Re: [NTG-context] Making texshow easier to edit

2005-07-08 Thread luigi.scarso

Mojca Miklavec wrote:

- a link to download documentation (pdf or png with html navigation) for
single .tex files could be present (like in modules.pdf)

Actually, modules.pdf  is an old  version.
I'm making a new modules.pdf; news at
(actually useless link: maybe next week...)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Making texshow easier to edit

2005-07-08 Thread Mojca Miklavec

Patrick Gundlach wrote:

Hello Nikolai,

[a luckily not so long list snipped]

I'll have a look at texshow-web this weekend.


So if there are more suggestions, shout out now.

Are you sure that you wanted to ask that?

# source browser
(apart from line numbering and advanced searching mentioned last time)
- It probably doesn't make much difference, but the search could be case
- There are also quite some files with "sorry, I don't know how to
display the file" message. They should either become supported, removed
(we don't really need /fonts/type1/hoekwater/context/contnav.pfb for
example) or there should be a link to download them
- a link to download could actually be present for every file
(especially if old ConTeXt distros also land in the source browser)
- a link to download documentation (pdf or png with html navigation) for
single .tex files could be present (like in modules.pdf)
- it would be nice to add plain.tex
- it would be nice to add third-party modules' sources
- both goes for texshow as well

This is probably not trivial, but doable:
Every command is either a TeX primitive or defined somewhere (including
\let-s and probably some other strange TeX stuff I'm not yet aware of).
Suppose there is someone like me with very modest knowledge of all those
commands, but wants to understand what that strange macro definition is
doing. If there exists a short description of some command in texshow, a
label could be added to any such command appearing anywhere in any .tex
file and a hyperlink to either texshow or \def\thatcommand.

If, for every new version of ConTeXt, a script would check for all the
available new commands (\def\command), exclude the ones which are of no
interest for an user (\dododododocommand ...), and somehow compare that
with translations and texshow (quite some manual work would be needed
anyway), than we would have a nice list of commands that:
- have to be added to texshow
- have to be translated if they were not already
(including the modules).

# live.ConTeXt
- Has anyone thought about enabling the source browser and "live" on
older ConTeXt distributions? I'm not sure if this brings anything and is
also not on the priority list, but perhaps someone will be interested in
the development of ConTeXt or some strange behaviour/bugs can be
checked/compared in two different versions ...

# texshow
Joining (and extending) the functionality of texshow and Wiki is
probably the most urgent and the least trivial task. (None of the things
I mentioned above are so relevant if relevant at all.)


(PS: Tell me if you need some extra books to read once you are done with
your fontinstaller and the garden :)
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Making texshow easier to edit

2005-07-07 Thread Nikolai Weibull
The following things would make editing the texshow wiki a lot easier to

* Preview displays of changes
* Easy cross-referencing between commands
* Not putting everything inside ... tags

When making changes, having a preview display makes it easier to decide
on what works and what doesn't before "commiting".

I added documentation to the \quote command and thought that having
links to \setupquote and \setuplanguage would be helpful.  I had to
create -type tags for this with long-winded query-strings.  It
would be much easier to have some automatic cross-referencing going on
(a la WikiWords perhaps, but using \ as a signal?).

When everything is put inside ... tags, line-breaks become
significant, which makes it very hard to tell where to break a line.  It
would be much better if the browser could decide this for itself.

Anyway, I think that texshow is a great utility and hopefully more
commands will be described and commented upon.  For me to continue doing
this, I'd probably have to have the above features available before I
did so,

Nikolai Weibull: now available free of charge at!
Born in Chicago, IL USA; currently residing in Gothenburg, Sweden.
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