Re: [nmh-workers] Formatting HTML to Text: netrik.

2019-06-27 Thread spaceman via nmh-workers

Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> Quite simply, all I would wish for would be something that would -properly-
> convert -both- HTMLized emails -and- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"
> emails (like this one I'm responding to) into good old fashioned ascii,
> at least for purposes of the "show" and "repl" commands.  I have my
> jury-rigged solution working adequately well for the base64 encoding
> still, but only for the "show" command, which means that I have to do
> some manual cutting-and-pasting when/if I want to reply to a base64
> encoded email. :-(

mhfixmsg does this pretty well I think, you just have to use it in
your procmail rules. It will convert the messages to plain ascii (from
base64) as well as convert html to text and add it as plain/text section
in the mime. I use the following:

mhfixmsg-format-text/html: charset="%{charset}"; /usr/bin/w3m -I ${charset} -T 
text/html -dump

This works in combination with replyfilter (a perl script distributed
with nmh or used to be) which nicely puts only the plain text section in
the reply for you (I am not sure if nmh would do this, I don't see why

All these in combination you end with a reasonable reply to HTML emails.
The downside is that you don't get to keep the original email unless you
make a copy of it and it's fairly hacky.



Re: [nmh-workers] #ifdef UK

2019-05-19 Thread spaceman via nmh-workers

Robert Elz wrote:
> as an arg to scan (either via -format or -form) whether numeric
> dates are printed as D/M (the sane way) or M/D (stupid).

It might be pure opinion but I don't think M/D is "stupid" when put in
context for example:


is an ISO format and it makes sense because you start with biggest unit
and end with the smallest. You write numbers starting with biggest unit,
so why not dates?

I take issue with you calling the format "stupid" simply because you
are not used it or you were raised with a different format. Some people
write left to right others right to left, (and if you really going for
it, top to bottom and bottom to top), which one of those is "stupid"?

