Re: [Numpy-discussion] combinatorics

2010-03-04 Thread Johan Grönqvist
Ernest Adrogué skrev:
 Suppose I want to find all 2-digit numbers whose first digit
 is either 4 or 5, the second digit being 7, 8 or 9.
 I came up with this function, the problem is it uses recursion:
 In [157]: g([[4,5],[7,8,9]])
 Out[157]: [[4, 7], [4, 8], [4, 9], [5, 7], [5, 8], [5, 9]]
 Is important that it works with more than two sets too.
 Any idea is appreciated.

The one-line function defined below using only standard python seems to 
work for me (CPython 2.5.5).

The idea you had was to first merge the two first lists, and then merge 
the resulting lists with the third, and so on. This is exactly the idea 
behind the reduce function, called fold in other languages, and you 
recursive call can be replaced by a call to reduce.

/ johan

In [5]: def a(xss):
 return reduce(lambda xss, ys: [ xs + [y] for xs in xss for y in ys 
], xss, [[]])

In [7]: a([[4, 5], [7, 8, 9]])
Out[7]: [[4, 7], [4, 8], [4, 9], [5, 7], [5, 8], [5, 9]]

In [8]: a([[4, 5], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13]])
[[4, 7, 10],
  [4, 7, 11],
  [4, 7, 12],
  [4, 7, 13],
  [4, 8, 10],
  [4, 8, 11],
  [4, 8, 12],
  [4, 8, 13],
  [4, 9, 10],
  [4, 9, 11],
  [4, 9, 12],
  [4, 9, 13],
  [5, 7, 10],
  [5, 7, 11],
  [5, 7, 12],
  [5, 7, 13],
  [5, 8, 10],
  [5, 8, 11],
  [5, 8, 12],
  [5, 8, 13],
  [5, 9, 10],
  [5, 9, 11],
  [5, 9, 12],
  [5, 9, 13]]

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] numpy.linalg.eig memory issue with libatlas?

2009-10-07 Thread Johan Grönqvist
[I am resending this as the previous attempt seems to have failed]

Hello List,

I am looking at memory errors when using numpy.linalg.eig().

Short version:

I had memory errors in numpy.linalg.eig(), and I have reasons (valgrind)
to believe these are due to writing to incorrect memory addresses in the
diagonalization routine zgeev, called by numpy.linalg.eig().

I realized that I had recently installed atlas, and now had several
lapack-like libraries, so I uninstalled atlas, and the issues seemed to
go away.

My question is: Could it be that some lapack/blas/atlas package I use is
incompatible with the numpy I use, and if so, is there a method to
diagnose this in a more reliable way?

Longer version:

The system used is an updated debian testing (squeeze), on amd64.
My program uses numpy, matplotlib, and a module compiled using cython.

I started getting errors from my program this week. Pdb and
print-statements tell me that the errors arise around the point where I
call numpy.linalg.eig(), but not every time. The type of error varies.
Most frequently a segmentation fault, but sometimes a matrix dimension
mismatch, and sometimes a message related to the python GC.

Valgrind tells me that something impossible happened, and that this is
probably due to invalid writes earlier during the program execution.
There seems to be two invalid writes after each program crash, and the
log looks like this (it only contains two invalid writes):

==6508== Invalid write of size 8
==6508==at 0x92D2597: zunmhr_ (in /usr/lib/atlas/
==6508==by 0x920A42B: zlaqr3_ (in /usr/lib/atlas/
==6508==by 0x9205D11: zlaqr0_ (in /usr/lib/atlas/
==6508==by 0x91B0C4D: zhseqr_ (in /usr/lib/atlas/
==6508==by 0x911CA15: zgeev_ (in /usr/lib/atlas/
==6508==by 0x881B81B: lapack_lite_zgeev (lapack_litemodule.c:590)
==6508==by 0x4911D4: PyEval_EvalFrameEx (ceval.c:3612)
==6508==by 0x491CE1: PyEval_EvalFrameEx (ceval.c:3698)
==6508==by 0x4924CC: PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2875)
==6508==by 0x490F17: PyEval_EvalFrameEx (ceval.c:3708)
==6508==by 0x4924CC: PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2875)
==6508==by 0x4DC991: function_call (funcobject.c:517)
==6508==  Address 0x67ab118 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
==6508== Invalid write of size 8
==6508==at 0x92D25A8: zunmhr_ (in /usr/lib/atlas/
==6508==by 0x920A42B: zlaqr3_ (in /usr/lib/atlas/
==6508==by 0x9205D11: zlaqr0_ (in /usr/lib/atlas/
==6508==by 0x91B0C4D: zhseqr_ (in /usr/lib/atlas/
==6508==by 0x911CA15: zgeev_ (in /usr/lib/atlas/
==6508==by 0x881B81B: lapack_lite_zgeev (lapack_litemodule.c:590)
==6508==by 0x4911D4: PyEval_EvalFrameEx (ceval.c:3612)
==6508==by 0x491CE1: PyEval_EvalFrameEx (ceval.c:3698)
==6508==by 0x4924CC: PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2875)
==6508==by 0x490F17: PyEval_EvalFrameEx (ceval.c:3708)
==6508==by 0x4924CC: PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2875)
==6508==by 0x4DC991: function_call (funcobject.c:517)
==6508==  Address 0x67ab110 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
valgrind: m_mallocfree.c:248 (get_bszB_as_is): Assertion 'bszB_lo ==
bszB_hi' failed.
valgrind: Heap block lo/hi size mismatch: lo = 96, hi = 0.
This is probably caused by your program erroneously writing past the
end of a heap block and corrupting heap metadata.  If you fix any
invalid writes reported by Memcheck, this assertion failure will
probably go away.  Please try that before reporting this as a bug.

Today I looked in my package installation logs to see what had changed
recently, and I noticed that I installed atlas (debian package
libatlas3gf-common) recently. I uninstalled that package, and now the
same program seems to have no memory errors.

The packages I removed from the system today were

My interpretation is that I had several packages available containing
the diagonalization functionality, but that they differed subtly in
their interfaces. My recent installation of atlas made numpy use (the
incompatible) atlas instead of its previous choice, and removal of atlas
restored the situation to the state of last week.

Now for the questions: Is this a reasonable hypothesis?
Is it known? Can it be investigated more precisely by comparing versions


/ johan

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Create 2D array from EXISTING 1D array

2009-09-14 Thread Johan Grönqvist
Ruben Salvador skrev:
 [...] I want to create a 2D array where each 
 *row* is a copy of an already existing 1D array. For example:

 In [25]: a
 Out[25]: array([1, 2, 3])
 In [30]: b
 array([[1, 2, 3],
 [1, 2, 3],
 [1, 2, 3],
 [1, 2, 3],
 [1, 2, 3]])

Without understanding anything, this seems to work:

jo...@johan-laptop:~$ python
Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Feb 18 2009, 03:00:47)
[GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import numpy as np
  a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
  b = np.zeros((5, 3))
  b[:, :] = a
array([[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
[ 1.,  2.,  3.]])

Hope it helps

/ johan

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] future directions

2009-08-28 Thread Johan Grönqvist
Neil Martinsen-Burrell skrev:
 The persistence of the idea that removing Numpy's legacy features will 
 only be annoyance is inimical to the popularity of the whole Numpy 
 project.  [...] Once scientists have working codes it is more than an 
 annoyance to have to change those codes.  In some cases, it may be the 
 motivation for people to use other software packages.
 For software developers, 
 compatibility-breaking changes seem like they call for just a few small 
 tweaks to the code.  For scientists who work with software, those same 
 changes may call for never choosing Numpy again in the future.

I very much agree, and similar (a bit worse, actually) behaviour in 
another product is an important reason why I am trying to switch to 
numpy (and I enjoy talking badly about that other product when 

If the proposed changes seem important, I would appreciate having a 
namespace called numpy.legacy or numpy.deprecated or numpy.1dotX, that 
retains all the old functions. That would only be a small annoyance (to 
me) if importing the right thing could be handled in code when moving 
between machines having different versions of numpy.

(something like
from numpy import version
if version  x.y:
import numpy.legacy
import numpy

All IMHO, my 2 cents etc.


/ johan

NumPy-Discussion mailing list