NPNY: 21 Nights Afterparty Reivew

2008-10-11 Thread Andrew Stanger
I put this up on HQ and wanted to post here too...

All the reports are great. I was at the aftershow. Anything happen after
NPS? I took all the songs down on the my iphone but see setlists already up.
Some random notes...

Prince came out wearing black pants and a white sweater with a long white
scarf. Started with glasses but took them off early. For the second half -
black pants and orange blouse-like shirt with a big necklace - might be the
same one from the first show.

It was very organized for a prince aftershow. I was worried as it was my gfs
first show and I didn't want her to have a bad experience. We got there at
11. Took a little bit of time to check our name and get a wristband (no
tickets :(
Waited in line - got to chat with Z for a bit.
We got let into the hotel at 12:25 or so.
Up the elevator. Out into the bar.
This was the only bad queue - waiting by the bar crushed a little to get
through one door into the small room with the stage. Only about 15 mins
Room was packed but breathable.

Completely agree with Z about the setlist vs actually being there. It was an
amazing show., Probably the best aftershow I've been to. Did go to irving
plaza a few years ago with Larry and Chaka that was great and didn't go to
the World one during ONA so that one might have been better. The covers were
all great - many I haven't heard at all and many I haven't heard prince do
live. He did a good amount of his own songs - Purple Rain seemed a little
out of place with such a rock and then rb show but he seems to have to do
it for folks. 3 hours of prince is amazing. And hearing him do Shhh (one of
my favs) and then the time/Sheila songs were awesome. That was a highlight
for me - hearing prince cover a prince band and do the bird and jungle love.
He was in a great mood - maybe best I've ever seen, jamming, dancing, funk
face, funny faces, interacting with the crowd.



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Re: NPNY: 21 Nights Afterparty Reivew

2008-10-11 Thread ZA
Good to see you too, Andy.

Here's what I posted on HQ...

I was at all those shows--Avery Fisher soundcheck, main show,  aftershow at
the World--and Xenophobia celebration at Paisley 2002, as well as Butter in
NYC in 2006. And I have to say (as I said in my earlier post) this aftershow
smoked Butter. There was no Joy in Repetition moment (as at the World--but
that was really the only moment that I enjoyed anyway), but I enjoyed this
aftershow much much more.

Maybe it is because I haven't read/posted much online... my music
appreciation frame of reference is less fettered with chatter.

I can understand why people use setlists to guage a performance... because
they want to see new songs, new material, or see if there are any changes
from before, as an indication of artistic growth. But to me that's like
comparing a grocery list to the cooked meal. As a performer there are few
top chefs out there like Prince who can take what appears on the surface
to be a run-of-the-mill list and turn it into a gourmet meal.

And I felt he did that last night. I started to take notes on a set list and
a few songs into the show I stopped. I stopped because the note-taking was
taking away from my enjoyment of the show. I stopped because the note-taking
was forcing me to experience the show in a kind of melted ice cream kind
of way. You ever accidentally left ice cream out? It melts and all the
ingredients kind of separate... putting it back into the freezer will not
bring those ingredients back together again in the original mix that would
have been as enjoyable as it was intended. So I said, hell I better eat this
ice cream while it's good. I put away the pen and the paper, and just took
the show in.

Sorry if people are looking to get the basic ingredients/set list from me.
Not going to happen. Instead I'm going to convey the taste, the overall vibe
and energy. If you're the type who eats food trying to figure out what
ingredients went into it, be my guest--you'll find enough of that on this
thread. But I'm just trying to savor the moment because there *was*
something special at last night's aftershow to me... and I'm going to try to
put my finger on it.

(First, as a disclosure, I was one of the lucky recipients of the HQ contest
for the aftershow. For that I am truly grateful! It meant, among other
things, Ruth (who was just one of the nicest, professionals I've encountered
who is tasked with the awesome responsibility of assisting a megatalent like
Prince) escorted winners into the performance venue before the public was
let in... so I got close up to the stage, right in front of the steps in the
front right. I've been up front before, so this was not necessarily reason
for a positive experience or review. But I am not going to lie... it helps
:) It also means that as a contest winner we were each given one of those
beautiful O(+ wax candle holders as a gift.

Ok so on to the show... I have to admit that I had grown weary of Prince's
tendency to perform so many covers of other people's songs. Reading reports
of the last two years (last time I saw him was at Butter two years ago), I
went into the aftershow not expecting much. But while I stood there watching
the show, it struck me that Prince is more interested in making his show
about MUSIC rather than just PRINCE MUSIC.

Even though he is the star attraction and may have an offstage ego of a
star, it's a kind of artistic humility on stage that I found endearing last
night. His very jazzman-like democratic sharing of solos, and his clear
homages to music he's love over the years of his life. Once I stopped
fretting about why isn't he playing his music I realized that in a strange
way this wasn't about HIM.

Prince became this iPod of great music, and plucked one song after another,
that he performed, reinvented, reinvigorated, improvised, solo'd, clowned,
danced, sang, strummed, shook, that made it clear that yes you are hearing
Earth Wind  Fire, or Ron Woods, or India Arie, but make no mistake about it
this is a PRINCE concert. This was no karaoke, phone in performance. The
rhythm guitar licks were SICK. The screams on pitch (I hadn't heard Prince
deliver a good scream since 2004 Musicology days), his vocal control
precise, and his athleticism took him all over every available space on the
small stage.

And the smallness of the setting provided such a contrast for the bigness of
his talent. The intimacy of the evening... it was like sitting in his living
room. Or in his garage, watching a 4 piece band. No overproduction, just hot
cold sweat. They had the energy and hunger of a start up, with the
professionalism and chops of veterans.

It's like Prince succeeded in shifting the focus away from himself... there
were points in the almost 3 hours concert where I forgot who he was... where
I felt like I'm watching this amazing kid jump around in his garage or
living room with his band doing this great music. I felt like an A/R
executive who wanted to say we've got to SIGN 

Re: NPNY: 21 Nights Afterparty Reivew

2008-10-11 Thread PorscheRN
Z...what a PERFECT review...I think you summed up the vibe of the evening
well!  Thank you...and I always eat my ice cream cold...thanks for the  
reminder and appropriate metaphor... good seeing you last night as  well.
matter how long it has been since the last performance we all  just carry on
we just saw each other last weekI love the Prince  community!
ps-  thank you to Tonia, Patricia, Darlene, Belinda, Utopia, and the  will 
call people for allowing me to sit at the will call table for 2 hours of
lineup. I would not have been able to be there comfortably without your  
consideration.  Thank you.  My surgeon thanks you too!
In a message dated 10/11/2008 9:35:24 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Good to  see you too, Andy.

Here's what I posted on HQ...

I was at all  those shows--Avery Fisher soundcheck, main show,  aftershow
the  World--and Xenophobia celebration at Paisley 2002, as well as Butter in
NYC  in 2006. And I have to say (as I said in my earlier post) this
smoked Butter. There was no Joy in Repetition moment (as at the
that was really the only moment that I enjoyed anyway), but I  enjoyed
aftershow much much more.

Maybe it is because I haven't  read/posted much online... my music
appreciation frame of reference is less  fettered with chatter.

I can understand why people use setlists to  guage a performance... because
they want to see new songs, new material, or  see if there are any changes
from before, as an indication of artistic  growth. But to me that's like
comparing a grocery list to the cooked meal.  As a performer there are few
top chefs out there like Prince who can take  what appears on the surface
to be a run-of-the-mill list and turn it into a  gourmet meal.

And I felt he did that last night. I started to take  notes on a set list
a few songs into the show I stopped. I stopped  because the note-taking was
taking away from my enjoyment of the show. I  stopped because the
was forcing me to experience the show in a  kind of melted ice cream kind
of way. You ever accidentally left ice  cream out? It melts and all the
ingredients kind of separate... putting it  back into the freezer will not
bring those ingredients back together again  in the original mix that would
have been as enjoyable as it was intended.  So I said, hell I better eat
ice cream while it's good. I put away the  pen and the paper, and just took
the show in.

Sorry if people are  looking to get the basic ingredients/set list from me.
Not going to happen.  Instead I'm going to convey the taste, the overall
and energy. If  you're the type who eats food trying to figure out what
ingredients went  into it, be my guest--you'll find enough of that on this
thread. But I'm  just trying to savor the moment because there *was*
something special at  last night's aftershow to me... and I'm going to try
put my finger on  it.

(First, as a disclosure, I was one of the lucky recipients of the  HQ
for the aftershow. For that I am truly grateful! It meant, among  other
things, Ruth (who was just one of the nicest, professionals I've
who is tasked with the awesome responsibility of assisting a  megatalent
Prince) escorted winners into the performance venue before  the public was
let in... so I got close up to the stage, right in front of  the steps in
front right. I've been up front before, so this was not  necessarily reason
for a positive experience or review. But I am not going  to lie... it helps
:) It also means that as a contest winner we were each  given one of those
beautiful O(+ wax candle holders as a  gift.

Ok so on to the show... I have to admit that I had grown weary of  Prince's
tendency to perform so many covers of other people's songs.  Reading reports
of the last two years (last time I saw him was at Butter  two years ago), I
went into the aftershow not expecting much. But while I  stood there
the show, it struck me that Prince is more interested  in making his show
about MUSIC rather than just PRINCE MUSIC.

Even  though he is the star attraction and may have an offstage ego of a
star,  it's a kind of artistic humility on stage that I found endearing
night. His very jazzman-like democratic sharing of solos, and his  clear
homages to music he's love over the years of his life. Once I  stopped
fretting about why isn't he playing his music I realized that in  a
way this wasn't about HIM.

Prince became this iPod of  great music, and plucked one song after another,
that he performed,  reinvented, reinvigorated, improvised, solo'd, clowned,
danced, sang,  strummed, shook, that made it clear that yes you are hearing
Earth Wind   Fire, or Ron Woods, or India Arie, but make no mistake about
this  is a PRINCE concert. This was no karaoke, phone in performance. The
rhythm  guitar licks were SICK. The screams on pitch (I hadn't heard Prince
deliver  a