Re: [Numpy-discussion] Announcing Bokeh 0.2: interactive web plotting for Python

2013-11-06 Thread Peter Wang
Hi Sebastian,

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 4:55 AM, Sebastian Haase wrote:

 you projects looks really great!
 I was wondering if you are making use of any pre-existing javascript
 plotting library like flot or flotr2 ?
 And if not, what are your reasons ?

We did not use any pre-existing JS plotting library.  At the time we were
exploring our options (and I believe this still to be the case), the
plotting libraries were all architected to (1) have their plots specified
by JS code, (2) interact with mouse/keyboard via DOM events and JS
callbacks; (3) process data locally in the JS namespace.  Flot was one of
the few that actually had any support for callbacks to retrieve data from a
server, but even so, its data model was very limited.

We recognized that in order to support good interaction with a non-browser
language, we would need a JS runtime that was *designed* to sync its object
models with server-side state, which could then be produced and modified by
other languages.  (Python is the first language for Bokeh, of course, but
other languages should be pretty straightforward.)  We also wanted to
structure the interaction model at a higher level, and offer the
configuration of interactions from a non-JS language.

It's not entirely obvious from our current set of initial examples, but if
you use the output_server() mode of bokeh, and you grab the Plot object
via curplot(), you can modify graphical and data attributes of the plot,
and *they are reflected in realtime in the browser*.  This is independent
of whether your plot is in an output cell of an IPython notebook, or
embedded in some HTML page you wrote - the BokehJS library powering those
plots are watching for server-side model updates automagically.

Lastly, most of the JS plotting libraries that we saw took a very
traditional perspective on information visualization, i.e. they treat it as
mostly as a rendering task.  So, you pass in some configuration and it
rasters some pixels on a backend or outputs some SVG.  None of the ones I
looked at used a scene-graph approach to info viz.  Even the venerable
d3.js did not do this; it is a scripting layer over DOM (including SVG),
and its core concepts are the primitives of the underlying drawing system,
and not ones appropriate to the infovis task.  (Only recently did they add
an axis object, and there still is not any reification of coordinate
spaces and such AFAIK.)

The charting libraries that build on top of d3 (e.g. nvd3 and d3-chart)
exist for a reason... but they mostly just use d3 as a fancy SVG rendering
layer.  And, once again, they live purely in Javascript, leaving
server-side data and state management as an exercise to the

FWIW, I have CCed the Bokeh discussion list, which is perhaps a more
appropriate list for further discussion on this topic.  :-)

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Announcing Bokeh 0.2: interactive web plotting for Python

2013-10-24 Thread Peter Wang
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 7:39 AM, Jason Grout jason-s...@creativetrax.comwrote:

 On 10/23/13 6:00 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
  The project website (with interactive gallery) is at:

 Just a suggestion: could you put the source below each gallery image,
 like matplotlib does in their gallery?  I see lots of pretty plots, but
 I have to go digging in github or somewhere to see how you made these
 plots.  Since Bokeh is (at least partly) about making beautiful plots
 easy, showing off the source code is half of the story.

Thanks for the suggestion - we actually did have that at one point, but
experienced some formatting issues and are working on addressing that today.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Announcing Bokeh 0.2: interactive web plotting for Python

2013-10-24 Thread Peter Wang
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 6:36 AM, Jason Grout jason-s...@creativetrax.comwrote:

 On 10/24/13 6:35 AM, Jason Grout wrote:
  This looks really cool.  I was checking out how easy it would be to
  embed in the Sage Cell Server [1].  I briefly looked at the code, and it
  appears that the IPython notebook mode does not use nodejs, redis,
  gevent, etc.?  Is that right?

 Or maybe the better way to phrase it is: what are the absolute minimum
 dependencies if all I want to do is to display in the IPython notebook?

You actually should not need nodejs, redis, and gevent if you just want to
embed the full source code of bokeh.js into the IPython notebook itself.
 Also, the data will be baked into the DOM as javascript variables.

You will still have interactivity *within* plots inside a single Notebook,
but they will not drive events back to the server side.  Also, if your data
is large, then the notebook will also get pretty big.  (We will be working
on more efficient encodings in a future release.)

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Announcing Bokeh 0.2: interactive web plotting for Python

2013-10-24 Thread Peter Wang
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Jason Grout

 It would be really cool if you could hook into the new IPython comm
  infrastructure to push events back to the server in IPython (this is not
 quite merged yet, but probably ready for experimentation like this).
 The comm infrastructure basically opens up a communication channel
 between objects on the server and the browser.  Messages get sent over
 the normal IPython channels.  The server and browser objects just use
 either send() or an on_message() handler.  See

Yeah, I think we should definitely look into integrating with this
mechanism for when we are embedded in a Notebook.  However, we always want
the underlying infrastructure to be independent of IPython Notebook,
because we want people to be able to build analytical applications on top
of these components.

 Here's a very simple example of the Comm implementation working with
 matplotlib images in the Sage Cell server (which is built on top of the
 IPython infrastructure): (I'd
 love to see a bokeh version of this sort of thing :).

This is interesting, and introducing widgets is already on the roadmap,
tentatively v0.4.  When running against a plot server, Bokeh plots already
push selections back to the server side.  (That's how the linked brushing
in e.g. this example works:

Our immediate short-term priorities for 0.3 are improving the layout
mechanism, incorporating large data processing into the plot server, and
investigating basic interop with Matplotlib objects.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Announcing Bokeh 0.2: interactive web plotting for Python

2013-10-23 Thread Peter Wang
Hi everyone,

I'm excited to announce the v0.2 release of Bokeh, an interactive web
plotting library for Python.  The long-term vision for Bokeh is to
provide rich interactivity, using the full power of Javascript and
Canvas, to Python users who don't need to write any JS or learn
the DOM.

The full blog post announcement is here:

The project website (with interactive gallery) is at:

And the Git repo is:

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Blaze

2012-10-31 Thread Peter Wang
On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Charles R Harris

 Thanks. I've been trying to keep an eye on this but it is difficult to
 find the details. I think the beta was scheduled for sometime in December.

Hey guys,

We're hoping to get a first release out by the end of the November, per
Stephen's slides.   It's taken a while to get some of the fundamentals
hashed out to a point that we were happy with, and that could form a solid
core to iterate on.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Reminder: Last day of early registration for PyData NYC conference!

2012-10-12 Thread Peter Wang
Hi everyone,

Just a friendly reminder that today is the final day of early
registration for the PyData NYC conference later this month!  We have
a fantastic lineup of talks and workshops on a variety of topics
related to Python for data analysis, including topics that are hard to
find at other conferences (e.g. practical perspectives on Python and
Hadoop, using Python and R, etc.).

Use the discount code numpy for a 20% discount off of registration!

We are also looking for sponsors.  We are proud to feature D. E. Shaw,
JP Morgan, and Appnexus as gold sponsors.  If your company or
organization would like some visibility in front of a few hundred
Python data hackers, please visit our sponsor information page:

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] PyData NYC 2012 Speakers and Talks announced!

2012-09-28 Thread Peter Wang
Hi everyone,

The PyData NYC team and Continuum Analytics are proud to announce the full
lineup of talks and speakers for the PyData NYC 2012 event!  We're thrilled
with the exciting lineup of workshops, hands-on tutorials, and talks about
real-world uses of Python for data analysis.

The list of presenters and talk abstracts are also available, and are
linked from the schedule page.

For those who will be in town on Thursday evening of October 25th, there
will be a special PyData edition of Drinks  Data at Dewey's Flatiron.
 It'll be a great chance to socialize and meet with PyData presenters and
other attendees.  Register here:

We're also proud to be part of the NYC DataWeek:  The week of October 22nd
is going to be a great time to be in New York!

Lastly, we are still looking for sponsors!  If you want to get your company
recognition in front of a few hundred Python data hackers and hardcore
developers, PyData will be a premier venue to showcase your products or
recruit exceptional talent.  Please visit to inquire about sponsorship.
 In addition to the conference sponsorship, charter sponsorships for dinner
Friday night, as well as the Sunday Hack-a-thon event are all open.

Please help us promote the conference! Tell your friends, email your meetup
groups, and follow @PyDataConf on Twitter.  Early registration ends in just
a few weeks, so register today!

See you there!

-Peter Wang
Organizer, PyData NYC 2012
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] NumPy 1.7 release delays

2012-06-27 Thread Peter Wang
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Charles R Harris wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 7:20 AM, John Hunter wrote:
 because the original developers are gone.  So people are loathe to
 upgrade.  It is certainly true that deprecations that have lived for a
 single point release cycle have not been vetted by a large part of the
 user community.

 I'd also venture a guess that many of those installations don't have
 adequate test suites.

Depends how you define adequate.  If these companies stopped being
able to make money, model science, or serve up web applications due to
the lack of a test suite, then they would immediately put all their
efforts on it.  But for users for whom Numpy (and software in general)
is merely a means to an end, the management of technical debt and
future technology risk is merely one component of all the risk factors
facing the organization.  Every hour spent managing code and technical
debt is an hour of lost business opportunity, and that balance is very
conscientiously weighed and oftentimes the decision is not in the
direction of quality of software process.

In my experience, it's a toss up.. most people have reasonable unit
tests and small integration tests, but large scale smoke tests can be
very difficult to maintain or to justify to upper management.  Because
Numpy can be both a component of larger software or a direct tool in
its own right, I've found that it makes a big difference whether an
organization sees code as a means to an end, or an ends unto itself.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Peter Wang
On Feb 16, 2012, at 12:08 AM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 The question is more about what can possibly be done about it. To really
 shift power, my hunch is that the only practical way would be to, like
 Mark said, make sure there are very active non-Continuum-employed
 developers. But perhaps I'm wrong.
 It's not obvious to me that there isn't a set of guidelines,
 procedures, structures that would help to keep things clear in this

Matthew, I think this is the crux of the issue.

There are two kinds of disagreements which could polarize Numpy development: 
disagreements over vision/values, and disagreements over implementation.  The 
latter can be (and has been) resolved in an ad-hoc fashion because we are all 
consenting adults here, and as long as there is a consensus about the shared 
values (i.e. long-term vision) of the project, we can usually work something 

Disagreements over values and long-term vision are the ones that actually do 
split developer communities, and which procedural guidelines are really quite 
poor at resolving.  In the realm of open source software, value differences 
(most commonly, licensing disagreements) generally manifest as forks, 
regardless of what governance may be in place.  At the end of the day, you 
cannot compel people to continue committing to a project that they feel is 
going the *wrong direction*, not merely the right direction in the wrong way.

In the physical world, where we are forced to share geographic space with 
people who may have vastly different values, it is useful to have a framework 
for resolution of value differences, because a fork attempt usually means 
physical warfare.  Hence, constitutions, checks  balances, impeachment 
procedures, etc. are all there to avoid forking.  But with software, forks are 
not so costly, and not always a bad thing.  Numpy itself arose from merging 
Numeric and its fork, Numarray, and and EGCS are examples of big forks of 
major projects which later became the mainline trunk.  In short, even if you 
*could* put governance in place to prevent a fork, that's not always a Good 
Thing.  Creative destruction is vital to the health of any organism or 
ecosystem, because that is how evolution frequently achieves its greatest 

Of course, this is not to say that I have any desire to see Numpy forked.  What 
I *do* desire is a modular, extensible core of Numpy will allow the 
experimentation and creative destruction to occur, while minimizing the merge 
effort when people realize that someone cool has been developed.  Lowering the 
barrier to entry for hacking on the core array code is not merely for 
Continuum's benefit, but rather will benefit the ecosystem as a whole.

No matter how one feels about the potential conflicts of interest, I think we 
can all agree that the alternative of stagnation is far, far worse.  The only 
way to avoid stagnation is to give the hackers and rebels plenty of room to 
play, while ensuring a stable base platform for end users and downstream 
projects to avoid code churn.  Travis's and Mark's roadmap proposals for 
creating a modular core and an extensible C-level ABI are a key technical 
mechanism for achieving this.

Ultimately, procedures and guidelines are only a means to an end, not an ends 
unto themselves.  Curiously enough, I have not yet seen anyone articulate the 
desire for those *ends* themselves to be written down or manifest as a 
document.  Now, if the Numpy developers want to produce a vision document or 
values statement for the project, I think that would help as a reference 
point for any potential disagreements over the direction of the project as 
commercial stakeholders become involved.  But, of course, the request for such 
a document is itself an unfunded mandate, so it's perfectly possible we may get 
a one-liner like make Python scientific computing awesome.  :-)


Disclaimer: I work with Travis at Continuum.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Peter Wang
On Feb 15, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 Honestly - as I was saying to Alan and indirectly to Ben - any formal
 model - at all - is preferable to the current situation. Personally, I
 would say that making the founder of a company, which is working to
 make money from Numpy, the only decision maker on numpy - is - scary.

How is this different from the situation of the last 4 years?  Travis was 
President at Enthought, which makes money from not only Numpy but SciPy as 
well.  In addition to employing Travis, Enthought also employees many other key 
contributors to Numpy and Scipy, like Robert and David.  Furthermore, the Scipy 
and Numpy mailing lists and repos and web pages were all hosted at Enthought.  
If they didn't like how a particular discussion was going, they could have 
memory-holed the entire conversation from the archives, or worse yet, revoked 
commit access and reverted changes.

But such things never transpired, and of course most of us know that such 
things would never happen.  I don't see why the current situation is any 
different from the previous situation, other than the fact that Travis actually 
plans on actively developing Numpy again, and that hardly seems scary.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Scipy 2011 Convore thread now open

2011-07-12 Thread Peter Wang
Hi folks,

I have gone ahead and created a Convore group for the SciPy 2011 conference:

I have already created threads for each of the tutorial topics, and
once the conference is underway, we'll create threads for each talk,
so that audience can interact and post questions.  Everyone is welcome
to create topics of their own, in addition to the official
conference topics.

For those who are unfamiliar with Convore, it is a cross between a
mailing list and a very souped-up IRC.  It's usable for aynchronous
discussion, but great for realtime, topical chats.  Those of you who
were at PyCon this year probably saw what a wonderful tool Convore
proved to be for a tech conference.  People used it for everything
from BoF planning to dinner coordination to good-natured heckling of
lightning talk speakers.  I'm hoping that it will be used to similarly
good effect for the SciPy

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Anybody going to PyCon?

2011-03-10 Thread Peter Wang
I will be there tonight through Sunday night.

I posted on Convore about a Visualization BoF, which may be of
interest to folks in the numpy/scipy crowd:

See you all there!


On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 3:53 AM, Gökhan Sever wrote:

 I am going to the PyCon this week. I am presenting a poster about an
 atmospheric sciences related project -- the most active development
 from my coding site over at

 Is there anybody in the community participating there as well? Any
 plans for sprinting or similar activities?

 See you at PyCon.

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] How to include numpy headers in C across versions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3

2009-05-11 Thread Peter Wang
Hey guys,

I've got a small C extension that uses isnan() and (in numpy 1.1) had  
been importing it from ufuncobject.h.  I see that it has now moved  
into npy_math.h in 1.3.

What is the best way to ensure that I can reliably include this  
function across versions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3?  (Checking  
NPY_FEATURE_VERSION won't work, since it did not change from 1.2 to  
1.3, although the location of the function definition did.)

My best idea right now is to simply do a numpy version check in my, and hard-code some macros at the top of my C extension to  
#include the appropriate headers for each version.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] numpy-svn mails

2009-03-06 Thread Peter Wang
On Mar 6, 2009, at 12:46 PM, Charles R Harris wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 8:28 AM, Ryan May wrote:

 Is anyone getting mails of the SVN commits?  I've gotten 1 spam  
 message from that list, but no commits.


 I'm not seeing them either...Chuck

Hey guys, I'm working on this problem now.  You might see a spurious  
email here or there, and I will let everyone know on both scipy and  
numpy lists when they are going again.

In the interim, please use Trac to look at checkins:

Thanks for your patience,
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Missing svn mailings?

2009-03-05 Thread Peter Wang
On Mar 5, 2009, at 1:16 PM, Charles R Harris wrote:

 It looks like the new system is failing to mail svn commit  
 notifications... Chuck

Thanks for the heads up; it should be fixed now.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] NumPy SVN?

2009-03-04 Thread Peter Wang
On Mar 4, 2009, at 8:37 AM, David Cournapeau wrote:

 Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
 Is commit to NumPy SVN still turned off?   How do I get a working SVN

 It is on - I could commit a few things 1-2 hours ago. If you still get
 an administrative error message (repo is read only ...), it means  
 are on the old repo.


Yeah, this is an Enthought-internal IT issue, which I will fix this  
morning as soon as I get in to the office.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] SVN and Trac servers are back up

2009-03-03 Thread Peter Wang
Hi everyone,

We have moved the scipy and numpy Trac and SVN servers to a new  
machine.  We have also moved the scikits SVN repository, but not its  
Trac (  The SVN repositories for wavelets,  
mpi4py, and other projects that are hosted on scipy have not been  
moved yet, and will be temporarily unavailable until we get them moved  

Please poke around (gently!) and let us know if you experience any  
broken links, incorrect redirects, and the like.  A few things to note:

  - The URLs for the trac pages have been simplified to:
You should be seemlessly redirected to these sites if you try to  
access any of the old URLs (which were of the form /scipy/scipy/ or / 

  - The mailman archives and listinfo pages should now redirect to and  Again, this  
should be seemless, so if you experience any difficulties please let  
us know.

Peter, Stefan, and David

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Need **working** code example of 2-D arrays

2008-10-13 Thread Peter Wang
On Oct 13, 2008, at 4:16 PM, Linda Seltzer wrote:

 Alan, Stop tuyrning this around.  Stop referring to my request as an
 accusation and stop referring to your put-downs as a correction.

Linda, from what I can tell, the tone in this discussion thread  
changed from the professional, technical mode with this statement:

 Please, no demeaning statements like you forgot a parenthesis or  
 were using someone else's code - just the lines of code for a file  
 actually *works.*

The folks on this list are a very friendly and helpful bunch, and I  
think some of them did not take well to your implying that they were  
demeaning to you.  You might not have meant it to be accusatory, but  
it certainly seems to have been interpreted that way.

Further appeals to a non-existent moderator and typing in ALL CAPS  
only fanned the flames, and so I think perhaps it would be good if  
folks just stepped back from the keyboard a bit and took some deep  

Also, Linda, I would like to stress that although this mailing list is  
an open, unmoderated forum for technical discussion, even the veterans  
don't go about making proclamations about what people should and  
should not post... I think if you stick to asking technical questions,  
people will respond in kind.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Squeak, squeak. Trac mailing list still broken.

2008-05-20 Thread Peter Wang
Hey Chuck, I was able to create a ticket just now and received a  
notification email about it.  Can you try modifying or updating a  
ticket and see if you get notifications?


On May 20, 2008, at 2:19 PM, Charles R Harris wrote:


 The dead mailer is a PITA and becoming a major bottleneck to  
 So I am putting on my Romex suit and wading into the fires of your  
 irritation to raise the
 issue once more.

 Numpy-discussion mailing list

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] [SciPy-dev] [IT] Weekend outage complete

2008-05-16 Thread Peter Wang
On May 16, 2008, at 5:35 AM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 I hope you're the right person to ask about this - sorry if not.
 I have just noticed that our ( wiki link no  
 longer works:
 gives a 502 proxy error:
 Proxy Error
 The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
 The proxy server could not handle the request GET /neuroimaging/ni/ 
 Reason: DNS lookup failure for:

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for reporting this.  Indeed, this was affecting some other  
subdomains as well, but I have just now fixed it.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] [IT] (updated) Maintenance and scheduled downtime this evening and weekend

2008-05-04 Thread Peter Wang
Hi everyone,

We will need to do some more on the network today, Sunday May 4, from  
1pm to 3pm Central time.  (This is 2pm-4pm Eastern, 6pm-8pm UTC.)   
This affects the main Enthought and servers, including SVN,  
Trac, the mailing lists, and the web site.  As usual, we don't  
anticipate the services being down for the entire time, but there may  
be intermittent connectivity issues during that time.  Please try to  
avoid editing any Trac wikis during this time, since you may lose your  

We will try to complete the work as quickly as possible, and we will  
send a status update when the scheduled work as been completed.   
Please check for status updates.

On behalf of the IT crew, thanks again for your patience and bearing  
with us.  We recognize that these outages are inconvenient but they  
are a critical part of the transition to a new infrastructure that  
better supports the growing needs of the Scipy open-source community.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!


Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] [IT] Maintenance and scheduled downtime this evening and weekend

2008-05-02 Thread Peter Wang
Hi everyone,

This evening and this weekend, we will be doing a major overhaul of  
Enthought's internal network infrastructure.  We will be cleaning up a  
large amount of legacy structure and transitioning to a more  
maintainable, better documented configuration.

We have planned the work so that externally-facing servers will  
experience a minimum of downtime.  In the event of unforeseen  
difficulties that cause outages to extend beyond the times given  
below, we will update the network status page, located at 
.  This page will remain available and be unaffected by any network  

Friday May 2, 2008, 8pm - 10pm Central time
 (= 9pm - 11pm Eastern time)
 (= 1am - 3am UTC Sat. May 3)

Saturday May 2, 2008, 10am - 11am Central time
 (= 11am - 12 noon Eastern time)
 (= 3pm - 4pm UTC)

To reach us during the downtime, please use the contact information  
provided on the network status page.  Please let me know if you have  
any questions or concerns.

We will send out another email once the outage is complete.  Thanks  
for your patience!

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] [SciPy-dev] [IT] Maintenance and scheduled downtime this evening and weekend

2008-05-02 Thread Peter Wang
On May 2, 2008, at 5:45 PM, Damian Eads wrote:
 Will this effect SVN and Trac access?

Yes, this affects svn, trac, web, mailing lists,...everything, because  
we will be working on the underlying network infrastructure.


Numpy-discussion mailing list