Re: [Numpy-discussion] question about future support for python-3

2009-09-08 Thread Christian Heimes
Darren Dale wrote:
 I'm not a core numpy developer and don't want to step on anybody's
 toes here. But I was wondering if anyone had considered approaching
 the Python Software Foundation about support to help get numpy working
 with python-3?

What kind of support are you talking about? Developers, money, software,
PR, test platforms ...? For quite some time we are talking about ways on
the PSF list to aid projects. We are trying to figure out what projects
need, especially high profile projects and important infrastructure
projects. I myself consider NumPy as a great asset for both the
scientific community and Python.

It's true that Pycon '09 was a major drawback on our financials. But
there are other ways beside money to assist projects. For example the
snakebite network ( could be very useful for you
once it's open. Please don't ask me about details on the status, I don't
have an account yet. About a month ago we got 14 MSDN premium
subscriptions with full access to MS development tools and all Windows
platforms, which is very useful for porting and testing application on
Windows. Some core developers may also be interested to assist you
directly. The PSF might (!) even donate some money but I'm not in the
position to discuss it.

I can get you in touch with the PSF if you like. I'm a PSF member and a
core developer.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] parallel compilation of numpy

2009-02-18 Thread Christian Heimes
David Cournapeau wrote:
 No, and it never will. Parallel builds requires to build with
 dependency handling. Even make does not handle it well: it works most
 of the time by accident, but there are numerous problems (try for
 example building lapack with make -j8 on your 8 cores machine - it
 will give a bogus library 90 % of the time, because it starts building
 static library with ar while some object files are still built).

You may call me naive and ignorant. Is it really that hard to archive
some kind of poor man's concurrency? You don't have to parallelize
everything to get a speed up on multi core machines. Usually the compile
process from C/C++ file to an object files takes up most of the time.

How about

* assemble a list of all C/C++ source files of all extensions.
* compile all source files in parallel
* do the rest (linking etc.) in serial

This should give a nice speed up without much work and without complex
dependency analysis. Do you see a possible pit fall? I don't.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] A buildbot farm with shell access - for free ?

2009-01-29 Thread Christian Heimes
David Cournapeau wrote:
 It is said in the email that this is reserved to the python project, and
 prominent python projects like Twisted and Django. Would it be ok to try
 to be qualified as a prominent python project as well ?

Give it some time. Nobody - not even the Python core devs - have access
to the machines. It's going to take at least several weeks to get the
infrastructure running and to establish a policy.

From my perspective NumPy and Sage both count as prominent Python
projects. Heck, you are in competition with tools like Matlab and you
ain't looking bad! Furthermore you could make better use of the machines
than Django because you are using way more C extensions and esoteric

I recommend you subscribe to the snakebite list and bring up your
interest. You got my +1 already. For now the list is but it will move to another server
(probably eventually.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Win64 build?

2008-12-14 Thread Christian Heimes
David Cournapeau schrieb:
 Do you only need numpy or also scipy ? If you only need numpy, it is
 relatively straightforward because you don't need BLAS/LAPACK nor any
 fortran compiler. You should use the Visual Studio compiler, though: VS
 2005 for python 2.5 or VS 2008 for python 2.6 - mingw does not work well
 yet for 64 bits.

The offical Windows builds of Python 2.5 are created with Visual C 7.1
(also known as VS2003). You can compile an extension with VS 2005 but
that will cause trouble.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] np.nan and ``is``

2008-09-19 Thread Christian Heimes
Andrew Dalke wrote:
 There are a few things that Python-the-language guarantees are singleton
 objects which can be compared correctly with is.  Those are:
True, False, None

The empty tuple () and all interned strings are also guaranteed to be 
singletons. String interning is used to optimize code on C level. It's 
much faster to compare memory addresses than objects. All strings can be 
interned through the builtin function intern like s = intern(s). For 
Python 3.x the function was moved in the the sys module and changed to 
support str which are PyUnicode objects.

 So, back to NaN.  There's no guarantee NaN is a singleton
 object, so testing with is almost certainly is wrong.
 In fact, at the bit-level there are multiple NaNs.  A
 NaN (according to Wikipedia) fits the following bit pattern.
NaN: xaxx. x = undefined. If a = 1,
it is a quiet NaN, otherwise it is a signalling NaN.

The definition is correct for all doubles on IEEE 754 aware platforms. 
Python's float type uses the double C type. Almost all modern computers 
have either hardware IEEE 754 support or software support for embedded 
devices (some mobile phones and PDAs).

The Python core makes no difference between quiet NaNs and signaling 
NaNs. Only errno, input and output values are checked to raise an 
exception. We were discussion the possibility of a NaN singleton during 
our revamp of Python's IEEE 754 and math support for Python 2.6 and 3.0. 
But we decided against it because the extra code and cost wasn't worth 
the risks. Instead I added isnan() and isinf() to the math module.

All checks for NaN, inf and the sign bit of a float must be made through 
the appropriate APIs - either the NumPy API or the new APIs for floats.

Hope to shed some light on things

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] global overloading of 1+1 - MyClass(1, 1)

2008-08-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Ondrej Certik wrote:
 Are we able to provide an actual patch to Python that implements this?
 If so, then I am.
 Imho the proposal should come with an actual patch, otherwise it's
 difficult to judge it.

Your better off with writing a PEP first. In order to implement the 
proposal you've to make changes to the parser and tokenizer - perhaps to 
the grammar, too. The code is rather complex and tricky - and not very 
well documented.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] global overloading of 1+1 - MyClass(1, 1)

2008-08-18 Thread Christian Heimes
Ondrej Certik wrote:
   Ok, in the current state, you don't know either what's going to
 happen. If you write
 In [1]: x/2*3/4
 you have no idea what the result is going to be, you need to analyze
 x.__div__() and start from there. But if you write
 In [2]: 1/2*3/4
 currently you know it will be 0. But imho you could as well analyze
 the global __mul__ (or global __int__, depending on how this would be
 technically implemented) to see what's going to happen.
 I mean what is the difference between [1] and [2]?

Andrew has already pointed it out very well. I like to comment on your 
proposal from the perspective of a Python core developer as well as the 
perspective of somebody who has worked with Guido for more than a year.

I'd bet my life that Guido is never every going to allow it. The core 
types are fundemental to the Python interpreter. Even the possibility of 
pluggable type methods would make the implementation slower, more 
fragile and much more complicated. We'd have to remove several speed 
tricks and special cases for e.g. ints and replace them with slower 

But don't give up hope yet! During the alpha phase of Python 3.0 and the 
revamping of the decimal module, some core developers had an even better 
idea. We were discussing the possibility of making decimals the default 
for float literals. The idea was rejected eventually but it gave birth 
to yet another idea. What about making the *result* of a literal 
pluggable? The Python creates a float for the literal 1.0. Some header 
in a module could replace the default target 'float' with e.g. 

Example syntax (rough idea):

type 'float'
  with float as from decimal import Decimal
class 'decimal.Decimal'

Wouldn't that solve your general problem more elegant without breaking 
other modules?


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] global overloading of 1+1 - MyClass(1, 1)

2008-08-18 Thread Christian Heimes
Andrew Dalke wrote:
 When would this with float ...  considered valid?

[long posting]

Oh h... what have I done ... *g*

Slow down, please. For now there are no concrete plans what-so-ever to 
implement the feature in the near future. Some developers have expressed 
their interest in a way to alter the resulting type of a literal. It was 
my attention to show you, that we have discussed the idea, too.

Now for the with type as from import syntax. I came up with the syntax 
idea about an hour ago. I tried to come up with some nice syntax that 
reuses existing keywords. IMHO it has a nice ring. Other possibilities I 
came up with:

   def float as factory
   def float as from module import factory
   with float yield factory
   with float yield from module import factory

After some careful thinking I'm in favor of with ... yield  It's 
less ambiguous and can't be mistaken for with open(filename) as fh.

The ideas needs a good PEP. You are definitely up to something. You also 
came up with a list of possible issues and corner cases. Are you 
interested in pursuing the proposal? *wink*


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Possible new multiplication operators for Python

2008-08-17 Thread Christian Heimes
Andrew Dalke wrote:
 Or write B \circledast C ?  (Or \oast?)  Try using Google to search
 for that character.

  unicodedata.lookup('CIRCLED ASTERISK OPERATOR')

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] C99 on windows

2008-08-16 Thread Christian Heimes
Pauli Virtanen wrote:
 To clarify this again: *no* features of C99 were used. The C99 specs were 
 only used as a guideline to what behavior we want of complex math 
 functions, and I wrote tests for this, and marked failing ones as skipped.

Got it.

 However, it turned out that different tests fail on different platforms, 
 which means that the inf/nan handling of our complex-valued functions is 
 effectively undefined. Eventually, most of the tests had to be marked as 
 skipped, and so it made more sense to remove them altogether.

We hit the same issue during our work for Python 2.6 and 3.0. We came to 
the conclusion that we can't rely on the platform's math functions 
(especially trigonometric and hyperbolic functions) for special values. 
So Mark came up with the idea of lookup tables for special values. Read 
my other mail for more informations.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Addition of a dict object to all NumPy objects

2008-08-15 Thread Christian Heimes
Robert Kern wrote:
 I think you could make the dictionary created lazily on the first getattr().

In order to make it work you have to reserve space for a PyObject* 
pointer for the instance dict somewhere in your type definition. It's 
going to increase the size of every object by 4 bytes on a 32bit OS or 8 
bytes on a 64bit OS, aka sizeof(uintptr_t). An empty dict increases the 
size of every object by ~30 byte.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Addition of a dict object to all NumPy objects

2008-08-15 Thread Christian Heimes
Robert Kern wrote:
 Yes, we know that. The concern I was addressing was the time overhead
 for creating the new dict object every time an ndarray gets
 instantiated. Most of these dict objects would be unused, so we would
 be wasting a substantial amount of time. If you push off the creation
 of the dict to the first time the user accesses it, then we're not
 wasting any time. We do realize that space for the pointer must still
 be reserved.

I'm sorry for pointing to the obvious.

I *guess* it's possible to delay the creation even further. You don't 
have to create a dict until somebody assigns a new attribute to an 
instance. It'd require some more code and you'd have to trade memory 
efficiency for slightly slower access to the additional attributes.

Please also note that CPython uses a freelist of unused dict instances. 
The default size of the dict free list is 80 elements. The allocation 
and deallocation of dicts is cheap if you can stay below the threshold.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] C99 on windows

2008-08-15 Thread Christian Heimes
David Cournapeau wrote:
 The current trunk has 14 failures on windows (with mingw). 12 of them
 are related to C99 (see ticket 869). Can the people involved in recent
 changes to complex functions take a look at it ? I think this is high
 priority for 1.2.0

I'm asking just out of curiosity. Why is NumPy using C99 and what 
features of C99 are used? The Microsoft compilers aren't supporting C99 
and they'll probably never will. I don't know if the Intel CC supports 
C99. Even GCC doesn't implement C99 to its full extend. Are you planing 
to restrict yourself to MinGW32?

I'm not a NumPy developer but I'm a Python core developer. I've laid the 
foundation for the VS 2008 build system for 2.6 / 3.0. Marc Dickinson 
and I have put lots of work into mathematical, numerical and IEEE 754 
fixes. The work was mostly based on the C99 specs but we used C89 code. 
That should explain my interest in the matter. :]


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] C99 on windows

2008-08-15 Thread Christian Heimes
Charles R Harris wrote:
 I believe C99 was used as a guide to how complex corner cases involving
 +/-0, +/-inf, etc. should behave. However, it doesn't look possible to make
 that behaviour portable without a lot of work and it probably isn't worth
 the trouble. At the moment the failing tests have been removed.

We used the C99 specs as guideline, too. If I recall correctly mostly 
Annex F and G. We got it all sorted out but it took us a tremendous 
amount of time and work. We had to reimplement a bunch of math functions 
like log1p and the reversed hyperbolic functions. Mark introduced a 
system of lookup tables for complex corner cases. You can find them at 
the end of the cmath module:

The new pymath files contain a series of macros and re-implemenation of 
C99 features and cross platform workarounds:


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] numpy.arccos(numpy.inf)????

2008-05-17 Thread Christian Heimes
Stuart Brorson schrieb:
 Hi --
 Sorry to be a pest with corner cases, but I found another one.


Mark and I spent a *lot* of time in fixing those edge cases in Python
2.6 and 3.0. We used the C99 standard as template. I recommend that you
look at our code.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] python memory use

2008-05-03 Thread Christian Heimes
Robin schrieb:
 If I try to allocate something too big for the available memory I
 often get a MemoryError exception. However, in other situations,
 Python memory use continues to grow until the machine falls over. I
 was hoping to understand the difference between those cases. From what
 I've read Python never returns memory to the OS (is this right?) so
 the second case, python is holding on to memory that it isn't really
 using (for objects that have been destroyed). I guess my question is
 why doesn't it reuse the memory freed from object deletions instead of
 requesting more - and even then when requesting more, why does it
 continue until the machine falls over and not cause a MemoryError?

Your assumption isn't correct. Python releases memory. For small objects
Python uses its own memory allocation system as explained in . For
integer and floats uses a separate block allocation schema.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Compile Numpy in VC++8

2008-04-03 Thread Christian Heimes
Matthieu Brucher schrieb:
 As I've said, you must start by compiling Python with VC++ 8, that means
 using the 2.6 alpha.

Negative Houston

Python 2.6 and 3.0 are using VS 2008 aka VC 9.0


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Handling of numpy.power(0, something)

2008-02-28 Thread Christian Heimes
Stuart Brorson wrote:
 I have been poking at the limits of NumPy's handling of powers of
 zero.   I find some results which are disturbing, at least to me.
 Here they are:


Please checkout Mark Dickinson's and my trunk-math branch of Python 2.6.
We have put lots of effort into fixing edge cases of floats, math and
cmath functions. The return values are either based on the latest
revision of IEEE 754 or the last public draft of the C99 standard (1124,
Annex F and G).

For pow the C99 says:

 math.pow(0, 0)
 math.pow(0, 1)
[30859 refs]
 math.pow(0, float(inf))
 math.pow(0, float(nan))
 math.pow(0, -1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
ValueError: math domain error


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Handling of numpy.power(0, something)

2008-02-28 Thread Christian Heimes
Stuart Brorson wrote:
 math.pow(0, -1)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
 ValueError: math domain error
 Why isn't this one inf?

The standard says return inf and raise a divide-by-zero floating point
exception. Since we can't do both in Python we sticked to the exception

 Also, what do these specs say about 0^complex?

See for yourself The
interesting information are in Annex F.9 and Annex G.6.

So far we haven't dealt with complex powers and Python doesn't support
0.**1j yet.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Is anyone knowledgeable about dll deployment on windows ?

2008-02-15 Thread Christian Heimes
Matthieu Brucher wrote:
 When Visual Studio 2008 will be used, there might be a way of using the
 manifest files (that were created for a similar purpose).
 For the moment, All I know is that you must put the dll in the
 Windows/system32 folder or somewhere in the PATH.

That's not enough for some DLLs. .NET assemblies as well as Side-by-Side
dlls (SxS) must be registered properly. You can install a SxS dll in
PATH but simple copying the DLL isn't enough. It also depends on the OS.

Have fun! The SxS issue has bitten us in the a.. when we delivered the
second beta of Python 3.0.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Is anyone knowledgeable about dll deployment on windows ?

2008-02-15 Thread Christian Heimes
David Cournapeau wrote:
 Do you have a link to the related python ML discussion by any chance ?

No, I'm sorry. It was a private chat between between Guido, Martin and
me during the release phase of Python 3.0a2.

The MSDN website has some articles about SxS DLLs though. I had to read
about ten articles to get the big picture. The information is scattered
all over the place. :/


Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Float and math module enhancements for Python 2.6 and 3.0

2007-12-19 Thread Christian Heimes

The Python core developers are currently working on several improvements
for floats and the math module. Since you are power users I like to
get your opinion and suggestions on several patches: -- sys.float_info [done] -- shorter repr of floats -- platform independent representation
and creation of +/-inf and nan -- additional functions for the math module

new: sys.maxsize, gone in 3.0: sys.maxint


Numpy-discussion mailing list