[ns] Protocol implementation

2009-02-19 Thread Namita Dalal

I have got the answer for the previous problem. But now my code is giving 
another problem. My protocol implementation is successful but it is giving 
following error when i use it in setup.

(_o17 cmd line 1)
invoked from within
_o17 cmd if-queue _o20
invoked from within
catch $self cmd $args ret
invoked from within
if [catch $self cmd $args ret] {
set cls [$self info class]
global errorInfo
set savedInfo $errorInfo
error error when calling class $cls: $args $...
(procedure _o17 line 2)
(SplitObject unknown line 2)
invoked from within
$agent if-queue [$self set ifq_(0)]   
(procedure _o14 line 18)
(Node/MobileNode add-target line 18)
invoked from within
$self add-target $agent $port
(procedure _o14 line 15)
(Node attach line 15)
invoked from within
$node attach $ragent [Node set rtagent_port_]
(procedure _o3 line 78)
(Simulator create-wireless-node line 78)
invoked from within
_o3 create-wireless-node
(eval body line 1)
invoked from within
eval $self create-wireless-node $args
(procedure _o3 line 23)
(Simulator node line 23)
invoked from within
$ns_ node
(for body line 2)
invoked from within
for {set i 0} {$i  $val(nn) } {incr i} {
set node_($i) [$ns_ node]
$node_($i) random-motion 0
# disable random motion
Pse help me for the same at the earliest as it is required for my project.


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[ns] Wired-Wireless Trace... message at MAC layer?

2009-02-19 Thread Syed Faraz Hasan

Hi everyone!

I simulated a wired-wireless scenario in NS-2. There is one wired node, 
connected to base station node. BS is further connected to wireless node. 
Wireless node is sending TCP traffic to wired node via BS. I get the trace file 
without error but I could not understand a few messages in trace file.

For example
What does this message mean?
s 0.035412973 _1_ MAC --- 1 message 90 [0  0 800] --- [4194304:255 
-1:255 32 0]
Only MAC trace and Wired Trace is ON
Can some one please help me on this.


A few starting lines of trace are as follows;

M 0.0 4194305 (100.00, 100.00, 0.00), (470.00, 100.00), 16.66

s 0.00047 _2_ MAC --- 0 PRRQ 52 [0  1 0]

r 0.000886300 _1_ MAC --- 0 PRRQ 52 [0  1 0]

s 0.000936300 _1_ MAC --- 0 BCN 72 [0  0 4e3f]

r 0.001512601 _2_ MAC --- 0 BCN 72 [0  0 4e3f]

s 0.001722300 _1_ MAC --- 0 PRRP 72 [0 1 0 5c3f]

r 0.002298601 _2_ MAC --- 0 PRRP 72 [0 1 0 5c3f]

s 0.002308601 _2_ MAC --- 0 ACK 38 [0 0 0 0]

r 0.002612901 _1_ MAC --- 0 ACK 38 [0 0 0 0]

s 0.01672 _2_ MAC --- 0 AUTH 58 [0 0 1 0]

r 0.017184300 _1_ MAC --- 0 AUTH 58 [0 0 1 0]

s 0.017474300 _1_ MAC --- 0 AUTH 58 [13a 1 0 0]

r 0.017938599 _2_ MAC --- 0 AUTH 58 [13a 1 0 0]

s 0.017948599 _2_ MAC --- 0 ACK 38 [0 0 0 0]

r 0.018252899 _1_ MAC --- 0 ACK 38 [0 0 0 0]

s 0.029542599 _2_ MAC --- 0 ACRQ 52 [0 0 1 0]

r 0.029958898 _1_ MAC --- 0 ACRQ 52 [0 0 1 0]

s 0.030048898 _1_ MAC --- 0 ACRP 54 [0 1 0 0]

r 0.030481198 _2_ MAC --- 0 ACRP 54 [0 1 0 0]

s 0.030491198 _2_ MAC --- 0 ACK 38 [0 0 0 0]

r 0.030795497 _1_ MAC --- 0 ACK 38 [0 0 0 0]

s 0.035412973 _1_ MAC --- 1 message 90 [0  0 800] --- [4194304:255 
-1:255 32 0]

r 0.036133272 _2_ MAC --- 1 message 32 [0  0 800] --- [4194304:255 
-1:255 32 0]

s 0.10087 _1_ MAC --- 0 BCN 72 [0  0 b93f]

r 0.101446296 _2_ MAC --- 0 BCN 72 [0  0 b93f]

s 0.185397620 _2_ MAC --- 2 message 90 [13a 0 1 800] --- [4194305:255 
-1:255 32 0]

r 0.186117912 _1_ MAC --- 2 message 32 [13a 0 1 800] --- [4194305:255 
-1:255 32 0]

r 0.186117912 _1_ MAC --- 2 message 32 [13a 0 1 800] --- [4194305:255 
-1:255 32 0]

s 0.186127912 _1_ MAC --- 0 ACK 38 [0 1 0 0]

r 0.186432203 _2_ MAC --- 0 ACK 38 [0 1 0 0]

s 0.186821912 _1_ MAC --- 2 message 90 [0  0 800] --- [4194305:255 
-1:255 32 0]

r 0.187542203 _2_ MAC --- 2 message 32 [0  0 800] --- [4194305:255 
-1:255 32 0]

D 0.187567203 _2_ RTR LOOP 2 message 32 [0  0 800] --- [4194305:255 
-1:255 32 0]

[ns] Mobile IPv6

2009-02-19 Thread Syed Faraz Hasan

Hi everyone!

I am looking to implement MIPv6 in NS-2. I have seen a few posts and they say I 
need to install MobiWan (which works only with NS-2.1b6). Can I not use Mobiwan 
(or anything else in NS-2) for implementing MIPv6?

Your help will be, as always, highly appreciated


[ns] EAP protocol

2009-02-19 Thread wafa ben jaballah

Hello all,
Is there any implementation of EAP(Extensible Authentication Protocol ) in NS2?

Best Regards,