(cross posted to many user lists, please confine reply to gene...@lucene)

There will be a Lucene meetup next week at ApacheCon in Oakland, CA on Tuesday, November 3rd. Meetups are free (the rest of the conference is not). See: http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-java/LuceneAtApacheConUs2009

For other meetups at ApacheCon, see

Also, one last reminder, we have a lot of Lucene/Solr related content scheduled for ApacheCon including Lucene and Solr training (Monday and Tuesday), two full days of Lucene related talks on Thursday and Friday, plus the Meetup. I also know there will be a lot of Lucene ecosystem committers at AC this year, so it's a great way to interact with people working on your favorite Lucene projects. See http://www.us.apachecon.com for more info on the conference.

-Hoss (channeling Grant)

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