
gcc -c  -DNO_TK  -DNDEBUG -mv8 -msupersparc -D__svr4__ -DUSE_SHM
-I/home/aslam/NS/otcl-1.13 -I/home/aslam/NS/tk8.4.14/generic
-I/home/aslam/NS/tcl8.4.14/generic -I/home/aslam/NS/tcl8.4.14/generic -o
tcl2c++.o tcl2c++.c
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-mv8"
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-msupersparc"
make: *** [tcl2c++.o] Error 1
I am trying to install Ns2 (from pieces) on SunOS.
I have already make/install tcl, tk, otcl. It is giving me above error
when I install tclcl-1.19.
Any clues?

Looking for some reply.


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