Re: [Numpy-discussion] speeding up the following expression

2011-11-12 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi Warren,

On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Warren Weckesser wrote:

 On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 6:43 AM, wrote:

 On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 3:36 AM, Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
  I am playing with multiple ways to speed up the following expression
  (it is in the inner loop):
  C[1:(M - 1)]=(a * C[2:] + b * C[1:(M-1)] + c * C[:(M-2)])
  where C is an array of about 200-300 elements, M=len(C), a, b, c are
  I played with numexpr, but it was way slower than directly using
  numpy. It would be nice if I could create a Mx3 matrix without copying
  memory and so I can use dot() to calculate the whole thing.
  Can anyone help with giving some advices to make this faster?

 looks like a np.convolve(C, [a,b,c])  to me except for the boundary

 As Josef pointed out, this is a convolution.  There are (at least)
 three convolution functions in numpy+scipy that you could use:
 numpy.convolve, scipy.signal.convolve, and scipy.ndimage.convolve1d.
 Of these, scipy.ndimage.convolve1d is the fastest.  However, it doesn't
 beat the simple expression
    a*x[2:] + b*x[1:-1] + c*x[:-2]
 Your idea of forming a matrix without copying memory can be done using
 stride tricks, and for arrays of the size you are interested in, it
 computes the result faster than the simple expression (see below).

 Another fast alternative is to use one of the inline code generators.
 This example is a easy to implement with scipy.weave.blitz, and it gives
 a big speedup.

 Here's a test script:

 #- -

 import numpy as np
 from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
 from scipy.ndimage import convolve1d
 from scipy.weave import blitz

 # weighting coefficients
 a = -0.5
 b = 1.0
 c = -0.25
 w = np.array((a,b,c))
 # Reversed w:
 rw = w[::-1]

 # Length of C
 n = 250

 # The original version of the calculation:
 # Some dummy data
 C = np.arange(float(n))
 C[1:-1] = a * C[2:] + b * C[1:-1] + c * C[:-2]
 # Save for comparison.
 C0 = C.copy()

 # Do it again using a matrix multiplication.
 C = np.arange(float(n))
 # The virtual matrix view of C.
 V = as_strided(C, shape=(C.size-2, 3), strides=(C.strides[0], C.strides[0]))
 C[1:-1] =, rw)
 C1 = C.copy()

 # Again, with convolve1d this time.
 C = np.arange(float(n))
 C[1:-1] = convolve1d(C, w)[1:-1]
 C2 = C.copy()

 # scipy.weave.blitz
 C = np.arange(float(n))
 # Must work with a copy, D, in the formula, because blitz does not use
 # a temporary variable.
 D = C.copy()
 expr = C[1:-1] = a * D[2:] + b * D[1:-1] + c * D[:-2]
 blitz(expr, check_size=0)
 C3 = C.copy()

 # Verify that all the methods give the same result.
 print np.all(C0 == C1)
 print np.all(C0 == C2)
 print np.all(C0 == C3)


 And here's a snippet from an ipython session:

 In [51]: run

 In [52]: %timeit C[1:-1] = a * C[2:] + b * C[1:-1] + c * C[:-2]
 10 loops, best of 3: 16.5 us per loop

 In [53]: %timeit C[1:-1] =, rw)
 10 loops, best of 3: 9.84 us per loop

 In [54]: %timeit C[1:-1] = convolve1d(C, w)[1:-1]
 10 loops, best of 3: 18.7 us per loop

 In [55]: %timeit D = C.copy(); blitz(expr, check_size=0)
 10 loops, best of 3: 4.91 us per loop

 scipy.weave.blitz is fastest (but note that blitz has already been called
 once, so the time shown does not include the compilation required in
 the first call).  You could also try scipy.weave.inline, cython.inline,
 or np_inline (

 Also note that C[-1:1] =, rw) is faster than either the simple
 expression or convolve1d.  However, if you also have to set up V inside
 your inner loop, the speed gain will be lost.  The relative speeds also
 depend on the size of C.  For large C, the simple expression is faster
 than the matrix multiplication by V (but blitz is still faster).  In
 the following, I have changed n to 2500 before running

 In [56]: run

 In [57]: %timeit C[1:-1] = a * C[2:] + b * C[1:-1] + c * C[:-2]
 1 loops, best of 3: 29.5 us per loop

 In [58]: %timeit C[1:-1] =, rw)
 1 loops, best of 3: 56.4 us per loop

 In [59]: %timeit C[1:-1] = convolve1d(C, w)[1:-1]
 1 loops, best of 3: 37.3 us per loop

 In [60]: %timeit D = C.copy(); blitz(expr, check_size=0)
 10 loops, best of 3: 10.3 us per loop

 blitz wins, the simple numpy expression is a distant second, and now
 the matrix multiplication is slowest.

 I hope that helps--I know I learned quite a bit. :)


Thanks for the very helpful response. Fortunately I don't have to set
up the matrix every time as I can work on the same C over and over
again inside the loop. It's counterintuitive to see that the
performance of dot() degrades as n goes up. If I didn't see the
results, I would have guessed otherwise.

Thanks again!


Re: [Numpy-discussion] OT: A Way to Approximate and Compress a 3D Surface

2007-11-23 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi Bob, Anne, and everyone,

On Nov 21, 2007 1:41 PM, Bob Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 11/20/07, Anne Archibald posted:

  Re: [Numpy-discussion] OT: A Way to Approximate and Compress a 3D Surface
  Anne Archibald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tue, 20 Nov 2007 17:13:31 -0500
  Discussion of Numerical Python
  Discussion of Numerical Python
  On 20/11/2007, Geoffrey Zhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have N tabulated data points { (x_i, y_i, z_i) } that describes a 3D
  surface. The surface is pretty smooth. However, the number of data
  points is too large to be stored and manipulated efficiently. To make
  it easier to deal with, I am looking for an easy method to compress
  and approximate the data. Maybe the approximation can be described by
  far fewer number of coefficients.
  If you can give me some hints about possible numpy or non-numpy
  solutions or let me know where is better to ask this kind of question,
  I would really appreciate it.
  This is an important task in computer graphics, in particular, in the
  field of multiresolution modelling. If you look up surface
  simplification you'll find many references to articles. I don't know
  of a library offhand that does it, let alone one that is accessible
  from python, but you could try looking at a toolkit that does
  isosurface visualization - these are surfaces that can often be
  simplified enormously. In particular it looks like VTK might be able
  to do what you want.

 Anne Archibald is correct that surface simplification may ultimately
 be of great help.  Other place to look besides VTK are GTS, the GNU
 Triangulated Surface library, and CGAL, the Computational Geometry
 Algorithms Library, which has a Python binding.

 It occurs to me, though, that we should first verify that you do
 indeed have a surface in the first place.  All you tell us is that you
 have a set of N points in 3-space.  Are they connected?  That is, does
 each point have well-defined neighbors?  If so, do these vertices and
 connections form a mesh that defines a surface?

- Bob Lewis

 Numpy-discussion mailing list

First I'd like to thank everyone for helping me on this.  It does look
like surface simplification will greatly help my problem.

Yes, I indeed have a surface and the points are connected. In fact, I
have a function z=f(x,y). Except at certain points, it is continuous
and smooth. It is very computationally intensive to calculate f(x,y),
so I have to calculate certain points {(x_i,y_i_,z_i)} and store the
data in a database. However, I have thousands of such functions and
therefore a lot of points to deal with and that makes manipulating and
storing them difficult and slow.

One thing about triangulation I haven't figured out is how to add
multiple such functions together. So if I have a set of triangles that
represent f1(x,y) and another set of triangles that represent f2(x,y),
is there any quick way to get f1(x,y)+f2(x,y) from the triangulation
results of the parts?

Thanks again for all your help,
Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] OT: A Way to Approximate and Compress a 3D Surface

2007-11-20 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi Everyone,

This is off topic for this mailing list but I don't know where else to ask.

I have N tabulated data points { (x_i, y_i, z_i) } that describes a 3D
surface. The surface is pretty smooth. However, the number of data
points is too large to be stored and manipulated efficiently. To make
it easier to deal with, I am looking for an easy method to compress
and approximate the data. Maybe the approximation can be described by
far fewer number of coefficients.

If you can give me some hints about possible numpy or non-numpy
solutions or let me know where is better to ask this kind of question,
I would really appreciate it.

Many thanks,
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Problem with numpy.linalg.eig?

2007-11-13 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
On Nov 13, 2007 2:37 AM, David Cournapeau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
  Yes, with the MSI I can always reproduce the problem with
  numpy.test(). It always hangs.With the egg it does not hang. Pointer
  problems are usually random, but not random if we are using the same
  binaries in EGG and MSI and variables are always initialized to
  certain value.
 Ok, could you try this:

 I built it with mingwin, and with NETLIB BLAS/LAPACK. This is just for
 testing, do not use it for anything else.

 Numpy-discussion mailing list

I just tried. Your new MSI does not hang on numpy.test() and the OP's
test case, and it seems faster.

The EGG version does not hang on numpy.test() but does on OP's test.

The original MSI version hangs on numpy.test() if I open IDLE and type

import numpy

If I try the OP's test first, once it hang on from numpy.linalg
import eig and the other time it ran successfully. After it ran
successfully, it ran numpy.test() successfully, too.

As you said, it is random.
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Problem with numpy.linalg.eig?

2007-11-12 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
On Nov 12, 2007 12:37 PM, Keith Goodman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 12, 2007 10:10 AM, Peter Creasey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The following code calling numpy v1.0.4 fails to terminate on my machine,
  which was not the case with v1.0.3.1
  from numpy import arange, float64
  from numpy.linalg import eig
  a = arange(13*13, dtype = float64)
  a.shape = (13,13)
  a = a%17

 It sounds like the same problem that was reported in this thread:

 A friend of mine says the windows binary of 1.0.4 also hangs on eigh
 and lstsq (so linalg in general). I don't have that problem on 1.0.5
 compiled on GNU/Linux.

 Numpy-discussion mailing list

The code hangs on my machine too. In the thread you mentioned above, I
wrote that using the EGG instead of MSI appears to fix the
numpy.test() problem, but maybe it just somehow hides it.
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Problem with numpy.linalg.eig?

2007-11-12 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
On Nov 12, 2007 10:26 PM, David Cournapeau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
  On Nov 12, 2007 12:37 PM, Keith Goodman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Nov 12, 2007 10:10 AM, Peter Creasey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The following code calling numpy v1.0.4 fails to terminate on my machine,
  which was not the case with v1.0.3.1
  from numpy import arange, float64
  from numpy.linalg import eig
  a = arange(13*13, dtype = float64)
  a.shape = (13,13)
  a = a%17
  It sounds like the same problem that was reported in this thread:
  The code hangs on my machine too. In the thread you mentioned above, I
  wrote that using the EGG instead of MSI appears to fix the
  numpy.test() problem, but maybe it just somehow hides it.
 When you use the MSI, can you always reproduce the problem ? As I said
 previously, it is hard to know for sure without being able to reproduce
 the bug on our own workstation, but if this is a problem between fortran
 and C argument passing, then the result can be pretty random since the
 problem reduced to a pointer pointing at a wrong address (crash, wrong
 value, etc...).



 Numpy-discussion mailing list

Yes, with the MSI I can always reproduce the problem with
numpy.test(). It always hangs.With the egg it does not hang. Pointer
problems are usually random, but not random if we are using the same
binaries in EGG and MSI and variables are always initialized to
certain value.
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] numpy 1.04 numpy.test() hang

2007-11-09 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
On Nov 8, 2007 10:06 PM, David Cournapeau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
  On Nov 8, 2007 12:12 PM, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
  Good morning.
  I just installed the Windows binary of numpy 1.04. When I ran
  numpy.test() in IDLE (the Python shell that comes with Python), the
  program hang (or at least is running for half an hour). I am using
  Windows XP, duel core intel CPU.
  Does anyone know what is going on?
  No. Run numpy.test(verbosity=2) so it will print out each test name before
  running the test. Then we might have some idea about where the hang is 
  coming from.
  Robert Kern
  I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless 
   that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it 
   an underlying truth.
   -- Umberto Eco
  Numpy-discussion mailing list
  Thanks for the hint, Robert.
  It hangs on  check_cdouble (numpy.tests.test_linalg.test_det).
  Also testip_not_allclose() had three warnings. I guess that's probably okay.
  testip_not_allclose (numpy.core.tests.test_numeric.test_allclose_inf) ...
  Warning: invalid value encountered in absolute
  Warning: invalid value encountered in absolute
  Warning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
 Are you on x86-64, too ? Which BLAS are you using ? This smells like a
 C/Fortran problem (because it happens with complex values only).



 Numpy-discussion mailing list

Hi David,

Although the processor is Intel Duo Core E6700, which supports x86-64,
I am only using 32-bit Windows XP. I am not using my own BLAS. I am
simply using the pre-compiled binary. I installed 1.04 over the old
1.031. I don't know if it is caused by some files that are left

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] numpy 1.04 numpy.test() hang

2007-11-09 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
On Nov 9, 2007 10:14 AM, Geoffrey Zhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 8, 2007 10:06 PM, David Cournapeau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
   On Nov 8, 2007 12:12 PM, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
   Good morning.
   I just installed the Windows binary of numpy 1.04. When I ran
   numpy.test() in IDLE (the Python shell that comes with Python), the
   program hang (or at least is running for half an hour). I am using
   Windows XP, duel core intel CPU.
   Does anyone know what is going on?
   No. Run numpy.test(verbosity=2) so it will print out each test name 
   running the test. Then we might have some idea about where the hang is 
   coming from.
   Robert Kern
   I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless 
that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though 
   it had
an underlying truth.
-- Umberto Eco
   Numpy-discussion mailing list
   Thanks for the hint, Robert.
   It hangs on  check_cdouble (numpy.tests.test_linalg.test_det).
   Also testip_not_allclose() had three warnings. I guess that's probably 
   testip_not_allclose (numpy.core.tests.test_numeric.test_allclose_inf) ...
   Warning: invalid value encountered in absolute
   Warning: invalid value encountered in absolute
   Warning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  Are you on x86-64, too ? Which BLAS are you using ? This smells like a
  C/Fortran problem (because it happens with complex values only).
  Numpy-discussion mailing list

 Hi David,

 Although the processor is Intel Duo Core E6700, which supports x86-64,
 I am only using 32-bit Windows XP. I am not using my own BLAS. I am
 simply using the pre-compiled binary. I installed 1.04 over the old
 1.031. I don't know if it is caused by some files that are left


Okay. I verified (by looking at which DLL python.exe actually loads)
that it is using _dotblas.pyd under
C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core that came with the pre-built
1.04 binary. It is not using any left-over from 1.031.
Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] numpy 1.04 numpy.test() hang

2007-11-08 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Good morning.

I just installed the Windows binary of numpy 1.04. When I ran
numpy.test() in IDLE (the Python shell that comes with Python), the
program hang (or at least is running for half an hour). I am using
Windows XP, duel core intel CPU.

Does anyone know what is going on?

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] numpy 1.04 numpy.test() hang

2007-11-08 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
On Nov 8, 2007 12:12 PM, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
  Good morning.
  I just installed the Windows binary of numpy 1.04. When I ran
  numpy.test() in IDLE (the Python shell that comes with Python), the
  program hang (or at least is running for half an hour). I am using
  Windows XP, duel core intel CPU.
  Does anyone know what is going on?

 No. Run numpy.test(verbosity=2) so it will print out each test name before
 running the test. Then we might have some idea about where the hang is coming 

 Robert Kern

 I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
  an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco
 Numpy-discussion mailing list

Thanks for the hint, Robert.

It hangs on  check_cdouble (numpy.tests.test_linalg.test_det).

Also testip_not_allclose() had three warnings. I guess that's probably okay.

testip_not_allclose (numpy.core.tests.test_numeric.test_allclose_inf) ...
Warning: invalid value encountered in absolute
Warning: invalid value encountered in absolute
Warning: invalid value encountered in less_equal

Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Bug in piecewise?

2007-10-19 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi All,

If I execute the following code, I find that function f() sometimes is
called with an empty array. I am not sure why this is necessary. Is
this a bug?

def f(x):
   return x**2
return numpy.piecewise(u, abs(u)1, [f, 0])

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Sum of the product of three or more arrays

2007-10-19 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
On 10/18/07, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
  Hi All,
  Given three vectors of the same lengths, X, Y, and Z, I am looking for
  an efficient way to calculate the following:
  sum(x[i]*y[i]*z[i], for i=1..n )


 Robert Kern

 I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
  an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco
 Numpy-discussion mailing list

Thanks Robert.

(x*y*z).sum() is probably faster than sum(x*y*z).
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Sum of the product of three or more arrays

2007-10-18 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
I think I figured out: sum(X*Y*Z).

Never mind.

On 10/18/07, Geoffrey Zhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 Given three vectors of the same lengths, X, Y, and Z, I am looking for
 an efficient way to calculate the following:

 sum(x[i]*y[i]*z[i], for i=1..n )

 I am not sure if there is a vectorized way to do this.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Sum of the product of three or more arrays

2007-10-18 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi All,

Given three vectors of the same lengths, X, Y, and Z, I am looking for
an efficient way to calculate the following:

sum(x[i]*y[i]*z[i], for i=1..n )

I am not sure if there is a vectorized way to do this.

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Extended Outer Product

2007-08-21 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
On 8/21/07, Timothy Hochberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/21/07, Charles R Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 8/20/07, Geoffrey Zhu  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Everyone,
   I am wondering if there is an extended outer product. Take the
   example in Guide to Numpy. Instead of doing an multiplication, I
   want to call a custom function for each pair.
print outer([1,2,3],[10,100,1000])
   [[ 10 100 1000]
   [ 20 200 2000]
   [ 30 300 3000]]
   So I want:
   [f(1,10), f(1,100), f(1,1000)],
   [f(2,10), f(2, 100), f(2, 1000)],
   [f(3,10), f(3, 100), f(3,1000)]
  Maybe something like
  In [15]: f = lambda x,y : x*sin(y)
  In [16]: a = array([[f(i,j) for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)])
  In [17]: a
  array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
 [ 0.,  0.84147098,  1.68294197],
 [ 0.,  0.90929743,  1.81859485]])
  I don't know if nested list comprehensions are faster than two nested
 loops, but at least they avoid array indexing.

 This is just a general comment on recent threads of this type and not
 directed specifically at Chuck or anyone else.

 IMO, the emphasis on avoiding FOR loops at all costs is misplaced. It is
 often more memory friendly and thus faster to vectorize only the inner loop
 and leave outer loops alone. Everything varies with the specific case of
 course, but trying to avoid FOR loops on principle is not a good strategy.

I agree. My original post asked for solutions without using two nested
for loops because I already know the two for loop solution. Besides, I
was hoping that some version of 'outer' will take in a function
reference and call the function instead of doing multiplifcation.
Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] numpy.array does not take generators

2007-08-16 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi All,

I want to construct a numpy array based on Python objects. In the
below code, opts is a list of tuples.

For example,

opts=[ ('C', 100, 3, 'A'), ('K', 200, 5.4, 'B')]

If I use a generator like the following:

K=numpy.array(o[2]/1000.0 for o in opts)

It does not work.

I have to use:

numpy.array([o[2]/1000.0 for o in opts])

Is this behavior intended?

By the way, it is quite inefficient to create numpy array this way,
because I have to create a regular python first, and then construct a
numpy array. But I do not want to store everything in vector form
initially, as it is more natural to store them in objects, and easier
to use when organizing the data. Does anyone know any better way?

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] How to implement a 'pivot table?'

2007-07-31 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi Timothy,

On 7/31/07, Timothy Hochberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  The 'brute-force' way is basically what you suggested -- looping
  through all the records and building a two-way hash-table of the data.
  The problem of the brute-force' approach is that it is not taking
  advantage of facilities of numpy and can be slow in speed. If only
  there is some built-in mechanism in numpy to handle this.

 I'm curious; have you tried this and found it slow, or is this a hunch based
 on the reputed slowness of Python? Algorithmically, you can't do much
 better: the dictionary and set operations are O(1), so the whole operation
 is O(N), and you won't do any better than that, order wise. What your left
 with is trying to reduce constant factors.

I agree that algorithmically you can't do much better. It is basically
a C vs Python thing. One advantage of numpy is that you can do
vectorized operations at the speed of C. With this algorithm, we have
to process the data element by element and the speed advantage of
numpy is lost. Since data has to be stored in python sets and maps, I
imagine the storage advantage is also lost.

I was in fact looking for some implemention of this algorithm in numpy
(and so C) that does exactly this, or some implementation of this
algorithm that can leverage the fast numpy routines to do this.

I haven't tried it with the real data load yet. I know the number of
records will be huge and it is just a hunch that it will be slow.

 There are various ways one might go about reducing constant factors, but
 they depend on the details of the problem. For example, if the dates are
 dense and you are going to parse them anyway, you could replace the hash
 with table that you index into with the date as an integer. I'm not sure
 that you are going to do a lot better than the brute force algorithm in the
 generic force case though.

Unfortunately it has to be something generic.

Thanks a lot for your help.
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] How to implement a 'pivot table?'

2007-07-30 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi Timothy,

On 7/30/07, Timothy Hochberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 7/30/07, Geoffrey Zhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Everyone,
  I am wondering what is the best (and fast) way to build a pivot table
  aside from the 'brute force way?'

 What's the brute force way? It's easier to offer an improved suggestion if
 we know what we're trying to beat.

  I want to transform an numpy array into a pivot table. For example, if
  I have a numpy array like below:
  Region Date  # of Units
  East1/1 10
  East1/1 20
  East1/2 30
  West   1/1 40
  West   1/2 50
  West   1/2 60
  I want  to transform this into the following table, where f() is a
  given aggregate function:
  Region   1/1  1/2
  East f(10,20) f(30)
  Westf(40) f(50,60)
  I can regroup them into 'sets' and do it the brute force way, but that
  is kind of slow to execute. Does anyone know a better way?

 I would use a python to dictionary to assemble lists of values. I would key
 off (region/date) tuples. In outline:

 map = {}
 dates = set()
 regions = set()
 for (region, date, units) in data:
 key = (region, date)
 if key not in map:
  map[key] = []

 Once you have map, regions and dates, you can trivially make a table as
 above.  The details will depend on what format you want the table to have,
 but it should be easy to do.

  Numpy-discussion mailing list

 .  __
 .   |-\
 Numpy-discussion mailing list

The 'brute-force' way is basically what you suggested -- looping
through all the records and building a two-way hash-table of the data.

The problem of the brute-force' approach is that it is not taking
advantage of facilities of numpy and can be slow in speed. If only
there is some built-in mechanism in numpy to handle this.

The other thing I am not sure is in your map object above, do I append
the row number to the numpy array or do I append the row object (such
as data[r])?

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Build external C functions that take numpy arrays as parameters and return numpy arrays

2007-07-29 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi Sebastian,

 Oooh - I see - there is the date: July 24 ...
 [ another email just came in is  from 7/18  ...]
 That's quite interesting.
 I have never seen such a delay before 
 Was some computer sitting on them being turnted off for 10 days ?   ;-)


Not knowing that the mailing list and the google group Numpy
Discussion are one and the same, originally I posted this question
through Google Groups. Until now it never showed up in the group. I
thought it was lost and made another post to the mailing list.

In fact with the help of people on this mailing list and some trial
and error, I have already built an extended moudle that does exactly

Thanks for your help.

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Build external C functions that take numpy arrays as parameters and return numpy arrays

2007-07-29 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
On 7/29/07, Lou Pecora [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wrote a basic article on C extensions using NumPy
 arrays on the site.  See:
 Cookbook/C_Extensions/NumPy at

 It's very basic, but should get you started.  Note
 that once you get the patterns down for NumPy then
 other extensions are mostly the same pattern over and

 -- Lou Pecora

That was the 'template' I was using.
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] C-extension -- how do I accept a vector of both type double and type int?

2007-07-26 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
On 7/26/07, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
  How do I handle this situation? Is there any way to access any data
  type that can be converted into a double?
  I usually use PyArray_FROM_OTF(). That handles the usual cases. It's 
  pretty much
  like starting off a pure Python function with asarray(x, dtype=whatever).
  That is going to make a copy of the memory every time and might slow
  down things a lot?
  Not if you pass it an array with the requested properties.
  Neat. Do you know if PyArray_FROM_OTF() increments the reference count
  of the returned object? The documentation does not say. My guess is


Hi Robert,

This is probably off the topic. Do you know such a function for
regular python objects? For example, I know a PyObject is a number,
but I don't know the exact type. Is there any quick way to convert it
to a C double type?

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] C-extension -- how do I accept a vector of both type double and type int?

2007-07-26 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
  How do I handle this situation? Is there any way to access any data
  type that can be converted into a double?
  I usually use PyArray_FROM_OTF(). That handles the usual cases. It's 
  pretty much
  like starting off a pure Python function with asarray(x, dtype=whatever).
  That is going to make a copy of the memory every time and might slow
  down things a lot?

 Not if you pass it an array with the requested properties.

Neat. Do you know if PyArray_FROM_OTF() increments the reference count
of the returned object? The documentation does not say. My guess is
Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] C-extension -- how do I accept a vector of both type double and type int?

2007-07-26 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi Everyone,

I finally build a C extension. The one problem I found is that it is
too picky about the input. For example, it accepts
array([1.0,2.0,3.0]) with no problem, but when I pass in
array([1,2,3]), since the dtype of the array is now int, my extension
does not like it.

How do I handle this situation? Is there any way to access any data
type that can be converted into a double?

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] C-extension -- how do I accept a vector of both type double and type int?

2007-07-26 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
On 7/26/07, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
  Hi Everyone,
  I finally build a C extension. The one problem I found is that it is
  too picky about the input. For example, it accepts
  array([1.0,2.0,3.0]) with no problem, but when I pass in
  array([1,2,3]), since the dtype of the array is now int, my extension
  does not like it.

 Okay. Show us the code that you are using, and we can help you find a better 

  How do I handle this situation? Is there any way to access any data
  type that can be converted into a double?

 I usually use PyArray_FROM_OTF(). That handles the usual cases. It's pretty 
 like starting off a pure Python function with asarray(x, dtype=whatever).

That is going to make a copy of the memory every time and might slow
down things a lot?
Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Should I use numpy array?

2007-07-25 Thread Geoffrey Zhu

I am writing a function that would take a list of datetime objects and
a list of single letter characters (such as [A,B,C]). The number
of items tend to be big and both the list and the numpy array have all
the functionalities I need.

Do you think I should use numpy arrays or the regular lists?

Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Compile extension modules with Visual Studio 2005

2007-07-24 Thread Geoffrey Zhu


I am about to write a C extension module. C functions in the module will
take and return numpy arrays. I found a tutorial online, but I am not sure
about the following:

1. Can I compile my extension with Visual Studio 2005? My impression is that
I will have to link with numpy libraries, and, if numpy was compiled with a
different compiler, I might have problems. However, if numpy is a DLL, maybe
there is a way that I can build a LIB file based on the DLL and link with
the LIB file. Does anyone have experience in doing this?

2. I am new to writing python extensions. The tutorial is doing things by
hand. Does anyone know what is the best way to do this? How about SWIG?

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Compile extension modules with Visual Studio 2005

2007-07-24 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi Robert,

On 7/24/07, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Geoffrey Zhu wrote:
  Thanks for your help. Do you know what exactly is the issue of having
  to use VS2003 to build extensions? If the interactions are done at DLL
  level, shouldn't call compilers that can generate DLLs work?

 Mostly it's an issue of the C runtime that is used for either compiler. C
 extensions need to use the same runtime as Python itself. Mostly.

If it is a problem of the runtime library conflict, I can probably
statically link the VS2005 runtime into my extension DLL and there
would be no conflict. Do you see any problems with this plan? :-)

  It doesn't look like using ctypes would be an option, as my goal is to
  'vectorize' some operations.

 You mean you need to use PyMultiIter objects for broadcasting? Yeah, that 
 require an extension.

I haven't looked at PyMultilter objects. I am just trying to build a
'vector version' of my C function so that it can do batch
calculations. For example, for a vector X, I can do

for x in X: y=my_func(x)

Or I can do Y=my_vector_func(X).

The latter is probably much more efficient. That's why I need the extension.


 Robert Kern

 I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
  an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Logical Selector

2007-07-20 Thread Geoffrey Zhu

Well maybe it is a bug on my box (thunderbird) but the topic of the
thread is -lmkl_lapack64 on i368 ??.
Nothing to do with  Logical Selector ;) Should I post another mail
about this topic?

ps : I'm just sorry for the noise if it is a bug on my side.


Hi Xavier,

I didn't know mailing lists track threads. The messages look all
independent in Microsoft Outlook. So I just hit reply on your message,
changed the title, and put in my message... Sorry about that. 


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Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Logical Selector

2007-07-18 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi Everyone,

I am finding that numpy cannot operate on boolean arrays. For example,
the following does not work:


x[x[:,0]x[:,1] and x[1:]1,:]

It gives me an syntax error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#74, line 1, in module
x[x[:,0]x[:,1] and x[1:]1,:]
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is
ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

However, this is not what I want. I want a piece-wise AND operation
on the two boolean vectors. In other words, the row is selected if both
are true. How do I accomplish this?

Many thanks,

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Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy and iterative procedures

2007-02-16 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
In fact I am not looking for an implementation but a method to update a
vector iteratively when the value of an item of the vector depend partly
on the already updated items and partly depend on the old items. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nils Wagner
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 9:19 AM
To: Discussion of Numerical Python
Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy and iterative procedures

Nadav Horesh wrote:
 At first glance it doesn't look hard to, at least, avoid looping over
i, by replacing [i] by [:-2], [i+1] by [1:-1] and [i+2] by [2:]. But I
might be wrong. Can you submit the piece of code with at least the most
internal loop?

I guess he is looking for an implementation of


 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Geoffrey Zhu
 Sent: Thu 15-Feb-07 18:32
 To:   Discussion of Numerical Python
 Subject:  Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy and iterative procedures

 Thanks Chuck.
 I am trying to use Successive Over-relaxation to solve linear 
 equations defined by M*v=q.
 There are several goals:
 1. Eventually (in production) I need it to be fast.
 2. I am playing with the guts of the algorithm for now, to see how it 
 works. that means i need some control for now.
 3. Even in production, there is a chance i'd like to have the ability 
 to tinker with the algorithm.


 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles R 
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 10:11 AM
 To: Discussion of Numerical Python
 Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy and iterative procedures

 On 2/15/07, Geoffrey Zhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

   I am new to numpy. I'd like to know if it is possible to code 
   iterative procedures with numpy.
   Specifically, I have the following problem.
   M is an N*N matrix. Q is a N*1 vector. V is an N*1 vector I am
   find iteratively from the initial value V_0. The procedure is
   (M[i,1]*v_{n+1}[1]+M[I,2]*v_{n+1}[2]+..+M[i,i-1]*v_{n+1}[i-1]) -
   I do not see that this is something that can esaily be
vectorized, is

 I think it would be better if you stated what the actual problem is.
 it a differential equation, for instance. That way we can determine
 the problem class is and what algorithms are available to solve it. 



 The  information in this email or in any file attached
 hereto is intended only for the personal and confiden-
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 of an offer to buy any financial product. Email trans-
 mission cannot be guaranteed to be  secure  or  error-
 free. P6070214


 Numpy-discussion mailing list
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy and iterative procedures

2007-02-16 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Hi Nadav,

The code is attached at the end. There is probably still bugs in there
but it does not prevent me from showing the difficulity.

If you look at the inner loop below, you will see that vector v is
updated element by element. The new value of v[i] depends on the new
value of v[i-1] and the old value of v[i+1]. Updating an element
involves the new values of the already updated elements and the old
values of the rest of the elements that we have yet to update. This
makes vectorization difficult.

for i in range(1,N-1):
err +=3D (temp[i]-v[i])**2


Complete code here;

def sor(v, L, D, U ,q, tol, w):
'''solve M*v=3Dq. return v.
L, D, U are the sub-diagonal, diagonal, and super-diagonal of the
matrix M.


N=3DD.shape[0] #number of elements
while err tol :
err +=3D (temp[0]-v[0])**2

for i in range(1,N-1):
err +=3D (temp[i]-v[i])**2

err +=3D (temp[N-1]-v[N-1])**2
return v

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nadav Horesh
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 8:52 AM
To: Discussion of Numerical Python
Subject: RE: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy and iterative procedures

At first glance it doesn't look hard to, at least, avoid looping over i,
by replacing [i] by [:-2], [i+1] by [1:-1] and [i+2] by [2:]. But I
might be wrong. Can you submit the piece of code with at least the most
internal loop?


-Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Geoffrey Zhu
Sent:   Thu 15-Feb-07 18:32
To: Discussion of Numerical Python
Subject:Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy and iterative procedures

Thanks Chuck.
I am trying to use Successive Over-relaxation to solve linear equations
defined by M*v=3Dq. 
There are several goals:
1. Eventually (in production) I need it to be fast.
2. I am playing with the guts of the algorithm for now, to see how it
works. that means i need some control for now.
3. Even in production, there is a chance i'd like to have the ability to
tinker with the algorithm. 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles R
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 10:11 AM
To: Discussion of Numerical Python
Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy and iterative procedures

On 2/15/07, Geoffrey Zhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 


I am new to numpy. I'd like to know if it is possible to code efficient
iterative procedures with numpy.

Specifically, I have the following problem.

M is an N*N matrix. Q is a N*1 vector. V is an N*1 vector I am trying 
find iteratively from the initial value V_0. The procedure is simply to

(M[i,1]*v_{n+1}[1]+M[I,2]*v_{n+1}[2]+..+M[i,i-1]*v_{n+1}[i-1]) -

I do not see that this is something that can esaily be vectorized, is

I think it would be better if you stated what the actual problem is. Is
it a differential equation, for instance. That way we can determine what
the problem class is and what algorithms are available to solve it. 


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Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Numpy and iterative procedures

2007-02-15 Thread Geoffrey Zhu

I am new to numpy. I'd like to know if it is possible to code efficient
iterative procedures with numpy. 

Specifically, I have the following problem.

M is an N*N matrix. Q is a N*1 vector. V is an N*1 vector I am trying to
find iteratively from the initial value V_0. The procedure is simply to

(M[i,1]*v_{n+1}[1]+M[I,2]*v_{n+1}[2]+..+M[i,i-1]*v_{n+1}[i-1]) -

I do not see that this is something that can esaily be vectorized, is


The  information in this email or in any file attached=0A=
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Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy and iterative procedures

2007-02-15 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
Thanks Chuck.

I am trying to use Successive Over-relaxation to solve linear equations
defined by M*v=q.

There are several goals:

1. Eventually (in production) I need it to be fast.
2. I am playing with the guts of the algorithm for now, to see how it
works. that means i need some control for now.
3. Even in production, there is a chance i'd like to have the ability to
tinker with the algorithm.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles R
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 10:11 AM
To: Discussion of Numerical Python
Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy and iterative procedures

On 2/15/07, Geoffrey Zhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am new to numpy. I'd like to know if it is possible to code
iterative procedures with numpy.

Specifically, I have the following problem.

M is an N*N matrix. Q is a N*1 vector. V is an N*1 vector I am
trying to
find iteratively from the initial value V_0. The procedure is
simply to

(M[i,1]*v_{n+1}[1]+M[I,2]*v_{n+1}[2]+..+M[i,i-1]*v_{n+1}[i-1]) -

I do not see that this is something that can esaily be
vectorized, is

I think it would be better if you stated what the actual problem is. Is
it a differential equation, for instance. That way we can determine what
the problem class is and what algorithms are available to solve it.



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mission cannot be guaranteed to be  secure  or  error-
free. P6070214

Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Confusing selector?

2007-02-15 Thread Geoffrey Zhu
I am really new to numpy but I just found that v[2:4] means selecting
v[2] and v[3]. V[4] is not included! This is quite different from the
conventions of matlab and R. 

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Numpy-discussion mailing list