Re: [Numpy-discussion] PEP: named axis

2009-02-11 Thread Lars Friedrich
Hello list,

I am not sure, if I understood everything of the discussion on the 
named-axis-idea of numpy-arrays, since I am only a *user* of numpy. I 
never subclassed the numpy-array-class ;-)

However, I have the need to store meta-information for my arrays. I do 
this with a stand-alone class with the name 'Wave' that stores its data 
in a n-dimensional numpy-array as a member. The meta-information I store 
(using dicts and lists) is

* coordinateLabel per axis
* x0 per axis
* dx per axis

This concept is taken from the data structures in the commercial 
software IGOR, that are also called 'Waves'. An example would be an 
image I took with a microscope. The data would be 2d, say shape = (640, 
480) holding the intesity information per pixel. x0 could then be 
[-1e-6, -2e-6] and dx [100e-9, 100e-9] meaning that the image's pixel 
index [0,0] corresponds to a position of -1micrometer/-2micrometer and 
the pixels have a spacing of 100nanometers. coordinateLabels would be 
['x(m)', 'y(m)'].

If I have a movie, the data would be 3d with x0 = [-1e-6, -2e-6, 0], dx 
= [100e-9, 100e-9, 100e-3] and coordinateLabels = ['x(m)', 'y(m)', 
't(s)'] for a frame rate of 10 fps.

What I would like to say with this is the following (as a user...) :

* Meta-information is often necessary
* A string-label per axis is often not enough. Scaling is also important
* I like the idea of a most-basic-as-possible numpy-array. In my 
opinion, the meta-data-management should be done by another (sub-?) 
class. This way, numpy-arrays are simple enough for new users (as I was 
roughly two years ago...).

I would be very interested in a class that *uses* numpy-arrays to 
provide a datastructure for physical data with coordinate labels and 

Lars Friedrich

Dipl.-Ing. Lars Friedrich

Bio- and Nano-Photonics
Department of Microsystems Engineering -- IMTEK
University of Freiburg
Georges-Köhler-Allee 102
D-79110 Freiburg

phone: +49-761-203-7531
fax:   +49-761-203-7537
room:  01 088
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] histogramdd memory needs

2008-02-04 Thread Lars Friedrich

 2) Is there a way to use another algorithm (at the cost of performance)
  that uses less memory during calculation so that I can generate bigger
 You could work through your array block by block. Simply fix the range and
 generate an histogram for each slice of 100k data and sum them up at the

Thank you for your answer.

I sliced the (original) data into blocks. However, when I do this, I 
need at least twice the memory for the whole histogram (one for the 
temporary result and one for accumulating the total result). Assuming my 
histogram has a size of (280**3)*8 = 176 (megabytes) this does not help, 
I think.

What I will try next is to compute smaller parts of the big histogram 
and combine them at the end. (Slice the histogram into blocks) Is it 
this, that you were recommending?

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] fourier with single precision

2007-08-07 Thread Lars Friedrich
Thank you for your comments!

I will try this fftw3-scipy approach and see how much faster I can get. 
Maybe this is enough for me...?

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] fourier with single precision

2007-08-06 Thread Lars Friedrich

thanks for your comments. If I got you right, I should look for a 
FFT-code that uses SSE (what does this actually stand for?), which means 
that it vectorizes 32bit-single-operations into larger chunks that make 
efficient use of recent CPUs.

You mentioned FFTW and MKL. Is this and the 'intel math 
kernel library'? If I would like to use one of them, is numpy the right 
place to put it in?

Does anyone know, if it is possible to switch on SSE support (at compile 
time) in the fftpack.c that numpy uses?


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] fourier with single precision

2007-08-02 Thread Lars Friedrich

David Cournapeau wrote:
 As far as I can read from the fft code in numpy, only double is 
 supported at the moment, unfortunately. Note that you can get some speed 
 by using scipy.fftpack methods instead, if scipy is an option for you.

What I understood is that numpy uses FFTPACK's algorithms. From (is this the right address?) I took that there is 
a single-precision and double-precision-version of the algorithms. How 
hard would it be (for example for me...) to add the single-precision 
versions to numpy? I am not a decent C-hacker, but if someone tells me, 
that this task is not *too* hard, I would start looking more closely at 
the code...

Would it make sense, that if one passes an array of dtype = 
numpy.float32 to the fft function, a complex64 is returned, and if one 
passes an array of dtype = numpy.float64, a complex128 is returned?

Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] fourier with single precision

2007-08-01 Thread Lars Friedrich

is there a way to tell numpy.fft.fft2 to use complex64 instead of 
complex128 as output dtype to speed the up transformation?

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] tofile speed

2007-07-25 Thread Lars Friedrich

I tried the following:

### start code

a = N.random.rand(100)

myFile = file('test.bin', 'wb')

for i in range(100):


### end code

And this gives roughly 50 MB/s on my office-machine but only 6.5 MB/s on 
the machine that I was reporting about.

Both computers use Python 2.4.3 with enthought 1.0.0 and numpy 1.0.1

So I think I will go and check the harddisk-drivers. array.tofile does 
not seem to be the problem and actually seems to be very fast. Any other 

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] tofile speed

2007-07-24 Thread Lars Friedrich
Hello everyone,

thank you for the replies.

Sebastian, the chunk size is roughly 4*10^6 samples, with two byte per 
sample, this is about 8MB. I can vary this size, but increasing it only 
helps for much smaller values. For example, when I use a size of 100 
Samples, I am much too slow. It gets better for 1000 Samples, 1 
Samples and so on. But since I already reached a chunksize in the region 
of megabytes, I have difficulties to increase my buffer size further. I 
also have the feeling that increasing does not help in this size region. 
(correct me if I am wrong...)

Chuck, I am using a Windows XP system with a new (few months old) Maxtor 

Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] tofile speed

2007-07-23 Thread Lars Friedrich
Hello everyone,

I am using array.tofile successfully for a data-acqusition-streaming 
application. I mean that I do the following:

for a long time:
temp = dataAcquisisionDevice.getData()

temp is a numpy array that is used for storing the data temporarily. The 
data acquisition device is acquiring continuously and writing the data 
to a buffer from which I can read with .getData(). This works fine, but 
of course, when I turn the sample rate higher, there is a point when 
temp.toFile is too slow. The dataAcquisitionDevice's buffer will run 
full before I can fetch the data again.

(temp has a size of ~Mbyte, and the for loop has a period of ~0.5 
seconds so that increasing the chunk size won't help)

I have no idea how efficient array.tofile() is. Maybe it is terribly 
efficient and what I see is just the limitation of my hardware 
(harddisk). Currently I can stream with roughly 4 Mbyte/s, which is 
quite fast, I guess. However, if anyone can point me to a way to write 
my data to harddisk faster, I would be very happy!



Dipl.-Ing. Lars Friedrich

Photonic Measurement Technology
Department of Microsystems Engineering -- IMTEK
University of Freiburg
Georges-Köhler-Allee 102
D-79110 Freiburg

phone: +49-761-203-7531
fax:   +49-761-203-7537
room:  01 088
Numpy-discussion mailing list