[NSP] Re: [NPS-Discussion] Re: PS Forum

2011-07-04 Thread smallpipes
A simple way of automating this would be to register the Dartmouth  
list email address to receive new topic and new message notification  
from the NPS forum.

Quoting ch...@harris405.plus.com:

 - Announcement on Dartmouth of any new topic or significant addition to
the Forum which the provider thinks may be of general interest.

That would be very helpful.

One of the major advantages of the email list is that you don't have to go
looking for it.


To get on or off this list see list information at

[NSP] Re: Re:

2011-07-03 Thread smallpipes

Hi John
The forum on the NPS web site is open to all (you just have to  
register)  For some reason it is tucked away on the members page - I  
think that it should be on the front page!  Currently things are a bit  
quiet but I hope that it will perk up once people try it and like it.   
It is certanly better for posting pictures, music and the threads are  
likely to be more coherent.
It will only be useful if it is well used.  I would like to have the  
chance to discuss various elements of pipemaking with other makers but  
unless others make an effort to get involved it will just wither.


Adrian's forum is not part of the NPS web site and is really a place  
for him to discuss his opinions with other like minds.


Quoting John Dally :

Is this Mike Nelson?  If so, hello Mike.  Thanks for your efforts with the
NPS website.

I'm confused.  There are two forums on the NPS website.  One is for members,
and it's difficult to find.  The other is Adrian's and it's easy to find.
Is this correct?  I get the feeling that the members' forum is for ordinary
pipers, like me, and Adrian's is for extraordinary pipers, like him,
otherwise why would there be two forums?  Are they both open to the general

Many thanks,

On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 2:03 PM,  wrote:

And an even better case for posting it on the NPS forum (its open to non

Quoting Francis Wood :

On 1 Jul 2011, at 20:39, david...@pt.lu wrote:

 How about posting the article here? There are lots of people who are

 interested but are not NPS members

Hi Dave,

I think you've made quite a good case here for joining the NPS.


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[NSP] Re: Re:

2011-07-01 Thread smallpipes
And an even better case for posting it on the NPS forum (its open to  
non members)

Quoting Francis Wood :

On 1 Jul 2011, at 20:39, david...@pt.lu wrote:

How about posting the article here? There are lots of people who are
  interested but are not NPS members

Hi Dave,

I think you've made quite a good case here for joining the NPS.


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[NSP] tin ear man

2011-06-30 Thread smallpipes
on another posting to youtube he is playing the gaita(sp) and sounds  

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[NSP] the man with the tin ear

2011-06-30 Thread smallpipes
I agree with francis.  Another mangalisation this time using the  
Uillean pipes as the weapon of choice.


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[NSP] Ahh yes the Northumbrian Minstrelsy

2011-06-29 Thread smallpipes

here is the link

Cleaner link on the NSP forum:-

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[NSP] more interesting stuff on the same site as KVR

2011-06-29 Thread smallpipes

an interesting letter to the Duke of Northumberland
I draw your attention to page 34

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2011-06-29 Thread smallpipes

I have added the links to the forum and it does work better on that format.

Mike AKA Sisyphus

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[NSP] Re: KVR online

2011-06-29 Thread smallpipes
One of the more obvious limitiations of the mailing list format is the  
fixed line length.  Some forums have the same problem.
It would be useful if this information was posted on the NPS forum  
then it will remain available for future pipers


Quoting Julia Say :

On 29 Jun 2011, Francis Wood wrote:

The URLs are just fine. Copy and paste them into any browser.
Thanks to Julia for providing this valuable information!

No thanks to me, Francis, I just came across them. Sorry about the non-
functionality, I copied & pasted them and I'm on a text mailer if   
that makes any


I see the copy digitised was donated to NLS by Dorothea   
Ruggles-Brise - she of

"pulling Dixon out of the flames" fame.

That lady is seriously undervalued!

Tim - I can feel a new NPS website page - music links - coming on. No point
digitising MSS / books that are already "out there" - unless the copies are


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[NSP] Deaf, dead OR just bemused

2011-06-17 Thread smallpipes
Can anyone remember which famous smallpiper once fitted a regulator to  
a set of smallpipes and reinvented the melodian (or at least the sound  
of one)?

BTW  why is it called a regulator? when it doesn't regulate


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[NSP] Re: arrogant

2011-06-17 Thread smallpipes

I am afraid that it is a classic schoolboy error to reply on list to  
an off list message.  I have seen this a lot on other lists and it is  
often a source of rancour.  If you look at the heading of the  
offending email it is clear that was sent only to inky


Quoting "Gibbons, John" :

I have received no emails via the list from Kyle Eckmann, who   
doesn't seem to be on it.

Why would he ask you to be removed from a list which you don't administer?

I think you have been wound up

-Original Message-
From: lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu [mailto:lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu]   
On Behalf Of Inky- Adrian

Sent: 17 June 2011 15:21
To: nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu
Subject: [NSP] arrogant

   I was responding to this post.

   -- Forwarded message --
   From: "Kyle Eckmann" <[1]eckmanncustomt...@hotmail.com>
   Date: Jun 17, 2011 1:33 PM
   Subject: RE: [NSP] Billy Pigg
   To: <[2]inkyadr...@googlemail.com>
   Hello everyone,
   I've made several requests over the last year to have my address
   removed from this mailing list. And I'm still on the list.
   I just have to much to keep up with these days to contribute to the
   So here is my contribution.

   You display no joy in your position. You come across as an arrogant ass
   of an old man who doesn't really enjoy the instrument or the music.

   Now, Can I please be removed from this mailing list? :)

   Happy piping!

   > Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 00:50:22 +0100
   > To: [3]nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu
   > From: [4]inkyadr...@googlemail.com
   > Subject: [NSP] Billy Pigg
   > Fortunately, when I was wanting to play the Union pipes, I ended up
   > DGBs in Longfram. I ended up buying the NSPs. Billy Pigg was the
   > I went for because he was sympathetic to Irish music, having been
   > influenced by Irish musicians and their music, and Scottish music.
   > Pigg also imitated the various pipes of these countries. He wasn't
   > interested in tradition. Because of him and various other pipers,
   > including me, the NSPs have almost become a mixture of playing styles
   > with the proper technique almost being lost. The NSPs are loosing
   > roots and loosing their identity because of lazy, so called players,
   > who don't know how to play or can't do it properly because of their
   > slow dexterity or their Pigg stupid ideas. I'm saying this because I
   > care and it takes a Lancastrian to do it. I've taken to the tradition
   > more than most and those who say the NSPs can be played any-old-how
   > the ones ruining the pipes. Why don't you take up an easy instrument
   > play instead of lowering the standard of a fantastic instrument? or
   > just stop posting on here.
   > The forum, which I made because it was needed, would not tolerate my
   > post nor any other postings of this sort becsuse we have one goal:
   > Traditional NSPs, their history, playing, etc etc.
   > There is no disagreement with us, we are just progressing and
   > preserving our NPSs away from those who know little or nothing. So
   > on Dartmouth, where you can bitch, argue or whatever. Nothing is
   > documented or catagorised on here, our forum does this and we are the
   > Borg-we are the future.
   > --
   > To get on or off this list see list information at
   > [5]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html



   1. mailto:eckmanncustomt...@hotmail.com
   2. mailto:inkyadr...@googlemail.com
   3. mailto:nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu
   4. mailto:inkyadr...@googlemail.com
   5. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

[NSP] forums, mailing lists etc

2011-06-16 Thread smallpipes
I must admit that I am at a loss to understand the fuss about styles  
of playing.  I have always been aware that there are almost as many  
"styles" as there are influential players.  When I listen to good  
players like Joe Hutton, Anthony, Andy, Kathryn, Alice, Alistair,  
Adrian etc (why do so many good players have names starting with an  
"A") I am aware of the stylistic differences but not troubled by them.

With regard to mailing lists and forums I do have a preference for the  
forum style of interaction.  I have been a member of a number of  
mailing lists, some musical, some technical, over the years and most  
of them have now given way to forums as the extra facilities have so  
many benefits.  I would like to think that the NPS forum will become a  
meeting place for all the diverse NSP interests to the greater good of  
piping but this will only happen if people with something to offer  
participate and the NPS continues to welcome all people with an  
interest in the NSP to join the forum.

I for one will be a regular forum visitor and will be happy to discuss  
any of the technical topics that I have a view on.



Mike Nelson

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[NSP] Re: Proper piping group

2011-05-27 Thread smallpipes
I agree with both Francis and Julia.  A good, well run, forum is a  
great and flexible tool for the discussion of all matters piping.  I  
have been a member of a number of forums for my other interests and  
compared with the mailing list style of interaction there is no  
comparison.  I have also created and managed a forum for the support  
of a Computer Aided Design package (now defunct) as well as been a  
member of several music mailing lists (bluegrass and mandolin) so I do  
have some experience.

Some of the benefits of a forum are as follows:-

Topics are threaded so that it is easy to follow a discussion.
Topics are easy to search and easy to archive.
Posts can have attachments such as PDFs, MP3, pictures and many other  
useful files.
Special interest areas are easy to provide and can be easily moderated  
Sections for classified ads, rants etc will keep the main discussion  
areas more focused.
Posts can be edited by the poster for a period set by the list owner  
(usually 24 hours)

And many more.

I would suggest that the forum being set up on the NPS site would be  
the best place to use as it does look as though it could be good.   
There are a couple of niggles however:-

I have tried to register but, despite having received an  
acknowledgment some 4 days ago,  I still haven't been "approved".   
This is not helping the forum grow.

On the forum I managed I used the forum's automated registration tools  
so that a user could register and be on the forum in a few minutes and  
all I had to do was to throw off the very few people who abused the  

Also I think that the forum should be on the front page of the site  
rather than being tucked away on the members page.

This forum should be a powerful tool in the NPS task of spreading the  
word and supporting Northumbrian Piping across the world


Quoting Julia Say :

On 27 May 2011, Francis Wood wrote:

 this kind of discussion is best held in a dedicated area.
 Perhaps the best destination for this
interesting discussion is a dedicated area of an already existing   
forum. Peacock's

Parlour perhaps?


is working and available. Since it allows separate threads, those   
with no interest

in the subject can avoid it.

In order to start a "Peacock's Parlour"...or any other topic, registration is


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