Re: [Numpy-discussion] Multidimension array access in C via Python API

2016-04-05 Thread mpc
That's a very clever approach. I also found a way using the pandas library
with the groupby function.

points_df = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(buffer)
new_buffer = points_df.groupby(qcut(points_df.index, resolution**3)).mean()

I did the original approach with all of those loops because I need a way to
measure and report on progress, and although these advanced functions are
great, they are still asynchronous and blocking and provides no means of
indicating progress.

Still cool though, thanks!

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Re: [Numpy-discussion] Multidimension array access in C via Python API

2016-04-05 Thread mpc
This wasn't intended to be a histogram, but you're right in that it would be
much better if I can just go through each point once and bin the results,
that makes more sense, thanks!

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Re: [Numpy-discussion] Multidimension array access in C via Python API

2016-04-05 Thread mpc
The points are indeed arbitrarily spaced, and yes I have heard tale of using
spatial indices for this sort of problem, and it looks like that would be
the best bet for me. Thanks for the other suggestions as well!

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Re: [Numpy-discussion] Multidimension array access in C via Python API

2016-04-05 Thread mpc
The idea is that I want to thin a large 2D buffer of x,y,z points to a given
resolution by dividing the data into equal sized "cubes" (i.e. resolution is
number of cubes along each axis) and averaging the points inside each cube
(if any).

*# Fill up buffer data for demonstration purposes with initial buffer of
size 10,000,000 to reduce to 1,000,000
size = 1000
buffer = np.ndarray(shape=(size,3), dtype=np.float)
# fill it up
buffer[:, 0] = np.random.ranf(size)
buffer[:, 1] = np.random.ranf(size)
buffer[:, 2] = np.random.ranf(size)

# Create result buffer to size of cubed resolution (i.e. 100 ^ 3 =
resolution = 100
thinned_buffer = np.ndarray(shape=(resolution ** 3,3), dtype=np.float)

# Trying to convert the following into C to speed it up
x_buffer = buffer[:, 0]
y_buffer = buffer[:, 1]
z_buffer = buffer[:, 2]
min_x = x_buffer.min()
max_x = x_buffer.max()
min_y = y_buffer.min()
max_y = y_buffer.max()
min_z = z_buffer.min()
max_z = z_buffer.max()
z_block = (max_z - min_z) / resolution
x_block = (max_x - min_x) / resolution
y_block = (max_y - min_y) / resolution

current_idx = 0
x_idx = min_x
while x_idx < max_x:
y_idx = min_y
while y_idx < max_y:
z_idx = min_z
while z_idx < max_z:
inside_block_points = np.where((x_buffer >= x_idx) &
 (x_buffer <=
x_idx + x_block) &
 (y_buffer >=
y_idx) &
 (y_buffer <=
y_idx + y_block) &
 (z_buffer >=
z_idx) &
 (z_buffer <=
z_idx + z_block))
if inside_block_points[0].size > 0:
mean_point = buffer[inside_block_points[0]].mean(axis=0)
thinned_buffer[current_idx] = mean_point
current_idx += 1
z_idx += z_block
y_idx += y_block
x_idx += x_block
return thin_buffer

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Re: [Numpy-discussion] Multidimension array access in C via Python API

2016-04-05 Thread mpc
This is the reason I'm doing this in the first place, because I made a pure
python version but it runs really slow for larger data sets, so I'm
basically rewriting the same function but using the Python and Numpy C API,
but if you're saying it won't run any faster then maybe I'm going at it the
wrong way. (Why use the C function version if it's the same speed anyway?)

You're suggesting perhaps a cython approach, or perhaps a strictly C/C++
approach given the raw data?

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Re: [Numpy-discussion] Multidimension array access in C via Python API

2016-04-04 Thread mpc
I think that I do, since I intend to do array specific operations on the
resulting column of data.


which require a PyArrayObject argument

I also plan to use *PyArray_Where* to find individual point locations in
data columns x,y,z within a 3D range, but it doesn't look like it needs

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Re: [Numpy-discussion] Multidimension array access in C via Python API

2016-04-04 Thread mpc
Thanks for responding.

It looks you made/found these yourself since I can't find anything like this
in the API. I can't believe it isn't, so convenient!

By the way, from what I understand, the ':' is represented as
*PySlice_New(NULL, NULL, NULL) *in the C API when accessing by index,

Therefore the final result will be something like:

*PyObject* first_column_tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(first_column_tuple, 0, PySlice_New(NULL, NULL, NULL));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(first_column_tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(0));
PyObject* first_column_buffer = PyObject_GetItem(src_buffer,

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[Numpy-discussion] Multidimension array access in C via Python API

2016-04-04 Thread mpc

is there a C-API function for numpy that can implement Python's 
multidimensional indexing? 

For example, if I had a 2d array:

   PyArrayObject * M; 

and an index 

   int i; 

how do I extract the i-th row M[i,:] or i-th column M[:,i]?

Ideally it would be great if it returned another PyArrayObject* object (not
a newly allocated one, but whose data will point to the correct memory
locations of M).

I've searched everywhere in the API documentation, Google, and SO, but no

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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Re: [Numpy-discussion] C-API: multidimensional array indexing?

2016-03-31 Thread mpc

But I'm having trouble implementing this, could you provide an example on
how exactly to do this? I'm not sure how to create the appropriate tuple and
how to use it with PyObject_GetItem given an PyArrayObject, unless I'm

Much appreciated,


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