[nysbirds-l] East Hampton- 9 Jan

2013-01-09 Thread Peter Max Polshek

Quail Hill Farm today:

Palm Warbler

Chipping Sparrow-5+
Clay-colored Sparrow-1
Field Sparrow-1
Vesper Sparrow-1
Savannah Sparrow-15
Song Sparrow-10
White-thrated Sparrow-plenty
White-crowned Sparrow-1
Dark-eyed Junco-3

Elsewhere East End

Snow Goose-1 (Deep Hollow pasture)
Western Grebe-1 (Montauk village)
Iceland Gull(Kumlein's)-1 (Montauk Inlet beach)
Razorbill-4 (here and there, Point and Village)

Lake Montauk Goldeneye flock was too far to seek Barrow's.


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[nysbirds-l] hybrid goose on the Central Park Reservoir

2013-01-09 Thread Ardith Bondi
I first posted this to another list on Monday, but I thought some people 
on this list might want to weigh in on it.

I started to photograph this goose
because of the head pattern, and it climbed onto the wall near the North
Pump House of the Central Park Reservoir to preen. It had yellow-orange 
legs, which further caught my attention, and is not banded. It is

mostly Canada, and the closest I can think of from looking at guide
books would be a mix with, possibly, an escaped Bar Headed. I don't 
think it's a leucistic bird, because the color is too even. The legs and 
body don't look like a hybrid with greylag-type (domestic) geese, 
either, and the color legs is wrong for Snow Goose.


Any other ideas?

Ardith Bondi

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[nysbirds-l] East end of Long Island bird trip

2013-01-09 Thread Steven Schellenger
John Gaglione, Bill Hollweg, Rick Kopitsch and I spent the day on the
east end of Long Island, New York, looking for new year birds. Failing
to find a number of target birds, (Dovekie, Snowy Owl, Greater
White-fronted Goose and American Bittern) being some. We did find a
number of target birds, ( all three Scoters, Common Eider, Razorbill,
Lesser Black-backed Gull, Common Goldeneye, Great Egret). We also had
some extras, at Camp Hero we had two Harlequin ducks, Yellow-bellied
Sapsucker on East Lake Dr., a flock of Common Grackles with at least
one Boat-tailed Grackle amongst them on the side of Rt. 27 in
Bridgehampton. The biggest surprise was at Kirk park in Montauk, NY on
the oceanside, After walking to the beach, Rick and I went back to the
car for our scopes, upon walking back to the beach, Bill saw a grebe
by itself to the east. He kept insisting it was different from the
Horned Grebes. I finally relented and looked at his grebe. I told Rick
to quickly look up the grebe page in his Sibley's field guide and
check for Western Grebe. After many looks by all of us, we were sure
of our ID of a Western Grebe. Calls were made and others were able to
get to see the grebe. On our way home we stopped at South Haven county
park to look for a reported Greater White-fronted Goose, but we did
not see it. We found a small flock containing 4 Pine Warblers, 2
Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 3 Brown Creepers, Red and White breasted
Nuthatches, Tufted Titmice and Black-capped Chickadees.
A nice day of birding.
Steve Schellenger


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[nysbirds-l] east End sightings Jan 9

2013-01-09 Thread MICHAEL HIGGISTON

4 common mergansers on Hook Pond

1 greater white fronted on Further Lane grass field

1 western grebe on ocean behind Kirk Park in Montauk;  6 black scoters 
flying westbound same place

1 A. kestrel hunting over the EEOC gardens across from East Hampton High 

we saw no redpoll, clay colored sparrow or field sparrow at the EEOC.

Mike Higgiston
Eileen Schwin


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[nysbirds-l] Suffolk county snow and greater white-fronted geese

2013-01-09 Thread Chase Cammarota
A single one of each species was seen today at sundown on the field
south of st charles cemetery in wyandach with about 275 canada geese.

Chase Cammarota


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[nysbirds-l] Odds and Ends from Central Park (Owls and finches)

2013-01-09 Thread Anthony Collerton
A free morning in the City so wandered over to the Park.  Spent an hour or
so checking gulls at the reservoir (albeit just with bins) but couldn't
find an Iceland Gull.  Good numbers of waterfowl on the reservoir though
including a Common Loon and 6 Wood Ducks.

After a long search I did manage to find a BARRED OWL.  It took a while
because the bird wasn't 'where it was supposed to be' but by checking all
the White Pines around the Great Lawn I eventually picked it up.  It just
took a little time.

I did have a single male WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL in the Sweetgum near the
feeders in the Ramble but couldn't find a Redpoll or a Siskin.  There was a
EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH in the American Goldfinch flock however, feeding high in
the trees and looking quite comfortable and wild.  I think this bird has
been around for a while but I expected this (presumably) escaped cage-bird
to be milling around the feeders looking quite tame so was a little
surprised at how well it seems to have adapted to it's new life as a free

Finally, on the 'you just never know' front a non-birding friend asked me
what kind of owl she was seeing outside her apartment in Williamsburg,
Brooklyn.  Skeptical (as many birders would be) I asked her to try to get a
photo.  She did in fact get pictures last night and they clearly show a
NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL hunting in the trees along her street.  Score one for
the non-birders


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[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach and Pt. Lookout

2013-01-09 Thread sy schiff
Jones Beach West End & Pt. Lookout 9 Jan

Joe Giunta, Sam Jannazzo and I (Sy Schiff) joined by Richard Porricelli went 
looking for Harlequin Ducks without success. Along the way, we picked up a few 
interesting winter birds. Meeting at the Coast Guard Station we observed the 
lone LAPLAND LONGSPUR feeding along the boardwalk edge of the field to the east 
of the parking lot. AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS were barely visible on the bar on 
the other side of the inlet (it was low tide).

 A single gull graced the West End #2 lot--no Iceland gull. Without wind, the 
walk to the jetty was pleasant, without either incident or birds.  When we 
arrived the area was barren, so we scanned the inlet and found a few 
BONAPARTE'S GULLS close in and a RAZORBILL on the other side of the inlet. 
Turning our attention back to the end of the jetty, a COMMON LOON, 2 
moving back into the inlet. A NORTHERN FLICKER was feeding on the lawn as we 
left the lot and a BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD was in the starling flock.

At Pt. Lookout, the 2 dozen COMMON EIDER continue along with both loons, 
long-tailed ducks and mergansers. Mixed in with the eider was a single 

Both Sam and I observed a ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK perched on a light pole south of 
Merrick road on the Meadowbrook Pkwy on the way to the meeting place.



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[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn Nashville Warbler

2013-01-09 Thread fresha2411
Adding another individual to this year's (or recent years', even) trend of 
wintering warblers, we just had an unexpected Nashville Warbler in our small 
backyard a mile south of Prospect Park. It hung around for a couple of minutes 
before flying to a neighbor's yard, out of sight.

Good Birding
-Doug Gochfeld. Brooklyn, NY.


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[nysbirds-l] Massapequa Preserve

2013-01-09 Thread Patmlou2
Just returned from a walk through the middle part of the Preserve. After  
Shawn Billerman"s post I went looking for winter wren. I finally found 1 
after  about 20 minutes. Also seen were many white throats, a few songs, some 
Carolina  wrens, 1 golden crowned kinglet, chickadees,white breasted nut 
hatch, hairy and  downy woodpeckers. I scanned the pond at Pittsburgh as I was 
leaving. There were  between 250 and 300 Canada geese, and at least 1 cackling 
goose. Most of the  geese flew off between 3:00 and 3:15 as I left. Pat  

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[nysbirds-l] Western Grebe update

2013-01-09 Thread Peter Polshek
The bird has moved well east of its original location. It is now among a flock 
of Horned Gs off of the beach access at the intersection of South Emerson 
Avenue and South Essex Street in Montauk.

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Re: [nysbirds-l] Iceland Gull - Blydenburgh Co. Pk. (Suffolk)

2013-01-09 Thread Peter Scully
Wish I could blame that on autocorrect. 

--- On Wed, 1/9/13, Peter Scully  wrote:

From: Peter Scully 
Subject: [nysbirds-l] Iceland Gull - Blydenburgh Co. Pk. (Suffolk)
To: NYSbirds-L@cornell.edu
Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2013, 1:21 PM

A relatively impressive gull roost has been forming on Stump Pond at 
Blydenburgh County Park in Smithtown since it iced over last week.  Today it 
included a 3rd winter ICELAND GULL.  The ice is quickly retreating toward the 
north end of the pond, putting the bulk of roosting birds farter from the 
vantage point at the boat rental docks.  
Good birding, 
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[nysbirds-l] Iceland Gull - Blydenburgh Co. Pk. (Suffolk)

2013-01-09 Thread Peter Scully
A relatively impressive gull roost has been forming on Stump Pond at 
Blydenburgh County Park in Smithtown since it iced over last week.  Today it 
included a 3rd winter ICELAND GULL.  The ice is quickly retreating toward the 
north end of the pond, putting the bulk of roosting birds farter from the 
vantage point at the boat rental docks.  
Good birding, 

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[nysbirds-l] Common Yellowthroat

2013-01-09 Thread Alice Deutsch
Jan 9, 2013:
Common Yellowthroat foraging mostly on ground in Union Square Park at about 
Good birding!
Alice Deutsch


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[nysbirds-l] Western Grebe: Montauk Village

2013-01-09 Thread Peter Polshek
Thank you to Steve!!

The previously reported Western Grebe remains in the ocean directly south of 
Kirk Park in the village of Montauk. The bird is currently drifting east about 
300 ft off the beach.

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[nysbirds-l] Western Grebe Montauk LI...

2013-01-09 Thread Andrew Baksh
Steve Schellenger, just called to report that he is currently
observing a *WESTERN
GREBE* on the ocean side opposite Fort Pond.  The area I believe is known
as Kirk Park.  Nice find and many thanks to Steve in getting the word out

Andrew Baksh
Queens NY


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