[ns] TCP congestion window - Problem

2007-06-08 Thread Kacper K

This may be simple, but I am wondering if TCP Reno is working fine in 
NS-2. I traced cwnd_ size, and it showed ssth like this:

0   cwnd_   1.000
0.04cwnd_   2.000
0.09cwnd_   3.000
0.1 cwnd_   4.000
0.15cwnd_   5.000
0.15cwnd_   6.000
0.16cwnd_   7.000
0.16cwnd_   8.000
0.2 cwnd_   9.000
0.2 cwnd_   10.000
0.21cwnd_   11.000
0.21cwnd_   12.000
0.22cwnd_   13.000
0.23cwnd_   14.000
0.23cwnd_   15.000
0.24cwnd_   16.000
0.27cwnd_   17.000
0.29cwnd_   8.000
0.37cwnd_   8.125
1.37cwnd_   1.000
1.42cwnd_   2.000
1.47cwnd_   3.000
1.52cwnd_   4.000
1.53cwnd_   4.250
1.57cwnd_   4.485
1.58cwnd_   4.708
1.6 cwnd_   4.921

At the begining TCP reno is performing slow Start till 0.27 when loss is 
detected. What happened next is strange for me... Shouldn't it reduce 
it's sending rate to 1 and start slow start again? It seems as it would 
be trying to perform Fast Retransmit/Fast Recovery instead, but finally 
it reduces cwnd_ to 1...
Could anyone explain it to me??

Best regards,

Sopot Toptrendy Festiwal 2007. 
Najważniejsze muzyczne wydarzenie roku! 
POLSAT 8-11 czerwca 2007 r. godz. 20:00

[ns] Connection between applications and agents

2007-05-06 Thread Kacper K

Hi all,
I am analyzing NS-2 code recently, to find out whta is the exact 
connection between Applications and Agents.  Especially I am interested 
in a particular situations.. How are handled packets send by application 
to the agent, that arrived faster than agent can transmit them on the 
network ? Is there any queue for that, or what? I can't find any 
information in code about that.
I hope someone could help me!

Best regards,

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i swych bliskich. A największa bitwa rozegra się w jego duszy.
SPIDER-MAN 3 w kinach od 4 maja.

[ns] TFRC simulation problem

2007-01-11 Thread Kacper K

Hi Everyone!
I have a strange TFRC simulation problem. I am using NS-2.29 in Red Hat.
I hvae downloaded Sally Floyd's scripts form 
http://www.icir.org/tfrc/sims1.html. I run the tfrm12.com. Results I got were 
quite similar to that presented in the paper but there were several TCP 
connections that got suprisingly little bandwidth (almost zero). It can be 
observed whatever is the numer of flows.
What can cause this problem ?? I haven't changed anything in the NS files.

Best regards,
Kacper Kurowski

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