[Noisebridge-announce] Meeting Notes 2018-06-05

2018-06-05 Thread Darryl McAdams
Notes for tonights meeting are are up at
- beka___
Noisebridge-announce mailing list

[Noisebridge-announce] Meeting notes for 20 March 2018

2018-03-21 Thread Darryl McAdams
== Meeting Summary ==
What happened at the meeting:
* Announcements:** 2018 Maker Faire project** NGALAC**  propaganda 
request* Finances: TBD* New members: Lizzie (@lizzie)* New philanthropists: 
none* Consensus Items:** Noisebridge anti-harrasment policy update 
**consensed*** Discussion Items:** Open hours discussion

Meeting notes 2018 03 20 - Noisebridge

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Meeting notes 2018 03 20 - Noisebridge




- darryl___
Noisebridge-announce mailing list

[Noisebridge-announce] Meeting Notes -- 2018/01/09, Tue

2018-01-10 Thread Bernice Anne W. Chua

   - Announcements:
   - 1) some Noisebridgers (and other local indie game devs) will present
  their games at the Playcrafting Winter Play Expo: January 11,
  Thursday, 6:30pm, 301 Howard Street
 - Global Game Jam = January 26-28, Friday to Saturday,
 Playcrafting will help organize event

 - can we have global game jam here? Whos's cool with that?

  3) classes/events that people wish to host/lead:
  - How To Repair Mac Logic Boards, by Zach
  - How to make an "infinity mirror", by Mike (aka Mondo)
  4) Bring Your Own internet is at Omni Jan 27th 2 - 5. 5mof is the 3rd
  thursday every month here at 8pm.
  5) We (Zach & Bernice) upgraded the computer that controls the laser
  cutter and its way better. We (Zach, Bernice, Kevin, one of the Matthews,
  one of the Davids) cleaned the Sparkle Forge.
  - Finances: n/a, treasurer wasn't present
   - New members: n/a
   - New philanthropists: from the previous meeting, we had Silver, Micah,
   - Consensus Items: Cowlicks showed how to give a tour of Noisebridge
   (how to be concise while giving just enough information)
   - Discussion Items:
   -- whether or not Noisebridge is willing to host the Global Game Jam for
   January 26-28, 2018
   -- methods for how time for using the laser cutter can be
   allocated/scheduled fairly
Noisebridge-announce mailing list

[Noisebridge-announce] Meeting Notes, March 21, 2017

2017-03-22 Thread Roger Filmyer
TLDR what happened at the meeting:

   - Announcements: 5 Minutes of Fame! Also I completely botched the note
   taking for announcement about Gray Area.
   - Finances:
   - New members: None.
   - New philanthropists: Nick Pessaro, Joe, Christina Zhou
   - Consensus Items: None.
   - Discussion Items: Improving Noisebridge's social media presence,
   pondering Noisecoin, discussing fiscal sponsorship.

Noisebridge-announce mailing list

[Noisebridge-announce] Meeting Notes 2017 02 14

2017-02-15 Thread Drew Erny
These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge
. Date: 2017 02 14
Note-taker: Drew; Moderators: Drew.

Meeting Summary

TLDR what happened at the meeting:

   - Announcements:
  - Noisebridge 5MoF is on Thursday, no dudes speaking but everyone
  invited. noisebridge.net/5mof
  - Mini-Reboot is THIS WEEKEND!!
  - Jeremy bought a laminator. Seal thin things in plastic!
  - Arduino for Total Newbies, March 18th 1-4:30pm, Taught by Mitch.
   - Finances: $54,530.65
   - New members:
  - Lizzie and Miloh are in the pipeline!
   - New philanthropists:
  - James needs a sponsor!
   - Consensus Items:
  - None!
   - Discussion Items:
  - Does Noisebridge want to do a workshop on cellular anomoly sensors?
  - Tons of details on mini-reboot, read below!
  - Chabot Space Center is looking for collaborators




Noisebridge is a place where we can come together and hack. We're a 501c3
that anyone can participate as long as you're excellent to each other.


   - Drew - Distributed Systems, Communism, and Distributed Communism
   - Daryl - Teaches the lasercutter (but does it learn?) also does AI and
   robotics. Fails at electronics
   - Jeremy - Send angry emails to people. Also do software and AI stuff.
   - Shannon - Is a sysadmin
   - Ash - Generally interested in Information security and GSM networks
   - Casey - isn't even here
   - Henner - Writes software and builds hardware. Likes hacking a little
   - Patrick- I arrange bits
   - John - Visiting, friend of Alex, does robots, lasercutting, hacking.
   - Mitch - Cofounder of NB from 2007. Teaches electronics and travels
   around the world teaching hackerspaces
   - Steve - Software developer and physicist, but transitioning to
   machine/deep learning
   - Samer - Software developer, does animal right stuff.
   - Kow - Student & Animal rights stuff with Samer
   - Rafael - Temporarily unemployed EE. Would be building a Tesla coil if
   he had cash. Maintaining the Mac minis
   - Torrie - Transcendental proto-cyborg from an alternate past.
   - J - Makes blinky lights go on and off
   - Roger - He does "Random stuff"


]Short announcements and events

   - Torrie - This Thursday is 5MOF (TODO: link). This is the NOT DUDES
   special edition. If you're not a DUDE, you can can talk, but everyone is
   welcome to join. Signups open on noisebridge.net/5mof. For more info
   talk to Lizzie
   - J - Noisebridge Mini-Reboot is THIS WEEKEND. THIS WEEKEND, LADIES,
   GENTLEMEN, AND OTHER. Noisebridge will be closed Saturday and Sunday, and
   anyone is welcome to come help. Contact tma...@gmail.com if you need
   info. If you can't come, you can donate food, cleaning materials, and other
   stuff. You can go to our wiki at:
   https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Noisebridge_Mini-Reboot_2017and if you
   are on Slack we have a channel #mini-reboot.
   - Jeremy - Bought a laminator, which will also laminate circuits. Like
   you can maybe put a coin cell battery in it? Don't laminate napkins. It's
   in the darkroom.
   - Mitch - March 18th is an Arduino for Total Newbies workshop. 50 people
   will be invading noisebridge and totally taking up the hackatorium from
   1-4:30pm. $35 for materials. TODO(dperny) add to announcements


]Safe Space

Torrie - Noisebridge is a safe space. This means not necessarily that
oyu're protected from reality while you're here, but psychological and
physical safety. If you're gonna make loud noises, you tell people to put
on hearing protection so nobody gets hurt. Same with phsychological safety.
If you're gonna talk about sensitive topics, prepare the people around for
it. This lets people hack in peace without being distracted by
psychological distractions. Unwanted romantic advances on other people are
unwelcome, and there is an anti-harassment policy which is spelled out on
the columns and on the fridge.

What happens if you feel unsafe? We have Slack, which is the best way to
get in touch. If something is wrong/dangerous/uncomfortable, go to the
#spaceguardians channel and mention that a problem is occurring, and people
will help you solve it, because here at noisebridge we take care of each


J - The best way to get access is to hang out and be excellent, hack with
others, make cool things, help keep the space clean and protect it. Fellow
hackers are watching for people who are excellent and 

[Noisebridge-announce] Meeting Notes 2017 02 07

2017-02-08 Thread Drew Erny
These are the notes from the [
https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Category:Meeting_Notes The XXXth Meeting
of Noisebridge]. Date: 2017-02-07 Note-taker: Several Moderators: Lizzie

== Meeting Summary ==
TLDR what happened at the meeting:
* Announcements:
** Robot class Sunday!
** Light-up protest sign workshop on Feb 15th!
** Steve copped a cool copy of Coilhouse magazine!
** Mini-reboot continues to approach
** Natalie wants to start a class for kids!
** 5MOF on Thursday! Next Thursday, 5mof but with NO MALE SPEAKERS!
* Finances:
** We're doing alright but we're gonna need a buttload more cash.
* New members:
** None, but Lizzie is in the pipeline!
* New philanthropists:
** Drew!
* Consensus Items:
** We're not burning down Noisebridge!
* Discussion Items:
** Maybe we want a wicked-good gaming computer?
** Club-Mate #group-buy could STILL HAPPEN!

= Introductions =

* '''Invite a knowledgeable volunteer to explain'''
[[Noisebridge_Vision|what Noisebridge is about]]:
** J: Noisebridge is an education 501c3 designed for you make all kinds of
cool stuff. There is only 1 rule: be excellent to each other: to the space
and to the tools and people in it.
** Victoria: Anybody can use Noisebridge.

* Round of introductions (remember, announcements come later):
** Lizzie: Leading this meeting, does security, math
** Daryl: Does AI and robots, teaches laser cutter.
** Jervon: Accountant by day, comes here for community.
** Kieryn: activist with computer skills, in and out of noisebridge
** Sterling: Does web business right, but also does web business at his day
job (lol that's literally what he said)
** J: does the blinkenlights
** Natalie: Teaches kids STEAM
** Sanae: Programs and knits
** henner - programming, and electronics
** Patrick: didn't hear what he said
** Hassan - security consultant who is forming a nonprofit to help
** M or Mo or Mohammed: Coming here for 3 years, involved in the community,
preparing a class for Friday 7-9 about CAD.
** Victoria: Sues cities to build housing.
** Steve: Scientist + Engineer
** Mike: Works on Tor and Tor acessories
** Li - Researcher in Education from China
**  Yu - From China working on building maker space with Li
** Drew - distributed systems, comes to nb to hangout
** Alex - helps people with bad credit get rideshare thingies
** Matt: Benefits from the python class, likes data analysis and wants to
give up things
** Alex 2: dabbles in tech things, been in J's hardware class
** Bill Hill: in and out for years, wants to develop and online databse of
archives so they can exhange matrial
** James: Has been using the laser cutter a fair bit lately and working on
projects. Likes to get up early and would like to come in early.

= Short announcements and events =

* Robot class on Sunday the 12th at 1pm
* on Wednesday 7pm that is not tomorrow, workshop on light up protest signs
* both are on meetup
* Steve: a cyber art magazine, coilhouse? has a copy for the space, hooray
* J: Noisebridge reboot: Starts prepping Friday. Noisebridge is closed
Saturday and Sunday, unless you want to hack noisebridge into a better
place! We accept donations of food and cleaning chemicals
* Natalie: Wants to start a class, maybe once a week, for kids to do fun
tech projects. If you're interested, contact her.
* Lizzie: 5MOF on Thursday. 5mof.com. Currently nobody signed up for
Thursday. Next week, no-man 5MOF.

= Safe Space =

Nb is a safe space.. inclusive as possible.. somtimes that means excluding
people who are assholes. ACTUAL safe spacc policy is posted around the
space. If you're making someone uncomfortable or vice versa, ask them to
leave. Go to #space-guardians on SLACK to report transgressions! If you
don't feel comfortable confronting the person, just use the
#space-guardians channel.

= Participation =

Steve: Noisebridge is open to everyone. You don't have to be a member or
philanthropist to come here and and use all of our cool stuff (except the
laser cutter!) from 11am-11pm. We're all collectively responsibile for the
space. If someone rings the doorbell, you can let them in. If you can't or
don't want to let them in, don't.

= [[Philanthropist|Philanthropists]]=
Philanthropy is a way of saying I am involved and want to be more active
and take more responsibility for the space and donate on a regular basis.
In exchange you get loads of responsibility and 24/hr card access.
To be one, you fill out a form, someone vouches for you who is a member,
and then one meeting happens (that you have to be at) and people okay it.
James and..someone else is applying today.
Read their names and their answer, members are allowed to block.

== Philanthropy Applicants: ==
* Drew - has been endorsed by Victoria, and (informally) Steve
* James - needs a sponser, someone volunteered for next meeting

= [[ Membership Binder ]] =

Membership is similar, but the names get read at 4 meetings and you get two
people to vouch for you. Membership means you have magical powers like your

[Noisebridge-announce] Meeting Notes

2016-11-22 Thread Ruth Grace Wong
TLDR what happened at the meeting:

   - Announcements:
  - Trent - Python class restarts on Monday the 28th, it's a 6 week
  class through mid january
   - Finances: We paid our taxes (aka filed our tax returns - we don't
   actually pay anything)! We also have insurance! We have 10.5 thousand in
   the equipment fund. Talk to John if you have ideas for the equipment fund.
   - New members: Ruth Grace Wong
   - New philanthropists: Juan Montana, Travis Herrick
   - Consensus Items: None
   - Discussion Items: Country is out of whack. If you see something wrong,
   do something about it or get someone to help you do something about it. New
   landlord contacts set up & talk of setting up meetings for discussing our
   plans for our lease ending.

Full meeting notes: https://noisebridge.net/wiki/Meeting_Notes_2016_11_22
Noisebridge-announce mailing list

[Noisebridge-announce] Meeting Notes

2016-07-20 Thread Ben Weinstein-Raun
* General discussion of Noisebridge policies and membership rules for
new members
* Discussion of laser pointer class

== Meeting Summary ==
* Announcements:
* Finances:
* New members:
* New philanthropists:
* Adrian
* Consensus Items:
* Discussion Items:
* Class on laser cutter

Ben Weinstein-Raun
Noisebridge-announce mailing list