The problem is that your last console.log line runs before anything else.

I don't see the rest of the code, but I suspect if you move your *return 
resolve(countRepetidos);* 2 lines up (right behind that *if(data.count>0) 
{}* block), your promise will resolve proper value.

Likewise, if you put the console log there, it's going to work.

On Saturday, July 22, 2017 at 3:50:01 AM UTC+2, Catia Matos wrote:
> 0down votefavorite 
> <>
> I'm facing a problem with a value where inside my for cycle it has values 
> like "179" and outside i get always undefined. Why?
> var countRepetidos;if(!={} &&>0){    
>     var aux =["list"];
>     countRepetidos=0;
>     for(var i=0;i<aux.length;i++){                              
>        Database.Probing.getMacAdress(aux[i]).then(function(data){
>             if(data.count>0){
>                countRepetidos++;  
>                console.log("count repetidos 1",countRepetidos); // value 116
>             }                                   
>         });
>     }
>     return resolve(countRepetidos);}   
> console.log("count repetidos 2",countRepetidos);    // value undefined
> log :
> 3|wscontro | count repetidos 1 1163|wscontro | count repetidos 2 undefined
> I try instead of use resolve, use callback but nothing... I saw other 
> answers in javascript but for node.js I cant resolve this problem... I saw 
> the link refering thus question as a duplicate but cant figure out a 
> solution to this case.

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