This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

juzhiyuan pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new e61484d  feat: update release guide
e61484d is described below

commit e61484de6a5b52e310a0a5c11a0d69c2308e366c
Author: juzhiyuan <>
AuthorDate: Wed Feb 12 16:27:38 2020 +0800

    feat: update release guide
 content/contribute/release/ | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 content/contribute/release/ | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 204 insertions(+)

diff --git a/content/contribute/release/ 
index b48e4c1..980df5c 100644
--- a/content/contribute/release/
+++ b/content/contribute/release/
@@ -52,5 +52,107 @@ include_footer: true
     gpg: sending key 30B5FD72 to hkp server
     {{< / highlight >}}
+    <h3 class="subtitle"> 中录入 Key Fingerprint</h3>
+    <p>获取 Key Fingerprint</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    # 注意下方 Key fingerprint 部分
+    $ gpg --list-keys --fingerprint
+    /home/resty/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
+    ------------------------------
+    pub   4096R/30B5FD72 2020-01-02
+          Key fingerprint = 0F91 BE0A 55A7 B22F DE1A  CEEC 3352 48FD 30B5 FD72
+    uid                  Yuansheng Wang <>
+    sub   4096R/3D2F913D 2020-01-02
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <h3 class="subtitle">登录 填写 Key Fingerprint</h3>
+    <p>点击左下角的 Submit changes... 按钮提交保存。</p>
+    <h3 class="subtitle">Apache svn 中添加自己的 GPG 公钥</h3>
+    <p>下载 svn 目录</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    $ svn --username=${Apache 用户名} co
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <p>进入 apisix 目录并查看其中文件:</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    $ cd apisix 
+    $ ls
+    KEYS
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <p>导出公钥到追加到 KEYS 文件:</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    $ gpg -a --export ${GPG用户名}  >> KEYS
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <p>提交修改后的 KEYS 文件,把公钥信息保存到 svn 服务器:</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    $ svn --username=${Apache 用户名} commit -m "added ${Apache 邮箱} gpg pub key"
+    Authentication realm: <> ASF Committers
+    Password for 'membphis': # 输入密码
+    Store password unencrypted (yes/no)? yes
+    Sending        KEYS
+    Transmitting file data .
+    Committed revision 37434.
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <h3 class="subtitle">制作安装包并上传到 Apache svn</h3>
+    <p>每个安装包都有版本,这里以准备 1.0-rc1 版本为例。在制作安装包之前,先确保在 github 上已经准备好分支 v1.0。</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    # 进入 Apache svn 的 apisix 目录,应只有一个 KEYS 文件
+    $ ls
+    KEYS
+    # 新建版本号目录并进入,比如:1.0-rc1
+    $ mkdir 1.0-rc1 && cd 1.0-rc1 
+    # 下载安装包
+    git clone -b v1.0 
+    # 检查版本号
+    $ cd apache-apisix-1.0-incubating && ./utils/ 1.0 && cd ..
+    # 删除 .git 文件夹
+    $ rm -rf apache-apisix-1.0-incubating/.git
+    # 制作压缩包
+    $ tar zcvf apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz 
+    # 制作签名(这步会弹出对话框,提示你输入生成 gpg 时录入的密码)
+    $ gpg --armor --detach-sign apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz
+    # 生成 sha512 校验文件
+    $ shasum -a512 apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz > 
+    # 删除 apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating
+    $ rm -rf apache-apisix-1.0-incubating
+    # 后退到 Apache svn 的 apisix 根目录,并确认文件目录
+    $ cd .. && tree
+    .
+    ├── 1.0-rc1
+    │   ├── apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz
+    │   ├── apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
+    │   └── apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha512
+    └── KEYS
+    1 directory, 4 files
+    # 添加新文件到 svn
+    $ svn add *
+    A         1.0-rc1
+    A  (bin)  1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
+    A  (bin)  1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz
+    A         1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha512
+    svn: warning: W150002: '/home/resty/git/apache_svn/apisix/KEYS' is already 
under version control
+    svn: E200009: Could not add all targets because some targets are already 
+    svn: E200009: Illegal target for the requested operation
+    # 提交修改到 Apache svn 服务器
+    $ svn --username=${Apache 用户名} commit -m "release 1.0-rc1"
+    Adding         1.0-rc1
+    Adding  (bin)  1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz
+    Adding  (bin)  1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
+    Adding         1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha512
+    Transmitting file data ...
+    Committed revision 37435.
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <h3 class="subtitle">发投票邮件</h3>
+    <p><a 
 主要参考内容:邮件发送人(apache 邮箱)、邮件标题、邮件正文(主要是修改版本号和链接地址)。</p>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/contribute/release/ 
index da79699..b8f94e3 100644
--- a/content/contribute/release/
+++ b/content/contribute/release/
@@ -52,5 +52,107 @@ include_footer: true
     gpg: sending key 30B5FD72 to hkp server
     {{< / highlight >}}
+    <h3 class="subtitle"> 中录入 Key Fingerprint</h3>
+    <p>获取 Key Fingerprint</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    # 注意下方 Key fingerprint 部分
+    $ gpg --list-keys --fingerprint
+    /home/resty/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
+    ------------------------------
+    pub   4096R/30B5FD72 2020-01-02
+          Key fingerprint = 0F91 BE0A 55A7 B22F DE1A  CEEC 3352 48FD 30B5 FD72
+    uid                  Yuansheng Wang <>
+    sub   4096R/3D2F913D 2020-01-02
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <h3 class="subtitle">登录 填写 Key Fingerprint</h3>
+    <p>点击左下角的 Submit changes... 按钮提交保存。</p>
+    <h3 class="subtitle">Apache svn 中添加自己的 GPG 公钥</h3>
+    <p>下载 svn 目录</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    $ svn --username=${Apache 用户名} co
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <p>进入 apisix 目录并查看其中文件:</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    $ cd apisix 
+    $ ls
+    KEYS
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <p>导出公钥到追加到 KEYS 文件:</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    $ gpg -a --export ${GPG用户名}  >> KEYS
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <p>提交修改后的 KEYS 文件,把公钥信息保存到 svn 服务器:</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    $ svn --username=${Apache 用户名} commit -m "added ${Apache 邮箱} gpg pub key"
+    Authentication realm: <> ASF Committers
+    Password for 'membphis': # 输入密码
+    Store password unencrypted (yes/no)? yes
+    Sending        KEYS
+    Transmitting file data .
+    Committed revision 37434.
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <h3 class="subtitle">制作安装包并上传到 Apache svn</h3>
+    <p>每个安装包都有版本,这里以准备 1.0-rc1 版本为例。在制作安装包之前,先确保在 github 上已经准备好分支 v1.0。</p>
+    {{< highlight go "linenos=table" >}}
+    # 进入 Apache svn 的 apisix 目录,应只有一个 KEYS 文件
+    $ ls
+    KEYS
+    # 新建版本号目录并进入,比如:1.0-rc1
+    $ mkdir 1.0-rc1 && cd 1.0-rc1 
+    # 下载安装包
+    git clone -b v1.0 
+    # 检查版本号
+    $ cd apache-apisix-1.0-incubating && ./utils/ 1.0 && cd ..
+    # 删除 .git 文件夹
+    $ rm -rf apache-apisix-1.0-incubating/.git
+    # 制作压缩包
+    $ tar zcvf apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz 
+    # 制作签名(这步会弹出对话框,提示你输入生成 gpg 时录入的密码)
+    $ gpg --armor --detach-sign apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz
+    # 生成 sha512 校验文件
+    $ shasum -a512 apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz > 
+    # 删除 apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating
+    $ rm -rf apache-apisix-1.0-incubating
+    # 后退到 Apache svn 的 apisix 根目录,并确认文件目录
+    $ cd .. && tree
+    .
+    ├── 1.0-rc1
+    │   ├── apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz
+    │   ├── apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
+    │   └── apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha512
+    └── KEYS
+    1 directory, 4 files
+    # 添加新文件到 svn
+    $ svn add *
+    A         1.0-rc1
+    A  (bin)  1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
+    A  (bin)  1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz
+    A         1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha512
+    svn: warning: W150002: '/home/resty/git/apache_svn/apisix/KEYS' is already 
under version control
+    svn: E200009: Could not add all targets because some targets are already 
+    svn: E200009: Illegal target for the requested operation
+    # 提交修改到 Apache svn 服务器
+    $ svn --username=${Apache 用户名} commit -m "release 1.0-rc1"
+    Adding         1.0-rc1
+    Adding  (bin)  1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz
+    Adding  (bin)  1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
+    Adding         1.0-rc1/apache-apisix-1.0-rc1-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha512
+    Transmitting file data ...
+    Committed revision 37435.
+    {{< / highlight >}}
+    <h3 class="subtitle">发投票邮件</h3>
+    <p><a 
 主要参考内容:邮件发送人(apache 邮箱)、邮件标题、邮件正文(主要是修改版本号和链接地址)。</p>
\ No newline at end of file

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