it if it ever becomes an issue.


I did make some more mods to m_mktemp.c to make things a bit more
secure and to support specifying the temporary directory via
envvars.  See comments in code for more details.

 * m_mktemp.c -- Construct a temporary file.
 * $Id: m_mktemp.c,v 1.4 2002/07/02 22:09:14 kenh Exp $
 * This code is Copyright (c) 2010, by the authors of nmh.  See the
 * COPYRIGHT file in the root directory of the nmh distribution for
 * complete copyright information.

#include errno.h
#include h/mh.h

static char *get_temp_dir();

/*  Create a temporary file.  If pfx_in is null, the temporary file
 *  will be created in the temporary directory (more on that later).
 *  If pfx_in is not null, then the temporary file location will be
 *  defined by the value pfx_in.
 *  The file created will be at the pathname specified appended with
 *  6 random (we hope :) characters.
 *  The return value will be the pathname to the file created.
 *  CAUTION: The return pointer references static data.  If
 *  you need to modify, or save, the return string, make a copy of it
 *  first.
 *  When pfx_in is null, the temporary directory is determined as
 *  follows, in order:
 *MHTMPDIR envvar
 *TMPDIR envvar
 *TMP envvar
 *User's mail directory.
 *  NOTE: One will probably use m_mktemp2() instead of this function.
 *  For example, if you want to create a temp file in the defined
 *  temporary directory, but with a custom basename prefix, do
 *  something like the following:
 *char *tmp_pathname = m_mktemp2(NULL, mypre, ...);
char *
m_mktemp (
const char *pfx_in,   /* Pathname prefix for temporary file. */
int *fd_ret,  /* (return,optional) File descriptor to temp file. */
FILE **fp_ret /* (return,optional) FILE pointer to temp file. */
static char tmpfil[BUFSIZ];
int fd = -1;
int keep_open = 0;
mode_t oldmode = umask(077);

if (pfx_in == NULL) {
snprintf(tmpfil, sizeof(tmpfil), %s/nmhXX, get_temp_dir());
} else {
snprintf(tmpfil, sizeof(tmpfil), %sXX, pfx_in);

fd = mkstemp(tmpfil);
if (fd  0) {
return NULL;
if (fd_ret != NULL) {
*fd_ret = fd;
keep_open = 1;
if (fp_ret != NULL) {
FILE *fp = fdopen(fd, w+);
if (fp == NULL) {
int olderr = errno;
errno = olderr;
return NULL;
*fp_ret = fp;
keep_open = 1;
if (!keep_open) {
return tmpfil;

/* This version allows one to specify the directory the temp file should
 * by created based on a given pathname.  Although m_mktemp() technically
 * supports this, this version is when the directory is defined by
 * a separate variable from the prefix, eliminating the caller from having
 * to do string manipulation to generate the desired. pathname prefix.
 * The pfx_in parameter specifies a basename prefix for the file.  If dir_in
 * is NULL, then the defined temporary directory (see comments to m_mktemp()
 * above) is used to create the temp file.
char *
m_mktemp2 (
const char *dir_in,   /* Directory to place temp file. */
const char *pfx_in,   /* Basename prefix for temp file. */
int *fd_ret,  /* (return,optional) File descriptor to temp file. */
FILE **fp_ret /* (return,optional) FILE pointer to temp file. */
static char buffer[BUFSIZ];
char *cp;

if (dir_in == NULL) {
if (pfx_in == NULL) {
return m_mktemp(NULL, fd_ret, fp_ret);
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), %s/%s, get_temp_dir(), pfx_in);
return m_mktemp(buffer, fd_ret, fp_ret);

if ((cp = r1bindex ((char *)dir_in, '/')) == dir_in) {
/* No directory component */
return m_mktemp(pfx_in, fd_ret, fp_ret);
int n = (int)(cp-dir_in-1); /* Length of dir component */
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), %.*s%s, n, dir_in, pfx_in);
return m_mktemp(buffer, fd_ret, fp_ret);

static char *
// Ignore envvars if we are setuid
if ((getuid()==geteuid())  (getgid()==getegid())) {
char *tmpdir = NULL;
tmpdir = getenv(MHTMPDIR);
if (tmpdir != NULL  *tmpdir != '\0') return tmpdir;

tmpdir = getenv(TMPDIR);
if (tmpdir != NULL  *tmpdir != '\0') return tmpdir;

tmpdir = getenv(TMP);
if (tmpdir != 

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: Diffs for replacing mktemp() usage

2010-02-03 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 5:59 PM, Sean Kamath wrote:
 My real point was that it should be configurable, which you've done.
 Slightly odd to make it an env variable than an nmh setting in
 .mh_profile, but whatever.

It's easy to add .mh_profile check, but not all
commands read the profile (e.g. post).  Do
not know the reasons.

In these cases, any tmpdir setting in them will
not be used, making envvars the only reliable
method for specifying tmpdir location.

Therefore, I'm reluctant to add support for it since
it may cause confusion by a user when the setting
is not getting used.

Does anyone know if `post' is the only program
that does consult the .mh_profile?


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: Diffs for replacing mktemp() usage

2010-02-03 Thread Earl Hood
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Chad Brown wrote:
 I don't know that anyone cares, but POSIX says ``TMPDIR'':

Recent commit uses the following, in order:

 *MHTMPDIR envvar
 *TMPDIR envvar
 *TMP envvar
 *User's mail directory.


Nmh-workers mailing list

[Nmh-workers] Diffs for replacing mktemp() usage

2010-02-02 Thread Earl Hood
Attached are the changes I have currently done in my development
environment.  The changes also include minor mods to deal
with may be uninitialized warnings from gcc.

I added a new file, sbr/m_mktemp.c, to include the new functions for
replacing m_scratch() and m_tmpfil().

The goal was to minimize the amount of re-coding, so the new functions
attempt to provide the basic capabilities of the older functions,
but using mkstemp() under the hood vs mktemp().  It seems the much
code has a heavy reliance on being able to access the actual pathnames
of temporary files vs just having an open handle to it.

Index: h/prototypes.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/h/prototypes.h,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 prototypes.h
--- h/prototypes.h  16 Jan 2009 02:28:54 -  1.26
+++ h/prototypes.h  2 Feb 2010 19:36:04 -
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@
 int m_putenv (char *, char *);
 char *m_scratch (char *, char *);
 char *m_tmpfil (char *);
+char *m_mktemp(const char *, int *, FILE **);
+char *m_mktemp2(const char *, const char *, int *, FILE **);
 void m_unknown(FILE *);
 int makedir (char *);
 char *nmh_getpass(const char *);
Index: sbr/
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/sbr/,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -r1.28
--- sbr/ 17 Jan 2009 16:47:30 -  1.28
+++ sbr/ 2 Feb 2010 19:36:04 -
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
seq_setprev.c seq_setunseen.c showfile.c signals.c  \
smatch.c snprintb.c ssequal.c strcasecmp.c  \
strindex.c trimcpy.c uprf.c vfgets.c fmt_def.c  \
-   m_msgdef.c mf.c utils.c
+   m_msgdef.c mf.c utils.c m_mktemp.c
 # source for compatibility functions
 COMPAT = memmove.c snprintf.c strdup.c strerror.c
Index: sbr/fmt_rfc2047.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/sbr/fmt_rfc2047.c,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 fmt_rfc2047.c
--- sbr/fmt_rfc2047.c   9 Mar 2006 19:51:13 -   1.9
+++ sbr/fmt_rfc2047.c   2 Feb 2010 19:36:05 -
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 int whitespace = 0;/* how much whitespace between 
encodings? */
 #ifdef HAVE_ICONV
 int use_iconv = 0;  /* are we converting encoding with iconv? */
-iconv_t cd;
+iconv_t cd = NULL;
 int fromutf8 = 0;
 char *saveq, *convbuf = NULL;
 size_t savedstlen;
Index: sbr/fmt_scan.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/sbr/fmt_scan.c,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -r1.25 fmt_scan.c
--- sbr/fmt_scan.c  5 Apr 2008 18:41:37 -   1.25
+++ sbr/fmt_scan.c  2 Feb 2010 19:36:05 -
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 char *cp, *ep;
 unsigned char *sp;
-char *savestr;
+char *savestr = NULL;
 unsigned char *str = NULL;
 char buffer[BUFSIZ], buffer2[BUFSIZ];
 int i, c, ljust, n;
Index: sbr/getarguments.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/sbr/getarguments.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 getarguments.c
--- sbr/getarguments.c  2 Jan 2006 03:17:42 -   1.3
+++ sbr/getarguments.c  2 Feb 2010 19:36:05 -
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 char **
 getarguments (char *invo_name, int argc, char **argv, int check_context)
-char *cp, **ap, **bp, **arguments;
+char *cp = NULL, **ap = NULL, **bp = NULL, **arguments = NULL;
 int n = 0;
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 bp = arguments;
 /* Copy any arguments from profile/context */
-if (n  0) {
+if (ap != NULL  n  0) {
while (*ap)
*bp++ = *ap++;
Index: sbr/pidwait.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/sbr/pidwait.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 pidwait.c
--- sbr/pidwait.c   11 Apr 2008 14:12:55 -  1.6
+++ sbr/pidwait.c   2 Feb 2010 19:36:05 -
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 pidwait (pid_t id, int sigsok)
 pid_t pid;
-SIGNAL_HANDLER istat, qstat;
+SIGNAL_HANDLER istat = NULL, qstat = NULL;
 union wait status;
Index: uip/annosbr.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/uip/annosbr.c,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 annosbr.c
--- uip/annosbr.c   5 Apr 2008 18:41:38 -   1.9
+++ uip/annosbr.c   2 Feb 2010 19:36:06 -
@@ -179,20 +179,15 @@
 FILE   *tmp;
 intc;  /* current character */
 intcount;  /* header field (annotation) counter */
-char   *field; /* buffer for header field */
-intfield_size; /* size of field buffer */
-FILE   *fp;/* file pointer made from locked file 
descriptor */
+char   *field = 

Re: [Nmh-workers] Diffs for replacing mktemp() usage

2010-02-02 Thread Earl Hood
On February 2, 2010 at 22:26, Peter Maydell wrote:

 Yes, this is why it's difficult to fix :-). Unfortunately, if you
 use mkstemp() but still allow the rest of the code to reopen
 the temporary file by name, you've shut the linker up but
 not completely closed the security hole. See
 So I would vote against (the tempfile related parts of) this patch.

I do not think the problem applies here.  With mkstemp(), the
file is actually created at the time, so no race condition.
If you look at the new functions, if no fd and no FILE return
is requested, I only close the file.  I do NOT unlink it.

There are parts of the code where the file sits there before
it is opened, but in that case, it is actually re-opening an
existing file vs creating a new file.

The only way the file becomes a vulnerability is of the sys admin
has misconfigured the tmp directory to allow anyone to clobber
anyone elses file.

As for temporary files under ~/Mail, some operations in the
code do that since the files end up being renamed.  It
is possible to modify the new functions I've added to default
to the user's mail directory for creating temporary files
vs /tmp.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Diffs for replacing mktemp() usage

2010-02-02 Thread Earl Hood
On February 2, 2010 at 15:45, Lyndon Nerenberg (VE6BBM/VE7TFX) wrote:

 Having an MH-private namespace for scratch files is certainly the way
 to go here.  These aren't 'temp files' in the traditional sense, and
 none of the usual APIs suit the task at hand.

Actually, we have complete control of where temporary files go.
mkstemp() does not impose any location of where temp files go.

Now tmpfile() probably utilizes the system temporary directory
since there is no ability to provide a template for it.

tempnam() will use the system temp dir if its first argument
is NULL.

Wrt nmh, there are some operations where the temporary file
must go in the operating location.  For example, when
the temporary file gets renamed.

I can modify the new functions I implemented to use m_maildir()
as the default location instead of /tmp when no template
is provided.


Nmh-workers mailing list

[Nmh-workers] Re: Diffs for replacing mktemp() usage

2010-02-02 Thread Earl Hood
On February 2, 2010 at 13:40, Earl Hood wrote:

 Attached are the changes I have currently done in my development
 environment.  The changes also include minor mods to deal
 with may be uninitialized warnings from gcc.

Found a problem with mhparse.c with the changes I did.  Temporary files
can be left around when show mime messages.  The reason is the code
takes the temp pathname and appends a suffix to it based on mime type
(if a suffix is defined), then it uses that pathname, causing the
existing (waiting) temp file to be left.

I made changes to mhparse.c so if a suffix is to be appended,
it will rename the existing, waiting temporary file vs creating
a new file (which exposes nmh to the race problem).

Included is the diff of mhparse.c against CVS HEAD.

Index: uip/mhparse.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nmh/nmh/uip/mhparse.c,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.21 mhparse.c
--- uip/mhparse.c   14 Aug 2008 06:19:08 -  1.21
+++ uip/mhparse.c   3 Feb 2010 05:19:42 -
@@ -204,12 +204,14 @@
  * Check if file is actually standard input
 if ((is_stdin = !(strcmp (file, - {
-   file = add (m_tmpfil (invo_name), NULL);
-   if ((fp = fopen (file, w+)) == NULL) {
-   advise (file, unable to fopen for writing and reading);
-   return NULL;
-   }
+char *tfile = m_mktemp2(NULL, invo_name, NULL, fp);
+if (tfile == NULL) {
+advise(mhparse, unable to create temporary file);
+return NULL;
+   file = add (tfile, NULL);
chmod (file, 0600);
while (fgets (buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin))
fputs (buffer, fp);
fflush (fp);
@@ -1764,7 +1766,7 @@
 if (*file == NULL) {
-   ce-ce_file = add (m_scratch (, tmp), NULL);
+   ce-ce_file = add (m_mktemp(tmp, NULL, NULL), NULL);
ce-ce_unlink = 1;
 } else {
ce-ce_file = add (*file, NULL);
@@ -1781,8 +1783,21 @@
 cp = context_find (buffer);
-if (cp != NULL  *cp != '\0')
-ce-ce_file = add (cp, ce-ce_file);
+if (cp != NULL  *cp != '\0') {
+if (ce-ce_unlink) {
+// Temporary file already exists, so we rename to
+// version with extension.
+char *file_org = strdup(ce-ce_file);
+ce-ce_file = add (cp, ce-ce_file);
+if (rename(file_org, ce-ce_file)) {
+adios (ce-ce_file, unable to rename %s to , file_org);
+} else {
+ce-ce_file = add (cp, ce-ce_file);
 if ((ce-ce_fp = fopen (ce-ce_file, w+)) == NULL) {
content_error (ce-ce_file, ct, unable to fopen for reading/writing);
@@ -1972,7 +1987,7 @@
 if (*file == NULL) {
-   ce-ce_file = add (m_scratch (, tmp), NULL);
+   ce-ce_file = add (m_mktemp(tmp, NULL, NULL), NULL);
ce-ce_unlink = 1;
 } else {
ce-ce_file = add (*file, NULL);
@@ -1989,8 +2004,21 @@
 cp = context_find (buffer);
-if (cp != NULL  *cp != '\0')
-ce-ce_file = add (cp, ce-ce_file);
+if (cp != NULL  *cp != '\0') {
+if (ce-ce_unlink) {
+// Temporary file already exists, so we rename to
+// version with extension.
+char *file_org = strdup(ce-ce_file);
+ce-ce_file = add (cp, ce-ce_file);
+if (rename(file_org, ce-ce_file)) {
+adios (ce-ce_file, unable to rename %s to , file_org);
+} else {
+ce-ce_file = add (cp, ce-ce_file);
 if ((ce-ce_fp = fopen (ce-ce_file, w+)) == NULL) {
content_error (ce-ce_file, ct, unable to fopen for reading/writing);
@@ -2177,7 +2205,7 @@
 if (*file == NULL) {
-   ce-ce_file = add (m_scratch (, tmp), NULL);
+   ce-ce_file = add (m_mktemp(tmp, NULL, NULL), NULL);
ce-ce_unlink = 1;
 } else {
ce-ce_file = add (*file, NULL);
@@ -2194,8 +,21 @@
 cp = context_find (buffer);
-if (cp != NULL  *cp != '\0')
-ce-ce_file = add (cp, ce-ce_file);
+if (cp != NULL  *cp != '\0') {
+if (ce-ce_unlink) {
+// Temporary file already exists, so we rename to
+// version with extension.
+char *file_org = strdup(ce-ce_file);
+ce-ce_file = add (cp, ce-ce_file);
+if (rename(file_org, ce-ce_file)) {
+adios (ce-ce_file, unable to rename %s to , file_org);
+} else {
+ce-ce_file = add (cp, ce-ce_file);
 if ((ce-ce_fp = fopen (ce-ce_file, w+)) == NULL) {
content_error (ce-ce_file, ct, unable to fopen for reading/writing);
@@ -2545,7

Re: [Nmh-workers] Alternative method for supporting TLS and latest patch set

2010-02-01 Thread Earl Hood
On February 1, 2010 at 22:06, Ken Hornstein wrote:

 I looked over your patches; I say commit 'em (I'd personally prefer that
 nmh had inline TLS support,...

I agree, but the changes are also applicable for any non-TLS mail
server that requires SASL.

The horse has definitely been pounded to death.  Maybe some
day nmh will have direct support for it.  I may look at it again
in the future.

BTW, I'm working on removing all uses of mktemp from the code
and trying to clean-up annoying warnings from gcc when compiling

Hopefully, I do not break anything.  I'll try things it out for awhile
to see if anything breaks, but I do not use all the features of nmh,
so some changes will not really get tested.  I've taken the approach
of creating new functions that use mkstemp() and replacing all calles
to m_scratch() and m_tmpfil() with the new functions.

I'm unsure what the policy is for how stable the trunk is supposed
to be, so I hesitant to check in what I have done.


Nmh-workers mailing list

[Nmh-workers] Why doesn't post consult .mh_profile?

2010-01-31 Thread Earl Hood
I find it annoying that I have to replicate command-line options
for 'send', 'push', and 'whom' because post does not consult
the .mh_profile file.

For example, if you use sasl, I have to specify the same set of
sasl arguments multiple times:

  push: -unique -sasl -saslmech LOGIN -user user -server -port 2000
  send: -verbose -sasl -saslmech LOGIN -user user -server -port 2000
  whom: -check -sasl -saslmech LOGIN -user user -server -port 2000

It would be nice to only specify them once, mainly to the program
that actually uses them:

  post: -sasl -saslmech LOGIN -user user -server -port 2000

So the other entries can be kept simple:

  push: -unique
  send: -verbose
  whom: -check


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Success in submitting mail to a secure MTA (was Re: should nmh be an MTA or an MUA?)

2010-01-30 Thread Earl Hood
On January 30, 2010 at 10:49, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

  Not sure how it worked since SASL support is not available
  when using sendmail as your mts delivery method.  I.e.  If
  the SMTP server requires user/pass authentication, sendmail-based
  deliver will not work.
 Sendmail has had SASL support for years. The version shipped with your OS 
 might not have it compiled in, but it's there.

I meant, sendmail delivery mode within MH.  I.e.  When the mts:
option is set to sendmail vs smtp.

In this case, nmh will call (fork/exec) the sendmail program (as
specified by the 'sendmail:' option in the mts.conf) to post an
email message (or check addresses when in -whom mode).  nmh invokes
sendmail in -bs mode, allowing it to communicate with the program
(via stdin/stdout) using SMTP commands.

Under this usage model, nmh's SASL support does not exist.  And
if using the openssl command to create a basic SSL pipe to the
SMTP server, SASL support is needed. 

IMO, this allows greater flexibiltiy since dumb proxy connections
can be established w/o being burdened by SMTP and SASL operations.
It is similiar to rsync and the --rsh option, allowing one to
establish remote connections using alternative protocls (ssh)
w/o burdening rsync with such details.

Maybe nmh should have an option to allow one to specify an external
process for establishing the remote connection to the SMTP server.
This way, mts mode can be set to smtp, but one can specify an
external program to establish the end-points of the communication.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: should nmh be an MTA or an MUA?

2010-01-30 Thread Earl Hood
On January 29, 2010 at 23:01, Ken Hornstein wrote:

 If your interest is to only exchange messages with other
 nmh users, then I guess you won't care ... but I would suggest that
 if nmh doesn't evolve, at some point there won't be any other nmh

I agree.

For years, I have used a separate program I wrote to deal with
replying to MIME messages:
It ain't the most efficient thing, but it works.  And I have
found over time that I've had to use it more frequently, even
for basic messages.

Ideally nmh should do what mha-mhedit basicly does.

Of course, the other big hurdle nmh has is that it is command-line
oriented, limiting those who may choose to use it to more advanced
computer users that appreciate the power and flexibilty the
command-line can provide.

I think the capabilities and maintenance of GUI front-ends to nmh
may be the determining factor if nmh stays around or fades away.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: should nmh be an MTA or an MUA?

2010-01-29 Thread Earl Hood
On January 29, 2010 at 11:36, markus schnalke wrote:

 What exactly do you mean with ``users''? If you mean people that are
 no programmers, then I agree. If you mean us, then I don't.

I consider non-programmers.  If not, nmh will just be a nitch
MUA, and probably over time, die a slow death.

Not too many appreciate the power that nmh offers, but the command-line
(for whatever reasons) gets a bad rap.  Humans are visual creatues,
so GUIs have a natural allure, even if poorly written.

 Now I see why we do not understand each other:
 - For you, nmh is a system that provides everything for emailing.
 - For me it is an MUA.
 From your POV, nmh *should* include an MTA, a fetch program, and so
 forth. From my POV, it should *not*.

No, you project thoughts onto me to help support your argument.

I see nmh as an MUA.  Period.  See a separate post that quotes
RFC(s) on what the definition of a MUA is and what its role
is in the mail system:

I, and others, are only talking about the retrieval of mail
from an MTA and the submission of mail to a MSA or MTA.
Maybe you need to revisit the definitions and roles of the
various parts of the mail system.

Submission of mail is an MUA function.  If in the usage context of
nmh, the achieval of that submission happens to be achieved via some
third party program, it is STILL an MUA function, not an MTA function.

 I say: Write software for yourselfs, because otherwise you won't do
 it well anyway.

This statement seems to contradict the anti-NIH perspective.

 I want to motivate to forget the difference between library and
 Separate instead of integrate.

I understand this, basic abstraction principles.  Where you
are off is what the functional role of an MUA is.  You are
attributing MUA-based functions as MTA functions.

  Is the burden more on the the
  application developer-side or the end-user side?  I tend to lean
  toward the developer-side to make end-user life easier.
 Good point. Thus, I much favor good end-user howtos (this is different
 to documentation). But I feel good design to be the higher goal.

Both are needed.  As of now, there is neither for some of things
that nmh users request.  And if there is information, it is scattered
somewhere on the Net instead of in the nmh documentation.

Does anyone still maintain the MH FAQ?


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] external MTA (was: nmh @ gsoc?)

2010-01-28 Thread Earl Hood
On January 28, 2010 at 11:04, markus schnalke wrote:

 Use a simple forwarding MTA (like nullmailer or ssmtp) instead.

Has anyone got either of these programs to work with nmh?
If so, can they share their configuration?

IIRC, ssmtp is a command-line replacement of sendmail vs
running as a daemon.  MH/nmh communicate with sendmail via
the -bs option, something ssmtp does not support I believe.

I have not looked at nullmailer.  First I've heard of it.
Does it support -bs mode of sendmail?  Can it run as
a daemon and accept SMTP connections directly?


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: should nmh be an MTA or an MUA?

2010-01-28 Thread Earl Hood
On January 28, 2010 at 10:39, Ken Hornstein wrote:

 Fetching mail is also the job of a different tool.
 So, just so we're clear ... you want to remove the existing support for
 POP in inc as well?

I agree with Ken.

At some point, nmh must be able to read (incorporate) mail to
do its job.  I.e.  It must fetch the mail from something, somehow.

At the time MH was written, local spool files was all there is, but
things change.  POP came to be a legitimate (standard) delivery model,
so MH was adopted to support it.  From my understanding of the history
of MH development, the intent was to have it be in-sync with Internet
mail standards.  Remember, MH, early on, provided MIME support before
most MUAs did, and while attended UCI years ago, there was still some
active development with MH promoting this perspective.

Nmh should try to stay in-sync with Internet mail standards, not
relying on external tools to support features MUAs are expected to
support directly.  I think mail retrieval and submission are core
MUA functions, and an MUA should support the standard mechanisms for
doing so.


P.S.  Ideally, IMAP would be supported, but I think IMAP exposes
initial design decisions within MH that do not work well with the
IMAP model.  Personally, I could care less about IMAP support since
I've never needed to use IMAP, but I understand others desire to want
to support it w/o having to give up nmh.

Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Verizon DSL block

2010-01-22 Thread Earl Hood
On January 22, 2010 at 11:02, Stewart W Wilson wrote:

 I tried the patch given by Valdis Kletnieks
 I changed smtp.c (in nmh1.3) as he said to do.
 But it didn't work.  The no servers available error didn't occur,
 but this time send just hung.

Is authentication required?  Just changing the port does little
to deter spam since spammers can adapt.  I would assume that
the port change also comes with the requirement that you must
specify your username and password.

I do not know if nmh supports any authentication capabilities.
It probably should since authentication is coming more common
and service providers.  At this time, my provider does not require

Also, the smtp port should be configurable vs hardcoded.

Using a proxy model with programs like ssmtp or msmtp may be


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Verizon DSL block

2010-01-22 Thread Earl Hood
On January 22, 2010 at 16:26, Ken Hornstein wrote:

 The port 25 block is pretty much standard for large ISPs today; it's
 to prevent spammers from using massive networks of compromised PCs to
 deliver spam.

Changing ports is useless unless authentication is required.
If deterring spammers is the primary goal, then ISPs can just require
authentication for customers over the standard SMTP port.

Changing to the submission port provides no benefit unless
authentication is required since spammers just tweek things to use
the submission port to send spam.

However, even with authentication, if a system is zombied, probably
would not take much for authentication credentials to be stolen by
the malware and used for sending out spam.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] preventing change of current folder with rcvstore?

2009-08-18 Thread Earl Hood
On August 18, 2009 at 11:33, bergman wrote:

 I use procmail to automatically file incoming mail into different folders, 
 using rcvstore. This works very well, but rcvstore changes the default folder

According the the rcvstore manpage, the context should not be

   No  context  changes will be attempted, with the exception of sequence

Do not know offhand if this behavior has changed over time or


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] MH and Google contacts

2009-07-04 Thread Earl Hood
On July 4, 2009 at 10:43, Bill Wohler wrote:

 I'd like to start synchronizing my MH aliases with the contacts in my
 phone and Google contacts.
 Has anyone given any thought to this?

Looks like Google has a CSV format that can import/export, so
some little scripting can be done to map MH aliases into Google
contacts and vice-versa.

To determine what the CSV format is, just do an export of
your Google contacts to it to figure it out.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: big thanks

2009-01-25 Thread Earl Hood
On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Joel Uckelman wrote:
 I think the cut-off is more likely to be gen-Xers than baby-boomers.
 MH used to be the default MUA at MIT until ~2000, which is where I picked it

I left UCI in '93, and of course, it was the default MUA on many systems.
Not sure if it is still used at UCI, but I would bet some of the old-time
profs may still use it.

I still use it now.  I have yet to find a GUI-based MUA that allows me
to be as efficient an MH/nmh.

It would be nice if nmh supported SMTP/TLS.  I think it is more in
danger of becoming obsolete in not staying up-to-date with later
secure mail transit protocols and other mail standards versus the age of
its users.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: enhancement to mhfinddup

2008-09-16 Thread Earl Hood
On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 11:12 PM, Bill Wohler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I started to use Bill Wohler's mhfinddup script[1] to delete the

It may not matter, but attached is a Perl script I wrote some time ago to
check for message duplicates.  Probably similiar to Bill's, but have not
looked at Bill's to determine similarities or differences.

Run perldoc on file to read documentation or execute with -man option.


Description: Binary data
Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] What Happened to mha-mhedit?

2007-10-05 Thread Earl Hood
On October 1, 2007 at 11:10, Martin McCormick wrote:

   I moved my mail base of operations from one system to
 another and installed the latest version of mhonarc, still using
 the configuration files I had used on the slightly older system.
 I started to reply to a mime message and got the error stating
 that /usr/local/bin/mha-mhedit was missing. It had been part of
 the source tree for the FreeBSD port of mhonarc but it seems to
 have vanished.

mha-mhedit is not part nmh, so this not the appropriate forum
for your question.  I noticed you sent a post to the mhonarc-users
list, so I will respond there.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Re: ADMINISTRIVIA: Change to mailing list policy

2006-03-07 Thread Earl Hood
On March 6, 2006 at 18:44, Bill Wohler wrote:

 Earl Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I recommend discard.  Spammers are known to use originating addresses
  of regular people, so you can potentially be the cause of receiving
  more spam due to mis-directed bounces.
 Unfortunately, this is worse because legitimate posters don't get a
 notification that their message didn't get through.

An unfortunate side-effect, but probably something we must live with.
Bounce noise can get bad and generate anger among those that receive
bounce messages that they never sent.

It is more common now for mailing lists to be limited to subscribers

I'm not sure how Mailman creates bounce messages, but bounces can
open a door for exploitation by spammers.

More information about the lists and how to contact nmh developers
could be included on the nmh web pages.  Directing them to
savannah's support request form is an option non-subscribers can


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] ADMINISTRIVIA: Change to mailing list policy

2006-03-07 Thread Earl Hood
On March 7, 2006 at 15:12, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

  I recommend discard.  Spammers are known to use originating
  addresses of regular people, so you can potentially be the cause of
  receiving more spam due to mis-directed bounces.
 But Mailman is generating a `your message is pending approval because
 you're not subscribed' email at the moment, isn't it?  So changing
 policy from `hold' to `bounce' won't be creating more emails back to the
 OP, just altering what kind they get.

Mailman has a discard option so the list admin is not bothered with
any mail.  Of course, non-members do not get any notification that
there message was discarded.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Wishlist item - beefing up slocal pattern matching

2005-12-26 Thread Earl Hood
On December 26, 2005 at 16:10, Igor Sobrado wrote:

 Indeed, I missed that important matter.  Certainly nmh should follow
 standards as nicely as possible.  It does not make sense violating
 a RFC only because a product (in this case, the email filtering service
 provided by Postini) does.  I was not aware about the case-insensitive
 behaviour not only on the header field names but also in the field contents.

Case sensitivity of field contents is dependent upon the field itself.
Although it appears that there is the intent of field values to be
case insensitive in the core mail RFCs, this does not reflect modern
reality.  For example, the List-* header fields can have different
meanings if case was ignored.  I.e. List-* fields can have URLs,
and URLs are not case-insensitive (excluding any domain portion or
other component that is explicity specified as being case-insensitive).

BTW, there may also be security concerns involved with ignoring case,
depending on the application involved.  Therefore, some applications
may be case sensitive (header field names should be excluded) to
prevent security vulnerabilities.

In addition to the example noted, a problem exists with non-ASCII
encoded data.  Ideally, support for decoding non-ASCII encoded data
would exist before a pattern is applied (normalization to UTF-8,
or other Unicode encoding format, would be done).  Due to complexity
of case conversion for many languages, case-sensitive matching would
be much easier here from an implementation perspective.  However,
software does exist that deals with such complexities (e.g. Perl).

Ignoring non-ASCII encoded data could also be a security concern
depending on the nature of the application.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Displaying/Replying to HTML emails

2004-11-23 Thread Earl Hood
On November 23, 2004 at 17:39, Arun Bhalla wrote:

 In addition, like many of you, I'm sure, I have to read and respond to
 emails containing text/html parts.  Reading isn't so bad since I just
 pipe it through lynx in my .mh_profile, although sometimes I'd rather
 have it default to text/plain (see above).  But replying can be nasty,
 especially if there's only a text/html part (seemingly common from Hotmail
 users) and no text/plain part.  I'd rather not have any non-text parts
 in the reply body if there's a text/plain part; if the text/html part is
 the only text part, I'd rather have it stripped of tags.  I might argue
 that some nmh utility should do all of that for me, but if someone can
 recommend some scripts and .mh_profile configurations, I certainly
 wouldn't mind.

The problem is even worse with multipart/mixed messages that include

What I did was hack up a script,,
to deal with situations when I need to deal with multipart and/or
HTML messages.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] Nmh status - working on nmh

2004-09-16 Thread Earl Hood
On September 16, 2004 at 17:20, Harald Geyer wrote:

  Is there any sort of wish list for nmh development?
 There are a number of issues in the TODO list. I don't know who
 maintains it though. I feel most important is better mime support
 ... and of course cleaning up the code.

Savannah supports defining Tasks for a project.  It may be worth
using to track various TODO items.


Nmh-workers mailing list

[Nmh-workers] Vulnerability advisory for MIME software

2004-09-14 Thread Earl Hood
The NISCC has posted an advisory mentioning security problems with
MIME-aware software.  The advisories were also posted by Corsaire
to the VulnWatch mailing list.

The advisory mentions that various vendors used a MIME test suite
from NISCC to evaluate their products.  Unfortunately, NISCC does
not make such test suite publicly available (a personal response
to my inquiry is attached below), but projects like mozilla apparently
have evaluated their software with the test suite.

My bet is that no one involved with nmh has seen the test suite to
see if nmh is open to any of the problems the advisory discusses (note,
the advisory is vague on specific vulnerabilities).

I maintain software package that does MIME processing, so I can
pursue obtaining the test suite for my package and see if it is
worth having nmh have access to the test also; assuming there is
interest among nmh developers and users.


NISCC has a policy of only releasing test tools to recognized developers of the protocol in questions. If you meet this requirement we use a non-legally binding  framework agreement as a measure of sharing sensitive information. Please supply further details.

Best Regards

From: Earl Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 14 September 2004 07:34:11 BST
Subject: Re: NISCC Vulnerability Advisory 380375/MIME
Reply-To: Earl Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Your advisory mentions the existence of a MIME test suite, which
some vendors have used to evaluate their products. Unfortunately,
your advisory does not provide a link of the test suite so
authors of MIME-aware software are able to evaluate their products.

Is your test suite publicly available?


PGP Public Key:>


Team Leader, Management  Disclosure

NISCC Vulnerability Team

tel:+44-20-7821-1330 x4520
mb: +44-7795 390286


National Infrastructure Security Coordination Centre (NISCC):

Protecting the Critical National Infrastructure from Electronic Attack



This email and any files transmitted with it are private and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please return it to the address it came from telling them it is not for you and then delete it from your system. This email message has been swept for computer viruses.


Team Leader, Management  Disclosure

NISCC Vulnerability Team

tel:+44-20-7821-1330 x4520
mb: +44-7795 390286


National  Infrastructure Security Coordination Centre (NISCC):

Protecting  the Critical National Infrastructure from Electronic Attack



This email and any files  transmitted with it are private and intended solely for the use of the  individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please return it to the address it came from telling them it  is not for you and then delete it from your system. This email message has been swept for computer  viruses.

---End Message---
Nmh-workers mailing list

[Nmh-workers] Alternative list archive at

2004-07-28 Thread Earl Hood
I've set up an alternative list archive at

There is currently no direct link to the archive on the All Lists page.

Another user on the list stated he has list message back to 1992,
so when I am able to get a copy, I can import them into the archives.

Currently, email addresses or obfsucated to protect against
harvesters.  If this is not an issue for anyone, I can regen the
archives to show addresses and allow direct download of raw
mail messages.


Nmh-workers mailing list