Re: [NTG-context] Any idea about copy or clone fieldstack?

2006-10-19 Thread Peter Rolf
Hi Chen,

Zhichu Chen wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I want to display dynamic system time on each page of my presentation.
 Displaying system time can be manipulated by JavaScript but, a field can
 be shown only once. So I used clone field and it works very well for me.
 But when I want to change the font (xxx presents the variable that gets
 the field):
 xxx.textFont = font.LucidaBright ;
 it can be compiled successfully, but when I open it with acrobat reader,
 there are many errors from javascript console. So I think that JS don't
 know the font, and I don't know how to embed the font into pdf file and
 make JS knows it.

Have you tried the method described on page 402-403 of the Acrobat
JavaScript Scripting Reference (AcroJS.pdf, 27.06.2005)? Search for
Use of arbitrary fonts.
If I understand it right, all you need is the *right name* of the font
(as JS sees/names it).
[ Acrobat is required, but the trial version should work. Maybe also
Adobe Type Manager Light for the clean installation of a ps font under
XP. ]

To make sure that all clock relevant types are embeded, you can add
something like

\smashedhbox{\color[white]\YOURCLOCKFONT 0123456789:}

to your document.

This is all untested, so don't expect too much...
But let me know if it works ;)

 Then I turned to use field stacks. I use MetaPost to draw some needles
 and use JS to set_Field the fieldstack to the correct frame. But when I
 want to display the second clock, it seems that I should write another
 JS code to control the other fieldstack.

 So is there some command that clones the fieldstack just like
 \copyfield? Or how to assign the font of the field as I like?

As I know, there is no command that clones a complete fieldstack.
This is all a bit confusing without any example code.

HTH, Peter

 Thank you.
 Sincerely yours,
   Zhi-chu Chen | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility
  No. 2019 | Jialuo Rd. | Jiading | Shanghai | P.R. China
  tel: 086 21 5955 3405 |
 ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Any idea about copy or clone fieldstack?

2006-10-19 Thread Zhichu Chen
Thank you very much Peter
On 10/19/06, Peter Rolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Chen,Have you tried the method described on page 402-403 of the Acrobat_javascript_ Scripting Reference (
AcroJS.pdf, 27.06.2005)? Search forUse of arbitrary fonts.If I understand it right, all you need is the *right name* of the font(as JS sees/names it).[ Acrobat is required, but the trial version should work. Maybe also
Adobe Type Manager Light for the clean installation of a ps font underXP. ]To make sure that all clock relevant types are embeded, you can addsomething like\smashedhbox{\color[white]\YOURCLOCKFONT 0123456789:}
to your document.This is all untested, so don't expect too much...But let me know if it works ;)As I know, there is no command that clones a complete fieldstack.This is all a bit confusing without any example code.
HTH, Peter___ntg-context mailing
I've only read the AcroJSGuide.pdf, and I thought it's all. Thank you to tell me that there is a more detailed reference. I'll try it now.

-- Sincerely yours,ChenZhi-chu Chen | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility No. 2019 | Jialuo Rd. | Jiading | Shanghai | 
P.R. China tel: 086 21 5955 3405 | |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] An idea

2005-12-11 Thread Christopher Creutzig
Hans Hagen wrote:

 there is no need for verbatim mode when you convert anyway!

 Technically true, but if a simple \processinlineverbatim solves the
same problem as yet-to-write code in almost any language, I's go for the
former, since it does already exist.  Other than that, I'd use ConTeXt's
xml parser, since it requires much less escaping;  and  should suffice.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] An idea

2005-12-04 Thread Nikolai Weibull
Christopher Creutzig wrote:

 Nikolai Weibull wrote:
  this than I have is welcome to finish it.  The \highlight command
  should be defined something like this (pseudo-tex-code):
  #1 is a group name, such as Statement, Operator, or Comment.  #2 may
  contain multiple lines, and I don’t know how well this will work on
  the TeX side.  It may also contain special characters like {, #, ,
  and so on.  Suggestions?
  The most simple one I expect to work would be
   \setuphighlightcolors[{#1}]% never forget those {},
 %% since [] aren't balanced!
   \processinlineverbatim\egroup}% \egroup is an argument to
 %   % \processinlineverbatim here

OK, check the attachments for what I’ve got so far.  It works well it
seems.  Still need to do more escaping, though.


Nikolai Weibull: now available free of charge at!
Born in Chicago, IL USA; currently residing in Gothenburg, Sweden.
 Vim syntax support file
 Maintainer:   Nikolai Weibull [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Latest Revision:  2005-12-04

function! s:Format(text, group)
  let formatted = strtrans(a:text)

  let formatted = substitute(formatted, '{', '\\leftargument', 'g')
  let formatted = substitute(formatted, '}', '\\rightargument', 'g')
   TODO: Replace the reserved ConTeXt characters.
   TODO: make sure to escape everything.

  if a:group != 
let formatted = \\highlight[ . a:group . ']{' . formatted . '}'

  return formatted

function! s:Append(text)
  exe s:new_win . 'wincmd w'
  call append(line('$'), a:text)
  exe s:org_win . 'wincmd w'

function! s:AppendFillers(filler, diff_fillchar)
  let n = filler
  while n  0
let new = repeat(diff_fillchar, 3)

if n  2  n  filler  !exists('context_whole_filler')
  let new .= ' ' . filler . ' inserted lines '
  let n = 2

let new .= repeat(diff_fillchar, columns - strlen(new))
call s:Append(s:Format(new, 'DiffDelete'))
let n -= 1

function! s:GetFillChar(char, default)
  let fillchar = fillchars[matchend(fillchars, a:char . ':')]
  return (fillchar != '' ? fillchar : default)

function! s:MainLoop()
   Set up stuff for handling folding.
  if has('folding')  !exists('context_ignore_folding')
let fold_fillchar = s:GetFillChar('fold', '-')

   Set up stuff for handling diffs.
  let diff_fillchar = s:GetFillChar('diff', '-')

  let lnum = 1
  let last = line('$')

  while lnum = last
 If there are filler lines for diff mode, show these above the line.
let filler = diff_filler(lnum)
if filler  0
  call s:AppendFillers(filler, diff_fillchar)

let new = 
if has('folding')  !exists('context_ignore_folding')  foldclosed(lnum) 
  let new = s:Format(new . foldtextresult(lnum), 'Folded')
  let lnum = foldclosedend(lnum)
  let line = getline(lnum)
  let len = strlen(line)
  let diff_attr = diff_hlID(lnum, 1)

  let col = 1
  while col = len || (col == 1  diff_attr)
let start_col = col  The start column for processing text.
if diff_attr
  let id = diff_hlID(lnum, col)
  let col += 1
  while col = len  id == diff_hlID(lnum, col) | let col += 1 | 
  if len  columns
 Add spaces at the end to mark the changed line.
let line = line . repeat(' ', columns - len)
let len = columns
   TODO: why not use synIDtrans here instead?  That’t give longest
   possible matches.
  let id = synID(lnum, col, 1)
  let col += 1
  while col = len  id == synID(lnum, col, 1) | let col += 1 | 

 Expand tabs.
 TODO: make a function? let new .= s:ExpandAndFormat(strpart(...), id)
let expanded = strpart(line, start_col - 1, col - start_col)
let idx = stridx(expanded, \t)
while idx = 0
  let i = ts - (idx + start_col - 1) % ts
  let expanded = substitute(expanded, '\t', repeat(' ', i), '')
  let idx = stridx(expanded, \t)

if expanded =~ '^\s*$'
  let new .= expanded
  let new .= s:Format(expanded, synIDattr(synIDtrans(id), 'name'))

call s:Append(new)
let lnum = lnum + 1

 Set up options.
let s:old_title = title
let s:old_icon = icon
let s:old_search = @/
set notitle noicon

 Split window to create a buffer with the ConTeXt file.
let s:org_bufnr = winbufnr(0)
if expand(%) == 
  new untitled.tex
  new %.tex
let s:new_win = winnr()
let s:org_win = bufwinnr(s:org_bufnr)

 Set up the new buffer.

Re: [NTG-context] An idea

2005-12-04 Thread Hans Hagen

Christopher Creutzig wrote:

Nikolai Weibull wrote:


this than I have is welcome to finish it.  The \highlight command should
be defined something like this (pseudo-tex-code):


#1 is a group name, such as Statement, Operator, or Comment.  #2 may
contain multiple lines, and I don�t know how well this will work on the
TeX side.  It may also contain special characters like {, #, , and so
on.  Suggestions?

The most simple one I expect to work would be

 \setuphighlightcolors[{#1}]% never forget those {},
%% since [] aren't balanced!
 \processinlineverbatim\egroup}% \egroup is an argument to
%   % \processinlineverbatim here

(I did have some mildly elaborate low-level code here, but upon
searching for the ConTeXt way of switching of everything, I came upon
\processinlineverbatim, which probably does everything you want.  If it
does not, please come back and I'll send you something more low-level
that should.)

there is no need for verbatim mode when you convert anyway!

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] An idea

2005-12-03 Thread Nikolai Weibull
Nikolai Weibull wrote:

 It would require very little programming.  syntax/2html.vim, which
 converts the buffer to a HTML document with syntax highlighting, is 526
 lines in the current CVS incarnation.  A syntax/2context.vim would be
 even shorter, perhaps 150 to 200 lines.  If I find the time I’ll write
 something this weekend.  I’m catching a could though, so I might not

A splitting headache notwithstanding, here’s a syntax/2context.vim that
weighs in at 170 lines.  There are still things to do, like figuring out
how to complement this on the ConTeXt side (i.e., defining \highlight)
and things will depend on how this is done.  Some sort of \type
environment would be nice, as it is better to not do escaping of special
characters on the Vim side.  Someone with better knowledge of how to do
this than I have is welcome to finish it.  The \highlight command should
be defined something like this (pseudo-tex-code):


#1 is a group name, such as Statement, Operator, or Comment.  #2 may
contain multiple lines, and I don’t know how well this will work on the
TeX side.  It may also contain special characters like {, #, , and so
on.  Suggestions?


Nikolai Weibull: now available free of charge at!
Born in Chicago, IL USA; currently residing in Gothenburg, Sweden.
 Vim syntax support file
 Maintainer:   Nikolai Weibull [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Latest Revision:  2005-12-03

function! s:Format(text, group)
  let formatted = strtrans(a:text)

   TODO: Replace the reserved ConTeXt characters.

  return \\highlight[ . a:group . ']{' . formatted . '}'

 Set up options.
let s:old_title = title
let s:old_icon = icon
let s:old_et = l:et
let s:old_report = report
let s:old_search = @/
set notitle noicon
setlocal et
set report=100

 Split window to create a buffer with the HTML file.
let s:org_bufnr = winbufnr(0)
if expand(%) == 
  new untitled.tex
  new %.tex
let s:new_win = winnr()
let s:org_win = bufwinnr(s:org_bufnr)

 Set up options in the new buffer.
set modifiable
let s:old_paste = paste
set paste
let s:old_magic = magic
set magic

 Set up the buffer’s “header”.
exe normal! a\\startlines\n\e

 Switch to the original window.
exe s:org_win . 'wincmd w'

 Variables to keep track of the range to convert.
let s:lnum = 1
let s:end = line('$')

 Set up stuff for handling folding.
if has('folding')  !exists('context_ignore_folding')
  let s:foldfillchar = fillchars[matchend(fillchars, 'fold:')]
  if s:foldfillchar == ''
let s:foldfillchar = '-'

 Set up stuff for handling diffs.
let s:difffillchar = fillchars[matchend(fillchars, 'diff:')]
if s:difffillchar == ''
  let s:difffillchar = '-'

 Now, loop over all lines in the range.
while s:lnum = s:end
   If there are filler lines for diff mode, show these above the line.
  let s:filler = diff_filler(s:lnum)
  if s:filler  0
let s:n = s:filler
while s:n  0
  let s:new = repeat(s:difffillchar, 3)

  if s:n  2  s:n  s:filler  !exists('context_whole_filler')
let s:new = s:new .   . s:filler . ' inserted lines '
let s:n = 2

  let s:new = s:new . repeat(s:difffillchar, columns - strlen(s:new))

  let s:new = s:Format(s:new, 'DiffDelete')
  exe s:new_win . 'wincmd w'
  exe 'normal! a' . s:new . \n\e
  exe s:org_win . 'wincmd w'

  let s:n -= 1
unlet s:n
  unlet s:filler

  let s:new = 
  if has('folding')  !exists('context_ignore_folding')  foldclosed(s:lnum) 
let s:new = s:Format(s:new . foldtextresult(s:lnum), 'Folded')
let s:lnum = foldclosedend(s:lnum)
let s:line = getline(s:lnum)
let s:len = strlen(s:line)
let s:diffattr = diff_hlID(s:lnum, 1)

let s:col = 1
while s:col = s:len || (s:col == 1  s:diffattr)
  let s:startcol = s:col  The start column for processing text.
  if s:diffattr
let s:id = diff_hlID(s:lnum, s:col)
let s:col += 1
while s:col = s:len  s:id == diff_hlID(s:lnum, s:col) | let s:col += 
1 | endwhile
if s:len  columns
   Add spaces at the end to mark the changed line.
  let s:line = s:line . repeat(' ', columns - s:len)
  let s:len = columns
let s:id = synID(s:lnum, s:col, 1)
let s:col += 1
while s:col = s:len  s:id == synID(s:lnum, s:col, 1) | let s:col += 
1 | endwhile

   Expand tabs.
  let s:expanded = strpart(s:line, s:startcol - 1, s:col - s:startcol)
  let idx = stridx(s:expanded, \t)
  while idx = 0
let i = ts - (idx + s:startcol - 1) % ts
let s:expanded = substitute(s:expanded, '\t', repeat(' ', i), '')
let idx = stridx(s:expanded, \t)

   Output the text with the same synID, with class set to {s:id_name}.

Re: [NTG-context] An idea

2005-12-02 Thread Hans Hagen

Zeljko Vrba wrote:

A motivation and idea that came to mind while writing a post to comp.text.tex:

Then again, most (all?) of publishers require Latex source, if my document
ever makes it that far.. And Latex has nicer source code formatting than
Context. so I'm really split between Latex and Context..


what do you mean with source code formatting?

None of them individually fit all (I admit, vague) requirements.. Context
being able to chew up Latex .cls files and still allowing for its advanced
formatting directives, long tables, and other goodies would be a perfect

Basically, rewrite standard Latex environments and commands (\chapter,
\section, itemize, enumerate, etc..) present in article.cls and report.cls
to expand to Context commands that give an equivalent layout..

How much work would it be? Either a Latex emulation environment or a new
implementation of Latex classes for Context?

I have to admit that I don't have time to start implementing either. I'm just
interested in some feasibility opinions..

80% of LatexContext transition can be done with a few simple regexes.
Other 20% have to be translated by hand, and it is very painful, esp.
if tables are in question..

brooks is working on that so maybe you should team up with him

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] An idea

2005-12-02 Thread Nikolai Weibull
Zeljko Vrba wrote:

 A motivation and idea that came to mind while writing a post to
 Then again, most (all?) of publishers require Latex source, if my
 document ever makes it that far.. And Latex has nicer source code
 formatting than Context. so I'm really split between Latex and
 None of them individually fit all (I admit, vague) requirements..
 Context being able to chew up Latex .cls files and still allowing for
 its advanced formatting directives, long tables, and other goodies
 would be a perfect match.

We were planning on using Vim for preprocessing things like this instead
of hacking TeX to do the lexing.  I think Mojca (?) had some ideas for
this and perhaps even a simple implementation, and given that there is
now structured support for preprocessing in texexec I think that this
can be done quite easily.  A lot easier than writing something in TeX.


Nikolai Weibull: now available free of charge at!
Born in Chicago, IL USA; currently residing in Gothenburg, Sweden.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] An idea

2005-12-02 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Nikolai Weibull wrote:

We were planning on using Vim for preprocessing things like this instead
of hacking TeX to do the lexing.  I think Mojca (?) had some ideas for
this and perhaps even a simple implementation, and given that there is
now structured support for preprocessing in texexec I think that this
can be done quite easily.  A lot easier than writing something in TeX.

Speak for yourself. I'll take TeX over VIM anytime :-)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] An idea

2005-12-02 Thread Zeljko Vrba
On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 03:14:30PM +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:

 what do you mean with source code formatting?
Something akin to lgrind. Pretty-printing C++ source code. I tried to
adapt some existing Context code to C and C++ keywords, but failed
somewhere.. AFAIR, I may have even once asked on this list about problems
about variable declarations like a where the  got swallowed up..

Anyway, I'm happy with the default typing environments, so that's one of the
reasons I've given up on making it work. There isn't much use of color in
black-white printing anyway. Grayscales just reduce the contrast and make the
text harder to read.

 brooks is working on that so maybe you should team up with him
hm! maybe I could find a little spare time to help him. i'm really annoyed
by many of Latex's misfeatures...

Best regards,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] An idea

2005-12-02 Thread Zeljko Vrba
On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 05:56:36PM +0100, Nikolai Weibull wrote:
 We were planning on using Vim for preprocessing things like this instead

Vim for preprocessing? Isn't it a bit too painful compared to using a real
programming language?

 of hacking TeX to do the lexing.  I think Mojca (?) had some ideas for

I would agree with that. I never did any serious programming in TeX apart
from few simple \defs.

 this and perhaps even a simple implementation, and given that there is
 now structured support for preprocessing in texexec I think that this
 can be done quite easily.  A lot easier than writing something in TeX.
any links to the project?
ntg-context mailing list