Routing overhead : the number of transmitted control packets. For multi-hop 
communication, each transmission of the packet is taken into account.

Data: the number of delivered data packets.
Normalized Data Load : defined by   Data / RoutingOverhead

Here is my awk script to measure Normalized Data Load but i'm not sure if is 
correct..can someone help me with this matter?


/^f|^s/ && /RTR/ && /-It (\?:|AODV|DSR)/ {byte+=$37}    # Total  number of 
transmitted packets
/^r/ && /AGT/ && /-It cbr/ {rec++}            # Number of delivered data packet
    ro = (byte);              # Routing Overhead

    nrl = (rec/ro);  # Normalized Data Load  

      printf ("                     Data : ");
      printf (rec);
      printf ("\n")
      printf ("                  Routing Overhead : ");
      printf (ro)
      printf ("\n") 
      printf (  "              Normalized Data Load : ");
      printf (nrl);
      printf ("\n") } 
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