----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jose Herskovits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jose Herskovits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 9:51 AM
Subject: Newsletter: 6th WCSMO, Rio de Janeiro, 30 May 2005


                      6th World congress on Structural and

                          Multidisciplinary Optimization



1) Deadline for one page abstracts:

The deadline for one page abstracts submission is on 15th January 2005.
We ask participants to send, if possible, their abstract before Christmas.
This will be very helpful for the Congress Secretariat.

2) Submitting contributions to WCSMO6 to the Journal "Structural and
Multidisciplinary Optimization"

All previously unpublished contributions to WCSMO6 can be considered for
publication in the journal Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
(SMO), Publisher: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg.

It is recommended that contributors submit an extended, longer version of
their WCSMO6 presentation to the Editor of SMO. A faster evaluation of these
contributions will be facilitated by opinions from the WCSMO6 Publication
Committee and the relevant Session Chairpersons.

To have complete information, please visit the site:


Your participation is welcome. With my best regards,

                                   Jose Herskovits
                                   General Chairman



                      6th World congress on Structural and

                          Multidisciplinary Optimization


                  The Official congress of ISSMO - International

              Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization


                     Co-Sponsored by AIAA - American Institute for

                             Aeronautics and Astronauticas

                                 Rio de Janeiro

                              30 May - 3 Jun 2005




  Structural Optimization, with particular interest on emerging applications
  like micro, nano and biomechanics as well as smart and graded materials.


  Design Optimization and Inverse Problems papers in all branches of


Including numerical optimization, sensitive analysis, evolutionary methods
neural networks.


(Announcement in attachment)

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From mstorti en intec.unl.edu.ar  Fri Dec 10 17:09:41 2004
From: mstorti en intec.unl.edu.ar (Mario Storti)
Date: Fri Dec 10 17:09:37 2004
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Metodos Multiescala en la Modelacion de Turbulencia

Seminario a ser presentado en el CIMEC
        Centro Internacional de Metodos Computacionales 
        en Ingenieria, Santa Fe

Viernes 17 de diciembre, 11:00hs


                            Victor M. Calo
         Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences
                  The University of Texas at Austin


En  esta  presentacion  se  describira  el  progreso  reciente  en  el
desarrollo  de los Metodos  Multiescala para  la modelacion  de flujos
turbulentos.  En  primer termino  se  hara  una  revision critica  del
enfoque convencional  a la Simulacion de  Grandes Remolinos-Large Eddy
Simulation-que  se  basa  en  ecuaciones  que han  sido  filtradas.  A
continuacion  se analizara  la  problematica de  la  modelacion y,  en
particular, se considerara el modelo clasico de Smagorinsky (inspirado
por Von Neumann).  Tomando en cuenta las limitaciones  de este modelo,
el  concepto  de  "viscosidad  de remolinos  espectral"-Spectral  Eddy
Viscosity-de Heisenberg  y consideraciones  de la teoria  del analisis
numerico,  se ha  propuesto un  marco alternativo  de  modelacion: los
Metodos  Variacionales  de  Modelacion  Multiescala para  LES.   Estos
mitodos superan muchas de las limitaciones de las ecuaciones filtradas
y a su  vez poseen mayor potencial para la  modelacion. Hasta la fecha
se han presentado  dos esquemas de modelacion dentro  del marco de los
metodos  multiescala.   El  primero,   propuesto  por  Hughes   y  sus
colaboradores,  usa una  viscosidad de  remolinos que  actua solamente
sobre las pequenas escalas,  es decir, adapta las ideas prevalecientes
en el  campo al  marco multiescala. El  otro, mas  reciente, construye
aproximaciones a  las pequenas  escalas (subescalas no  resueltas) del
campo  de  velocidades.  Estas   evitan  la  necesidad  de  introducir
viscosidades  de  remolino  (viscosidades  artificiales),  permitiendo
obtener tazas de convergencia dadas por el esquema de discretizacion y
no acotadas por la  viscosidad artificial. Se demostrara numericamente
que  ambos   conceptos  resultan   mas  eficientes  que   los  metodos
convencionales.  En particular se  presentaran simulaciones  de flujos
turbulentos  isotropicos  y homogeneos,  de  flujos  en  canales y  de
transicion de laminar a turbulenta  de una capa limite en presencia de
turbulencia en el flujo libre-bypass transition.

Viernes 17 de diciembre, 11:00hs
Centro Internacional de Metodos Computacionales en Ingenieria
Parque Tecnologico del Litoral Centro (PTLC)
Bo. El Pozo, Santa Fe. Tel: +54-342-4511594, 
(Como llegar? ver 
From cemnci en herrera.unt.edu.ar  Tue Dec 21 17:39:54 2004
From: cemnci en herrera.unt.edu.ar (CEMNCI)
Date: Tue Dec 21 17:52:31 2004
Subject: [NotiAMCA] =?iso-8859-1?q?Cronograma_2005_Cursos_de_Postgrado_-_?=

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From dambrosini en uncu.edu.ar  Thu Dec 23 11:22:37 2004
From: dambrosini en uncu.edu.ar (Daniel Ambrosini)
Date: Thu Dec 23 11:34:57 2004
Subject: [NotiAMCA] =?iso-8859-1?q?Cursos_de_posgrado_2005=2E_Facultad_de?=

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From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Tue Dec 28 10:01:30 2004
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Tue Dec 28 15:47:40 2004
Subject: [NotiAMCA] IJDF- Call for papers


Podrías pasar esta invitación a publicar artículos en esta nueva revista de
fluidos en el sitio del amca. Gracias


-----Original Message-----
From: PUB: Research India Publication [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Viernes, 17 de Diciembre de 2004 08:03 a.m.
Subject: Editorial Board Members of IJDF.

Dear Editorial Board Members of IJDF,

Please find attached the "CALL FOR PAPER" for International Journal of
Dynamics of Fluids (IJDF). For more information about our journal IJAC visit
journal's home page at http://www.ripublication.com/ijdf.htm

It will be kind of you if you make an announcement in your institutes for
research workers to submit manuscripts of full length articles of
considerable depth, for publication in the first issue of IJDF to be
launched in 2005, with four issues a year. We shall be very grateful if you
and your colleagues to submit quality papers to our journal. It will be kind
of you to confirm the receipt of his file.

We also like to inform you that if you and your colleagues are willing to
publish new books/ journals then please feel free to contact us. We are
always looking for authors and institutes who are interesting to publish
their books, monographs, conference and proceedings, starting new Journals.
We have a worldwide network and a well-organized and strong infrastructure.
A mailing list of fifty thousand or so intellectual, scholars, Universities,
Institutions and common readers worldwide strengthen it further. Coping with
the modern publishing necessities, we have a fully computerized production

Thanking you for your kind cooperation and looking for the success of this

Dr. M.M. Srivastava
Director (Publishing Department)
For Research India Publications
Head office: D-71, Top Floor, Rohini Sec-16, Delhi-110085 INDIA
Website: http://www.ripublication.com

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From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Tue Dec 28 16:04:34 2004
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Tue Dec 28 16:11:40 2004
Subject: [NotiAMCA] ANPCyT fellowship offer

Estimados colegas,

Adjuntamos el llamado para cubrir una beca en el marco del proyecto PICT
Campo: Simulación de comportamiento mecánico de materiales.
Lugar: Grupo de Materia Condensada II - Ciencia de los Materiales - IFIR.
Responsable: Raúl E. Bolmaro

Agradeceremos pueda difundir esta información. Gracias.
Pablo Turner
Ocampo y Esmeralda S/N - Rosario - ARGENTINA
Tel: + 54  341  480 8545
Fax: + 54  341  482 1772
Dear colleagues,

We enclose a call for an ANPCyT fellowship offer.
Field: Simulation of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials.
Place: Grupo de Materia Condensada II - Ciencia de los Materiales - IFIR.
Advisor: Raúl E. Bolmaro

We will be very grateful if you can post the information as widely as
Pablo Turner
Research Scientists - MCII
Ocampo y Esmeralda S/N - Rosario - ARGENTINA
ph: + 54  341  480 8545
fax: + 54  341  482 1772

Descripción del proyecto de beca

En los últimos años ha habido un interés creciente en el uso de la 
aproximación que se denomina "modelado multiescala" para entender los 
efectos de la microestructura sobre el comportamiento mecánico de 

En el estudio de los materiales heterogéneos es práctica común distinguir 
diferentes niveles de análisis que se corresponden con las diferentes 
escalas, como por ejemplo: (i) macroescala (nivel estructural), (ii) 
mesoescala (niveles de varias heterogeneidades) y (iii) microescala (nivel 
de los microconstituyentes). La descripción completa comprende una secuencia 
de análisis interdependientes en el sentido de que la salida de un nivel es 
usada como entrada en el nivel siguiente, donde las leyes constitutivas 
sirven como puente entre las diferentes escalas.

En el presente proyecto se desarrollarán e implementarán modelos 
computacionales de homogeneización a nivel mesoscópico aplicados a 
policristales considerando como detalle micromecánico la descripción 
mecánica de los granos y las fases. En la etapa de integración, el modelo 
debe ser factible de ser utilizado como ecuación constitutiva en un código 
de elementos finitos para el análisis a escala macroscópica. Se aplicará al 
problema del fenómeno de plasticidad, en particular a la plasticidad 
inducida por transformaciones de fase.
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From sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar  Tue Dec 28 18:45:16 2004
From: sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Tue Dec 28 18:48:46 2004
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and

Estimados lectores del NotiAmca

Me es grato dirigirme a Uds con el fin de anunciarles un Congreso que puede
ser de vuestro interes.
Aqui debajo incluyo en formato simple de texto el anuncio que pueden
encontrar en mejor formato en
la pagina que figura aqui debajo como link.

Les comento que en particular estoy colaborando en la organizacion de una
sesion sobre modelizacion de vehiculos
terrestres y otra sobre motores de combustion interna y maquinas termicas.
Si hay alguna persona interesada en presentar un trabajo alli se puede
contactar con algunas de las
personas que figuran en la pagina Web del Congreso o sino puede contactarse
conmigo a la siguiente
direccion de email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Norberto Nigro

       IMAACA 2005 Marseilles, France, October 20-22, 2005

The 2nd International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in
Applied Control and Automation

Part of I3M'2005: The 2nd International Mediterranean Modeling

Sponsored by SCS, IMAACA 2005 will be held jointly with several other
international conferences
part of I3M 2005, as CSM (Conceptual Modeling and Simulation) and HMS
(Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation).


General call
Specific for IMAACA 2005

Objectives and Scope
IMAACA 2005 will bring experts together for the purpose of presenting and
discussing all type of application relevant control and automation problems
emphasizing the role of model analysis as integral part of the complete
design of the automated system. Particularly, it will focus on new concepts,
methods, techniques, and tools conceived in order to support an integrative
interplay of modeling, identification, simulation, system analysis and
control theory in all the stages of system design.

Continuous and Hybrid Systems, Lumped and Distributed Parameter Systems,
Switched Systems, Qualitative Modeling, Bond Graph Modeling, Mathematical
Modeling and Numerical Methods, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Nonlinear
Systems, Large Scale Systems, Order Reduction and Model Simplification,
System Identification, Adaptive Control, Expert Systems, Industrial
Applications of Advanced Control, Intelligent Control, Multivariable
Control, Nonlinear Control, Robust Control, Networked Control Systems, Fault
Detection, Process Supervision, Software and Tools, Computer-aided Design,

Applications areas
Aeronautics and Astronautics, Agroindustries, Automation, Biomechanics and
Prosthetics, Biomedical Engineering, Car Industry, Chemical Engineering and
Process Control, Electrical and Power Systems, Electrical Drives,
Environmental Systems, Food Industry, Integrated Manufacturing, Marine and
Off-Shore Control, Mechatronics, Production Industry, Power Electronic
Systems, Robotics and Mechanical Systems, Textile Industry, Transportation

Categories of presentation
* Panel Discussions
* Regular, Invited/Special Sessions
* Regular and short papers
* Posters
* Tutorials

Full Paper Submission: April 30th, 2005
Notification Acceptance: June 1st, 2005
Final Submission: July 7th, 2005

All submissions are to be sent electronically to the conference chairs
E-mail addresses:

Paper Submissions: Only original papers written in English will be
considered on the basis of a full paper revision. After a first review by
the two Chairs for general suitability to the conference, each full paper
will be reviewed by members of the IPC. Please send drafts of about 12-17
pages, double-spaced, pdf or ps format. Attach a file specifying "IMAACA
2005", and stating author's names, affiliations, mail addresses, telephone
and FAX numbers, and E-mail addresses.

Genevihve Dauphin-Tanguy, France
Sergio Junco, Argentina 

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