[NTG-context] Wrong location of mframed

2011-01-22 Thread Aditya Mahajan


In MkIV, \mframed does not place the result in the middle of the math 
axis. Consider,

  f(x) = \mframed{\frac{1}{2}}^{\mframed{\frac{1}{2}}}

The MkII and MkIV results are attached.

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Re: [NTG-context] Request for delimited texts

2011-01-22 Thread Wolfgang Schuster

Am 22.01.2011 um 13:25 schrieb Andreas Harder:

> Hi all,
> is it possible to extend the delimited texts implementation in such a way 
> that the environment would accept optional arguments. What I have in mind is 
> something like this:
> \setupdelimitedtext
>  [quotation]
>  [% author=Default Author,
>   right=”\wordright{\delimitedtextparameter{author}}]
> \starttext  \showframe
>  \startquotation% [author=Some Author]
>\dorecurse{50}{text }
>  \stopquotation
>  \startquotation% [author=Another Author]
>\dorecurse{50}{text }
>  \stopquotation
> \stoptext




  [ display=no,


Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new
system must not only be the implementer and first
large-scale user; the designer should also write the first
user manual.

The separation of any of these four components would have
hurt \TeX\ significantly. If I had not participated fully in
all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements
would never have been made, because I would never have
thought of them or perceived why they were important.

But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly
influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is
complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people
with many different viewpoints undertake their own

\startannotation {Peter D. Ward}
The Earth, as a habitat for animal life, is in old age and
has a fatal illness. Several, in fact. It would be happening
whether humans had ever evolved or not. But our presence is
like the effect of an old-age patient who smokes many packs
of cigarettes per day – and we humans are the cigarettes.

We thrive in information-thick worlds because of our
marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge,
harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify,
list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over,
sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate,
outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into,
flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim,
refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat
from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.



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Re: [NTG-context] Feature request: setuppapersize

2011-01-22 Thread Aditya Mahajan

On Mon, 10 Jan 2011, Hans Hagen wrote:

more elegant and downward compatible is this:

 [ \c!width=\paperwidth,


in page-lay.mkiv

Can this also be added to page-lay.mkii. Will make it much easier to 
document the feature.

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archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] Labels in MetaPost (MetaObj)

2011-01-22 Thread Aditya Mahajan

On Sat, 22 Jan 2011, Stefan Müller wrote:

So its either using text or using metaobj? Too bad, metaobj is quite fun... I 
still hope you guys can fix this, but it's not urgent (to me).

Anyway, what does the [+] after 
\startMPinclusions? I did not find documentation for that on the wiki.

  path a ;

  a := (0,0) -- (1cm,0) ;

will fail, because the second inclusions overwrites the first. If you use 
[+], then the second inclusions in appended after the first.

Just as a wild guess I tested the example below today, trying to make use of 
the things Aditya said, but to no avail.

The trick is to ensure that the offending code (assignObj) is not run 

  input metaobj;
  boolean flag; flag := false;

  vardef newSegment@\#=
if not flag :
  ObjPoint a,b;
  ObjCode "@\#b-@\#a=(1cm,2cm)";
fi ;

  def drawSegment(suffix n)=
draw n.a--n.b;
draw btex \tt \overbar{E} etex shifted n.a; % 1

  ObjLabel.s(btex hello! etex) "labpoint(a)"; % 2
  flag := true ;

@Hans, can we have a `trialtypesetting` for MP code?

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wiki : http://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] Problem with ownnumber

2011-01-22 Thread Achim Jander

Hi all,
I want to have my headings numbered via ownnumber, and they sometimes 
should include a dot.
Everything works fine except when the ownnumber is numeric. In that case 
the dot is omitted, can anyone show my my fault?

\definehead [chapter] [section=section-2, sectionsegments=2:100]
\setuphead[chapter][ownnumber=yes, headaling=flushleft,distance=0.5em]

\definehead [section] [section=section-3, sectionsegments=3:100]
\setuphead[section][ownnumber=yes, headaling=flushleft,distance=0.5em]

\startchapter[ownnumber=I., title={chapterhead}] % the dot is kept
\startsection[ownnumber=1.,  title={sectionhead}] % no dot at all

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
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archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] Labels in MetaPost (MetaObj)

2011-01-22 Thread Stefan Müller
So its either using text or using metaobj? Too bad, metaobj is quite 
fun... I still hope you guys can fix this, but it's not urgent (to me).

Just as a wild guess I tested the example below today, trying to make 
use of the things Aditya said, but to no avail. Anyway, what does the 
[+] after \startMPinclusions? I did not find documentation for that on 
the wiki.

Best regards,

input metaobj;
boolean flag; flag := false;

vardef newSegment@\#=
ObjPoint a,b;
ObjCode "@\#b-@\#a=(1cm,2cm)";

def drawSegment(suffix n)=
draw n.a--n.b;


if flag: draw btex A etex; fi;

flag := true;

On 22.01.2011 02:38, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

On Sat, 22 Jan 2011, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 20-1-2011 9:59, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

On 01/18/2011 01:17 PM, Stefan Müller wrote:

Hi list,

I'm having some trouble with MetaPost in general and MetaObj in

The core problem is that context mkiv loads the metapost code twice
when you are typesetting labels, and that causes trouble for metaobj
which does not expect that. Sorry, I do not know of any solution.
Maybe Hans does?

not immediately

A suggestion: Currently, ConTeXt does not clear the state of mplib at
the end of each graphic. For example

path p;
p := fullcircle scaled 4cm ;

draw p ;

draws a circle. I am not convinced that this is useful. Resetting the
state of
mplib after each graphic might be better. Then, after the first run, you
just set the value of mptopdf.texts[..], reset the state of mplib, and
then draw
the graphic in the second run.

This approach will have less surprises. For example, in simpleslides
module, we
provide a mechanism for highlighting a part of a picture using arrows.
arrows are thick (typically 5bp). In order to scale the arrows
correctly, we

autoarrows := true ;

However, in the current implementation, this effect is global. It took a
to realize that this messed up all the figures with arrows that I was
drawing in
a presentation (where autoarrows := false) is better.

Not resetting the mplib state also has advantages. For example, it
allows an
easy way to do something on the second path (trivial example, but there are
cases when something like this makes the code much shorter):

newboolean flag ;
flag := false ;

if flag :
fill boundary withcolor 0.5[blue,white] ;
else :
path boundary ;
fi ;

path A, B;

A := fullsquare scaled 3cm ;
B := fullsquare scaled 3cm shifted (5cm,0) ;

fill A withcolor white ;
fill B withcolor white ;

draw A ; draw btex A etex ;
draw B ; draw btex B etex shifted (5cm,0) ;

boundary := (boundingbox currentpicture) enlarged 3mm ;

flag := true ;


So, perhaps, we can have a `reset` key to \defineMPinstance, and let the
choose whether to reset after each graphic or not. If `reset=yes` is
then such errors would not occur.


If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki : http://contextgarden.net

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki : http://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] Request for delimited texts

2011-01-22 Thread Andreas Harder
Hi all,

is it possible to extend the delimited texts implementation in such a way that 
the environment would accept optional arguments. What I have in mind is 
something like this:

  [% author=Default Author,

\starttext  \showframe
  \startquotation% [author=Some Author]
\dorecurse{50}{text }
  \startquotation% [author=Another Author]
\dorecurse{50}{text }

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] Endnote-problem

2011-01-22 Thread Robert Blackstone
On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 15:04:54 +0100 Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
>> Am 21.01.2011 um 13:10 schrieb Robert Blackstone:
>>The result is that only half of the notes turn up in the
>> pdf. The rest is cut off. After the truncated list of notes there
>> follows an empty page.
>> What can I do about it?
> You can send us a minimal example of your problem because I?m unable
> to reproduce your problem.
> \setupnote[footnote][location=none]
> \setupdelimitedtext[blockquote][spacebefore=]
> \starttext
> \dorecurse{100}
>  {\dorecurse{#1}{text }%
>  %\footnote{\startblockquote\dorecurse{#1}{text }\stopblockquote} }
>   \footnote{\dorecurse{#1}{text }} }
> \subject{Notes}
> \placenotes[footnote]
> \stoptext
> Wolfgang

Thank you very much, Wolfgang. Your example showed me the little devil
that spoiled it:
I had: \setupfootnotes[location=text]. Changing it to
\setupfootnotes[location=none] solved the problem.

Kind regards,

Robert Blackstone
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] mkii broken in latest beta?

2011-01-22 Thread Otared Kavian
Hi Thomas and Hans,

On OS X I experience the same thing, even after adding a \doothing as hans 
suggests (well, this indeed does… nothing… :-) ).
A strange behaviour I notice also with mkii is that it creates a dvi file:

Output written on basic-test.dvi (1 page, 1132 bytes). 
Transcript written on basic-test.log. 

As a matter of fact opening this dvi file with another application, one sees 
the correct output, but no PDF is created with mkii. Please see below the 
minimal example and the dvi file.

Best regards: OK
PS: The minimal example I tested is:
%%% begin basic.test.tex
\chapter{Testing a chapter\footnote{Actually for testing footnotes in a chapter 

This file has been typeset 
on \currentdate{} 
at \currenttime, 
LuaTeX version \the\luatexversion,
LuaTeX revision \luatexrevision,
(LuaTeX date stamp \luatexdatestamp),
using the command: \crlf
\type{context basic-test.tex}\crlf}
using the command: \crlf
\type{texexec basic-test.tex} \crlf}
ConTeXt version \contextversion.

%%% end basic-test.tex
And the dvi produced is:

Description: Binary data

On 21 janv. 2011, at 23:39, Hans Hagen wrote:

> On 21-1-2011 7:36, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> am I the only one having this problem? On OS X, the latest beta ver: 
>> 2011.01.18 19:34 MKII  fmt: 2011.1.21  breaks with any and every input, even 
>> a simple \starttext hello world \stoptext, with this error:
> in core-job.mkii patch
> \readsysfile{\f!errfilename.\mksuffix}\donothing\donothing
> (add a \donothing)
> -
>  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
>  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
>tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
> | www.pragma-pod.nl
> -
> ___
> If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 
> Wiki!
> maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
> webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net
> archive  : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/
> wiki : http://contextgarden.net
> ___

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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