Re: [NTG-context] Metafun - Metapost capacity exceeded

2006-04-05 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Hans Hagen wrote:
> Thomas Engel wrote:
>>Hello Hans,
>>this is the message I got after running texexec pro_mcc_a3.tex.
>>As you can see I have increased the memory size for mp.
>>I have attached the two tex-files.
>>Maybe there is a mistake in the mp-code. A pdf-file will be produced,
>>but if you check the output you will see, that one cubicle is missing!
> i run out of tex memory (8 meg) while converting the big last one 

Oh yeah, it needs 14.5 MB of memory or so for the conversion.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metafun - Metapost capacity exceeded

2006-04-05 Thread Hans Hagen
Thomas Engel wrote:
> Hello Hans,
> this is the message I got after running texexec pro_mcc_a3.tex.
> As you can see I have increased the memory size for mp.
> I have attached the two tex-files.
> Maybe there is a mistake in the mp-code. A pdf-file will be produced,
> but if you check the output you will see, that one cubicle is missing!
ok, i stripped down the sample to one image and coul dgenerate a page 

(btw \twodigitMPoutput will make mem usage less but also the quality) 

now, the problem is in the way you define your graphic: 

def Whatever () = 
  save SomePicture ; 
  picture SomePicture ; 
  lots of draws
  SomePicture := currentpicture ;
  SomePicture % return value

here you *never* erase the currentpicture, so graphic keeps accumulating, and 
each SomePicture has all previous draws

you can see that on the screen: acrobat takes ages to draw the simple graphic 
and you can also see it from the mp output (a couple of 100K lines). 


def Whatever () = 
  save SomePicture ; 
  picture SomePicture ; 
  lots of draws
  SomePicture := currentpicture ;
  currentpicture := nullpicture ; % ADDED
  SomePicture % return value

or just 

def Whatever () = 
  image ( 
  lots of draws

So ... 



  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metafun - Metapost capacity exceeded

2006-04-05 Thread Hans Hagen
Thomas Engel wrote:
> Hello Hans,
> this is the message I got after running texexec pro_mcc_a3.tex.
> As you can see I have increased the memory size for mp.
> I have attached the two tex-files.
> Maybe there is a mistake in the mp-code. A pdf-file will be produced,
> but if you check the output you will see, that one cubicle is missing!
i run out of tex memory (8 meg) while converting the big last one 



you can omit the second lin ethere (automatically done) 


also, there is no need for \starttext .. \stoptext inside a \startproject .. 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metafun - Metapost capacity exceeded

2006-04-04 Thread Thomas Engel
Hello Hans,

this is the message I got after running texexec pro_mcc_a3.tex.
As you can see I have increased the memory size for mp.
I have attached the two tex-files.
Maybe there is a mistake in the mp-code. A pdf-file will be produced,
but if you check the output you will see, that one cubicle is missing!

Thanks for your help!


 TeXExec 5.4.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005

  metapost : pro_mcc_a3-mpgraph
format : metafun
This is MetaPost, Version 0.901 (Web2C 7.5.3)
( [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
! MetaPost capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=200].

l.2277 he_zehn ((1.75),(5.6), (0.2),(17.5));

9 output files written: pro_mcc_a3-mpgraph.1 .. pro_mcc_a3-mpgraph.9
Transcript written on pro_mcc_a3-mpgraph.log.
 error in metapost run :

total run time : 0 seconds
  sorting and checking : running texutil

 TeXUtil 9.0.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1992-2004

action : processing commands, lists and registers
option : sorting IJ under Y
option : converting high ASCII values
input file :
   output file : pro_mcc_a3.tuo
   passed commands : 18
 remapped keys : 0
  register entries : 0 -> 0 entries 0 references
   synonym entries : 0 -> 0 entries
embedded files : 2

total run time : 7 seconds

\startproduct prd_mcc_a3
\project pro_mcc_a3
\setuppapersize[A3, landscape][A3, landscape]



   StartPage ;
 draw Page enlarged -1cm;
 draw Page enlarged -0.80cm;
 draw (1u,2u)--(41u,2u)--cycle;
   StopPage ;


  draw bottomboundary OverlayBox
  leftenlarged 6pt rightenlarged 6pt
  shifted (0,.75HeaderHeight) ;
  setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ; % forces dimensions

draw (0,0)--(0,-0.5u);
label(decimal 0,(0,-1u+4));
for n=1 upto 77:
   draw (1u*n,0)--(1u*n,-0.5u);
for n=1 upto 38.5 :
   label(decimal (2n*100),(1u*2n,-1u+4));
  % draw (2u*n,0)--(2u*n,-0.5u);
  % defaultfont:="cmr5";
   label(decimal (2n*100-100),(1u*2n-1u,-1.1u));

draw (0,0)--(-0.5u,0);
label(decimal 0,(-1u+4,0));
for n=1 upto 24:
   draw (0,1u*n)--(-0.5u,1u*n);
for n=1 upto 24 :
   label(decimal (n*100),(-1.2u,1u*n));

  vardef he_eins (expr h, b, ho, vo) =
 save Panel, z;
 picture Panel;
 path s[] ;
 s1 := (0,0)--(b*u,0)--(b*u,h*u)--(0,h*u)--cycle;
 s2 := (0.2u,0.1u)--(0.2u,(h-0.05)*u);
 s3 := ((b-0.2)*u,0.1u)--((b-0.2)*u,(h-0.05)*u);
 s4 := (4.8u,0.3u)--(4.8u,0.7u);
 draw s1 shifted (ho*u,vo*u);
 pickup pencircle scaled 1;
 draw s2 shifted (ho*u,vo*u);
 draw s3 shifted (ho*u,vo*u);
 pickup pencircle scaled 0.5;
 draw unitsquare xscaled 1.4u yscaled 0.6u shifted ((ho+0.4)*u,(vo+h-0.8)*u) ;
draw unitsquare xscaled 0.2u yscaled 0.2u shifted ((ho+0.5)*u,(vo+h-0.7)*u);
draw unitsquare xscaled 0.2u yscaled 0.2u shifted ((ho+0.8)*u,(vo+h-0.7)*u);
draw unitsquare xscaled 0.2u yscaled 0.2u shifted ((ho+1.1)*u,(vo+h-0.7)*u);
draw unitsquare xscaled 0.6u yscaled 0.6u shifted ((ho+4.5)*u,(vo+0.2)*u);
draw fullcircle scaled 0.45u shifted  ((ho+4.8)*u,(vo+0.5)*u);
draw fullcircle scaled 0.3u shifted  ((ho+4.8)*u,(vo+0.5)*u);
pickup pencircle scaled 1;
draw s4 shifted (ho*u,vo*u) ;
   pickup pencircle scaled 0.5;

  vardef he_zehn (expr h, b, ho, vo) =
 save Panel, z;
 picture Panel;
 path s[] ;
 s1 := (0,0)--(b*u,0)--(b*u,h*u)--(0,h*u)--cycle;
 s2 := (0.2u,0.1u)--(0.2u,(h-0.05)*u);
 s3 := ((b/2+0.2)*u,0.1u)--((b/2+0.2)*u,(h-0.05)*u);
 s4 := (4.8u,0.3u)--(4.8u,0.7u);
 s5 := (2u,0.3u)--(2u,0.7u);
 s6 := (2.8u,0)--(2.8u,1.75u);
draw s1 shifted (ho*u,vo*u);
pickup pencircle scaled 1;
draw s2 shifted (ho*u,vo*u);
pickup pencircle scaled 0.5;
 draw unitsquare xscaled 1.4u yscaled 0.6u shifted ((ho+0.4)*u,(vo+h-0.8)*u) ;
draw unitsquare xscaled 0.2u yscaled 0.2u shifted ((ho+0.5)*u,(vo+h-0.7)*u);
draw unitsquare xscaled 0.2u yscaled 0.2u shifted ((ho+0.8)*u,(vo+h-0.7)*u);
draw unitsquare xscaled 0.2u yscaled 0.2u shifted ((ho+1.1)*u,(vo+h-0.7)*u);
draw unitsquare xscaled 0.6u yscaled 0.6u shifted ((ho+1.7)*u,(vo+0.2)*u);

Re: [NTG-context] Metafun - Metapost capacity exceeded

2006-04-04 Thread Taco Hoekwater
Thomas Engel wrote:
> Hello Hans,
> this is the message I got after running texexec pro_mcc_a3.tex.
> As you can see I have increased the memory size for mp.
> I have attached the two tex-files.
> Maybe there is a mistake in the mp-code. A pdf-file will be produced,
> but if you check the output you will see, that one cubicle is missing!

No problems here. It uses 2351976 words of memory, though.

Cheers, Taco
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metafun - Metapost capacity exceeded

2006-04-03 Thread Hans Hagen
Thomas Engel wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm doing my first work with metafun to generate a switchgear layout
> from  a cvs file.
> During the run (texexec ) I get the message -  Metapost capacity
> exceeded  and a part of the drawing is missing.
> I followed the thread  -TeX capacity exceeded with metafun-
> and increased the memory size in texmf.cnf but this is not the solution!
> Any suggestion what's going wrong?
texmfstart bin:scite.exe kpse:texmf.cnf

(or another editor)

will open the used texmf.cnf file, which may giv eyou a clue about the 
memory values
> btw.
> it is allowed to send the tex file to the list?


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list