Hello everybody
  that makes one week i have this probleme and it doesn't advance
  i want to plot the curve nombre of paquets received / nombre of paquets send 
in fuction to the mobility,
  so i do it this stages:
  1) i generated a scenario with ./setdest -n 50 -p 5 -m 0 - M x -t 200 -x 500 
-y 500 > fx
  x:nombre between 10 and 100
  2)i simulate the tcl file with 10 scenarios
  3)i remarque that the number of paquets received and the number of paquets 
send don't change ,what do you think about that its logical?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  i alreday give you my file tcl;and you tell me thats probably due to the 
model propagation i use it,ok i change the madel,i use random-waypoint 
model,but i have the same results,
  i ma bloqued,if you have any ideas,and you have a time,help me please
  THank you

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