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zhangjintao pushed a commit to branch master
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The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 0680ab1  docs: How to install Apache APISIX running in standalone 
mode? (#366)
0680ab1 is described below

commit 0680ab1d91103865669fcf3a01df305c56c1727a
Author: oil欧呦 <>
AuthorDate: Fri Oct 21 06:51:10 2022 +0800

    docs: How to install Apache APISIX running in standalone mode? (#366)
 docs/en/latest/ | 262 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 261 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/docs/en/latest/ b/docs/en/latest/
index 568528b..d53192a 100644
--- a/docs/en/latest/
+++ b/docs/en/latest/
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ title: FAQ
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
 ### How to install APISIX only?
 The Charts will install ETCD `3.4.14` by default. If you want to install 
Apache APISIX only, please set `etcd.enabled=false` and set 
@@ -34,6 +37,263 @@ helm install apisix apisix/apisix \
+### How to install Apache APISIX running in standalone mode?
+Helm chart does not provide a direct way to deploy Apache APISIX running in 
standalone mode. You can install it in the following manner.
+Create a `deploy.yaml` with the following content.
+  groupId="version"
+  defaultValue="3.0.0-beta"
+  values={[
+    {label: '3.0.0-beta', value: '3.0.0-beta'},
+    {label: '2.15', value: '2.15'},
+  ]}>
+<TabItem value="3.0.0-beta">
+# deploy.yaml
+kind: ConfigMap
+apiVersion: v1
+  name: apisix-gw-config.yaml
+  config.yaml: |
+    deployment:
+      role: data_plane
+      role_data_plane:
+        config_provider: yaml
+kind: ConfigMap
+apiVersion: v1
+  name: apisix.yaml
+  apisix.yaml: |
+    routes:
+      -
+        uri: /hi
+        upstream:
+          nodes:
+            "": 1
+          type: roundrobin
+    #END
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+  name: apisix-deployment
+  replicas: 1
+  selector:
+    matchLabels:
+      app: apisix-deployment
+  strategy:
+    rollingUpdate:
+      maxSurge: 50%
+      maxUnavailable: 1
+    type: RollingUpdate
+  template:
+    metadata:
+      labels:
+        app: apisix-deployment
+    spec:
+      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
+      containers: 
+        - livenessProbe:
+            failureThreshold: 3
+            initialDelaySeconds: 1
+            periodSeconds: 2
+            successThreshold: 1
+            tcpSocket:
+              port: 9080
+            timeoutSeconds: 2
+          readinessProbe:
+            failureThreshold: 3
+            initialDelaySeconds: 1
+            periodSeconds: 2
+            successThreshold: 1
+            tcpSocket:
+              port: 9080
+            timeoutSeconds: 2
+          image: "apache/apisix:2.99.0-centos"
+          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+          name: apisix-deployment
+          # Create a soft link to link the apisix.yaml file in the mount 
directory to /usr/local/apisix/conf/apisix.yaml.
+          command: ["sh", "-c","ln -s /apisix-config/apisix.yaml 
/usr/local/apisix/conf/apisix.yaml && / docker-start"]
+          ports:
+            - containerPort: 9080
+              name: "http"
+              protocol: "TCP"
+            - containerPort: 9443
+              name: "https"
+              protocol: "TCP"
+          volumeMounts:
+            - mountPath: /usr/local/apisix/conf/config.yaml
+              name: apisix-config-yaml-configmap
+              subPath: config.yaml
+            # configMap directory mounts
+            - mountPath: /apisix-config
+              name: apisix-admin
+      volumes:
+        - configMap:
+            name: apisix-gw-config.yaml
+          name: apisix-config-yaml-configmap
+        - configMap:
+            name: apisix.yaml
+          name: apisix-admin
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+  name: apisix-service
+  selector:
+    app: apisix-deployment
+  ports:
+    - name: http
+      port: 9080
+      protocol: TCP
+      targetPort: 9080
+    - name: https
+      port: 9443
+      protocol: TCP
+      targetPort: 9443
+  type: NodePort
+<TabItem value="2.15">
+# deploy.yaml
+kind: ConfigMap
+apiVersion: v1
+  name: apisix-gw-config.yaml
+  config.yaml: |
+    apisix:
+      enable_admin: false
+      config_center: yaml
+kind: ConfigMap
+apiVersion: v1
+  name: apisix.yaml
+  apisix.yaml: |
+    routes:
+      -
+        uri: /hi
+        upstream:
+          nodes:
+            "": 1
+          type: roundrobin
+    #END
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+  name: apisix-deployment
+  replicas: 1
+  selector:
+    matchLabels:
+      app: apisix-deployment
+  strategy:
+    rollingUpdate:
+      maxSurge: 50%
+      maxUnavailable: 1
+    type: RollingUpdate
+  template:
+    metadata:
+      labels:
+        app: apisix-deployment
+    spec:
+      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
+      containers: 
+        - livenessProbe:
+            failureThreshold: 3
+            initialDelaySeconds: 1
+            periodSeconds: 2
+            successThreshold: 1
+            tcpSocket:
+              port: 9080
+            timeoutSeconds: 2
+          readinessProbe:
+            failureThreshold: 3
+            initialDelaySeconds: 1
+            periodSeconds: 2
+            successThreshold: 1
+            tcpSocket:
+              port: 9080
+            timeoutSeconds: 2
+          image: "apache/apisix:2.15.0-alpine"
+          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+          name: apisix-deployment
+          # Create a soft link to link the apisix.yaml file in the mount 
directory to /usr/local/apisix/conf/apisix.yaml.
+          command: ["sh", "-c", "ln -s /apisix-config/apisix.yaml 
/usr/local/apisix/conf/apisix.yaml && /usr/bin/apisix init && /usr/bin/apisix 
init_etcd && /usr/local/openresty/bin/openresty -p /usr/local/apisix -g 'daemon 
+          ports:
+            - containerPort: 9080
+              name: "http"
+              protocol: "TCP"
+            - containerPort: 9443
+              name: "https"
+              protocol: "TCP"
+          volumeMounts:
+            - mountPath: /usr/local/apisix/conf/config.yaml
+              name: apisix-config-yaml-configmap
+              subPath: config.yaml
+            # configMap directory mounts
+            - mountPath: /apisix-config
+              name: apisix-admin
+      volumes:
+        - configMap:
+            name: apisix-gw-config.yaml
+          name: apisix-config-yaml-configmap
+        - configMap:
+            name: apisix.yaml
+          name: apisix-admin
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+  name: apisix-service
+  selector:
+    app: apisix-deployment
+  ports:
+    - name: http
+      port: 9080
+      protocol: TCP
+      targetPort: 9080
+    - name: https
+      port: 9443
+      protocol: TCP
+      targetPort: 9443
+  type: NodePort
+Apply the configuration in `deploy.yaml` to pod.
+kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml
+1. The mount of the `apisix.yaml` file requires the injection of the softlink 
command, so do not change the configMap mount directory to 
`/usr/local/apisix/conf`, to avoid other configuration files being overwritten.
+2. The `apisix.yaml` is mounted as a configMap, so there will be a delay in 
reloading the rules after `apisix.yaml` is changed; please refer to this 
 for details. 
 ### Why get 403 when I access Apache APISIX admin api?
 We can define `admin.allow.ipList` in CIDR.
@@ -49,4 +309,4 @@ If you want to allow all IPs for a quick test, just set 
 helm install apisix apisix/apisix \
     --set admin.allow.ipList=""
\ No newline at end of file

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